Keeping My Pack (3 page)

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Authors: Lane Whitt

Tags: #Romance, #New Adult & College, #Paranormal, #Werewolves & Shifters

BOOK: Keeping My Pack
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Logan gets dangerously close to Jace’s face, the challenge clearly written in his stance and his ocean-blue eyes. “What kind of a freak of nature are you?”

Jace chuffs in derision. “Seriously? Pot…meet kettle.” He points between the both of them.

Good to know that you’re doing your part there Jace, keeping the hair on your head in place has really done wonders in helping us find her so far.” Logan sneers.

Jace looks indignant as his chin lifts and his back straightens. “And just what are you doing to help find her? Nagging at me won’t bring her back either.”

Logan gets red in the face, looking for the world like he might explode. His skin rippling as his wolf fights to surface. “What am I doing? What am I doing? Nothing! Abso-fucking-lutely NOTHING! Just like the rest of you. We’re following shit leads, city to city, state to state, and house to god damned house but she isn’t ever there. She isn’t fucking anywhere!”

I wince internally at that. She has to be somewhere, right? Kitten is a lovely young woman, even the worst of our kind surely wouldn’t end her life, right? We’re reasonably sure that wolves are responsible for her kidnapping. Finn had stayed up for days tracing every number on the phone we got from the first attempt at taking Kitten away. Ash had pounded away on the prisoner for information, but with confirmation from Tristan, it became apparent the man was told very little from his employers. That didn’t help to change his fate in the end, though. What we did get, was a starting place, one that has led us to practically living out of our cars and running on little to no sleep. No time, energy or expense has been spared as we’ve searched for her. It can’t all be for nothing, right? She has to be still alive, right?

Just stop fighting guys. Turning on each other isn’t going to do us any good.” Reed speaks up from next to Finn, who is tapping away on his laptop. With each new location, Finn gets right to work tracking anyone down that has had any contact with our current target. He assesses their call patterns, emails, bank records, anything he can get his hands on to see if anything sticks out like a red flag and might lead us to Kitten, or at least someone who knows where she is.

I smile at Reed as he once again tries to play peacekeeper with our family’s two divas while still trying to keep an eye on what Finn is doing. I have to say that Reed has really surprised me through all of this. I can tell he’s slid back into being the emotional introvert he was before Kitten arrived, but he’s been the most level-headed of all of us. I worry about him if we don’t find her, though; he has every confidence that we will and has never once doubted it. His conviction is admirable if a little intense and I fear that it is all that is keeping him, and us, from total despair.

A plume of dust rising over the hill a short distance away is the only warning we have before the large black SUV makes its way down the gravel drive toward us. Remy and Ash had gone to check out a compound of outlying Ivaskov pack members. No matter what we do, the information always points back at them. The guys have been gone for longer than usual, and I have to hope that means someone finally talked and not that Ash flew off the handle again. We need a good lead, and we need it desperately before we all fall apart.

Gather ‘round!” Remy barks, throwing open the passenger door and sliding out before Ash has even put the car in park.

My heart pounds frantically in my chest. Do they know where she is?

Remy motions Finn to step closer before he speaks. “While we were investigating, we came across a man who had information about a young woman being held by their Alpha. A servant there has been trying to reach out, hoping to get in contact with Maksim Ivaskov, their former Alpha, to get the woman some help. He said her scent when she first came in was similar to an Ivaskov, but it has since changed and nor he or the man we spoke to knew what it meant.”

Maksim is ‘The Grandfather’ from the book.” Finn states, jumping to his feet.

That’s great news! Where? Let’s go get her!” Reed exclaims, heading toward the car.

Their fucking Alpha?” Logan growls in disgust.

Several other shouts go up at once as we all start talking over each other. I feel excitement course through me, and it takes significant effort to keep my wolf from coming out in celebration. A glance at my brothers tells me that they are feeling it too. I’ve never scented an Ivaskov, but if Kitten is one of them, that must mean that she is safe. This must all be a misunderstanding. Just a family looking to get back one of theirs, not realizing that she belongs to us now. Maybe they thought she was in danger?

Remy holds his hands out in front of him in a shushing gesture. “Quiet down! Now, I know you are all excited, I am too, but you need to understand what this means. We can’t just rush the door of an Alpha of royal bloodlines. If she is one of them, and they wish to keep her from us, then getting her back will prove more complicated than just asking.”

What are you saying?” Tristan asks, confused. “I don’t care if they’re her family. They threw her away and left her to fend for herself, then kidnapped her and almost killed two of us to do it. Those people don’t deserve her! She belongs with us!”

Remy clasps him on the shoulder in understanding and Tristan takes a deep breath, scrubbing his hand down his face. Once attention returns to him, Remy continues. “Our best bet will be to track down this Maksim guy, apparently most of the Ivaskov pack is still loyal to him, not his son. If we can convince him she belongs with us, he might be able to generate support with the current Alpha or back us up if we have to take the Alpha house with force. It’s a risk, and we might lose our advantage of surprise, but it would be better to have him on our side.”

So we’re just going to leave Kitten where she is then? C’mon man! You can’t be serious.” Logan sneers at Remy.

Don’t!” Ash barks, getting in Logan’s face. “You think we want to leave her there longer than we have to? We might be stronger than them, but taking on an entire army by ourselves is no joke. It may not be necessary, and Kitten could get hurt in the crossfire!” Logan seems to deflate at that statement.

So we find this Maksim…then what? How long do we have to wait to get Kitten? How do we even know she’s the girl being held by the Alpha in the first place?” Finn asks. He’s still using his robot voice, but his eyes are showing some life in there.

That’s a good point.” Ash rumbles thoughtfully while shooting Remy a look.

This guy seems to think that Maksim is hiding out in his cabin in the mountains. How about we give him three days from when we find him to get us the support we need? It may just be a phone call to the Alpha or a civilized meeting that needs to happen; I don’t know. If he doesn’t come through, we go after her anyway.” Remy looks at each of us, seeming unsure of himself. I hate seeing him this way.

Sounds like a plan to me, Remington,” I speak up, clasping his broad shoulder in my hand and giving him my support.

I find that acceptable.” Finn nods.

Let’s go find this prick!” Logan claps excitedly.

The others agree with words or gestures, and I offer to help pack up before jumping in the passenger seat with Tristan driving and Finn in the back continuing whatever he was doing on his computer. I try to think about what Kitten may be doing at this very moment, wondering if she’s okay and adjusting to her new surroundings. My wolf is still restless, and doubt fills me even as I try to imagine her smiling face as she twirls around in a new dress in her new home. I don’t know if I don’t believe the image because I don’t want her to be happy without us, or if my instincts have been right all along, and something is seriously wrong, but at least we have a damn good plan for finding her now.





It was decided that it would be faster to fly to Maksim than it was to drive. While some of the other men may do this on a regular basis for work, I have never enjoyed being trapped in these metal machines. Every time I’ve been in one so far, I’ve had Kellan knock me out with drugs. Unfortunately for me, he refuses to do so this time, stating that we should all be on alert. Alert is not what I’m currently feeling. I believe queasy would be more apt. Why humans ever invented these things is beyond me. What’s wrong with a good ship, or train, or car?

You holding up okay, man?” Reed asks from the seat next to mine. I give him a short nod, before turning my attention back out the window. With all the new-fangled gadgetry these deathtraps have nowadays, sometimes the pilots don’t even realize when the plane is losing altitude. I’m determined to keep watch for that exact reason. Flying is only made more bearable when one of my brothers is in control of the plane, and I know Ash has checked all of the mechanics. As we are in a bit of a rush, we had just booked the earliest commercial flight available.

Move your arm, Dickweed.” I hear Logan groan from the seats in front of us.

No! You move. Your fat arm is on my armrest.” Tristan shoots back. I can’t help but grin at their antics. Another downside to these flying beasts, they definitely weren’t designed with your average wolf in mind. Even in first class, the seats are tiny. Ash had damn near bit the head off the human woman who dared tell him he was too large and had to purchase a second seat, if not a third.

The plane lurches, and I resume my watch out of the window. No mountain crashes for me. Nope, no way. Damn planes.





I roll my eyes as yet more branches scratch at the rented SUV, the trees surrounding this winding drive are aggressively trying to take back this dirt road. According to the directions we were given, we turned onto Maksim’s driveway eight minutes ago. I’m wondering, not for the first time, if we have been lead on a wild goose chase. Thankfully, it’s only moments before I see what looks to be the peak of a roof through a break in the trees. Well, at least there is a building here.

Slamming my door shut, I turn to Kellan as he climbs from the second car where he drove with Reed, Jace, and Tristan. “We might as well all go in,” I tell him as he leans next to me while we look over the small cabin in front of us.

The front door opens with a groan, and a polished looking older male greets us with a frown. A quick sniff determines he is, in fact, a wolf.

I have to warn you, if you’re here to kill me, I’m not worth the fallout that comes afterward.” The man’s deeply accented voice calls out from his position in front of the door. I have to admit that he’s got some balls to greet eight changed wolves head on.

We’re not here to kill you,” I tell him, directing his attention to me. His eyes meet mine, and it’s almost enough to steal my breath away. Pale green with tiny streaks of gold, exactly like Kitten’s. I push through the pang of sadness that overcomes me and continue. “We’re here to speak a man named Maksim Ivaskov. That’s you. We need your help.”

Maksim scoffs, but I notice his posture relaxes the tiniest amount. “And why would I help you?”

Reed takes a step forward, causing me to release a growl at him. He should know better than to step out of line. I suppose this is what comes from being off my game for so long. “Besides us not killing you in the most painful of ways, you’ll help us because you’ll be helping your family.” Reed’s voice chokes off at the end, and Kellan takes a step closer to his twin, their arms now touching.

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