Kei's Gift (126 page)

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Authors: Ann Somerville

Tags: #Fantasy, #Glbt

BOOK: Kei's Gift
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Arman looked up. “Are you ready?”

“Mmmm. Wait—let me.”

Arman removed his finger and Kei sat up. He got some cream on his fingers and curled them around Arman’s erection, as he leaned in for another deep, languid kiss. Arman’s lust and need radiated from him, but over all of it was the love, always there, always so strong, powerful as a drug. “Lie back.”


“Shhh. Lie back.”

Arman’s brief irritation disappeared once he obeyed, and Kei swung himself so he was sitting over Arman’s body. “You’ve been working so hard, I thought I could do the work tonight.”

Arman smiled. “I’ve no object...ion...oh....” The ‘oh’ was because Kei had eased Arman’s cock inside him and then seated himself. Kei sighed too—Arman had such a
cock to be fucked with. “You just like to be in control.”

Kei grinned. “You’ve guessed it...oh...oh!” Arman had put a slippery hand around Kei’s erection and done something quite evil as he stroked it which sent a bolt of pleasure through him. “You bastard,” he panted.

“How romantic,” Arman said dryly. “Are you just going to sit there cursing me, you lazy child?”

Kei rose a little. “You’re obsessed with my age, you know that? Can I help it if you’re—” He lowered himself and Arman’s eyes crossed a little. “—just—” He rode Arman in earnest and Arman cried out in pleasure. “—so damn elderly?”

“You talk too much,” Arman growled and got revenge by pumping Kei’s cock with such skill and energy, Kei lost concentration and rhythm, almost forgetting to keep moving on Arman’s cock, until Arman tugged on his braid and brought him out of his lust-induced stupor.

It was a contest then who could drive the other more wild with desire, Arman cheating by toying with Kei’s nipples in a frankly ungentlemanly manner, but Kei was too lost in the pleasure his teasing, tweaking fingers created to complain, too absorbed in the happiness he felt from Arman to care.

Arman came before he did, and then redoubled his sneak attacks on Kei’s helpless body, sitting up with his cock still inside Kei so that he could take a firm hold of him and stroke his erection to climax while plundering his mouth.

Kei yelled as he came, and then had to cling helplessly to his lover’s broad chest, panting with exhaustion and spent desire, as his body tingled with the last pleasurable shocks of his completion.

Arman kept kissing him, on the lips, on the cheek and forehead, as Kei came back to himself. Then Kei punched him feebly on the arm. “You bastard. I was supposed to be taking care of you.”

Arman chuckled. “You’re not the only one who likes to be in control.” He kissed Kei’s forehead again. “That was pretty good though.”

Pretty good’? You’re getting spoiled, I think. Oh, I can’t move,” he groaned.

“You relax. I think I’ve recovered enough to find the cloth.”

He shifted Kei off him and made him lie down, then padded off to the basin for a damp cloth to clean them both with. Kei suffered the attentions because he was too sated and limp to do anything else, but when Arman finished and came back to lie against him, he found the energy to pull him close. “Not bad for an old man...ow!” He rubbed his slapped bottom and pouted. “Well, it wasn’t.”

“I’ll put you to work on that wagon we’re building and see who cries for mercy first, you horrible boy.” Arman closed his eyes in contentment. “This is why I like to make love in bed,” he said sleepily. “Who wants to move afterwards?”

“Hmmm, good point.” Kei snuggled closer as Arman put his arms around him in a warm, comfortable embrace. “You know, I don’t think I care where I live any more, so long as it’s with you.”

“We don’t need to talk about this now.”

“I know. I’m just saying it.” Arman stroked his braid, almost a ritual for him, something that gave him a strange amount of pleasure. Kei loved feeling the contentment rolling off his lover as he did it. “I wish I hadn’t been so afraid of living in Utuk with you. I could have been with you sooner. I’m such a coward.”

Arman kissed him again and then looked into Kei’s eyes. “You’re the bravest man I know. Utuk wasn’t about me. Utuk was about losing your family, your friends, all you had suffered. I was amazed you could allow yourself to set foot in it again.”

“But it was also you, and Karus—”

“Not enough. I would never have asked it of you. Stop feeling guilty. It’s unnecessary and foolish. And you still talk too much,” he said with a wry smile. “Go to sleep and stop fretting. We’ve both given the world enough of ourselves, it can wait for our attention a little longer.”

“Yes,” Kei said with a peaceful sigh. The world would not wait forever, but it didn’t need to intrude tonight. All the world he needed was right here holding him tenderly, love for him shining in astonishingly blue eyes.

And for now, in this time and in this place, he was completely content.




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