KILTED DESIRE - Sands of Betrayal (27 page)

BOOK: KILTED DESIRE - Sands of Betrayal
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Chapter 21



It was not just Katie who anxiously waited for Scott as he
made his way through the airport. The girls were there and excited, too. As he
walked toward them, Katie and the girls ran into his open arms. All three
hugged him at the same time! It was a very emotional reunion. Katie cried while
the girls continued to hug him. Every one of them had a smile on their face at
his being home.

“Dinnae cry, baby! I’m haem safely, just as I promised yer.”

“I know, Scott. I just can’t believe it! I thought I’d lost
you. I really did.”

“I’m here now. It’s all over.”

“I know. It’s just not sinking in yet.” She looked at him
with such disbelief.

“I’m here, baby. Look at me! My arms, I’m holding yer. It’s
real! It’s really happening.”

“I know. Oh, Scott, you are really here. It’s so fantastic.”
She continued to cry.

“How are yer girls doing? Have yer been taking guid care of
yer mom?”

They both smiled and nodded, as all four made their way out
of the airport. Scott reached down and took Katie’s hand in his. He had waited
a long time for this moment. Snow covered the ground and it was well below
freezing outside. It was quite a shock to Scott! He had been in the desert for
so long, he had forgotten how cold the winters could get in Ohio! He just
smiled. The weather was such a little thing. All that mattered was he was home.


Katie was prepared for Christmas. She was determined to make
it a very special time for everyone, especially with Scott’s homecoming. She
had shopped for all her Christmas gifts and wanted to make sure the girls would
be happy when they opened their gifts, Christmas morning. She had already
picked up her holiday groceries, had baked and prepared lots of goodies for the
big day.

Since his return home, Scott rested most of the time. His
activities were restricted and he was under doctor’s orders not to overdo
things. He truly did not have the energy to do much anyway, and even if he had,
Katie wouldn’t have allowed it. Scott ventured out only once, when they all
went to the mall one evening. They split up for a while so he could buy some
gifts for his ladies. Katie’s parent’s came by the day after Scott arrived home
to visit. They all planned to spend Christmas day together at her parents’

Christmas morning arrived and the girls were up bright and
early. They were excited and opened their gifts quickly. It was a difficult
year for them, too, and Katie made sure they had some special treats. Both
girls received i-Pods as well as many other gifts and sat quietly investigating
all of their new things. Katie bought Scott a watch and she received diamond
earrings from him. They had a great time together as they opened each other’s numerous
gifts before they drove to her parents’ for lunch. The plan was to spend the
entire afternoon with them. The girls would be leaving that evening. It was
Michael’s visitation and they decided that he would pick them up from her
parent’s house and keep them for a few days so he could spend New Year’s Eve
with them. He would bring them back home to her on New Year’s Day. They relaxed
all afternoon, eating, drinking and playing games until it was time for the
girls to leave. Michael arrived on time and waited in his car until the girls
walked out to meet him. He helped them lift their suitcases into the trunk of
his car, got them settled in the back seat and drove away. The girls didn’t
really want to go with him. They never did. He didn’t spend much time with them
when he did have them. Katie explained to the girls that it was the right thing
to do. Their time with their dad was special too. This was not what she really
believed, however. She hated letting them go with him. It was difficult as she
watched them drive away. But, she knew Michael could make things difficult in a
number of ways for her if she refused to let him take them.


Later that night, Scott and Katie returned home. It was the
first time since his return that they were alone. They sat down together on the
couch. It was nice to feel relaxed. After watching a movie, they talked about
the house situation. Scott’s money was sent and cleared his bank account so
they could finally start shopping for houses. Katie fired up her laptop and,
sitting side by side on the couch, looked at real estate listings on the
internet for a while. They picked out a few possibilities and bookmarked the
sites for later consideration. When their eyes tired of looking at the small
computer screen, they watched a little TV before going upstairs to bed.

“I still can’t believe you’re here,” she said to him, as she
walked towards the bathroom to put on the Christmas negligee Scott bought for
her. She waited to go in while they spoke.

“I know babe, me either. I cannae believe it’s taken this
long tae get some time tae ourselves,” he replied, winking at her.

“I know. The girls have been very clingy after everything
that happened. I was in a very bad way when you were in a coma and very often
one or both of them would come in here and sleep with me, when they were here.”

“I cannae imagine how difficult it was. I’m sorry yer had
tae go through it and what do yer mean, when they were here?”

“Oh, you didn’t know. They went to stay with my dad for a
while. My mom stayed here with me. I wasn’t coping very well with the thought
of losing you and didn’t want them to see me like that.”

“Sorry, I had nae idea.”

“It’s okay. I’m obviously fine now you’re home and they’re
getting settled again. I just didn’t want them walking in here in the middle of
the night and catching us doing something. Plus, we’ve both been pretty tired

“Aye, it’s fine. Tae be honest I’ve been exhausted. It does
nae take much tae tire me oot anymore. But, I’m slowly getting my strength
back,” he said smiling, as he climbed in to bed.

“I’m glad you’re getting your strength back,” she replied,
as she entered the bathroom.

“I’ll be right out,” she said over her shoulder.


Katie stepped out of the bathroom, wearing the silky negligee.
She started to say something to him, but realized he had fallen asleep. She
stood by the side of the bed, looking at him. She smiled, knowing he was safe
and home. She lifted the covers and moved her body close to his. As she rested
her head upon his chest, she could hear him quietly laughing. He wasn’t really

Scott raised himself up on an elbow and looked deeply into
her eyes.

“Yer look beautiful, Katie,” he said softly, as he kissed
her tenderly, leaving her no time to respond that he had feigned sleep.

He placed a hand on either side of her face as he continued
kissing her, then moved to her neck which sent shivers through her body. He
smiled at her reaction to just his lips on her neck. His tongue lingered and
moved slowly to her shoulders, then to her breasts. He cupped them with his
hands and gently nibbled on them. Her hands held his head. She willed him to
stay right where he was while her fingers made their way to the back of his
neck. He raised his eyes to look at her face and she was looking longingly back
at him.

Scott moved his hands to her hips, holding them firmly as he
pulled her body firmly to his chest. He had missed the way her skin felt next
to his. He loved playing and sensually teasing her. His tongue moved between
her breasts and traced a path to her stomach. His hands massaged her hips,
slowly raising and lowering them with every move of his warm lips and tongue.

“Oh, Scott, I’ve missed this,” her words trailing off.

He smiled and continued to move lower. He had thought about
this moment for a long time while lying in the hospital. He raised her hips
slightly as his head moved lower still and his lips brushed against her,
kissing her, teasing her. He knew exactly what excited her, quickly stimulating
and arousing her senses. He darted his tongue deeper within her. Her body
tensed up and he felt her waves of pleasure.

“Baby, I want tae be inside yer,” he whispered to her. He
didn’t wait for an answer. Scott raised himself above her and eased himself
deep within her.

She wrapped her legs around him and lay back as he caressed
her breasts and began to thrust. He stroked deeply within her and she knew he
was close. She smiled that he had lasted this long. Within just a few minutes
of their reuniting, his feverish kisses and passionate movements brought her to
the brink again and when she knew he could wait no longer, his body shuddered,
he arched his back and let out a loud moan as they climaxed together. His body
melted into hers.

Katie looked deep into his eyes, smiled and ran her hands
softly over his chest. She pulled his face to hers and he kissed her again, passionately.

“I love you, Scott. Did you miss me?” she asked.

“I love yer, too, and aye, but yer already knew that.”

“Yes, I did. I missed you too! We don’t ever need to worry
about that again, do we?”

“Nae, never again, babe.”

Scott lifted his body off her and they once again resumed
their familiar position. Her head gently rested on his chest and they snuggled
up close to each other. It didn’t take long for them both to fall fast asleep.
It had been a long day.


The days that followed Christmas went by quickly. They
relaxed and just enjoyed being with each other again. He followed the doctor’s
orders and took it easy. They went for a few romantic walks in the snow and
visited the mall when the snow was too deep to walk outside. Most days, they just
stayed inside and snuggled together, watching movies or checking out real
estate listings on the computer.


It was New Year’s Eve. The following day would start the New
Year, a new beginning. They weren’t planning on going out. Instead, they were
going to have a quiet, peaceful night in. They had settled in to watch a movie
when Katie’s phone rang.


“Hi, Katie. This is Britney. I’m just calling to see how you
both are. I presume Scott’s home now.”

“Yes, he’s home now. We’re both doing fine.”

“That’s good. Is he there, now?”


“May I talk to him for a moment?”

“Uh, sure,” she said, handing the phone to Scott.

“It’s Britney,” Katie said to him. She sat back and smiled
as she watched him reluctantly take the phone.

“Hey, Britney. How are yer?”

“I’m good, Scott. How are you feeling?”

“I’m fine. We’re just sitting doon watching a movie.”

“Oh, then I won’t keep you. I just wanted to check on you to
make sure you were okay and thank you for always keeping me safe. You do know
that you can call me anytime? I’d like to stay in touch with you.”

“Aye, thanks fer checking and yer welcome. I have tae go now
Britney the movie’s starting. Have a great New Year.”

“You, too, Scott. Talk to you soon.”

Scott put the phone down and turned to Katie.

“Yer did that on purpose tae make me uncomfortable, didn’t
yer?” he asked, with a smile on his face.

“Maybe. She was pretty great when you were hurt, but I still
don’t trust her. I’m glad she’s a couple thousand miles away.”

“Aye, me, too. It’s fine.”

“I know it is. I’m not sure I want her to keep contacting us

“That’s fine with me, but let’s nae worry aboot her. I
dinnae want tae spoil our night.”

“Okay. I bought a bottle of champagne for New Year’s Eve. Do
you want a glass?”

“Aye. Sounds guid.”

They continued watching TV, snuggled together on the couch,
sipping their champagne well into the evening.


Katie began getting strange text messages from Michael on
her phone. She knew he would have interrogated the girls as to what she was
doing. That is just what he did. She hoped he would just concentrate on making
the girls happy for a change. Katie knew he must be drinking. She was worried
about the girls, but they both had cell phones, so if there were any problems,
they could call her. All was quiet for a while so she presumed all was okay.

As midnight approached, Katie decided to send the girls a
text to wish them a Happy New Year. The drunken messages she received from
their father concerned her and she wanted to know that everything was okay
before the New Year rolled in. Within a couple of minutes, she received a text
back from both of them saying “Happy New Year” and “I love you”. Katie smiled
and relaxed. Their father had finally let them enjoy their night.


Katie and Scott were content to enjoy their quiet evening together,
close and intimate after so long being apart. They toasted their future and
shared a steamy, passionate kiss as the clock struck midnight and the New Year

“Happy New Year, Scott!”

“Happy New Year. Yer know, Katie, it’s going tae be a great
year. It’s nice tae be holding yer in my arms again,” he smiled.

“I like that, too. What do you want in the New Year?” she
asked, smiling.

“Nae anything but yer! Together, forever now, baby, and that
suits me just fine.”



“… and the story continues.”



Kilted Desire, Book
Two (available late 2012)

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