Kenney, Laina - Overexposed [DIG Security 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (11 page)

BOOK: Kenney, Laina - Overexposed [DIG Security 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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“Sam, I was thinking—”

“Don’t think about going home yet,” Sam said. “There are great universities here in Texas. You could transfer here and finish your schooling.”

“That’s right,” Locke said. “And you already have family here. Your Uncle Conn misses you and would love to have you stay.”

Avelyn looked from one man to the other with her hands on her hips and a scowl on her face.

Really, that was the best they could do?

“I know Uncle Conn would love that. He’s already said it. But what about you?” she challenged. “How do you feel about the idea of me staying?”

Sam grabbed her hand and brought it to his lips.

She waited.

“I love you,” Sam said into her palm. “You’re beautiful inside and out, honey girl. I’d feel blessed if you stayed in Texas with us.”

Avelyn caressed his face. Her wonderful poet.

Locke moved up and turned her away from his brother. He cleared his throat and the sound was painful.

“I never believed in love at first sight until I saw you. I love you even when you’re in a temper,” her warrior said. His dark-blue eyes were bright with feeling, and her own eyes welled up with tears.

Locke snatched her into his arms for a sweet, hot kiss. Avelyn’s head was spinning, and her pussy was wet by the time he let her up for air.

“Locke and I, we’ve talked about this a lot,” Sam said, pressing his lips to her throat. “We want you to stay with both of us. Stay for as long as you want to. For as long as you’re happy.”

“Forever. It has to be forever,” Locke said, frowning at his brother. “You can go to school here and live with us at the ranch. It’ll be perfect.”

Avelyn laughed. He made it sound so easy.

“I’m finished with school for a while,” she said. “I have my Masters Degree in Theatre, and I’m tired of exams. I don’t want to study anymore. I want to work in my field. You may have noticed I’ve been on the phone for two days.”

Both men nodded. She could see the questions in their eyes, but they seemed reluctant to ask.

“Well, I have a job offer from the University of Texas San Antonio to be their full-time production advisor in the first-year drama program, but I wasn’t sure I would take it. I wanted to see what you thought first.”

She squealed as Locke tossed her up into the air with a whoop. Sam grabbed her and danced her around the porch in mad whirl.

“Stop, stop!” she begged between shrieks of laughter. “No more!”

When the world stopped spinning, Avelyn was nestled between the two men. She was exactly where she wanted to be.

“I do love you both, so much,” she said. She pressed fierce little kisses on their cheeks and jaws and wherever she could reach. “I didn’t ever know I could love like this.”

“I love you, darlin’,” Locke whispered in her ear. His hands slid down to cup her buttocks as Sam pulled her in for a quick, ravenous kiss.

Sam pulled away with a mock groan. Avelyn wound her arms around his neck and nuzzled his smooth jaw.

“Let’s get you in the house,” Locke said. He wasn’t smiling, but the heat in his deep navy eyes made her shiver in anticipation.

They made it up the stairs before their hands started to wander and clothes started to drop to the floor. They paused at the top of the stairs to stroke and kiss, and by the time the three of them got up to the master bedroom, they were naked.

Locke lay down on the bed and pulled her down with him. Sam followed, bracing her descent with his hands, his lips on her shoulder.

The men were dedicated to her pleasure, and Avelyn was quivering with excitement under their expert caresses. With four hands and two mouths touching her all over her body, every moment was a blaze of new sensations.

She could never predict where the next touch would come, and it drove her hunger higher until she was arching and twisting in need. With every breath she begged for more, and her men obliged.

Locke rolled to his back and lifted Avelyn to straddle his hips. The thick pole of his erection slid to rest between her drenched pussy lips, and a buzz of sensual delight shot up her spine.

She rubbed against him involuntarily, spreading wetness over the big head of his cock.

Locke tensed.

“Take me, darlin’. You take me this time.”

Locke’s voice was hoarse, and it faded away into a groan as she slid down and engulfed the round knob with a twist of her hips. It stretched her pussy walls as she pushed down further.

Electricity shot through her body as she rose again and dropped. She was trying to take all of him, but he was so damn big it was a delicious struggle.

All the while Locke was holding her waist in support while Sam pulled and teased at her nipples from behind. She could feel Sam’s erect penis rubbing against the swell of her buttocks.

Finally Avelyn sank down onto Locke’s narrow hips. His cock felt like a glowing brand inside her as she rode him. Her juices slid down around him with every slow thrust.

Avelyn’s first orgasm rolled up slowly like the first bubbling drink of champagne. She almost sighed at the sweet rise of sensation.

Locke nudged up into her, and the ride was on again.

Sam pushed on her back gently until she leaned close over Locke. Her hair fell down to surround Locke’s face in a bright curtain.

Locke took the opportunity to capture her mouth in a deep soulful kiss while Sam prepared her back hole for his possession. Sam spent time with the lube, teasing her little pucker then penetrated her with one finger.

He pumped in and out in time to her shallow thrusts on Locke’s shaft. She moaned in Locke’s mouth. She needed more strength, more sensation, but what they were doing now felt so good. She couldn’t give up Locke’s mouth yet to get that extra little something that would throw her over the edge again.

Sam shifted behind her, and the broad head of his cock pressed against her and popped in.

Sam grunted and Locke swore.

She rose up on her arms as Sam pushed inside.

“Easy, honey,” Sam said with a huff. “Easy. You’re squeezing me so good.”

She groaned as a burst of white-hot heat tore through her, but it wasn’t a protest. If anything, it was a demand for more.

It was so searing hot, such a tight fit. She could feel each bump, each raised vein on the two penises inside her, and it pushed her to extremes until every sense was on overload. The pleasure was so intense it was paralyzing. Avelyn couldn’t scream, couldn’t move.

She just hung there, impaled on their cocks until the moment when Sam started to pull out.

He was so slow she whimpered. Then he pushed back in, and Locke pulled out a little. The two of them moved in counter rhythm, doubling the speed of her experience, elevating the rioting sensations. Her breasts bounced, and her breathing quickened as the men pushed her higher and higher.

Locke’s face was red, and Sam’s belly was slick with sweat against her back. Her heart was pounding in her ears, and she couldn’t get enough air.

She wondered hazily if too much pleasure could kill and if heaven could be this impossibly good.

When Sam slapped her ass cheeks, her body gripped their cocks in a strong velvet vise, and she came with a high scream.

Sam shoved deep and groaned as he jetted into her.

Locke’s muscular abs curved into a taut arch below her.

“Ah, fuck,” Locke gasped out and flooded her with heat. Her hungry body drank up every bit of the heated offering, answering with repeated sharp spasms of pussy and anus. She writhed in a frenzied dance of passion until she dropped onto Locke’s chest.

After a long moment where no one moved except to breathe, Sam pulled out to lie beside them, one hand still resting on her back.

“We’ll try that again in a minute,” Sam said lazily. “We might be able to last a little longer the second time.”

Locke groaned.

Avelyn didn’t have the strength to respond, but a breathy giggle escaped her.

With these two Texans by her side, she was ready no matter what life threw at her. She was safe and loved, and her heart was filled with a new hope.

She shifted, pressed her nose against Locke’s neck, and sighed.

“Bring on the future,” she mumbled, “but not until I have a little nap.”

She drifted off to sleep with the sound of male laughter in her ears, and her dreams were sweet.





Kenney is a classically trained singer/instructor with a regular job and a deep love of the written word. Her family is supportive of (or perhaps just resigned to) a house full of books in every genre, with ancient history and romance taking up the majority of the space. She cheerfully admits to having a bizarre sense of humor and enough shiny accessories for any ten women. One of the greatest joys in her life is exploring the wonder of testosterone, both in prose and in person.

Also by

Siren Classic: DIG Security 1:

Ménage Amour: DIG Security 2:

Siren Classic:
Cadre 1:
Alpha’s Mate

Available at


Siren Publishing, Inc.

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