Read L. A. Mischief Online

Authors: P. A. Brown

L. A. Mischief (17 page)

BOOK: L. A. Mischief
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Halloween Pickup


P. A. Brown

A David Laine/Chris Bellamere short story

WE MET IN THE MIDDLE OF Santa Monica Boulevard, just outside of the Rage. Though surrounded by hordes of other costumed revelers, he still stood out. The Elliot Ness mask covered his entire face, his police cap tilted rakishly forward, shading his eyes. The warmth of the day had lingered well past sunset and he’d taken full advantage of it, going shirtless with only an unbuttoned thin blue uniform jacket with an LAPD shield above his left breast. The jacket did nothing at all to conceal his magnificence. His broad well-muscled chest was covered with a gorgeous mat of thick, black hair. His stomach was washboard flat and two thick black nipples jutted out of his furry pecs. His legs were sheathed in black leather that clung to his rock-solid thighs and displayed a packed basket I longed to explore.

My cock immediately sprang to full mast. Under my own costume of long green leggings it was instantly on display to the whole street. A short, pudgy Tinkerbell eyed it longingly. He stroked my hardness discreetly and murmured, “Top?” When I shook my head—the feathers on my green half-mask fluttering around my face—he departed sadly, weaving through the mass of hot men looking for his own night of pleasure.

My eyes went back to the cop. He had just as clearly not taken his gaze off me. If he noticed what passed between Tinkerbell and me he gave no sign. He crooked his finger at me.

I didn’t hesitate. As I stepped in front of him he slipped one big hand up under the tiny green vest that was all that covered my hairless, lasered chest. He suddenly pinched my exposed nipple, sending a bolt of pain and desire straight into my groin. I gasped.

“You like that?” His voice was as deep as I’d expected. It sent a shiver down my spine. “What’s your name?”

“Chris.” He did the twisty thing again and I thrust my hips forward involuntarily, offering my cock to him. A pair of big-busted drag queens tittered when they saw that.

“Oh, look, Silver, I think this pretty little queen’s about to get rammed good.”

Elliot Ness glanced at them and smiled, a slow sensuous twist of his lips. But he spoke only for my ears. “That true, queenie? You going to let me fuck you?”

“Yes!” I gasped, wishing we were someplace, anyplace else but here. Alone preferably, but the way I felt right now I wouldn’t have cared if he told me to bend over where I stood. I’d probably have done it—and damn the consequences.

“Good,” he said, then leaned down and kissed me. Now, I’ve been kissed at least a million times since I started letting guys diddle me in high school. Maybe a million and two. But I’ve never been kissed like that.

He took control of my mouth and left no doubt who was in charge tonight. His mouth bruised mine and he forced his tongue between my teeth, savaging my mouth and sending bolts of desire racing along my nerve endings. I swear every hair on my body stood up and electric sparks shot off them.

He drilled me and I knew he fully intended to do the same thing to my ass in a very short time. My cock was so hard now it strained against the thin fabric of my tights.

“Move it along, fellas. Get a room or take it home, but get it off the street.”

I turned glazed eyes toward the voice and found myself staring up the nose of a very large brown horse. My gaze moved up and encountered an amused and grinning cop.

I was too befuddled to do more than nod. Elliot Ness was a bit more on the ball. Fellow officers and all that. I nearly giggled.

“Of course, officer,” Elliot Ness said. “We were just leaving.”

The cop nodded and turned his horse around to keep on patrolling the crowd for people having too much fun. I turned hot eyes back to my cop.

“You never told me your name,” I said.

“No,” he responded. “I didn’t.”

Then he twined his fingers through mine and led me through the costumed mob.

“Where are we going?” I asked. “I have a place—”

“Not like mine you don’t,” he said brusquely. “Now stop talking.”

I shut up and let this hot cop guide me. A small part of me wondered if I was doing something very foolish. What if this really wasn’t a good idea? Was I being too impetuous here?

Finally we broke through the worst of the crowds and my own personal policeman led me toward a silver Acura, unlocking the doors with his remote. I was a little disappointed he didn’t have a black and white; that would have really been hot. I dribbled a damp path of pre-come down my tights at the thought of being fucked in a cop car.

Before I could move around to the passenger’s side he stopped me with a hand on my arm.

“I want you to do something for me.”


He pulled a black silk scarf out of his back pocket. “Put this on.”

Without waiting for my consent—like I could have said no to anything at this point—he slipped the silk over my eyes and secured it. I was plunged into darkness. Sounds were suddenly magnified—I heard the clunk of the car door open, the whisper of his leather gear as he guided me inside. He secured my seat belt, sliding his fingers around my hips, brushing my straining cock with the lightest of touches. Seconds later he slid behind the wheel and keyed the engine on. The car smelled of leather and his cologne. Kenneth Cole. My cock throbbed, rubbing with exquisite torture against my tights.

“Where are we going?” I asked.

“Someplace private.”

We drove for maybe thirty minutes. The car stopped and for a full minute I listened to his harsh breathing. I was beginning to wonder if we were just going to sit there. Was he having second thoughts? I even raised my hands to take off the blindfold to see what he was doing.

“No!” he barked.

Before I could respond he rammed his mouth back down on mine. Our masks rubbed together with a rasp of rubber and plastic.

We were both gasping for breath when we broke apart. This time I had taken advantage of our sitting arrangement to explore the thick outline of his cock through the skintight leather. It pulsed under my eager fingers and I longed to taste him.

Before I could formulate the thought into action he grunted and pulled away from me.

“Not so fast, stud,” he growled. “Let’s take this inside.”

He guided me up a stone walk and unlocked the door, but before I could step through, he scooped me up in his arms and effortlessly carried me over the threshold. The house smelled of furniture polish and some kind of exotic flower, but all I was aware of was the warm smell of his skin as I pressed my face against his neck. I could feel the rapid pulse of his carotid artery under my lips.

He didn’t put me down until we reached a second door, which he also unlocked. Inside he relocked the door—giving me another moment to wonder how smart this was—then he turned on the overhead light.

I know it was overhead because he jerked the blindfold off my face just then.

I stared around the small, carpeted room in awe. I’ve never actually been in a dungeon before but I didn’t have any trouble recognizing it.

Black leather and black walls created a snug showcase for the X-style sling that hung from the equally black ceiling. The walls were covered with other bondage paraphernalia—cuffs, chains, butt plugs and dildos of all sizes, and even a black leather cat-o-nine tails.

Totally under his spell now I let him strip me. First he removed my feather-swathed mask, tossing it to the floor. He drew off my vest, peeling it off my shoulders and trailing his lips over every square inch of skin as it was exposed. His movements stirred the air; it stroked my super heated skin, brushing me with his tantalizing scent. Kneeling down he skimmed my tights off, but instead of taking me in his mouth like I so desperately wanted, he simply looked, his scalding breath brushing my rigid cock and shaved balls. He stood back up and proceeded to strap me into the sling, securing my arms and legs with leather straps, even putting a band around my head to keep it motionless so I wouldn’t miss a thing he did to me. I hung at roughly a thirty-degree angle, with my uncovered ass at hip level. The straps held my legs up and open, exposing my pink-rimmed hole to his greedy eyes. The setup was designed to guarantee the dominant didn’t have any strain on his legs while he fucked his submissive. My whole body trembled at the thought of being so completely in this cop’s power.

Once I was immobile he began stripping. Leaving on his mask and the police cap, he shed his leather pants first, revealing a cock ring that girdled his monster cock and circled his thick balls. His cock was so hard it bounced against his flat stomach, leaving a smear of pre-come in his navel. As he worked the uniform jacket off his bulging biceps I could see a steady stream of pearly pre-come seeping out of his piss slit. The fat, uncut head of his cock pushed free of its foreskin and I longed to wrap my mouth around it and see if it tasted as good as it looked.

But I couldn’t move. Instead he slipped down and rolled my own marble hard cock between his lips. I moaned as his hot mouth finally engulfed me, sliding all the way down to my straining root. He circled my cock with his velvet tongue, lapping up the fluid leaking from it, then shoved his agile tongue between my balls. He probed at my back door, prying apart and digging his stiff, fleshy tongue into my ass.

I writhed against my bonds. My hips were twisting, humping his mouth as he ate me. Then he replaced his tongue with two stiff fingers coated in lube. He stretched and probed, opening me up for a much bigger assault.

When he pushed his cock past my tight sphincter I cried out at the sudden sharp pain.

He reared up over me and jammed his mouth over mine, cutting off my cries. He paused briefly to let me adjust, then wrapped his big hands around my elevated thighs and worked his cock up my back channel.

We were both drenched in sweat and our harsh gasps filled the black room by the time he finally came to rest with his balls up against my ass.

“Hang on,” he whispered hoarsely as he began to move. He held me tight as he steadily began plowing my ass with smooth measured strokes.

That didn’t last long. His grip tightened as he began pounding into me. His thick, uncut meat drilled my hole and the only sound in the room was the sharp slap of flesh-on-flesh and our guttural breathing.

He kissed me again, but the mask got in the way this time. With a growl he ripped it off and I stared into his familiar pockmarked face. His mouth was hot against mine.

“Oh, David,” I whispered.

“Chris, baby, you are so hot,” he groaned and lost all control, slamming into me in an uncontrolled frenzy.

His cock throbbed inside me. With a long drawn out groan he came, filling me with his incandescent come.

I was close behind him, erupting all over my stomach, smearing us both.

He collapsed against me until only the sling kept us from tumbling to the carpeted floor.

“Hey, stranger,” I murmured. “Fancy meeting you in a place like this.”

David spread hot, moist kisses over my face and throat. He pulled his softening cock out of me with a faint pop and I sighed at the loss.

It might have been my idea to try out this role-playing, but once David had embraced the idea he had carried it further than I ever anticipated. I sure as hell hadn’t expected anything like this. Sure, since I dragged David, kicking and screaming, out of the closet, he’d grown more and more comfortable with who he is and I’m proud of him. He might be an LAPD Homicide Detective during the day, but when he came home to me he was a hot stud with a nearly insatiable appetite for yours truly. And he was more than willing to try new things. But sometimes he surprised even me and I’ve been around the block a few times.

I looked around the gadget filled room. I eyed the handcuffs with more than idle curiosity.

“Next time I get to pick the fantasy,” I said, already wondering where I could come up with the harem outfits and the Roman bathhouse to go along with them. “Whose place is this anyway?” I asked. As far as I knew we didn’t know anyone into bondage.

David grinned as he undid my bonds, taking me in his arms and crushing me against his burly chest, distributing my come over us even more.

“You’ll never believe me,” he said.



“Bryan?” I squeaked. He was right, I didn’t believe him. “Uptight, by-the-book anal Bryan

“That’s the one.”

“And you think you know a guy,” I said. My eyes narrowed. “Wait a minute. How’d you find out about it?”

“All very innocently.” David waggled his eyebrows at me. “We stopped in for a couple of drinks after a particularly nasty bust and he got a little into his cups. Started talking about how he’d paid a small fortune to have this room put in. And how it really added a new dimension to his sex life, which apparently is a lot more off the wall than I ever would have thought.”

David’s lips began making small forays across my sweaty skin. It tickled and aroused me at the same time. “Well, when I asked him if we could borrow it he almost had a heart attack. But he finally came around.”

“How long do we have?” I asked as his cock stood up and pressed against my hip. He reached down to readjust his cock ring.

“As long as we want.” David captured my mouth. “He’s in San Francisco at a police conference and won’t be back till next week.”

“Oh good.” I raised my arms. “Let’s go for round two.” Just before he lifted me up into the sling I reached for his hand and brought it to my lips. “Put the blind fold back on. Let’s try something a little bit different.”

He was more than willing.



P. A. Brown

A David Laine/Chris Bellamere short story

I WASN’T SURE WHAT WOKE ME. I had gone to bed hours earlier after watching a four-hour marathon of Sex and the City, which completely failed to cheer me up. Lately my nights were restless and I tossed and turned for hours before drifting into an uneasy sleep. Let’s be honest. I missed David. He was back east, attending a two-week training course at the FBI’s Quantico. Apparently it was very prestigious even to be considered for the course and I was proud of him for being about the only openly gay cop invited. But I still missed him. He’d only been gone a week. I wouldn’t see him for at least another seven days. I hated it. I didn’t sleep well without his strong arms around me.

BOOK: L. A. Mischief
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