Sold to the Trillionaires

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Authors: Ella Mansfield

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Sold to the Trillionaires
Ella Mansfield

In the distant future, women are a rare prize known only to the extremely rich. When a young woman is caught in a compromising situation, she's forced accept the consequences and leave the community she grew up in. Sold to the highest bidders, four trillionaires take claim to Amber, enjoying her while they help to repopulate the earth. She has a hard time seeing marriage to four sexy, rich men as a punishment, but it's not all fun and games when jealousy takes hold of two of her new husbands. Can she satisfy the men and keep her new family together?

Sold to the Trillionaires


Book Three of Ménage for Mankind


By Ella Mansfield


Copyright 2013

Kindle Edition, License Notes


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In the distant future, women are a rare
prize known only to the extremely rich.   When a young woman is caught in a compromising situation, she's forced accept the consequences and leave the community she grew up in. Sold to the highest bidders, four trillionaires take claim to Amber, enjoying her while they help to repopulate the earth. She has a hard time seeing marriage to four sexy, rich men as a punishment, but it's not all fun and games when jealousy takes hold of two of her new husbands.  Can she satisfy the men and keep her new family together?



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Amber moaned and leaned back against Bobby, pressing against him while his hands stroked her breasts through her grey jumpsuit.  She was still wearing the mandatory clothing of her community, but she wasn’t sure how much longer she’d keep the garment on.  Benji kissed her, his tongue tangling with hers.  Her hands stroked up and down his back.  She could feel the moisture pooling between her thighs.  She was nineteen now, and old enough to marry, but her parents kept telling her they wanted her to wait a little longer.  They didn’t think she was ready yet.

The Anderson twins had been her constant companions and neighbors since they were all infants.  The twins were just a month older than she was, and they had shared their first kisses
, as well as their first heavy petting sessions.  Premarital sex was forbidden in their community, and although she had stroked both of their penises until they’d sprayed their seed, neither of them had ever touched her bare vagina.  She wanted to feel the pleasure of someone else’s hand on her for a change and not just her own.  Maybe she would let them touch her there today.  She was already breaking every law there was by touching their naked flesh…even touching her own flesh was forbidden.

Bobby stretched the neckline of her jumpsuit and slowly pulled it down over her shoulders until it pooled at her waist.
  She was wearing the rigid undergarments of the women of their community, but Bobby quickly divested her of the top part of it, his hands going to cup her breasts.  She moaned into Benji’s mouth, her hands clutching at his shoulders through his own jumpsuit.

Benji took her hand and placed it on his penis, through the stretchy fabric
of his own jumpsuit.  She knew what he wanted, and immediately went to work on him, her hand stroking him with the sure strokes of a woman who had performed this act repeatedly.  It was their favorite thing for her to do to them, and she was always willing to make them happy this way.

Bobby, sitting behind her on the soft grass, had pressed his penis into her backside and was slowly thrusting against her.  She loved being sandwiched against the two men and wished there was some way for her to have them both for her husbands. 
Amber could think of nothing more exciting than having sex with two men on the same night.  She loved to kiss one of them while the other touched her in forbidden places.

Bobby slipped his hand down the front of her jumpsuit
and into her huge panties, his hand going to the apex of her thighs.  She’d never let one of them touch her tender spot before, but she simply spread her legs a little to give him better access.  His fingers moved over her in exploration, and after a moment, one of his fingers sank deep inside her most secret place. 

She leaned back against B
obby, her fingers stilling on his brother’s hard member, and she called out, “Oh, yes, touch me there!”  She felt the liquid pooling around his finger as he stroked it in and out of her.  Suddenly Benji was on his feet in front of her, jerking his jumpsuit off.  She had never seen a naked man before, not one who was fully naked at least.  They’d always uncovered just enough flesh to take care of business and nothing more.

She stared at Benji, her eyes traveling over his naked flesh.  She loved how he looked with nothing covering his body.  His
penis stuck out straight at her, and she reached up to touch it, knowing exactly what he liked.  He took her hand off him, though.  “I want to put it in your mouth,” he told her, slightly breathless.

“My mouth?  But…”  Her eyes were wide with surprise.  Did people really do that?

Bobby sped up his stroking of her.  She cried out her pleasure at the feel of his talented fingers, her head resting back against his shoulder again.  Benji stepped closer to her.  Both of the Anderson twins were shorter than average so he was at a good level for her, and Amber looked up at him, opening her mouth obediently as he pressed against her lips.  She wasn’t sure what he wanted her to do once it was in her mouth, but she gladly took it inside.

He slowly began moving in and out of her mouth while she squirmed into his brother’s fingers, and Bobby slowly humped against her backside.  Benji moaned loudly.  “We need to do this every time, Amber!” 
He picked up the pace a bit, and Amber swirled her tongue around the head of his penis, finding she enjoyed the salty taste. 

were found like that five minutes later.  Someone had spotted them and had run to tell the authorities on her.  When the religious leaders got to the place in the woods the three young adults had gone to, they found Amber moaning her pleasure with Bobby’s fingers inside her, while Benji’s seed dripped down her chin.  Benji still stood in front of her with his flaccid member hanging down, still totally nude.  He was just reaching for his jumpsuit when they heard a man call out, “Stop that now!”

Amber wanted to cry.  She was so close to finishing.  Bobby’s fingers had seemed like magic to her.  He stroked one more time, and she called out, as he pulled his fingers from the front of her jumpsuit.  “Oh, Bobby!”  Her muscles contracted, wishing his fingers were still there.  She sighed, looking up at the group of three men standing in front of them, her firm but small breasts
poking out the front of her jumpsuit. 

She was embarrassed for the men to see her this way, but she felt no shame over what she’d been doing with her friends.  If her parents had allowed her to marry like she wanted, she wouldn’t have had to sneak off into the woods with the twins to take care of her needs.  What was it about the older people in their community that they didn’t understand the raw physical needs of young people her age?

Her father, the boys’ father, and the community’s religious leader, Abram, all stood over her, glaring down at her.  She pulled her jumpsuit up over her arms without putting her undergarment back on, and slowly got to her feet on shaking legs.  What would they do?  She knew sexual activity was forbidden by anyone unmarried, and even worse, she’d been with two men, not just one.  She would be branded a Jezebel for the rest of her days. 

Benji pulled his jumpsuit back on and looked at the ground, obviously frightened now that they’d been caught.  Amber looked over her shoulder at Bobby, who had spilled his seed all over the front of his jumpsuit
, leaving a wet patch that left no doubt what had happened.  They would certainly be punished, but how?

Abram stood glaring at the three of them.  “You have all been a part of this community since your birth.  Did you understand our rules regarding premarital sex?” he asked.

“Yes, sir,” Amber whispered, wishing the ground would open up and swallow her.  She had always thought their community rules were too stringent, but they were the rules that had been followed there for three generations.  She had no voice and she knew it.

The boys both nodded beside her.  They looked like they were terrified, which was perfectly understandable.

Abram shook his head.  “So you chose to disobey our laws, thinking that nothing would happen to you if you didn’t get caught?  You know Almighty God sees everything you do!”

Amber nodded again, staring at her feet.  She wished he would just quickly hand down judgment, so she’d know what was to happen to her.
  Abram was one of the strictest leaders their community had ever seen.  She wouldn’t be surprised if he handed down the death penalty to all three, just to make an example out of them.

“Bobby and Benji, for touching a girl who is not your wife and for spilling your seed somewhere inappropriate…”  Abram paused to glare at Amber, who realized just then that she still had sperm dripping down her chin.  “You will be led to the center of town and you will be whipped.  You will each receive five lashes, after which time you will be assigned to work detail for six months.”  They all understood that work detail meant shoveling snow in the winter and chopping wood for fires.  The lashing would be harsh, but not life threatening.  “You will then be assigned brides of my choosing.  Any infraction between now and then, and both of you will be castrated, and then we won’t have to worry about your base urges.”
  Amber let out a breath of relief.  She was glad her friends wouldn’t suffer for the rest of their lives because of their infraction. 

The twins looked at each other before softly mumbling, “Yes, sir.”
  They knew they were getting off easily, and she could see by their faces that they were as greatly relieved as she was.

Amber swallowed hard.  Would they see her as the one to blame?

“Amber, since you have a propensity for wanting to spread your legs for several men, you will be auctioned off, with all proceeds going to the community.  I will arrange for the sale immediately, and you will not be allowed to go out without an escort until the day of the sale.  You will wear a chastity belt until it is time for you to go.”  His eyes met hers carefully.  “You will only be spoken to when absolutely necessary and should consider yourself under house arrest.”  He paused, making sure she understood her punishment.  “You will be put in the house in the center of town and will only be allowed out for walks twice a day to keep you healthy.”

Amber’s father gripped her arm and she was led back to the main area of the community.  He made her stand and watch as the twins were stripped to the waist and their own father lashed them both.  Every drop of blood that fell from them, she felt guilty for.  She didn’t care about her own punishment.  She’d be better off in a place where she was allowe
d to think of her own pleasures, but the twins would be stuck here forever, always fearing they would be castrated for the slightest infraction.  She felt horrible for what she’d done to the twins.

Amber was put into a small empty house at the center of town.  Food was brought to her three times a day, and she was allowed to talk to no one.  She’d been there for
three months when her younger sister sneaked into the room to talk to her. 

“Amber, I’m so sorry.”  Wendi stared at the floor as she spoke. 
There were tears streaming down her face.  Why would she have sneaked into the house to see her?  She was a rule follower, and she wouldn’t risk being caught.  Despite their different personalities, the sisters had always been extremely close.

“You didn’t do anything wrong.”  Her voice sounded strange to her ears.  It had been a long time since she’d spoken.  She was led out of her prison twice a day for a brisk walk to stay healthy, but that was the only time she saw anyone.  She wasn’t allowed to speak to her captor
s.  She couldn’t even while her time away masturbating, because she had to wear the blasted chastity belt.

Why would she apologize?  She hadn’t been there telling her she should spread her legs for the twins next door. 

“I’m the one who told Abram about what you were doing.”  Wendi whimpered as the tears rolled down her cheeks. 

Amber laughed
harshly.  She’d wondered how the men had known what was happening in the woods.  Of all the people who would betray her, she’d have put Wendi at the bottom of the list.  How could her own sister have done such a thing to her?  “Why would you do that?” 

Wendi shrugged.  “I…well, I want to marry Bobby.  And he had his hands on you…”
  Her face was filled with remorse, but Amber only felt anger toward her.  The little self-righteous prig.  She’d have done the same thing if Bobby had wanted her to, but she was more than willing to ruin her sister’s life over it.

“Do you really think he’ll marry you now?  After you got him lashed and put into a work camp?  After what you did to me?”

Wendi held up her hand, showing her sister her engagement ring.  “I was rewarded for my loyalty to the community.”

Amber held her breath, not believing the situation.  “And for your lack of loyalty to your sister and the man you
claim to have loved?”  She took deep breaths, trying to calm her overwhelming anger.

“I’m so sorry, Amber.  Will you forgive me?”

Amber bit her lip.  She’d been raised to believe that as soon as someone asked forgiveness, the correct thing to do was to say “I forgive you,” and act as if it had never happened.  Would she ever be able to live in the outside world?  She muttered the words, as she’d been taught, but in her head she added, “And I hope you die.”  Amber turned her back on her sister, effectively dismissing her, and resumed staring out the window watching the world pass her by.  Would they ever arrange her auction?

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