Katieran Prime Celebration (Katieran Prime Book 7.5)

BOOK: Katieran Prime Celebration (Katieran Prime Book 7.5)
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Katieran Prime Celebration
Katieran Prime [7.50]
KD Jones
JK Publishing, Inc. (2014)

   Warning: For Mature Adult Audiences.  Contains language and actions some may deem offensive.  Sexually explicit content.  MF

   In book 7.5 of the Katieran Prime Series: It has been over a month since one of the Morin transport ships went through the wormhole.  Without the exact coordinates, it will take the Morins possibly months to locate Earth.  Earth is not ready to face this kind of threat, so the leaders of the four nations of Earth, Katiera, Kiljor, and the Colonial Planet begin to make their plans in a joint effort to eliminate the threat once and for all.

   Along with the plans to handle the Morin threat, a celebration is being planned that will hopefully unit all four nations even more—the End of Year Celebration.  Though the celebration is not what the Katieran males are used to, they would do anything to please their bond mates.

   Revisit Katiera and all the characters you have come to know and love.  See where they are now and what is happening in their lives.  Join in with their celebration.  Find out what is next for the alliance of nations.

   Also as a special treat, the Katieran Culture Guide Book is included.


Katieran Prime Celebration


Katieran Prime

Book 7.5


by KD Jones


© Copyright March 2014 JK Publishing, Inc.


All cover art and logo © Copyright March 2014 by JK Publishing, Inc.

All rights reserved.


Edited by ML Hill

Artwork by Jess Buffett

Published by JK Publishing, Inc.



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I dedicate this book to all the Katieran Prime fans out there. You all have been so supportive and loyal. I appreciate each and every one of you. Thank you for staying with me through my journey.



Table of Contents




Chapter One


Chapter Two


Chapter Three


Chapter Four


Chapter Five


Chapter Six


Chapter Seven


Chapter Eight


Chapter Nine


Chapter Ten


Chapter Eleven


Chapter Twelve


Chapter Thirteen


Chapter Fourteen




The Katieran Culture Guide Book


Books by KD Jones


JK Publishing, Inc.


Excerpt from Rage


Sneak-peek at the New Series - Inter-Galactic Bounty Hunters





“What do you mean by saying that you don’t celebrate the New Year?” Cassie demanded.

RendEL shrugged his shoulders at his mate. “Our people have never felt the need to mark the year's end with anything. I do not see why this is a problem.”

Cassie had just put the twins down for the night. RendEL had taken a shower and was waiting for her on their bed, naked. As she undressed he told her how his day went and she told him about her day and how she and the girls took down the Christmas tree.

Christmas had been a strange holiday to explain to Ren because the Katierans had a completely different religion on their planet. Her mate was shocked to find out that on Earth they chopped down trees to use for a decoration only to be thrown away a few weeks later. He refused to waste their resources for something like that.

Cassie told him it was important the Earth females who had been relocated to Katiera be allowed to continue with their own beliefs and traditions. After a great deal of arguing and discussions, Ren had his scientists create artificial trees for the Earth females to use. Though he had compromised to appease her, Cassie knew he still found the whole thing confusing.

Their twin daughters had thoroughly enjoyed themselves. Cassie made ornaments shaped as their handprints and footprints. But now that Christmas was over, she wanted to know how the Katierans celebrated New Years. Unfortunately, they didn’t celebrate at all.

It was technically late to be celebrating New Years. It was already the middle of January and she had just gotten around to taking down the Christmas tree. If they were to do something they needed to act quickly.

“Ren, it may not seem like a big deal to you to celebrate the end of the year, but this is one occasion both Katierans and humans have in common and can make it a shared holiday.” Cassie brushed her long curly red hair.

Ren lost focus on the conversation. He was entranced with how beautiful his mate was. She wore some kind of flimsy almost see through gown. Her gorgeous hair fell in waves down her back almost hitting her luscious ass. He moaned out loud, making a wicked smile grace her face.

“You tempt me too much, mate. I can only hold back for so long.” He adjusted his now heavy and aching cock.

She stood slowly and turned to face him. “Who said I wanted you to hold back?” She shrugged one tiny strap down her shoulder. She made the other strap follow. Then she shimmied until the thin gown slid down revealing her body.

Ren sucked in a breath. “Oh Goddess, you are beyond beautiful.”

He made her feel that way. Even from the first moment she had laid eyes on him. He had always made her feel wanted and desired. For a while after giving birth to twins, he wouldn’t touch her. She was afraid she was no longer desirable to him.

She had been utterly miserable and inconsolable. Her best friend, Jaxon, was fed up with her whining, Jaxon had told her to confront him, so she cornered him in the shower. After a quarrel that ended in a bout of sex that lasted for hours, she had found the truth. He worried that he would hurt her because he wanted her so badly. Thank God they settled that misunderstanding.

Now, he touched her all the time and he didn’t hesitate to claim her. In fact, he would come for her no matter where she was throughout the day and carry her off to have his way with her. She loved it and she totally loved him. She smiled as she walked slowly toward the bed.

Ren shifted trying to keep himself from launching at her. She could see his desire. Cassie giggled, which made his shaft twitch in her direction. The sound of her voice alone wrapped around him and made him harder than anything he had ever known.

Cassie paused right before she reached the bed and pouted. “Do you really have a problem with us having an End of Year celebration?”

What? What was she asking?
His eyes were glued to her breasts, which had such pretty pink tips. His mouth was dry at thinking how he wanted to suckle them in his mouth. He knew they would taste as good as they looked. He wished their girls were still breastfeeding because he missed the taste of their mother’s milk. It was delicious.

“The celebration…why can we not have it?” Cassie rubbed her stomach with her hands. She saw that his eyes followed her hands in every direction she went. She cupped her breasts. She knew how to work him up to get what she wanted. It didn’t take long for her to figure it out. She tweaked her nipples and he growled at her.

“So you’re okay with us making the plans then?” she asked.

“Plans?” He started to get to his knees and move toward her.

“You are okay with me and the other women planning the celebration?” She lowered her hand down to her bare mound. She stepped to the side so her legs were further apart and massaged her clit.

“Enough!” Ren lunged for her, grabbing her around her waist and threw her onto the bed fast but gently. He pushed her legs apart and buried his face at her juncture. The smell of her arousal drove him crazy.

“Ren…about that celebra…” She couldn’t complete her thoughts. His thick tongue swiped at her clit teasing her to forget. All coherent thoughts went out the window. “Oh God,” she moaned as he pushed into her velvety heat.

He loved the taste of her. She was so soft and pink. Her arousal was just as sweet as she was. He pushed more against her. He wanted her juice all over him. He growled a rumbling sound, which had her gasping in pleasure. She could feel the vibration through her entire body. He smiled to himself. He knew his bond mate well. He plunged deeper into her depths with his tongue.

“I need you,” Cassie groaned, pushing her hips up for him to have a deeper penetration. He just kept up his steady rhythm. He licked her, sucked on her clit, and reached up with his hands to tweak her nipples.

BOOK: Katieran Prime Celebration (Katieran Prime Book 7.5)
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