Just One Taste (23 page)

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Authors: C J Ellisson

BOOK: Just One Taste
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“Thanks,” I say while noting how Ginger eyes my long legs.

A Mercedes pulls up next to the van. Rachelle’s linebacker boyfriend sticks his head out of the window, “You ready, baby?”

“Shoot. I forgot you offered to pick me up.” She walks around the hood of his car to climb in the passenger side. “I’ll see you ladies back at the house. Have a drink on me and please, don’t knock on my door when you get home!” She tosses a saucy wink at the rest of us before sliding into the seat.

Juanita jumps down beside me and we all head back into the bar to see if Johnny is ready to go. The singer is nowhere in sight, and neither is the bar owner. I bet she’s cutting our check in the office. The staff all went home and the bar sits quiet.

Ginger saunters by, swinging her hips in her faded Daisy Dukes, and heads behind the bar. “How about we help ourselves?” she winks playfully at Juanita and me, wetting her lips with the tip of her tongue.

“Free shots?” The drummer says. “Count me in. I’ll take a Patron.”

I nod my agreement and Ginger pours three shots. She checks the bar fridge for lemons as I grab the salt. “Just one,” I say sprinkling the skin near my thumb before passing the shaker. “We still have to drive home.”

We raise our glasses in a silent toast, lick the salt, and down the drinks all at once. The fiery burn from the liquor slides down my throat, leaving a trail of warmth in its wake. I quickly bite into the lemon and feel my face scrunch up against the tang.

“Woo!” shouts Juanita. “Damn, that’s good.” A smile glows on the young woman’s face, her love of life a beauty to behold. A loud vibration draws her attention to the phone in the tiny pocket of her tight cut off jeans. She pulls it out and opens it. “Hey, papi. You miss me?”

She walks away to speak to Freddie privately and Ginger and I are left alone. The young co-ed flips one of her long dark red braids over her bare shoulder and looks at me through her lashes. “So… where do you think Johnny is?” The guitarist’s supple fingers draw a circle on the bar top. Her short red nails look good enough to lick.

“Good question,” I say, breaking my stare. “I’ll go check.”

Ginger begins to clean up our drinks as I head down the long hall in the back of the bar. The office door isn’t quite closed. I push it open six inches or so to see if Johnny and Carla are inside and….

Johnny leans over the older woman lying face first on her desk. His naked ass pumps slowly back and forth in a gentle motion toward Carla. She stares at the far wall and her hips have a wadded up coat under them, titling her ass to the ceiling.

“Oh God, Johnny… it feels so good.”

“You like me fucking your ass, baby?”


While facing away from the door, Johnny runs his hand up her back, gently pushes her hair to one side, and plants a kiss on her neck.

I don’t mean to stare, but seeing him plunge back and forth draws an answering response in me—after all, it’s been two months since Theresa and I ended things. My clit reacts, engorging with arousal to press against the seam of my tight shorts. The cotton panel of my underwear seems glued to my folds. I know I should shut the door and back away, but they don’t know I’m here and a little peeking feels naughty.

The tips of my small breasts harden and rub inside my red tank top. I reach down to adjust the crotch of my jeans right as Carla comes up on her elbows. The movement allows her young lover to knead her large breasts and my own lips ache to kiss and suckle the rosy nipples on display.

“More, Johnny. Can you go deeper?”

In answer the singer rears back and grabs a small bottle of something from the desktop. “Let me slick up the base a bit and see if I can get more in.”

He pulls out almost all the way. I can clearly see the large purple-red head of his cock half submerged in her ass. He squirts a little more lube on his length and massages it around the girth. The young man tosses the bottle to the desk and eases his thick cock back inside the bar owner.

“Oh yeah... that’s it. God, I love a big cock in my ass.”

Johnny reaches down and pulls the older woman back onto his dick more fully, allowing her to control the depth. Raising her hips from the desk also allows him to slip a hand underneath her, to what I can only assume is to reach her clit.

The motion of his hidden hand drives her into a frenzy and she places both hands flat on the desk to push herself deeper onto his cock.

Dampness seeps from my panties and I can no longer deny how turned on I am by watching Johnny fuck this woman’s ass. I give up the fight and reach down to massage my clit through my clothing. A rustling whips my head around as Ginger comes down the hall.

I put a finger to my lips to silence her and she slides up next to me to peer in the office doorway. A small gasp escapes her, but the lovers are too enthralled with each other to notice us.

We watch together for a few minutes more. Spell bound with seeing Carla’s clit and ass so expertly loved. Sweat has formed on Johnny’s brow, like he’s holding on to his own release to pleasure the bar owner even more.

My nipples fairly ache with their need to be touched. It takes all my willpower not to start masturbating in front of the fiery haired beauty standing next to me. Ginger glances in my direction, and my desire shines clear on my face.

She doesn’t hesitate, but reaches out to skim a finger across one hardened peak straining against my tank top. An electric shock seems to shoot from my nipple straight to my crotch. I lean forward a few inches, to see what she has in mind.

Ginger’s eyes go wide, but she meets my lips with her own, initiating the kiss. I break off and carefully shut the office door, anticipation screaming through my veins.

Well, I’ll never know if I don’t ask.

“Want to go into the ladies room?”

Ginger’s whisper is the sexiest thing I’ve heard all week. “Yes.”

I clasp the hand hovering over my breast and draw the young woman across the hall to the bathroom. The dim room, lit by the glow of streetlights, stands empty and quiet. I turn and pull the toned and curvy redhead into a loose embrace, barely touching her at all, giving her room to change her mind if she needs to.

Her soft, tequila-scented mouth hovers over my own. Perhaps the boldness she felt in the hallway is leaving her? But no, she leans in and places her lips against mine.

Ginger’s curious passion flares dramatically to life and she deepens the kiss, pushing her tongue into my mouth. Her nimble fingers pluck at the peaks of my breasts, pulling them and twisting them slightly.

A small moan escapes me; I hadn’t anticipated she’d be so bold.

She breaks our kiss to whisper against my lips, “Do you like that, Kimmie? My roommate and I experimented a little our freshman year and she loved when I played with her nipples.”

I murmur my agreement, leaning in to kiss her soft mouth again. God, she tastes so damn good. Our tongues tease and lick, we nibble on each other’s lips, and our breath comes out faster as arousal builds.

Reaching up, I cup her fuller breasts through the thin material. She’s wearing a lined pushup bra so I can’t feel her hard tips. Ginger presses forward, eager to show me she likes what I’m doing. Her hips rotate with her growing excitement, skimming my own on each forward motion.

The sexy guitarist ends the kiss again, but this time she reaches for the hem of my tank top. Cool air meets my middle as the fabric pushes up, exposing my palm-sized tits to her gaze.

“God, you’re beautiful. I’ve wanted this since the day you moved in last month.”

“I thought you liked boys.” I say.

“I like sex. I’ve just never been attracted to a girl before you.”

Hmm... hope she isn’t looking for anything long term, because I sure as hell am not. Her mouth closes over one peak and my eyes close in ecstasy. A wet pointed tip tickles the end and heat caresses my goose bumped flesh.

Fingers pull and tease my other nipple and I’m left cradling the young woman’s head to my chest in two hands. One long pull on my areola, and a deep sucking into Ginger’s mouth on the other, leaves my pussy drenched for attention.

“My turn,” I say while gently pulling her away from my breasts. I back the other woman up against the cold tile wall.

Ginger reaches up, pulls the deep neck of her tank top down, and pushes her bra cups down with it. The result points her aroused tips right at me, almost begging for me to kiss them.

Laving one with my tongue, I repeat her same pulling and twisting motion with my fingers to the other. I trace my free hand down her side and rest on her hip, testing to see how far she wants things to go here in the bathroom.

A delicate touch skims down my long hair, almost hesitant to hold me in place while I tease and suck.

“Oh... yes... that feels good.”

Ginger’s hips start to rotate again, issuing a silent plea for me to continue. I curve around to her front, and dip my hand down over her mound. The seam of her jean shorts rubs right over her clit and the heat from her arousal feels moist.

I cup a palm over her pussy and gently lift. A moan rushes from her throat and a hand curls into my hair, drawing my mouth more firmly onto her breast. She pushes down on my hand, grinding onto my slight pressure exactly where she needs it.

“Please, Kimmie. Let me take off my damn shorts.”

I cease my attentions to her delicious tits and kiss her swollen lips. “No baby, not here. How about where I can get you comfortable and love you all night?”

Ginger’s hands fly to the button and zipper at her waist. “How about here and later, too?” she says with a smile.

A long scream rips through the air, followed closely by a loud male keening.

I rest one hand over hers while pulling her neckline back up to cover her gorgeous breasts. “They’re done next door and Johnny will be looking to leave. I don’t want to rush.”

“Damn, I know you’re right, but I’m so freakin’ close to coming.”

“And that’s with your clothes on. Wait ‘til I get you naked,” I say while pressing her to wall and sliding my hands down and around to squeeze her firm ass.

The door slams open, revealing Juanita squinting into the darkness. I quickly step back and thankfully we’re both covered up.

“Holy shit,” the drummer squeaks. “You are not going to believe what I just saw next door.”

“Oh, we know,” says Ginger. “We watched them for a while then came in here to listen.”

“Damn, he fucked Carla good. I think I came just watching them at the end. Let’s get home so I can crawl all over Freddie’s cock.”

We share a mutual laugh; Juanita not realizing she wasn’t that witty and Ginger and I are hopped up from our own adrenaline rush of sexual excitement. The three of us head back to the main bar area to wait for Johnny.

Five minutes pass and he saunters down the hall with a relaxed look about him. None of us say a word as we pile into the van and head back to the house, each lost in our own private thoughts.

The taste of Ginger’s skin still lingers on my tongue. I can hardly wait to get home and have her spread open on my bed all night. A warm hand slinks between my legs; Ginger and I opted to sit on the bench seat for the ride home and it looks like she’s still raring to go.

She takes three fingers and lays them flat against my heated mound. A gentle circling ratchets my arousal back up to furnace level and my musky arousal fills the air near us. I decide two can play at the same game and I slip my own hand between her legs.

I whisper my desire, “You wait ‘til we get home.”







Book Description:


Candy thinks ordering her lovers to do what she wants will keep her heart safe and leave her in charge of her own destiny. Not surprisingly, her sexual experiences fall flat and she continues to search for more.


Tommy, one of her co-workers, has been hot for the sexy blond for months. He’s bound and determined to convince her he’s the one she’s been searching for – even if she believes a fellow accountant would make a boring bedmate.


Can the two come together to unlock Candy’s sexual awareness or will her own fears push Tom away?


Warning: This story contains explicit sex with an introduction to bondage (blindfolds, gags, spanking, tied down with scarves, and handcuffs). For mature readers 18 and over only.




More Than Tolerable


Chapter One




Bodies press up against Candice, shoving her closer to the bar as she tries to leave the stool. I reach an arm out to protect her from the worst of the crush. “Candy, let me see you home. You shouldn’t try to make your way alone.”

Her buzzed smile and feeling-no-pain expression is a sure sign we should have had dinner when the bartender offered us menus an hour ago.

“No worries, Tom. I’m good,” she stumbles a bit and lands face first into a meaty looking guy. The grin on his face shows he’s not angry at her slip. “My, you’re big,” she says while pushing blond hair out of her face. “Want to help me get a cab?”

The large man opens his mouth to respond then catches sight of the nasty look on my face. “Maybe next time, sweetheart.”

I nod my thanks to him while trying to steer my more than tipsy co-worker out of our department’s favorite after work bar.

“But, Tom,” she whines, “he looked hot. Lemme get his number.”

“You’ll thank me later, Candy.”

The cool fall air smacks into us both, jolting me with a little much needed wake me up. Hopefully, it will have the same affect on my fellow accountant. “But, he looks like a
man,” she says. “Not some numbers crunching sod like us.”

I try to ignore the brush of annoyance I feel at being lumped together in a category of “non-real men” because of my chosen profession. “Yeah, and I’m sure he’ll call you in the morning, too.”

“Not fair, Tom. Last guy I picked up called me.” I hail a taxi and pour us both in. “But he turned out to be dumb.” She snorts at a memory while I tell the cabbie her address. In the ensuing silence she whispers, “He called me the wrong name during sex.”

I resist the urge to shake her for her stupidity. I know first hand she has a solid mind and a sharp wit. It’s the alcohol getting to her, but it’s getting to me too, and the mere mention of sex has my cock growing in my suit pants. She settles snug against my side, hugging my arm. “Tom, have you been working out?”

Her grasping fingers massage my bicep through my jacket, “I’ve always worked out, Candy.” I try to pry them off but she squeals and makes to tickle me. Bad move. Her quick hands graze my swollen dick and she freezes.

“Tom, do you want me?”

I suppress the sigh aching to burst forth. I’ve wanted Candy from the moment we teamed up on the Stringer account six months ago, but had to wait for the right time. And partially drunk is not the right time. “Candy, let’s just get you home. We’ve both been drinking and I don’t want us to do anything we may regret later.”

She nips playfully at my ear, “How could I possibly regret fooling around with you? We could be
friends with benefits
. Wouldn’t that be cool?”

“While the idea sounds excellent, I’m not so sure it ever works for people.”

Her previously frozen hand is now mobile, stroking my cock through the fabric. Dear God, are we almost at her building? I’ve go to get her off me and out of this cab before I come in my pants.

“We could make it work, Tom.” She pulls her hand from my prick and turns my face to hers for a kiss, “We could try.”

The taxi lurches to a stop, breaking the spell a mere moment after our lips touch. I fish out the cash to pay the driver, deciding to walk her to her door. Maybe we could make this work. I admit I want more from her, this might be a good start.

She grabs my hand and playfully drags me past her doorman. I nod at the man, feeling a shit eating grin spread across my features. “Come on, Tommy,” she slurs, “let’s go have some dinner at my place.”

The walk through the lobby doesn’t cool our heat and the moment the elevator doors whisk shut Candy is on me like a tick on a dog. Her full mouth crushes mine and manicured nails rake through my hair.

“God, Tommy, I’m so freakin’ hot right now. Want to do it here in the elevator?”

“As good as that sounds, I don’t think we should.”

“Pfff…you’re no fun, Tommy.” She reaches for my zipper and has my cock out in her hot little hand before I can grab her wrist. The elevator pings and the doors slide open ten floors shy of her level. I wrap my arms around my curvy, drunken co–worker and pin her to me, not wanting the older man who just stepped in the car to see my dick hanging out.

He glances at us briefly then stands to the other side. Dressed in workout gear, it’s safe to assume he’s going to the gym on the penthouse floor.

Candy giggles but shoves my cock back in my pants and zips me. The rasp of metal on metal brings a sharp look from the man, but his head darts straight ahead ignoring us.

We finally arrive at Candy’s floor and rush off the elevator. Adrenaline floods my body and I swear, if she asks, I’m going to go in and fuck this horny woman senseless.

“Tom? Want to come in?”

I move behind her while she’s jiggling her key into the lock and wrap myself around her slight frame. Planting kisses along her neck, I give the only answer my fired up body will allow. “I’d love to.”

The moment the door closes behind us it’s a mad dash to see who can get their clothes off faster. Glimpses of black underwear and toned limbs whir through my alcohol fogged brain.

Candy giggles while stumbling to her bedroom. She switches on the bedside light and tosses me what she thinks is a sexy smile, but looks more like a slight sneer. “Come and get me, Mr. Super Accountant.”

I hesitate in the doorway. My body rages to barrel forward and take her up on her offer before she changes her mind, but my big head gets the best of me. “Are you sure, Candy? You want to take this step?”

She reaches down between her legs and starts to finger fuck her pussy. “If you aren’t interested, I’ll do it myself.” I approach the bed, a determined expression on my face. “Good boy, I knew you’d come around.”

Climbing across the mattress, I crawl on my hands and knees to cover her lithe form. Her hips thrust up to meet mine and grasping hands pull me down. “Now, Tom. I want you now.”

“Whoa, slow down. We need protection.”

“You’re right.” Giggling, she twists to the side, reaching in the nightstand drawer to pull out a small foil square. Candy tears it with her teeth, her face scrunching up. “Ewww… spermicide tastes like crap.”

Taking the torn package from her, I remove the latex and sheath my cock as fast as possible.

“Get it in, get it in, get it in…” she chants. “Oh…” she moans as I thrust in, burying deep in her snatch, “that’s right.”

The orders start flying before I have a chance to slow her down: “Faster!” “Harder!” “Slam that dick in me!”

Thrusting my hips in a frenzy, I try to fulfill each request the moment it’s uttered. The hot muscles of her pussy grip my length and the speed combines with my buzz to push me toward the finish before I’d like.

“I’m close, Candy. I need to slow down.”

“No! More! Fuck me harder!”

Nails rake down my spine and hot hands grab my ass, pulling me closer despite my desire to wait. Her feet splay on the bed, pushing her hips up to pump me when I hold back.

The sensations overwhelm my control and my orgasm steams past the gates. A loud moan spills from my mouth while I try to keep the pace up a little longer, hoping to bring her as well. “Are you close?”

But Candy’s quiet. A glance reveals her eyes are drifting down, and I can feel her hips have stopped thrusting. “Candy?”


“Did you come?”

“Are we done?” She yawns. “Gosh, I’m sleepy.”

I roll to the side, grabbing some tissues to clean up. I think this may have been a very bad idea. She doesn’t even seem to be aware I came. “Candy?” I say, while fitting my body snug against her back. “Would you like to feel my mouth? Or my hand?”

“Nah, ‘s all good,” she slurs while turning on her side to pillow an arm under her cheek.

In a moment her breathing deepens and I’m left wondering what the hell to do. That was singularly the worst orgasm, if any orgasm can be bad, I’ve ever had. It felt like she wasn’t even experiencing the act with me—more like ordering, using, and then losing interest.

“Don’t worry, Tom,” she says softly. “It was tolerable.”

Tolerable? Did she just call our sex
? I roll away to stare at the ceiling. Crap. I may have blown my one and only chance with her. Maybe I should try and bring her around with my hand? It’s only half past eight; she can’t be that tired yet.

Resting a hand on her hip, I savor the smooth softness of her skin. A small mew escapes her and her hips rock a little in a slight movement. Feeling emboldened by her response, I ease closer to rest against her back while sliding my fingers inward, toward her belly button.

Her bottom leg pressing to the bed is straight, while the top one lies bent at the knee and cocked, allowing room for me to ease down between her slick folds. Her tiny nubbin still feels aroused, when I flick it softly she moans.

Sliding to bracket the aroused peak of flesh, I slowly stroke the heated skin next to her clit, mindful of how sensitive the engorged nub may be. The swollen lips of her pussy hug the contours of my thick fingers, causing my cock to stir against her ass.

Keeping my pressure light, I force my pace to a snail’s crawl. The idea here is to wake her up slowly and then drive her to a huge orgasm. The wet heat of her fills the air and her musky scent wraps around me.

“Oh….” she whispers while tossing her head on the pillow. Her bare neck lures me and I bow to plant kisses along its length. “Mmm….” Sensing a shift in her, I tilt back allowing her to roll onto her back. Her hard nipples point to the ceiling and her legs spread for easier access.

Candy’s eyes are still closed, but her movements encourage me to continue. Propped on an elbow, I lean over to capture one peak in my mouth. Laving it with my tongue, a thrill zips through me when she arches up to press herself deeper between my lips.

A sigh escapes her and she softly utters, “Johnny…”

I don’t know who this dream lover is, I’ll have to ask her later, but I don’t intend to stop now. Within a few moments her movements become more energetic, hips gyrating in small tight circles on the bed, her head lashing from side to side.

Her eyes snap open and she locks on my face. “Oh, God, your fingers feels so good on my pussy.”

Her eyes drift back down, but I’m pretty sure she’s lucid now. I intend to give her pleasure however I can, as long as she’s not saying no. Sucking one nipple in deep, I nibble the surrounding flesh.

Circling her clit in soft, delicate strokes leaves Candy gulping for breath while her muscles tense. I pull my fingers away from the hot button and skim her inner thighs, hoping to make her relax and stop chasing the feelings.

Two or three deep breaths later she calms down, thrashing less and not holding herself as tight. Reaching back to her slit I run two fingers along her wetness, coating my fingers. I tickle at her opening to see if I should proceed, when a sexy whimper full of want bubbles forth.

Needing no more proof, I plunge the wet digits deep and curve them upward, seeking the squishy spot at the top front I know is there. Candy arches off the bed, dislodging my mouth from her nipple. I sit up a bit and reach my other hand to her engorged nubbin.

“Yes! Yes, just like that!”

Pinching her clit between my thumb and forefinger, I squeeze it lightly, timing her peak. Wetness pours over the fingers deep in her snatch, still circling her g-spot, and I know the moment is right to push her over the finish line.

Candy’s eyes fly open and she locks onto me, “Tommy! Oh my God, I’m gonna come!”

Switching from pinching, I rub her clit hard, steam rolling past her previous tension in a rocket of sensations. She screams into the dimly lit room and convulses around my hands. Wave after wave of her orgasm washes over her body and it’s sheer beauty to behold.

As she quiets, I pull the covers up over us and snuggle down next to her. She rests her head in the crook of my shoulder and I whisper into the darkness, “Was that more than tolerable, Candy?”

“Mmmm….” she says, while drifting off to sleep.







Chapter Two




The hum of the copier distracts me from my general feeling of bitchiness. Once one section of the Stringer file is done, I place it back in the tabs and start with the next.

“Hey, Candy,” comes from the doorway.

Tom leans against the frame and tosses me a hopeful smile. God, it was hell waking up with him in my bed last week. I felt like such an idiot for sleeping with a guy I work with. After my internship six years ago, I vowed to never do anything so stupid again.

“Hi, Tom,” I turn back to my task.

“We still haven’t talked about our night together. How long do you intend to put me off?”

Damn, I was afraid this would happen. Holding back the heavy sigh longing to escape, I face my fellow accountant. “No offense, Tom. But I’m not interested in an accountant.”

His tone comes out sharper than I’ve ever heard from him before, “Excuse me? Do you think I’m not worthy of you because of my job?”

“Umm… no, but I’m not interested in someone just like me. Sorry.” I switch to the next file and give him my back. “No offense, Tom. It was a fun night and all, at least I think it was, but I want more excitement right now.”

His footsteps behind me are barely audible over the hum of the copier. Hands rest on my hips and I tense. “You have no idea what you want. You could have excitement right in front of you and you wouldn’t know what to do about it.”

Annoyed, I whip around to face him, dislodging his hands. “Really? And you think I don’t remember the tolerable three minutes we shared?”

His eyes darken in anger and he leans in closer, crowding my space. “I think you recall someone named Johnny and seem to be attributing some of our time together to a dream about him.”

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