Knowledge: The Fifth Division Saga: Book 1 (29 page)

BOOK: Knowledge: The Fifth Division Saga: Book 1
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“I needed to make it up to you.” I replied, “But everything in it says what we already know. Your last name was filed under Durrant too, but I have no clue why.”


“Yeah. And get this: I saw the Elemental queen again.”

              His aquamarine eyes widened, “And you aren’t in trouble for breaking into the Archives again?”

“I don’t think so. She was really cryptic. Seems to be her thing. And when I tried to ask her about the things that Xavier said…”

“Things Xavier said?”

              I gulped, I had momentarily forgotten my promise to keep that information from my family until I knew more. I mentally chastised myself, “Just a bunch of random stuff…nothing of importance.”

He did not seem convinced, but he also didn’t push it, knowing me well enough to figure I did not want to talk about it, for which I was very grateful, “Well…thanks for doing that.”

              I shrugged, “I owed you one. Thanks for coming to save me.”

              One side of his mouth pulled up and in an unspoken conversation, I knew I had been forgiven. I slumped over to rest my head on his shoulder. The three of us sat there for a good deal of time, simply embracing one another, protecting each other from the strange world we now lived in. I don’t have any clue as to when we fell asleep, but when my door flung open with a loud BANG Nostos was blanketed with night.

              We woke up, startled by the noise. I looked around my room frantically, lost in the just-woken-up-fog when my eyes landed on a tall, broad figure making his way towards us. I blinked once…twice…three times before my vision finally focused and I could see who now briskly strode toward us, a set look of determination on his face: Bram.

“What’re yah doin’ here?” I mumbled sleepily.

“You need to come with me.”


              I was wide awake now while Iris rubbed crust from her eyelids and Caspian stretched. Bram’s green eyes were fierce and he wore dark green pants with a matching tee: the Legion uniform.

“The Council has summoned you to the Courts.”

“Now? Why?”

“There has been an incident, The three prisoners escaped.”

              Fear pierced my heart, “Xavier and Wiley?”

“And Vlad, the Shade who was with them. You must come now.”

“What do I have to do with it? Why am I being summoned?”

“They only gave me a short message,” he responded, and took a deep breath before saying, “They said that it was time.”

              My heart sped up, I felt as if my dinner would come up, “Time for
, Bram?!”

              He closed his eyes and breathed in through his nose before speaking softly but with conviction, “Time for you to know about
Boni Conuigator

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