KILTED DESIRE - Sands of Betrayal (2 page)

BOOK: KILTED DESIRE - Sands of Betrayal
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Scott’s heart was beating faster. He wiped a bead of sweat
from his brow. All flights made him nervous after his accident, but this was to
be a short one. In a little over an hour, the plane would be landing in New
York. When he landed, he would call Katie. He was dreading it because he knew
she was upset. He was pretty sure that everything would be fine since she knew
how much he loved her and to what lengths he’d go for her to make her happy. He
was looking forward to hearing her voice. It always made him smile, whether she
was mad at him or not. He had never felt like this about anyone before, having
fallen head over heels for Katie within just a few weeks of meeting her. He always
told himself that he would never get involved in a serious relationship again
after his disastrous marriage, but meeting her changed everything. His thoughts
turned to how much he would miss her, and how hard this was going to be. The
only thing that kept his mind focused on following through with his plan and
his vision of the future was being happy with this beautiful woman he was in
love with. Scott gazed out the window. All he could see were fluffy, white
clouds. He put on his headphones, reclined his chair and closed his eyes.


“That idiot!” she screamed, as she slammed the cell phone
down on the leather couch. Once again, Scott did not reply to yet another of
the text messages she sent. She took the rest of the afternoon off work after
she read his email. She couldn’t concentrate on her students and said she wasn’t
feeling well, which was true and went home. Katie Johnson was a typical Midwest
‘girl next door’ type of woman, who was very pretty and knew it. She was
usually able to flutter her eyelashes and get most things she wanted. So this
was unusual for her, for someone to do something that she did not agree with. She
and Scott were a passionate couple, very different in many ways, but when they
were together, sparks would fly. There was definitely electricity between them
that neither of them ever felt before. She sat down on her couch and ran her
fingers through her long blond hair, pausing to look at her jagged nails
regretting that she resorted to her bad habit of biting them. She thought he
must have taken off, and would be arriving soon in New York, so she could talk
to him then. Katie also knew that her girls would be home from school soon and
she needed to calm down. She was an excellent mother and would do anything for
her girls. Since their birth she had been pretty much a single parent. Her
estranged husband showed little interest in his children and even less since
their separation nearly a year ago. Katie met Scott just after their split. The
timing was terrible, but the connection was so strong that neither of them
could help falling for each other.

Her ex-husband was physically and mentally abusive. She lived
most of the past twelve years in fear, walking on eggshells, being careful of
everything she said or did, trying not to upset him. She knew if it were not
for the children, she would have been out of the marriage sooner, but kept
convincing herself things would get better one day. They never did. For over a
year, Michael had been out of the house and they were legally separated, but
their divorce was not yet final and he was doing everything he could to delay
it in an attempt to continue controlling her. Most of the time, she would get
messages telling her he still loved her and he wanted her back. He used his
visitation rights to find ways to talk and harass her. What could she do? He
was their father, and had rights. She could not stop him from seeing his girls.
She wouldn’t do that anyway, as it was important that the girls have a relationship
with their father, even if he was a terrible dad and was using them to see her.
One day they would work it out for themselves, or he would change for the
better. She doubted the latter would ever happen.

Michael was a bully and had made many threatening comments
about Scott to Katie. Like most bullies, he liked to pick on those weaker than
himself and intimidate others, especially women. He was not a particularly big
man, he stood about 5’8”, was overweight and a big talker. He was unaware of Scott’s
background and did not know anything about him apart from he was Katie’s new
boyfriend and he existed. She always tried to keep the two apart and was afraid
of what could happen if they met. She knew what Michael’s temper was like. She
also knew what would happen to him if he were foolish enough to try to engage
Scott. She really wanted to see him get what was coming to him, but knew that
if something happened, the police would be involved and there was the
possibility the girls would hate Scott for hurting their dad. Scott completely understood
the situation and agreed to do whatever she wanted. Her safety was his biggest concern.

After two hours, Katie’s phone started to ring; it was Scott
calling from New York.

“Hi,” he said, waiting for the outburst.

“I can’t believe you left like this.”

“I know it was nae ideal, but it was the best way. Yer know
there were things I wanted tae do afore I left if I was going tae go. But after
I spoke tae them earlier today, they offered me a much better deal if I could
leave reet away. They needed me urgently.”

“I need you, too, and we didn’t even agree you were going to
do this.”

“I know Katie, I’m sorry, but if I do this job, it could
give us enough money tae buy the house yer want and set us up fer life. It’s
just six months, we’ll be in touch every day and I’ll be able tae come haem fer

She swallowed hard and felt herself getting upset at the
realization of what he said.  They had been looking at houses the prior weekend.
She made it clear that she would love to live in a nice lake-front property.
That kind of house was very expensive and if they were going to have a place
like that, he needed to get some extra money. Due to his Special Forces
military background and an old friend, he was offered a job as a personal
security guard in Baghdad. The company was Professional Corporate Protection
Services (PCPS). They supplied personal bodyguards for executives whose
companies were intent on expanding their businesses. Making money in dangerous
parts of the world by getting a foot in the door when that particular country’s
economy was at a low point gave them a great possibility of growth. PCPS only
hired British or American ex-Special Forces military personnel and charged the
companies an extraordinary amount of money for specialized protection of their
employees. It was supposed to be a type of intelligence/surveillance job, which
would include getting the client safely to and from work every day and
providing round-the-clock protection while they were there. Years before he and
his unit had performed many missions in the area during and after Baghdad’s fall
to coalition troops during Operation- Enduring Freedom. He knew his way around
the city. According to all reports and the recruiters at PCPS, Baghdad was becoming
a safer place. It seemed like easy money, and he wanted it to give the girl of
his dreams the house of her dreams.

“Just trust me, it will be worth it, I have tae go tae catch
my flight tae London, I will call yer when I get there and I’ll be in touch
with yer every time I can.”

He was to meet with one of the bosses of PCPS in London to
collect some paperwork, then fly on to Kuwait and eventually into Baghdad.

“Okay, I love you,” she said, reluctantly, feeling guilty
that he was doing this so he could afford the type of house that she wanted.

“I love yer more,” he replied, before quickly hanging up the
phone so she could not object.

She did have a tear in her eye, but a smile came to her face
when he did this. She could not help it. It was a private joke, arguing about
who loved the other more.

She sat back down on the couch thinking about the next time
she would hear from him. Where would he be? Would he be safe at his final
destination in Baghdad? How was she going to get through six months without
seeing him? She still could hear the sound of his voice in her head. His accent
always made her melt. From the first time they met, it was one of the things
that attracted her to him. She loved the way he rolled his r’s and the way he
pronounced things in general. Sometimes people couldn’t understand what he was
saying. Sometimes just the way he spoke made women want him. Over the last few
months he was hit on quite often by American women who were fascinated by his
accent. He didn’t understand it and was always polite when meeting people, but
as far as he knew he didn’t do anything to encourage these advances. Katie knew
that was the truth. He was a complete gentleman and she never once questioned
his faithfulness or devotion to her.

Thinking about his accent reminded her of two nights ago, their
last intimate night together. His big, strong arms held her close. Gripping her
hair at the base of her neck, running his fingers along her face and neck. Whispering,
‘I love yer.’ Biting her ear lobe, she melted from his touch. He lifted her, sitting
her up, removing her black, silk teddy, exposing and caressing her breasts,
before moving over her. Kissing her neck, her shoulders, moving slowly
downwards nibbling and licking her nipples, making them erect. His lips made their
way down the length of her curvy body, between her legs, his hands caressing
her breasts arousing them, his tongue moved to and around her core.

“Mom, what’s for dinner?” she looked up and saw her youngest
daughter Sophia looking hungry. Katie got up from the couch and headed to the
kitchen, it was time to be a mom. She would have plenty of time to think about
Scott later.

Chapter 2



The next morning, Katie awoke early and checked her phone to
see if Scott left a message, but there were none. She thought to herself, he
would be in touch when he could. She hoped to hear from him before leaving for
work, but realized there were things he needed to do in London. It was Friday,
a beautiful May morning and the sun was shining brightly. She did not really
want to go to work, but at least it was the end of the week and she had the
weekend to make sense of things. Katie made herself a cup of coffee and sat
down at the breakfast table. The sounds of birds singing and the strong smell
of freshly brewed coffee filled the kitchen as she contemplated her mixed feelings
of all that transpired the previous day. On the one hand, she was still angry
with him for going, but felt special that he would do this for her and her
girls. She was fearful of what could happen to him there. She read his ‘goodbye’
email several times the previous evening and he assured her that he had been
told Baghdad was becoming a safer place. However, it was still Baghdad, the
place she had seen on the news a few times. It did not look safe to her. She
really did not know what to think, but kept trying to relax and trust his
judgment. After all, if he was right, then she was going to have the big house
she’d always wanted and they’d all live there together, Scott, the girls and
herself. After the marriage she was in, she had given up on the prospect of her
‘happily ever after’ and now it looked like it was really going to happen. She
had found a great man who loved her and would do anything for her. The bonus
was that he also loved her girls. How could she stay angry with him?

Just as she finished her coffee, two sleepy looking girls
appeared in the kitchen still wearing their pajamas. Sophia was nine and a
petite girl who loved fashion. Every day she would pick out her own outfits with
accessories. It didn’t matter where she was going, whether it was to school or the
grocery store, what she was wearing had to match and look good. Madison was eleven
and into horses. She went riding at least once a week at a local stable. She recently
started taking her sister along with her and Sophia really enjoyed it too. They
were both pretty, with long blond hair just like their mother. They got along pretty
well with each other most of the time, although like all siblings there was the
occasional skirmish. Katie had slowly introduced them to Scott and it had paid
off. They both got along with him very well and he enjoyed being around them
too. At first, he was nervous about meeting them and how to act, having had no
real experience with children. He need not have worried; he seemed to be a
natural. Maybe it was because he was still such a big kid himself. Most
weekends he found himself playing computer games, riding their four-wheelers or
just general horsing around. The three could usually be found doing something fun

It was a few minutes before 8:00 a.m. The girls left to
catch the school bus and Katie was finishing getting herself ready to leave for
work. She had about a ten minute drive to the small school where she taught
kindergarten. As she was about to walk out of the house, her phone rang. It was

“Hi baby, how are yer?” he asked.

“Hey babe, I’m good. How are you? Where are you? What’s

He interrupted her as he could tell the questions were going
to be coming rapidly.

“Calm doon, I can only answer one question at a time. I’m
fine. I’m in London and I have a meeting here in aboot half an hoor. I will
know more later, but I’m pretty sure I’ll be flying into Kuwait later today,”
he paused, then continued.

“I know yer probably on yer way tae work now, but I will try
and call yer again when yer on yer lunch break.”

“Yeah, I’m just on my way out of the door. Call me later and
let me know what’s going on. If I can’t answer just leave me a message.”

“Will do babe. I miss yer already.”

“I miss you too. Talk to you later. Love you.”

“I love yer more,” he said, then hung up the phone quickly

“That fu…r,” Katie said aloud. It was a good thing she was
not at school. She could not help smiling to herself again as she got into her
car. She put on her sunglasses, turned up the radio and headed to work.

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