Keep Me (Shelter Me #3) (22 page)

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Authors: Kathy Coopmans

BOOK: Keep Me (Shelter Me #3)
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“Oh, my God, and you’re a lawyer! I’m not submitting to you.”

Her hands move from those hips to crossing over her chest. Fuck, I’m so screwed. Her cleavage is sticking out over the top of her blue tank top.

“You are submitting, I can see it in your eyes,” I say, reaching for a strand of her hair and twirling it around in my finger.

She swallows hard.

“Come here.”

I pull her flush to my body. Her hands shoot up, placing them on my chest and then her smile widens just slightly as she looks between us. I know damn well she feels how hard I am.

“See? Submit,” I whisper in her ear.

“You’re crazy.”

“You’re beautiful.”


She stops.

“I’m what?” I grin.


Her arms go around my neck, and she beams. Brightly, I might add.

“Now kiss me?” I question.

“There are people in here.”

She looks over my shoulder to Adam and Erin, who are now quiet. Hell, maybe they left the room. I don’t give a shit where they are or even if they’re standing right smack dab behind me. I want her lips on mine.

“So?” I mock.

She lifts her head up and plants a slight peck on my lips.


She goes to pull away.

“That was shit, I don’t want some little bird peck, I want this.”

I grab the back of her head and my mouth takes what I want. I pry hers open and take what’s mine.

A throat clears from behind us and she shyly breaks away from my mouth, brings her mouth to my ear, and whispers, “Estuviste cogiendome con los ojos.”

“What did you just say?” I holler after her as she saunters away, laughing her cute little ass off and going up to Markus.

He must have been the one clearing his throat because Adam and Erin are nowhere to be found.

“Dude, she just said, and I quote. ‘You were eye-fucking me.’ In Spanish.”

And as he follows her back into the kitchen I am left standing here with my dick hurting, and a bad case of blue balls which are probably purple by now. I can’t hold back the grin on my face as I listen to my firecracker give orders in a polite way to whomever is in the kitchen. My phone vibrates in my pocket. I pull it out and roll my eyes at the text I see from Adam.

Dude, that shit was so hot I’m taking my wife back to Erin’s and doing more than eye-fucking her. Thanks for the porn show you dim wit!!” Kidding. The insurance man is here, so after you’re done pulling your dick out of your ass, get back here!

“Asshole,” I frown.

“What’s going on with those two?”

I lift my chin in the direction of Shelby and Erin who are huddled together in what looks to be somewhat of a heated discussion. Shelby’s brows are drawn together and her hands are flying all over the place.

“I have no idea. I wouldn’t worry about it though,” Adam says as he pats me on the back.

I am, though.

“And the insurance guy, where is he?” I ask, looking around and not finding him anywhere.

“He started his assessment in her office,” he says and then looks back over to the girls where Erin now has her hands on her hips.

“Shelby is obviously telling Erin something she doesn’t agree with. I know my wife and that’s her, ‘You have got to be kidding me’ look.”

He shrugs it off as if it’s no big deal.

“Yeah, well that’s Shelby’s, ‘I’m doing it anyway’ look.”

He glances my way and we both chuckle and shake our heads.

“By the way, since you’re here, both of us are dying to get back to Sierra so we’re leaving this afternoon.”

“And you should. I’m not going anywhere. I got her.”

And there it is right there. I know damn well what those two are discussing. Erin is so used to taking care of her sister and Shelby is telling her she will be fine. I just hope like a bitch that Erin is, too.

“I’m trusting you with her, you know this, right?” Erin hugs me, while whispering in my ear.

“I love her and I’m not going anywhere. I promise.”

“You better not, or I swear I will kick your ass.”

“Go home to your daughter,” I laugh, and pull away from her.

Adam approaches, tugging her away from me as he coils his arms around her belly.

“Erin, I told you. None of your business, remember?”

“What’s none of her business?” Shelby strolls out of the bathroom.


The three of us say in unison.

“Nice. Should my ears be ringing? You butt munchers were talking about me, weren’t you?” She rolls her eyes.

“Oh, stop. We’re worried about you is all.”

Erin pushes herself off of Adam and brings her sister in for another hug.

“I’m fine. Plus, I have Mr. McFuck-” I clamp my hands over her mouth and Erin’s tongue drops to the floor.

“Shelby we are in an airport for God’s sake,” Erin screeches.

“And you’re being louder than your sister,” Adam says as people look at us strangely as they walk past.

“Pfft. Who cares?” Shelby waves her hands like she sure as hell doesn’t.

She then surprises the hell out of all of us when she grabs a handful of my ass and then waves at a little old lady who is gawking us and shaking her head.

“Ahh...” I scratch my head.

“I think she’s just fine. Tell the girls hi for us.”

Shelby still has her hand securely on my ass and my damn dick is getting harder by the second. I swear to Christ that fucker knows her hands are two inches away from him. Fuck me.

“What?” Shelby asks, and I look at her in puzzlement.

“You just said ‘fuck me’ out loud,” she whispers.

Fuck me, I did, didn’t I?

“All right, I have been kept in the dark long enough. You’ve been secretive all day, what are you keeping from me.?” I ask Shelby as we make our way to her car after seeing Erin and Adam off.

“Nothing,” she grins, seeming pleased with herself.

“I call bullshit. You’re acting all… I don’t know. Weird. You have a shit ton on your plate right now and the way you’re acting seems kind of strange, like you’ve done a one eighty on me.”

“I’ve been thinking, that’s all,” she shrugs.

She walks a few steps in front of me, spins on her heels, and starts walking backwards.

“Thinking about what?” I groan.

“Us,” she says flippantly and I halt in my tracks. Not this again, I think to myself.

“I told you, I’m not going anywhere.”

“That’s not it, Antonio.”

She takes the few steps separating us until she is standing right in front of me, her eyes mischievous.

“And I would much rather talk to you about it back at my place. Do you mind driving? I have a few calls to make and the traffic this time of night can be crazy.”

“I’ll drive under one condition,” I tell her, luring her into my body with a thump and gripping a handful of her ass.

Her brows lift and she presses her tight little delectable body into mine.

“Sexual favors?” she whispers, licking her bottom lip.

“Well, no, but now that you mention it...”

My mind flicks to the way her mouth looks when it’s wrapped around my cock.

“I want to know what Mr... McFuck means.”

She smiles and her eyes start dancing.


She tugs on my hair lightly, titling my head forward until her mouth is close to my ear.

“Mr. McFucking-amazing,” she whispers, and then nibbles on my ear.

I’m a damn man and I think I just melted. Not from the heat of the Texas evening either, but the heat of her words. Yeah I think she’s McFucking-amazing, too. Instead of telling her that, I pick her up and carry her the rest of the way to her car with my lips firmly pressed to hers, dying to get back to her place to show her just how McFucking- amazing I really think she is.

“How can you stand to drive in this crazy ass traffic? This is nuts. You may as well sit here and read a book or play with yourself or something,” I complain as my hands tap on the steering wheel.

Why did I say I would drive again?

“I’m sorry. I really do appreciate it, though,” Shelby says shyly, then turns her head my way. Her stunning eyes illuminate with a spark of desire. By the time we left the airport it was dark out and now we’re sitting in the middle of a traffic jam on the goddamn highway.

“Well, damn. If you’re going to look at me like that, then I’m fucking a-okay with sitting here,” I say, suppressing a snicker.

“Like what?” she asks coyly.

“Oh, you know. Like you either want to rip my clothes off and straddle me right here or you want me to actually play with myself.”

Her body shakes from laughter and she looks away like she’s embarrassed.

“Hey. I was kidding. Turn that beautiful face back here,” I say, placing my hand on her knee and lightly squeezing.

“I wasn’t,” she says to the window.

“You weren’t kidding, you mean? You really want to climb over here and straddle me?” I laugh.

Her head whips around.

“No. We could start moving any minute. Plus knowing you and how much of a horn dog you are, we would end up fucking right here in my car.”

“Firecracker, you and I don’t fuck.”

“We don’t?” she asks.

“Hell no, we don’t,” I say.

“Well, then, what have we been doing for the past week? Playing ‘I’ll show you mine if you show me yours?’”

“We love-fuck,” I say, nodding firmly.

“Love-fuck?” She chuckles. “What the hell is that?”

“That, my sexy little tease, is from my own personal dictionary, and it’s when you fuck the person you love. So, you and I. We love-fuck.”

“Well, then.”

She unbuckles her seat belt and leans over the console.

“Since you’re driving and we could move any minute, playing with yourself is out of the question. Maybe I should play with myself while you watch?”

Her slightly deep, alluring voice has me squirming in my seat.

“As long as I’m the one you’re thinking about when you touch yourself, then by all means, but I can’t promise to keep my hands to myself, because if you show me that tight little pussy of yours there is no fucking way I won’t be able to touch it.”

This is a whole new side of Shelby and I swear to Christ, I have no idea what the fuck is running around in her head and making her act this way, but I sure as hell like it.

“Oh, no. There will be no touching for you. Only talking.”

She kicks her shoes off and wiggles low in her seat.

“Seduce me, Antonio. Tell me what you want me to do, what you want to see? And I always think of you when I touch myself.”

She slowly peels her skirt and her panties down her legs.

“What’s the matter, cat got your tongue?” she teases as the lights from her dashboard show me the smooth mound of naked flesh between her legs.

“Fuck, no. But this mouth sure as hell wishes it was that pussy of yours right now. Jesus Christ, Shelby.”

I adjust myself in my pants and shift my body so I’m leaning against the window, not wanting to miss a damn thing. And now thanking the traffic gods that we’re in the middle of a jam and praying like hell the car next to us can’t see the view that I’m seeing or we’d be sitting here all night, neither one of us wanting to move.

“Fuck yourself?” I rasp out.

Her hands move to her breasts, her eyes close as she squeezes them together and moans.

“Open your eyes and tell me what you’re thinking?” I ask.

Her eyes shoot open and she tilts her head toward me.

“I’m thinking how I wish these were your hands touching my breasts, your mouth that is trailing its way down my stomach.”

Her hands glide down the front of her t-shirt, lifting the hem and exposing her stomach. Fuck me right now. I am going to come in my fucking pants.

“And...?” I urge her on, my voice low.

“And I wish these were your fingers that… oh, God!” she yelps when one of her fingers slides down her slick folds. She props the farthest leg from me on the dash while the other one falls off to the side.

“Fuck. That is beautiful. Stick your finger inside of you. Let me hear the sweet sound of how wet you are for me,” I say, choking my words out.

She starts stroking her pussy with her other hand, dipping one finger inside and arching her back. She tugs on her clit and I fucking watch it harden right before my eyes.

“Fuck yeah, like that. Now tell me more. What am I doing now?” She starts to pant, her words barely reaching my ears.

“Your sucking my clit into your mouth, I’m pulling your hair so hard that you bite down harder and make me scream your name.”

Her fingers start pumping and Christ almighty I am about ready to whip out my dick and stroke him to relieve the pressure that has my balls aching.

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