Kelly Hill (7 page)

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Authors: Laura Gibson

BOOK: Kelly Hill
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Agoura Hills, California

June 8th 2010




Ethan sat on the back steps with his legs out in front of him, his hands jammed into the clammy fabric of his jeans, praying for a miracle.

He had made up some bullshit story about him and Kelly working on the van just to get Logan off his back and now he was left completely alone, the heat from the summer sun burning down on him in an angry blaze that mirrored his own mood.

Ethan didn’t want to feel this way. He didn’t want to know that every turn he took was in the wrong direction, he just wanted to be right for once. Wasn’t that enough? Couldn’t life just give him that?

When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. Wasn’t that what they said all the time? Ethan sighed. Well, life had sure given him some rank ass lemons to deal with.

He considered the option of driving back to Hartford that night, of leaving his dad and Rachel and their smug sense of self-importance behind. He thought of the way he would leave a note behind that would just read, ‘Bye shit heads.’ and then he would be out of there, gone, never to be heard from again.

Ethan bit his lip and kicked a rock near his right shoe; that wasn’t the way that he was supposed to handle things anymore. He needed to get his life together, and in order to do so, he needed his dad, no matter how much he didn’t want to admit it.

Ethan tried to push the frustrated feelings down and pretend like they weren’t there, but he knew they would come vomiting back up at a moment’s notice. Probably in Rachel’s face, or his father’s, whichever one decided to insult him first.

Ethan cleared his throat and grumbled a little, he wasn’t really mad at Rachel. He needed to stop lumping her in with him. She was going through a lot, even if no one wanted to talk about it.

That new thought brought on another wave of anger for Ethan. Why wasn’t anyone talking about it? What was the deal with that? From where he was standing, Rachel was a hero and everyone needed to know. Why couldn’t they just bring it up? Why did they let the families of Phillips just sweep it under the rug like that?

Rachel deserved credit and recognition for what she did, not what she was getting. Sure, a car was nice and all, but it wasn’t enough. It didn’t tell the full story.

Did their dad buy it just to make himself feel better? Was it a strange form of hush money? Was he buying Rachel’s forgiveness?

Ethan was angrier now than when he had sat down, he had hoped to calm down, but everything was a giant mess of bullshit and he didn’t want to deal with it anymore.

Why couldn’t they talk about it? Why had everyone let Phillips cover it up? Pretending like they could sweep this under the rug… this wasn’t just a bunch of spoiled posh kids misbehaving, this was a big deal, and they were just going to let the sociopath walk. For what? Because they had to protect the Phillips name? And what about the other people involved?

Kelly had told them the whole thing. Even down to the part that Ethan just didn’t want to hear.

And Ethan thought that he could handle it. He could handle this, couldn’t he? He could go back home and see Rachel and know that she was still his sister.

But, now, being here, surrounded by the oppressive heat, feeling the sweat slowly pool in the folds of his bangs and trickle down the side of his face, he knew he couldn’t do it.

He had to say something.

Somebody had to say something.

There was a disturbance on the ground next to him and Ethan looked over to see Kelly’s familiar shoes standing there.

Ethan tilted his head up and shielded his eyes from the sun with one hand, inhaling the stench of Kelly’s cigarette smoke.

Kelly didn’t smoke often, but now, it seemed like he always had one lit, always sucking away at the poison that was no doubt infecting his body.

“You okay, man?” Kelly asked, his voice gravelly and low, just the way he talked when something else was on his mind. Just the way someone would talk when they were hiding a secret.

I’ve been better.” Ethan had to be honest with his friend, even if he knew it was Kelly who wasn’t being honest with him. Not completely. He would only tell Ethan and Logan enough of what he thought they needed to know, and even then, Ethan guessed, there was some heavy editing in there.

Kelly put his hands on his lower back and stretched, hearing an audible crack he stopped and took a seat next to Ethan, his eyes hiding behind his dark sunglasses.

“I don’t think Rachel knew what he was gonna say.” Kelly pulled the cigarette away from his mouth and looked out into the backyard, refusing to have eye contact with Ethan.

Everyone knew what this trip was about. It wasn’t about Ethan figuring stuff out, sure that was the opening line, but deep down, it all pointed back to Rachel. Rachel and the secret she was hiding.

Ethan shrugged, feeling uncomfortable about Kelly’s insights into his family’s dynamic.

This was his own battle, as far as he was concerned, his fight with his dad didn’t go along with what was going on in Rachel’s head.

“You didn’t tell him you got it?” Kelly looked at Ethan now, his cigarette gone, the leftover smoke lingering in the stale summer air. A small whisper of a breeze grabbed onto Ethan’s bangs and ruffled them against his wet forehead, refreshing him and annoying him all at the same time.

Ethan shifted, growing more uncomfortable than before, “What would be the point?”

Kelly shrugged and looked back off into the distance. Ethan knew they both had very little to say to each other. Kelly had told him what happened to Rachel and Ethan slugged him in the stomach. After that, they hadn’t been on the best of speaking terms. It was Logan that kept them together. It was Logan that kept everything moving forward, everyone moving forward for whatever reason.

Ethan did manage to apologize, of course, and Kelly had forgiven him, but after that, things weren’t the same. But isn’t that how these things go? Nothing ever stays the same.

The only thing Ethan knew for sure anymore was that Kelly and Rachel shared a deeper bond than he did with his own sister and there was nothing he could do about it. Couldn’t even talk about it.

Maybe someday he would approach Rachel, ask her what happened. Maybe he would even confront his dad, but what difference would that make?

Ethan was on the outside looking in and he was completely alone.

It’s just not right, is all,” Ethan finally mustered out. “What they did to her. It’s not okay.”

Kelly sniffed a little and scratched the side of his face, “It is what it is, brother. Not much we can do now.”

Ethan let that sink in, feeling the words more than hearing them. Kelly was right; there wasn’t much they could do. Not really. Not unless Rachel was ready to talk about it. Not unless Rachel wanted to talk about it.

How much did they give you? To be quiet?” Ethan was looking at Kelly now, knowing that he would tell him the truth, or at least enough of it to get him by.

Enough.” Kelly pulled out another cigarette.

And you’re alright with that?” Ethan wanted desperately to wrap his head around the entire situation, but every time he tried it seemed as if there was another part standing in the way. Another piece that just didn’t seem to fit right anywhere.

What had been so terrible to keep Kelly’s mouth shut? Now it was sewn shut and there was nothing getting out.

Kelly’s cheeks hollowed as he took a strong drag, he held the breath for a moment longer while thinking about all the things that he could say about the situation, finally he exhaled out his nostrils, and licked his lips, tasting the words on his tongue before he actually said them, “I don’t know if I’ll ever be okay with it.”

She acts like she doesn’t know you.” Ethan pointed out, hoping that Kelly wasn’t done talking. Hoping that he wasn’t about to shut the door again.

Another stoic nod from Kelly, another drag, another pause, another stale wisp of wind, touching the emotions surrounding them.

“I know.” Kelly’s face darkened and Ethan could see that he was just about done talking. Just about.

Is she okay?” Ethan swallowed, not really asking Kelly, but needing to hear an answer from someone, from anyone.

She looks alright.” Kelly responded, his cigarette spent.

Ethan sighed, “I knew Phillips was a bad idea.”

“It wasn’t Phillips, Ethan.” Kelly’s soft voice murmured.

Ethan looked away, hiding his face from the truth of the matter.

“She’s Rachel Gunn, and Jefferson knew exactly what that meant.” Kelly said holding a fresh cigarette, his fingers delicately playing with the small thing, as if he was contemplating lighting it.

Yeah well, that doesn’t make it right,” Ethan finished, standing up, hoping that Kelly wouldn’t follow him. He felt a personal validation in his soul; a new measure of certainty in his bones.

Kelly didn’t look up at him, didn’t even move from his spot, and Ethan knew that their talk was over. Kelly was done giving information just as much as Ethan was done hearing it.

He had to have a very personal conversation with his father.

He was Ethan Gunn, damn it, and it was time he started acting like it. Someone had to do something.

But as he took the necessary steps to the house, planning out the very words he would use on Peter Gunn, he stopped. It wasn’t his place after all. Who even knew if Peter would listen? He never had before.

Damn it!” Ethan shouted at no one in particular, the heat and anger getting the better of him.

He saw Kelly glance in his direction, but there was no response. There was no need for one.

He was Ethan Gunn after all. A glance was all he ever warranted.


















Chapter Five

Phillips Academy

Charleston, West Virginia

August 26th 2008




On the east side of Phillips campus there sat an old abandoned sports club. In its heyday it was used primarily for young gentlemen to lounge in while they conversed about world events. Now, it stood alone and empty, completely neglected while the rest of the world moved on.

On the second floor of the sports club there was an actual lounge complete with marble flooring and a rather grand staircase. In the middle of this lounge sat a dusty orange chair. In this chair sat Jefferson Williams, his legs crossed, watching Caleb unveil his master plan.

Jefferson had fought every bone in his body to not roll his eyes, but he still wanted to, even now, after he conceded that it was a good idea, he wanted to express his utter disgust in Caleb.

“It’s pretty simple once you look at it.” Ryan said thoughtfully as he studied the pieces of paper Caleb had laid on the ground. “I mean, that’s if you can get anyone to agree to it. This is going to take some work.”

Well, yeah, everything takes works.” Caleb chuckled, “but I mean, no one is going to say no to this. Everyone knows that Phillips' grading system is complete bullshit and it’s always fuckin’ everything up for someone.”

I have straight A's.” Jefferson interjected, his chin resting on his hand, partially covering his mouth, “So do some of the other people I associate myself with. They wouldn’t care for this.”

Caleb shot Jefferson a look that said he was both hurt and angry that Jefferson hadn’t immediately signed off on the idea. Jefferson tried to look like he cared but he knew the expression wasn’t as genuine as Caleb’s, nor as interesting.

“I know some people who might be interested.” Ryan spoke up, always the peacemaker, always the one that was making it possible for Jefferson and Caleb to be in the same room together. “I mean, I don’t know a lot, but I know some.”

At that Caleb’s hopes seemed to jump up, he looked at Ryan, knowing that Jefferson would have to sign off on the deal to make it work, “Do you think you could talk to them about it?”

Caleb paused on the word ‘them’ and Jefferson knew he meant to say ‘him’ and the only him that could possibly need some convincing still was studying Caleb with critical eyes, pretending that he was still on the fence about the whole thing. Jefferson looked at Ryan, waiting to see what he would say, waiting to see if Ryan would agree to Caleb’s plan.

I mean, if it worked and we got caught, it would ruin Phillips.” Ryan mulled over, getting back on the fence with Jefferson, seeing the flaws in Caleb’s design.

Jefferson felt the shrug, but Caleb actually did it.

“Then we won’t get caught.” Caleb started gathering up his papers, putting them all back in his folder, “I mean, who would say anything, really?”

And that was the last line before they get in trouble in any crime drama movie.” Ryan laughed. “Come on; let’s not live a cliché here.”

Ryan, your entire life is a cliché.” Jefferson smirked, teasing his friend. “Let’s just live in the reality. Caleb here wants everyone to be able to get the best grades possible without having to earn them. Noble goal, really. Very much a man for the people. Do you agree with him?”

Ryan raised an eyebrow, “Do you?”

That was when Jefferson decided to let it show, how he really felt. His lips spread into a grin, “We will be adored.”

And maybe get kicked out.” Ryan said very pointedly.

Jefferson was still smiling, one that now mirrored Caleb’s, “They wouldn’t dare.”

“Alright.” Ryan finally conceded, “I’m in.”

Jefferson, of course, knew he was right. Out of all the families that had attended Phillips over the years, the three collected in this abandoned room could be counted as some of the most powerful. Even if they got caught, nothing too terrible would happen to them. Maybe a slap on the wrist, but nothing he wouldn’t be able to live with. The very sports club they were sitting in was called The Robert Williams Sports Club, for crying out loud. Jefferson was a legacy and he knew it. Now it was time to leave his mark on the school.

Ryan’s phone pinged and he looked down at it, smiling. Jefferson had seen that smile before, recognized it from the one he used when he first got a text from Rachel.

She hadn’t really spoken to him in the past couple of weeks, not since she had met Ryan during practice and now Jefferson could see very plainly why. She had found someone new to talk to. Someone she found more appealing than himself.

Jefferson felt his eyes narrow while he stared at the phone, what a stupid girl. He was Jefferson Williams; didn’t she know what that meant? He sighed and smoothed away the frown from his forehead. He did have his own distraction to deal with. Along with Kelly Hill it seemed that Melody Jeffords had wandered back into town, and what a glorious thought that was.

The whole gang was back together.

Aside from the fact that Connor was long gone now, across the country where he should be and Anna. Well, no wants to mention a dead girl at a party, do they?

As they all got up to leave Ryan cleared his throat. “Hey, Kelly wants to meet with you later, if that’s cool.”

At first, Jefferson had been upset that Kelly would even dare come back to Charleston, but now, he couldn’t see a better opportunity than to flaunt the fact that in the end he had won. After the dust had settled, it was Jefferson with the girl and Kelly that was run out of town.

Yeah, that’s fine.” Jefferson felt like gloating, “What time was he thinking?”

Ryan instinctively flinched, “You sure about this?”

Jefferson gave Ryan a flat smile, “He’s an old friend, Ryan. I think I can have a conversation with him.”

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