Kindling Flames: Smoke Rising (The Ancient Fire Series Book 3) (18 page)

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“It’s—” Darien’s mouth worked, but no sound came out. He cleared his throat and tried again. “D—” He chuckled. “It looks like that question will have to wait for later, my dear.” The look on his face grew deviant as he smiled at her. “But, I promise to have you moaning it by the week’s end.”

Vicky’s mouth opened in surprise at the suggestive comment, and she looked over at the smug vampire. Shaking her head, she took another glass bowl from the man and placed it on the next table. The sooner they got the dressing done, the sooner they could get to the fun awaiting them come evening.




Elliot looked down at the woman sleeping in the pile of pillows. “Do you think we should wake them up?” Zak and several of the lesser fay had curled up to join Vicky in a nap after all the preparations had been completed.

She hadn’t meant to fall asleep. Vicky had only sat down in the cushions for a few minutes to rest after helping set up the large fountain gracing the buffet table. It was the soft purring of Zak and the singing of the fay that had lulled her away unexpectedly. Elliot pulled out his phone and took a few quick pictures of the cute pile.

“What are you doing?” Darien hissed as he reached for Elliot’s phone.

“Don’t worry about it.” Elliot pulled the electronic device away from Darien’s hands and punched a few buttons. “I’ll send you copies.” Darien’s friend smiled as he closed up the phone and stuck it in his pocket.

Darien let out an exasperated sigh and shook his head.

“You have to admit, she is kind of cute curled up there,” a male voice sounded from behind the two vampires.

Darien and Elliot both turned to see the newest member of the Vampire Council coming towards them.

“Good evening, Christian,” Darien greeted the new arrival.

Elliot moved closer to the young woman sleeping with the fay.

Christian looked around at the warehouse that had been transformed into an elegant ballroom. “You have done a magnificent job here.” The effect was ruined by the electric lights flooding the area, but that would change as soon as the event started.

“Rupert and the fay have helped greatly in the setup,” Darien admitted. “I’ll be happy to pass on your compliments to them.”

Christian bowed his head slightly in agreement with Darien. “I must admit, I wasn’t sure what to expect from the invitation.” The new vampire master folded his arms over his chest as he talked. “A masquerade ball with werewolves and fay? I was sure it wouldn’t work. Tensions between the groups usually run a lot higher then I have seen here. Also, it’s not hard to tell one group’s energy from the others, but this is remarkable. I can’t feel power from anyone here. What have you done?” Christian looked around at the people slowly gathering together. He recognized several of the vampires.

“We have Lord Dakine to thank for that,” Darien explained. “He set up the area to hide power levels and make it harder to recognize the participants. It adds to the fun of the masquerade.” He smiled.

“It’s a great idea,” Christian said. “Thank you for inviting us.”

“You’re very welcome.” Darien bowed slightly to his guest. “If you’ll excuse me, I need to wake up my assistant. It’s about time to get things rolling.”

“But of course.” Bowing his farewell, Christian went back to his minions waiting for him.

“Something feels weird about that guy,” Elliot whispered to Darien as they watched the new master walk off. “I don’t trust him.”

“Is that what your growing bad feeling is?” Darien asked, concerned.

“I… am not sure,” Elliot answered. “I don’t think so, but he does bear watching.”

Darien made a noise in agreement before turning to wake Vicky. He knelt down and patted Vicky on the hip. “It’s time to get up.”

She shifted in her sleep, disturbing the fay snoozing on her.

“Come on now.”

Elliot grinned down at his friend trying to wake the sleepy woman. “Good thing she just fell asleep and the fay didn’t enchant her.”

“That didn’t turn out so well last time,” Darien said as Vicky finally woke up.

Elliot’s eyebrows climbed up his face in surprise. “Last time?”

“We had a little bit of a run-in with the fay the first time we were in Fairy.” Darien smiled as he remembered Vicky in the spider silk dress, laid out on the bed of flowers. “That’s where she first picked up Zak.”

The fay gurgled at the vampires as Vicky sat up in the pillows.

“What happened?” Yawning, she cleared the sleep from one eye with her knuckle. She looked around at the little, winged people stretching and yawning around her.

“You fell asleep,” Darien explained as he stood up and held a hand down to her. “It’s almost time to start.”

Vicky blinked at the hand before taking it.

Darien lifted her to her feet a little faster than she could handle, and she stumbled forwards into him. “Careful there.” Darien caught her against him before she could fall over. He held her fast for a moment until she had her balance again.

“Thank you,” Vicky said as he released her. Shaking her head to clear it, she yawned again. “Excuse me,” she said as she covered her mouth. “I think I need to get something to wake me up.”

“There’s coffee on the refreshment table.” Darien pointed Vicky off to the buffet. “Most everyone is here and it’s time, so I am going to get things going.”

Vicky nodded her head and headed over to get a drink with Zak scuttling behind her.

Darien watched her walk away, appreciating the view.

A Cheshire-cat grin spread across Elliot’s face. “You did that on purpose.”

Darien looked at him, affronted. “I have no idea what you’re talking about,” he said sarcastically.

Elliot nudged him hard.

“Okay, so maybe I pulled a little harder than necessary.”

Elliot’s grin widened at Darien’s admission.

“Come on,” Darien changed the subject. “Let’s get this party started.” The two friends made their way to the center of the room.



A loud tolling of large bells drew the party guests from their conversations. The electric lights died, dropping the room into darkness. Everyone’s attention was drawn to the familiar man standing under the chandelier, visible in the light of a single, tapered candle.

“Good evening, ladies and gentlemen,” Darien’s voice rang across the gathered crowd. “I would like to welcome you to this year’s Halloween celebration and thank you for coming.” He paused for the light applause. “I’m your host for the evening, and if anyone doesn’t know who I am, just ask your neighbor—I’m sure they will be happy to fill you in.”

Darien paused again for the laughter to subside. “I would like to thank all those that helped with this event. Without Rupert and his wolves, Dakine and the fay, and many from the various kisses, this evening would not have been possible.” There was another moment of light applause before Darien could get on with his speech.

“You are all encouraged to join in on the masquerade, but, by no means, do you have to. I can personally assure you everything that happens here tonight is safe and will not last once you step outside the confines of this building. If anyone wishes to have the enchantment broken early, Lord Dakine has offered to abstain from the festivities and will be available to take care of your needs. The little ones are waiting for the participants through the divide in the curtain.”

He held his hand out towards the door where everyone entered. “Ladies to the right, men to the left, please. And now, without further ado…” Darien spoke a word, and power washed out over the crowd. A collective gasp went up as all the candles sprang to life, drenching the room in a warm glow that made everything glitter. “Eat, drink, and be merry!” A cheer went up. Soft music filtered into the room as the majority of the crowd worked their way over to have the fay enchant them for the masquerade.

“Nice speech,” Elliot said as Darien blew out the candle he was holding.

“Thank you.” Darien made his way against the crowd to the refreshment table and the candelabrum he had taken the taper from. He looked around for his assistant and smiled when he found she was already being herded away by the lesser fay. Zak held on to her ankle as the little, winged people tugged her over to a split in the wall where the first of the transformed guests were coming out.

Elliot followed Darien’s line of sight just in time to see Vicky disappear through the hole. “The little ones seem to have taken a real liking to her,” he pointed out. “Shouldn’t you be worried?”

“No.” Darien smiled and turned his attention to the buffet table. “I pity the fool that lays fang or claw on her.” He grabbed up two crystal goblets and filled them with the golden liquid flowing from the fountain. “They are in for a nasty surprise from Zak if they try something. And once he’s done, they’ll have me to deal with.” Holding one of the glasses out for Elliot to take, he raised his to his lips for a drink.

“If there is anything left, that is.” Elliot chuckled as he took the cup. He looked at the amber liquid. “What’s this?” He swirled it around, studying the way it coated the inside of the goblet.

“It’s safe.” Darien swallowed his sip and urged his friend to try it. “Lady Aine arranged the food for the evening, knowing the vampires would be here. You can eat and drink anything tonight without it bothering you.”

Elliot stared at him in disbelief. “Really?” Elliot looked over the foods laid out over the tables. “Even the chocolate cake?” His eyes fell on the decadent dessert.

“Even the cake.” Darien smiled as Elliot raised the glass to his mouth. The golden liquid was sweet like honey and tingled slightly as it went down.

“Is this… mead?” Elliot asked, taking another sip of the drink.

“Yes,” Darien smiled. “There is also coffee, wine, water, champagne, and a full bar.”

Elliot chuckled. “Went all out, didn’t we?”

“You never know what people will want.” Darien led the way down the table to the chocolate cake. “I’ve tried to think of everything.” He picked up a plate and handed it to Elliot.

The younger vampire’s eyes lit up at the special treat. He had been turned at a time before chocolate was common, and his system still didn’t handle food well. Elliot took the plate. “Can I really eat this?” His voice was full of longing for the food he had only been able to dream about. He had tasted chocolate before, but spitting it out was just not the same as eating it.

“Go on.” Darien took his glass so his hand was free.

Elliot picked up the fork on the edge of the plate, cut a small piece off, and tasted it carefully. The noise that came out of him made Darien laugh.

“Do you need a private room?” he teased as Elliot cut off another bite and stuck it in his mouth.

“Maybe,” Elliot said around the food. He swallowed the rich cake so he could talk properly. “Does everyone know about this?” Looking around, he saw many people that would be interested in knowing they could eat tonight.

“Not yet.” Darien smiled. “But, I’m sure they will find out soon if you keep making those noises.”

Elliot rolled his eyes at his friend and took another bite. “I know of at least two people that will be mad if I don’t share this with them.” His eyes scanned over the room hoping that Rachael and Clara hadn’t gone in to see the fay yet. He found them both milling around, waiting for the line to thin out. “Excuse me.” Taking his glass back, Elliot left Darien to go share his discovery.

Darien laughed as his friend departed without waiting for a reply. He watched in amusement as Elliot popped a piece of the cake into Clara’s mouth without explaining it. He loved how the look of horror changed to shock then enjoyment as Elliot explained to the women about the food. Clara turned to look at him, and Darien raised his glass, confirming what Elliot had said.

“There are going to be a lot of stuffed vampires tonight,” Lord Dakine said as he approached Darien with his own goblet of mead.

“True,” Darien smiled at him, “but isn’t that what we planned on?”

“Yes.” Dakine sipped on his drink as he watched Elliot feeding the two women bites of the cake.

“I must thank Lady Aine for setting this up,” Darien said. “Will she be joining us tonight?”

“She sends her regards and hopes to join the festivities later,” Dakine sighed. “She had some matters to tend to first.”

Darien sighed regretfully. “A queen’s work is never done.”

“Especially on Samhain,” Dakin agreed.

Darien nodded his understanding. Someone had to make sure the borders of Fairy were held on the night when they were the weakest.

“How is cailín?” Dakine changed the subject.

“She seems to be doing well.” Darien sipped his drink. “The patch is holding, and I haven’t noticed any adverse effects.”

“I still don’t understand how that can be.” Dakine shook his head. “That strand should not have been absorbed like that. It should’ve burnt out.”

Darien shrugged.

“Just consider yourself blessed with a small miracle.”

“I consider myself blessed every time she looks my way.” Darien smiled at the elf lord. “I don’t know what I’d do without her.”

“Just remember, she is human, therefore, fragile by nature,” Dakine cautioned. “If you want her around, you must take great care to keep her safe.”

“I plan to do everything in my power to do that.” Darien let his eyes scan over the crowd, hoping to see her. He knew that the fay would have her in a disguise by now, so it was unlikely he would recognize her. His eyes caught on several girls with long, curly, blonde hair. Their outfits told him they had already been in to see the fay, so it was unlikely any of them were really Vicky.

“You will not find her that way, Kian.” Dakine smiled as he searched the crowd, too. “The little ones have been planning something special for your lady since they found out about their role in the masquerade. I hope you can see through their glamor tonight.”

“I will find her,” Darien said, sure he would be able to recognize the woman he loved even through the disguise. He nearly dropped his glass when a heavy weight bowled into the back of his legs.

Dakine caught him before he could fall. They both looked back to the object that had hit Darien and found a large, white wolf. It growled lightly at Darien.

“I think the fay are ready for you.” Dakine chuckled as he recognized Zak.

The wolf bumped into him again and grabbed Darien’s wrist in his mouth to drag him over to where the fay were waiting.

“Hold your horses, little horror,” Darien said as he regained his balance. “Excuse me.” He bid the elf lord farewell as he was pulled away by the insistent hellhound.

“I’ll find you later.” Dakine raised his hand up in parting. He chuckled into his goblet and turned to watch the changed people coming back into the room. It was going to be interesting to watch how people reacted to not knowing anyone.




The woman that stared back from the mirror looked nothing like Vicky. She shifted her head back and forth, swinging the long, black hair around as Vicky moved. Vicky admired the way the straight locks were pinned up on one side above her now-pointed ears with a cluster of white roses and realistic snowflakes. They were the perfect accent for the beautiful dress she had been given. She ran her hands over the body of the fitted dress, feeling the soft material she recognized as spider silk.

“Are you sure I can wear this dress?” Vicky looked over her shoulder to the woman standing behind her. She had been surprised when the fairly plain woman had introduced herself as Arachne. Somehow, Vicky had envisioned her taller and more sinister, but Arachne was slightly shorter than Vicky, with long, silver hair. The only remarkable trait about the woman was the number of spiders that moved over her. Vicky could see the little creatures sitting on her contently.

“But of course.” Arachne adjusted the snowflakes hanging from the large bow resting on Vicky’s hip. “We will have nothing but the best for Kian’s lady.”

“How do I look?” She spun around so Arachne could inspect her. The dress hung from Vicky’s shoulders by wide bands that created an elegant, V-neck front and rose over her shoulders to a low back. The front hem of the full skirt started just below her knees and flowed downward as it curled around behind her. The train in the back fell in long folds, and the entire bottom of the dress was covered over with a sheer material that shimmered like moonlight on fresh snow. The dress was accented by a pair of iridescent wings that the fay had somehow sprouted out of Vicky’s back. Vicky was having a hard time adjusting to the odd appendages. She could feel every time the delicate membranes touched something and even move the wings as if they were real.

“Beautiful enough to be one of Jack Frost’s wives.” Arachne brushed a loose lock of hair back over Vicky’s shoulder. “You’re lucky he wasn’t able to attend tonight. He would have given Dubhlainn a run for his money.”

Vicky’s eyes widened in surprise, but she wasn’t sure if it was due to the idea that someone other than Darien would court her, or if it was because she had just been informed that Jack Frost was real.

“You look wonderful,” the woman said. “Go find our host, and let me and mine tend your things.”

“I can get…” Vicky started to refuse Arachne’s offer but found that her clothing was already swarming with spiders. “All right,” she agreed, changing her mind.

Arachne laughed at the look that crossed Vicky’s face. “Go give Dubhlainn a good time.” Arachne took Vicky’s arm and led her back to the main changing room. “But make sure not to reveal yourself too easily. Men love a good challenge.”

“Of course not,” Vicky smiled and turned towards the opening that would let her out to the ballroom. She paused and watched the lesser fay enchant one of the other party members. Confusion furrowed her brow as she watched the process the other people were undergoing. None of them were being stripped by the fay as she had been when the little ones had dragged her in. In fact, the fay changed what the participants were wearing along with their looks. Looking down at the magnificent gown she had been given, Vicky shrugged her shoulders before making her way out to the ballroom. She was already changed, and there was no reason to spoil Arachne’s excellent work because it wasn’t exactly the same as someone else’s enchantment.

Looking around the ballroom, Vicky couldn’t find a single person she knew. Several faces turned towards her as she stepped onto the wood of the dance floor. She could hear an appreciative murmur from the crowd around her as she walked farther into the room. Before she had been stolen away by the lesser fay, the massive room had been filled with people in costumes one would expect at a party. Now couples danced in elaborate outfits that were more appropriate for the soft music playing. Vicky found examples of every era from togas to modern gowns that would have looked perfect at some red carpet event. She spun around as she took in all the sights around her. Vicky gasped as her bare foot came down on something on the floor. A sharp tingle shot up her leg and she jumped back to discover she had stepped on the silver circle laid into the floor.

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