Curves and the Quartback (Eastgate BBW Romance Series Book 3)

BOOK: Curves and the Quartback (Eastgate BBW Romance Series Book 3)
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Elle Gordon









This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.






Text copyright © 2014 Elle Gordon

All Rights Reserved.






This book is
dedicated to my hilarious friend, Susan.

Two books for you!




Table of Contents


The Worst Boss

Tim Always Hits on Me

Tabloid Boy

The Quarterback

What Is This Foot
You Speak Of?

The Winning Team

The Worst Boss


              The office was extremely hot inside as I walked over to my boss Janice’s room. She had summoned me at my desk just a moment earlier. Janice insisted on making the office floor hot from time to time after she took a Bikram yoga class. Personally, I hated the heat. My curvy, full figure didn’t look as sexy in the black dress I was wearing when sweat was running down my face.

“Hi, Janice,” I said as I entered her office. “You called?”

“Why the
is it so hot in here, Kimberly?” she scathed. Janice was in her late-forties with bleached blonde hair and more plastic surgery edges than a sandwich baggie. She was also a total bitch. Usually, I would prefer to stay away from name-calling other women. However, in this case, there simply just was no better of a description for her.

“You set the temperature this morning,” I reminded her. “You pressed the thermostat until the button wouldn’t allow you to dial it up anymore. Then you said if anyone complained about the heat that they could come to you, and that they would be fired.”

exactly the words I used, Kimberly,” Janice said looking at me with a twisted, angry expression. She was wrong; those
the exact words that she used at 9am this morning.

“I’m sorry,” I said. We had to apologize a lot of Janice. Mostly because she wouldn’t calm down until we did. “Would you like me to change the temperature?”

“You are
assistant, Kimberly!” Janice screamed. “Of course I want you to fucking change the damn temperature, Kimberly!”

Sometimes Janice would shout my name senselessly but her face wouldn’t move. This confused me as to how she actually felt. I always assumed it was the lethal amounts of Botox she had injected into her each month.

“I’ll be right back,” I said. Then I turned toward the outside of the hall and pressed the down arrow on the thermostat. The numbers didn’t change on the digital display. I pressed it again. Nothing happened.

“Great,” I said to myself. I knew that this meant another chunk out of my day would go missing as I attended to the temperature crisis. Not only that, but Janice would be down my throat until it was fixed. This was turning out to be another lovely day in the city’s
public relations office.

Tim Always Hits on Me


I quickly walked out of the building toward the maintenance room. Hopefully, I could talk with Tim who was in charge there, and that he could help me fix this issue as soon as possible.

“Hi Tim,” I said smiling at him in the doorway.

“Well, hello there!” Tim smiled back. “Why do I have the pleasure of having Eastgate Public Relations’
employee at my door?”

Tim was a nice guy. Though, he wasn’t really my type with his short stature and bad comb-over. Also, he always managed to find the most obvious ways to hit on me.

“I need you help,” I said.

“Oh!” he yelped. “I like the sound of that…”

“The thermostat in our building is out,” I said, ignoring his last comment. “It is stuck and blasting heat.”

“Did anyone, perchance, press the button and hold it down for more than fifteen seconds?”

“That would be Janice.”

“Of course it was,” Tim said, nodding his head. He knew how Janice acted. In fact, I’m sure that everyone in a ten-block radius of anywhere that Janice was, knew how she acted.

“I hate to ask you this, Tim,” I said. “But when do you think that you can have it all fixed?”

“Oh, I’d say in about a half hour or so,” he said. Then he gave me a big grin while staring directly at my chest.

“Perfect,” I said, turning my body away from his gaze. “Thanks, Tim!”

“Oh!” he called out behind me. “I was going to ask you something.”

“Yes?” I replied.

“I have two tickets to the Eastgate Crocs game,” he started. “Would you like to accompany me there tonight?”

“Football?” I asked. “I’m sorry. It’s just that I don’t care for sports very much.”

“I see,” Tim said looking a little down from my reply. “Would you like to join me sometime for dinner then?”

“Well…” I didn’t know what to say. It was flattering that Tim was always flirting with me. However, he wasn’t my type. I decided to tell the truth. “I’m sorry, Tim. I think you’re a nice guy and I like working with you, but I don’t want to lead you on to anything more than work.”

“That’s fine,” Tim smiled. He seemed to have taken it pretty well. “I appreciate the honesty.”

“Thanks for working on the thermostat,” I smiled back. Then I turned around to leave again.

“Is it hard working for a client when you don’t like their sport?” Tim asked.

“What do you mean?” I replied. “We don’t have any athlete clients.”

“That’s not what I was told,” Tim said. “Just today I was given tickets to the game tonight because your firm represents quarterback Gavin Wilson now.”

“Gavin Walker?” I gasped. I didn’t have to know football to know about Gavin Walker.

Tabloid Boy


As quickly as I could, I ran down from the maintenance room and onto our office floor. The room was still blazing hot as I entered. Rushing over to Janice’s desk, I saw her sitting there with a small air conditioning unit blasting a wind at her.

“Janice!” I said, panting.

“Kimberly,” Janice groaned. “The fucking heat is still on. I sent Louisa downstairs to buy me one of these A.C. units. This shit barely works.”

“I need to talk to you about our new client.”

“Did you or did you not fix the heat issue?”

“I sent Tim on it.”

“The squirrelly guy with the bad comb-over?”


“He nearly peed himself when we gave away those football tickets today.”

“That’s what I have to talk to you about.”

“The maintenance guy peed himself?” Janice looked at me wide eyed.

“No,” I said slowly. “How did you not tell me that we picked up Gavin Walker?”

“Why?” she asked.

“This is
, Janice!” I shouted.

“I didn’t think he was going a major client,” she shrugged. “Is Gavin whatever a big deal?”

“Yes he
, Janice! Every grocery isle in a every store has at least one magazine with his face on it.”

“Well, that explains a lot,” Janice said as she spun in her chair. “I never go grocery shopping for myself.”

Janice seemed to be completely uninterested in the fact that she had acquired one of the country’s most famous athletes. Not to mention, one of the sexiest guys on the planet. The first time I saw Gavin Walker was in a Calvin Kline underwear ad. It was a black and white photo of him with his ripped, muscular arms holding a football, and almost naked– save for the boxer briefs he was advertising. Ladies everywhere drooled over this guy. Yet, his biggest flaw was that in over five years in the spotlight, he had never been seen dating another woman. He didn’t even date the celebrities who there themselves at him.

“Having Gavin Walker on our client list is going to put us in the biggest focus we have ever been in,” I explained to Janice.

“Look, Kimberly,” Janice stopped spinning around in the chair and looked me in the eyes. “A fuck buddy of mine sent this guy down to us because he didn’t want to deal with it. The media is trying to pair him with the wrong women and it’s doing bad things for his wrap. Maybe he’s gay, I dunno.”

“Gavin Walker isn’t gay,” I retorted.

“Whatever,” Janice rolled her eyes. “I know nothing about this guy and you seem to, so I’m putting you in charge of this one.”

“You’re putting
in charge of Gavin Walker?” I was dumbfounded.

“Yes, Kimberly,” Janice groaned. “Don’t make me regret this.”

“I won’t!” I said excitedly as I started for the door.

“Oh, and Kimberly?”

“Yes?” I asked turning around.

“He’ll be here in twenty minutes.”


The Quarterback


I scrambled around my desk looking for a pen and paper. When I found one, I searched every online blog I could in the next few minutes to get a fresh idea about the gossip over Gavin. During my brief research, I saw him linked to a couple of models and even Taylor Swift. Nothing seemed to be like romance, however, or any recent scandals. I started to wonder what he might need a P.R. agency to do for him.

A few people in the office gasped as a group of men entered the room. In the middle, in a fitted white polo shirt and dark jeans, was Gavin. Quickly, I made my way over to the group of guys to engage them.

“Hello, gentlemen,” I greeted. “My name is Kimberly and I’m in charge of P.R. under the direction of Janice. Welcome in!”

“Hello, Kimberly,” said a man who was wearing a suit. “My name is Doug Keelman and I’m Mr. Walker’s attorney.

“Nice to meet you, Mr. Keelman,” I said shaking his hand. Then my eyes moved to Gavin. He was taller and more muscular than I expected. His eyes were crystal blue, and their color was vivid next to his tanned skin. Everything about him exuded sexiness. “It’s an honor for us to represent you, Mr. Walker.”

“Thanks,” Gavin said succinctly. He made a slight amount of eye contact with me and we shook hands. Then he placed himself back in the center of his entourage without saying a word. It was strange to me that he was so stern. There was something extremely intimidating about him, even more than just his celebrity.

“Hello, gentlemen!” Janice said winding around the corner. It seemed that she used the past twenty minutes to fix her hair and reapply a layer of make up on her tight face. “My name is Janice, C.E.O. of Eastgate Public Relations, Inc. Welcome in!”

“Hello,” said Doug Keelman. “I’m Doug; we spoke on the phone.”

“Oh, yes,” Janice lightly smirked. “Very nice to meet you. And I presume you are Mr. Walker, very nice to meet you as well.”

I was shocked that Janice even knew what he looked like. Likely, it was just a lucky guess. It was just her style to give me a client and then jump in right before they became too attached to me.

“Shall we move into the meeting room?” Janice asked. The men seemed to get flustered as they tugged and pulled at their collars. Sweat began to form at the top of their foreheads. Janice gave me a sharp glare. “I apologize, gentlemen. Kimberly hasn’t fixed the thermostat yet. However, I am told that it is in the works right as we speak.”

I couldn’t believe her. She was embarrassing me right in front of Gavin and his team. I decided to shake it off like I always did with her. We turned around the corner and entered the conference room. I sat on one end with Janice. On the opposite side were Doug and his team. Gavin sat down last at the other end of the table from me.

“So, gentlemen,” Janice began. “What are some items you would like us to work on for Mr. Gavin Walker?”

“Gavin is concerned about the type of press he’s receiving,” Doug began. “He’s being paired with celebrities who he’s never met. Also, there are two eastern European models claiming to be pregnant with his child. Also, two women my client has never met. The issue with this is…”

The lawyer’s words started to drift away from my hearing. I had a feeling that someone’s eyes were on me. Looking over, I saw Gavin staring at me. As soon as I caught his eye, he quickly looked away.

“I see,” Janice replied. “The good news is that I know many celebrities who live right near Eastgate. One of them, I’m certain, would be to our client’s liking. Any celebrities that you fancy, Gavin?”

Gavin looked at Janice with the mention of his name.

“What was that?” he asked. I could tell that he didn’t understand the point of this meeting any more than I did.

“Janice is well connected, Gavin,” Doug explained. “Are there any celebrities you’d like to pair up with in order to promote your image?”

“I’m honestly not sure,” Gavin said.

“How about this,” Doug started. “The Crocs have a game against the Starland Meteors this Sunday. That town is teeming with celebrities who go to their games. How about you accompany us, and we can see what we can do?”

“Perfect plan!” Janice yelped. “Kimberly and I will be there!”

“Me, too?” I asked.

“Of course!” Janice said with her nearly-still half smile. “Who else is going to carry my bags?”

Then Janice and Doug laughed a little. I wasn’t as amused.

“We look forward to it,” Doug said getting up from his chair. The rest of the gentlemen followed suit. Janice and I stood as well. “It’s about time we found this guy a leading lady!”

“This is exciting!” Janice smiled at Doug. The two of them seemed for excited that Gavin, who I saw looking down at the table in between us. Then his eyes moved up toward me. They ran up my legs and settled around my hips. Suddenly, Doug gave Gavin a pat on the back and his glance moved away from me.

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