Kismet (Beyond the Bedroom Series) (24 page)

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Authors: Raynesha Pittman,Brandie Randolph

BOOK: Kismet (Beyond the Bedroom Series)
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“There will not be any wedding bells soon, I can promise you that! But I do love him, too.” The door flew open and Dre walked in with plates, spoons and napkins and Sade handed me flowers.


“I love you, too, Savannah, and when I get you home, your last name will be Burns like mine and Sade’s, ain’t that right, baby?”


Sade hurried up and answered, “Yes.” My doctor stuck his head in the room and asked if we could wrap it up in an hour because they needed to get me prepared for tomorrow’s surgery.


“Calm down, tiger; they taking it out. It’s your lucky day! It hasn’t spread or anything, but as a precaution, it’s got to go.”


Will just made it sound like losing my baby making organs was a walk in the park. Yes, I’ve always wanted a hysterectomy and tried to get one many times, but with a man who loves kids like Dre, what if he wants more?


We ate our cake and wrapped up Sade’s hospital party. I hated to see everyone leave, but they all promised to be in the room waiting on me when I got out of surgery.


I turned on the news and watch Ant’s tragic story in disgust. I knew I had something or, should I say, everything to do with it, but he didn’t have to try to take his life. He had made matters a lot worse. He has a child, wouldn’t you think about your child first? Yes, I gave Sade away and it was a good thing that I did. I wasn’t ready for her and I’m still not. It was in her best interest to be with the Jeffersons.


There were two soft knocks on my door and then it opened. It was the nurse who brought Sade the cake. “Thank you so much for the cake, it really made her day.” She pulled a chair up to my bed and grabbed my hands.


“You are welcome; she is a doll. I met her two weeks ago with her father; they were sleep next to you. When I woke her up, she introduced herself to me and the introduction included her birthday. Her daddy said she got the mouth from you.” She smiled and then asked me, “Are you ready for your big day tomorrow?”


She was a beautiful, bright-skinned, African American woman with dimples and tight eyes to match. She was Creole I assumed, because she had a heavy Louisianan accent.


“As ready as I will ever be, I guess.” She patted my hand some more and stood up.


“Well, I guess there is no need for me to stay the night with you; you’re awake now. I will check on you tomorrow night before I head back home. This hospital isn’t my cup of tea; it’s time to head back south.”


I didn’t know this woman at all, but I didn’t want to be alone in this room; I wouldn’t sleep.


“The doctor is checking on me shortly but once he leaves, I would like you to stay one more night with me, if you don’t mind. I can’t stand hospitals, I never have.”


She agreed to return and then left. With everything going on, I never thought about what happened to Keisha after our meeting at the job and did I still have a job? I called Stephanie to ask her.


“Yes, Savannah, you still have your job. Mr. Williams has your back. He pressed trespassing charges on Keisha to go along with her attempted murder charge and he even pressed charges on Erika for lying on her job application about her background, which is a federal offense. You are loved by that company, girl, stop tripping. We are going to get this cancer out of you and get you back in the office soon! I love you and get you some rest.” The next call I made was to my house. I needed to speak with Dre.


“Hello,” he answered on the first ring. “How are you feeling, baby? Is something wrong?”


I had to answer his question, “Yes, Dre, there is a lot of things wrong. You don’t know me, Dre, I mean, you don’t know the real me and how could you because I don’t know her, either. Look at everything I have done to you in the last five years. I hid your child from you, Dre. I played childish games that messed up a lot of people’s lives. I’m not shit. Why would you want to waste your time trying to deal with a woman like me? There is a good girl out there for you, a woman who wouldn’t play mind games. Why me, Dre? Is it because of Sade? Huh? Tell me the truth. I can handle anything after facing death twice.”


He took a deep breath. “Savannah, you don’t think that I haven’t asked myself that question a thousand times? When I saw you in Vegas with that nigga, then watched you go to a hotel with another nigga for lunch, followed by you taking another nigga to your beach house to fuck you the same night, you think that shit didn’t cross my mind? The first question I asked myself was why am I chasing down a hoe?”


Dre was silent for a moment and then continued, “My goal then became to get Sade and bounce, leave you to fucking any nigga you wanted to. Then, I broke into your place after the little orgy you had and watched the videos that you labeled Revenge. My boy sent me you and Stephanie’s phone taps plotting shit. I knew they had to have fucked you over badly for you to go that far. Baby, that week we spent together was magical; I saw fireworks and every damn thing. The Sunday I went home to be with Tasha and my son, I couldn’t get you off my mind. I gave Tasha the best dick I had ever given her because I was pretending like I was fucking you, like I was deep in you. Yes, beautiful, I used you to buy me some time with the police, but that was so I could end shit with Tasha. My mama has full custody of my son now and when we get married, he is coming to stay with us. Tasha turned snitch and was helping the police the whole time. I knew she was helping them, but I couldn’t tell anybody, if I did, they would know I knew they were coming. If I wouldn’t have spent the night with you, I would have gotten arrested at the club that night. Baby, I do right by people; I’m not violent at all. I just like money and found an easier way to get it besides working an eight to five. With the help of my boys, I’ve made well over a million dollars in three years. When you making money like that, you let the police get you on the small shit so you can get away with the big shit. Baby, we straight, me, you, Andre Jr. and Sade. I love you and you will be my wife. If you want to take it slow and get to know each other, that’s cool, too, but I ain’t going nowhere. I don’t want to make it work for Sade; I want it to work for us, baby, it’s kismet.”




Tears were pouring from my eyes; the doctors were ready for me. I put the phone back to my ear and told Dre that I loved him and went for more exams.


When I woke up after my surgery, my room was packed with familiar faces, balloons and flowers. Physically, I felt empty, like I was missing something, but emotionally, I felt reborn. “Dre, baby, come here.”


I couldn’t see him, but I knew he was nearby, for the last five years he hadn’t left my side, why would he now? When he came within arm’s reach, I grabbed him and kissed his lips. The whole room commented, but the other comment that caught my full attention was Sade’s.


“Mama just woke up and didn’t brush her teeth and she kissing Daddy- YUCK!” She was snitching on me to Mrs. Jefferson who joined the crew today.


“Now that Savannah is fully woke, y’all gather around and hold hands,” Mrs. Jefferson said a prayer of thanks and asked for new beginnings for everyone in the room. When she was done, I felt the need to break the silence that followed the prayer.


“I sure could do for some peach cobbler when I get out of here.”


She smiled and rubbed my shoulders. “You will get plenty of that each week at our family dinners on Sundays; your daddy and fiancé love them, don’t y’all? As soon as your daddy gets out of church, he ready to eat.” Everyone laughed.


“Savannah, the doctors said they think they got it all. You will be here another two weeks and then you can come home. I can’t wait so you can get a pool man over there, so we can have a pool party.”


That was typical of Memphis, ready to swim. That comment made me remember how close we were before I started messing with Kim. Memphis was my best friend, hopefully we can get that back.


I wasn’t trying to be rude, but I was tired and really felt like going to sleep. I told everyone I loved them and fell asleep before the last person had left my room.


I woke up to the theme music of one of those late night talk shows and wasn’t surprised to see the nurse standing over me.


“Everything is looking good, Savannah; you beat this one like a champ.” She had come to see me and I still didn’t know her name.


“It feels like I was in a fight, too. I’m sorry; I never caught your name.” There was a brief hesitation and then she said, “Everybody calls me Peaches, baby; I got the nickname from one too many cobblers. Now that you’re done with this, what are your next plans?”


I was glad that I actually had a plan to share. “I’m going to raise my daughter and my future step son and give this family thing a real shot. It’s never been in me to be somebody’s wife or someone’s mother. I lived for me and that didn’t work. So, I’m going to try something new and live for them.”


Peaches looked me dead in the eyes. “That’s right, baby, take care of your family. It won’t work if the woman is weak and selfish. You got to put what you want to the side and get what is best for you all. You’re young, it’s not too late to get back in them babies’ lives the way you should be. Once you leave them, a lot of times you don’t get to come back, even when you beg to.”


It was like a light switch the way it turned on. I could see things clearer then I had before. Missing puzzle pieces were adding up and all the hurt and anger I had just decided to let go came speeding back. It was the dimples like Sade’s and peach cobbler that gave her ass away.


“So, what made you decide to bring your ass back, mama?”


If you enjoyed Kismet,
make sure you grab Kismet 2-Some Things You Will Never Understand. Kismet 2,picks up where the emotional rollercoaster ride of “Kismet” dropped off except with more twist of conflict and drama, adrenaline rushes from erotic loops and free falling drops from a bumpy romance told like no other. Kismet 2 will cause you to buckle up and hold on tight through this literary ride. Is it Karma or Kismet? You be the judge.






















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