Kansas Nights [Kansas Heat 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (26 page)

BOOK: Kansas Nights [Kansas Heat 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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Kathy squealed, her response becoming an incoherent shriek as Collin emphasized his point and cracked his palm right over her cunt. A blast of fiery rapture spasmed through her pussy and straight up her spine, making her arch under the pleasure. Before Kathy could find the voice to scream, it was too late. A tidal storm of heat and ecstasy rained down over her, delivered by the relentless slaps Collin delivered to her spread pussy. He managed to catch her clit with almost every single one, making her body sparkle with such intense pleasure Kathy thought she’d come at any second.

Even as she strained toward her release it ripped through her, driven by the fingers Collin fucked deep into her clenching sheath. Screaming as her world came undone, Kathy arched up onto her heels as her whole body rose under the force of the sudden orgasm. It hit as hard and fast as Collin had driven her and faded just as quickly, leaving Kathy sighing as she melted back into the mattress.

More than ready to pass out, she about jumped a foot when the tip of his tongue slid up her pussy and brushed against her clit. Collin did not bother to be gentle or teasing, but attacked her clit. Trapping it between his teeth and tormenting it with his tongue, he twirled it around and around, working her little nub into a firestorm of sensation.

Tired and aching from the release she’d just endured, Kathy fought the building tension gripping her muscle, but nothing could stop her hips from arching into his kiss and giving him enough room to slide his hand under her bottom and hold her up for his feasting. It was too much for Kathy to endure, and she snapped.

Writhing beneath Collin, Kathy gave herself over to the mindless delight swamping through her as she shook with the pleasure he forced on her. The intense pleasure wouldn’t stop, not with Collin’s tongue continuing to torment her. Her body was one searing mass of rapture that refused to be contained. Her heart raced as she tried to draw enough oxygen into her lungs to keep from passing out.

Her muscles ached as they contracted again, threatening to shred under the pressure. Still he kept going, kept pushing her harder. Kathy sobbed as his tongue flicked her overstimulated clit, begging for just a moment of peace, but Collin never paused.


* * * *


Collin may have seemed unaware of Kathy’s cries, but he heard every single one. Poor thing couldn’t seem to catch her breath to squeal anymore. All she could do was gasp and pant his name. It was the sexiest damn sound he’d ever heard and something special, something only for his ears. God knew the rest of the neighborhood had to have heard her screaming. Everybody on the damn street had to know she was getting fucked, and loving every damn moment of it.

Collin would have liked to point out that she’d lost the bet, but didn’t want to spoil the moment. Later he could take the time to indulge in pointing out her absolute surrender. Right then, he had better things to enjoy, like the spoils of his victory.

A raw growl sounded in the back of his throat, a primitive response to the challenge Kathy continued to present. Even now as he felt the shuddering depths of her tight pussy clinging to his tongue, he still felt the driving need to claim true and total dominance over her. That wasn’t him. That had always been Jack’s angle.

What he needed to satisfy that craving, Collin didn’t know, but he did know he couldn’t get enough of Kathy. Devouring her weeping pussy with the desperation of a starved man, Collin speared his tongue into the exquisite clench of her inner muscles and fucked her with deep, greedy strokes until she flooded him with another wave of lush, sweet cream.

Kathy jerked, her legs going tense around him before her muscles spasmed so hard he could feel the power of the orgasm claiming her body. Still it wasn’t enough. Fucking his tongue into her with fast, hard strokes, he licked deeper and deeper until he found the sweet spot hidden in her honeyed depths.

Lapping up the liquid proof of her climax, he growled, needing even more. The burn of feeling starved even as he feasted drove Collin’s aggression until he couldn’t think straight for the want. Forgetting every single thing but the memory of how heavenly it felt to sink into her tight, little cunt, he succumbed to the feral demand pounding through his veins.

Without a thought, his hands began ripping at his pants until finally the pressure holding back his engorged cock disappeared. His dick sprung free of its prison. Collin didn’t even bother to waste time shoving his jeans further down, but gripped Kathy’s hips, tilting her pussy upward so he could line up his cock with her wet opening. Not sparing another second, he rammed his full length all the way into her dripping cunt.

Collin sighed as the tight heat of her pussy welcomed him home. It felt like sweet heaven to sink deep into her molten depths and bury himself in her softness. For a second, he almost felt content, but then Kathy shifted, sending tendrils of ecstasy racing up Collin’s spine.

He matched her moan as his own hips shifted, lifted, and then ground back into hers. Not giving her a moment to adjust, he began to pound into her with all the savage need boiling in his blood. He gripped her hips and held her still for his fucking as he picked up speed and strength. Collin lost all sense of time and reality, losing himself in the race toward release.

He was sweaty, panting, and straining every muscle when Kathy detonated. Collin distantly heard her scream, but felt every single ripple that spasmed through her pussy. The tighter and faster he pounded, the harder her cunt spasmed, milking the seed right from his balls. Collin tensed, every muscle tightening to the point of pain as the molten rapture seared through him.

Tremors so deep, strong, they had Collin actually shaking ripped through him as he drowned in an endless sea of ecstasy. Sighing as he finally began to feel one small sliver of peace, Collin gave himself over to his orgasm, riding the amazing sensation right into the pitch blackness that enveloped him.



Wednesday, August 27


Kathy couldn’t stop grinning as she settled down to the breakfast table. The giddiness bubbling inside her threatened to betray itself, but she wouldn’t allow herself to give in to the impulse. That would be undignified, and it would ruin all the fun she was getting from watching Collin squirm. Not only had the stud passed out right on top of her last night, he’d also hogged the covers and snored loud enough to assure Kathy would be the first up.

She’d gone one more than that and had coffee waiting for him, not that it earned her any thanks. Barely bothering to look her in the eye, Collin muttered his thanks before taking the cup she offered him and hunkering down on the other side of her kitchen table.

Collin glared into his mug while Kathy tore bits of her bagel off and watched him, waiting to see how long it took before he snapped. Though Kathy would have figured on him having a longer fuse, it didn’t take Collin but a few seconds to break under her gaze.

“Smirk all you want, sweet meat.
won the bet, which means I’m the boss of
…so you can just stop that damn smiling!” Smacking his cup down in a fit of masculine pique, Collin shot with all indignation to his feet. “Now I’m going to check out of my motel, seeing as how I’ll be staying here, and you can run along to work and think about what

Kathy managed to hold back her laughter until Collin had slammed out her back door, but just barely. Her laughter died out minutes later, but her smile remained through the morning. She felt so happy she almost felt tipsy from the bubbly joy filling her. She sobered up, though, when it dawned on her the delight filling her was also distracting her, just as Collin intended.

“That son of a bitch.”

“Excuse me?” Julie Brown blinked in wide-eyed amazement as she clearly heard Kathy’s grumbled complaint.

“Nothing. Sorry.” Forcing the smile back to her lips, Kathy tried to appear as ecstatic as she’d been moments ago but feared the glow had faded.

Fortunately, Julie wasn’t paying her any attention. Instead her focus had turned on the sight of Collin sauntering into the library. Freshly showered and in clean clothes, he looked even more delectable than he had over her breakfast table, though Kathy kind of preferred the sexy, sleep-tousled man who had grumped his way through his first cup of coffee.

“Well,” Julie breathed out, following Collin’s hard look to where Kathy stood returning a dirty one to him, “aren’t we Miss Popular?”

Kathy would have loved to point out that they couldn’t all be rich, skinny bitches, but while at work she had to play nice. So instead she offered Julie a gloating smile and an irreverent shrug. “What can I say? When you got it, you got it. One day you’ll understand.”

Kathy turned and got lost quickly before Julie could point out that she had a long history of dating not only hot guys, but powerful and affluent ones, too, while most of Kathy’s former boyfriends were either behind bars or on the run. Julie might have had quality, but Kathy had fun. She’d stand by that and every bad decision she’d ever made.

“Please, don’t tell me you’ve had him,
.” Sarah Anne stepped up behind her to whisper that plea in a tone that was as excited as it was horrified.

“You make it sound like I served him up on the dinner table with an apple stuck in his mouth,” Kathy muttered, wondering if she dared to tell Sarah Anne that she’d not only had Collin, but been had by Jack while straddling Collin. It probably wouldn’t be nice to give her coworker a heart attack, especially not when Kathy would be stuck covering Sarah Anne’s shifts.

“You are going to be the most hated, celebrated, envied woman in town,” Sarah Anne warned Kathy as she stepped back toward her desk. “But you know you could hide away from all that gossip by coming over to my place tonight. Jerry’s going out with the guys. It would just be you, me, and
The X-Files

“I don’t know,” Kathy hedged, forcing herself not to look in Collin’s direction as she flushed out her rejection. “I think I might be busy tonight.”

“Fine.” Sarah Anne heaved a dramatic sigh as she shot Kathy a dirty look. “But we’ve been stalled out at the beginning of season four for five weeks now. There’s only so long I’m willing to wait.”

“I swear, next week.” Kathy finished loading up returns onto the cart. “I’ll even bring the chips.”

“You feel a whole lot guiltier than chips…try donuts,” Sarah Anne corrected her. “And I’m talking filled, not glazed.”

“You got it.”

Kathy tossed Sarah Anne a nod only because it gave her a chance to glance over at Collin. The man stared back, not even pretending to be interested in reading anything. If he wanted to make a point, he’d done it. Shoving the cart off toward the stacks, she half expected him to follow.

Thankfully he didn’t, and she finally got a chance to consider Jack’s slipup over Marion Myers last night. Jack had to know she was the mayor’s wife. The possibility of a locally elected official involved in his federal case would probably distress Jack. The only problem with that conclusion was that Mayor Myers had never appeared any slimier than the average politician. That didn’t mean he wasn’t. Kathy would have to do some snooping to figure that out.

She didn’t need to go any further than her own memory to find another interesting fact about Marion Myers. Marion Myers had actually been born Marion Dyne, youngest child of Agnus and Agatha Dyne and sister of Eddie Dyne. It was a connection that Marion herself worked hard to make sure people forgot. Kathy didn’t doubt why either.

Agnus and Agatha were legends around town, him for his temper and her for her drinking. They’d both passed when Kathy was a teenager, but even she could remember some of the shows they’d put on for the town. Of course, that would pale in comparison to the one Marion would put on if people found out about her association with Will.

As much fun as it might be to duck out of her recent notoriety by throwing Marion to the wolves, Kathy suspected Marion’s role in Amanda’s problems was minor. It seemed far more likely that her brother, Eddie, had set everything up, including Will for murder. Of course, Kathy had to prove that.

She also had to find a way to manage Collin and his newfound “boss of her” attitude. There was a slim chance she could duck out for lunch while he was distracted with one of the many women vying for his attention. Skipping out the other day only appeared to have made curiosity swell, and women kept pouring through the library’s main entrance.

They might have come to “accidently” bump into Kathy and deliver some kind of jealous put-down, but one by one, they all became distracted by Collin. He didn’t help the situation by making it clear to each and every one that he only had eyes for one woman. While a part of her thrilled to be so openly claimed, Kathy couldn’t help but think it would make for trouble in the long run.

The long run turned out to be two hours later when Kathy tried to escape for lunch while leaving Collin behind. She’d thought she’d been quite clever about discreetly pulling her wallet from her purse along with her keys and leaving the bag in her desk drawer. Hoping Collin hadn’t noticed anything amiss, she headed through the office into the supply room and out the back door into the alley.

Exiting that way required her to go all the way down and loop back around the stores running along Main Street to get to the library parking lot. It took her a couple of minutes to make it to her car, and by the time she came huffing up the drive she could see Collin leaning against her driver’s side door.

“Going somewhere, sweet meat?”

“Stop calling me that!” Kathy snapped.

“I’ll call you whatever I want,” Collin retorted.

“Call me whatever you want and I’ll

Kathy met that arrogant response with her own haughtily raised chin.

BOOK: Kansas Nights [Kansas Heat 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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