Just One Look (Women of Substance) (13 page)

BOOK: Just One Look (Women of Substance)
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He inhaled slowly when I slipped my hands into his briefs and pushed them off his hips.

His cock sprang up, pressing against my body, heightening my arousal. Kneeling, I urged first one and then the other foot up as I removed his shoes and socks.

He drew me back to my feet and rubbed his nude body against mine.

“I need you inside me,” I whispered.


Having experienced the absolutely bliss of raw fucking with him I couldn’t see going back. Especially not after we’d committed to each other. “Raw,” I echoed. “But first I want to taste you.”

“Taste away, honey.”

Smiling, I closed my fingers around his shaft as I kissed my way down his body to his groin. On my knees, I leaned forward and circled my tongue around the head of his shaft. I tasted his pre-cum and drew his cock between my lips and into my mouth.

Cupping one hand over his balls, I gripped his hip with the other one and slowly sucked and licked him until he shuddered and I felt three quick jets of cum splash against my tongue.

Then I rose and walked across the room to the chair. Turning it so the back faced me, I bent over it and glanced over my shoulder at him. “Come take what’s yours, Andy.”

He quickly crossed the room. Instead of his pushing into me, he bent to eat my pussy until I was wet and moaning with need. “Fuck me,” I pleaded. “Please.”

He rose and leaned over my back to rain kisses against my neck and ear as he rubbed his cock along my slit. “I adore you,” he whispered, gripped my hip, and slowly pushed his cock into my pussy.

“Oh…yes. Yes.” I closed my eyes and reached a hand back to pull him closer. “Oh God I love having your bare cock inside me.”

He fucked me to a quick climax before taking me to bed. I curled on my side, ready to fall asleep but he lifted my top leg and slipped his cock back inside me.

“You’re not going to be happy until you fuck my brains out,” I teased.

He slipped a hand down to cup my pussy. “Are you complaining?” he asked, biting the back of my neck.


“Why not?”

“Because I love you and I can’t get enough of having you inside me.”

“Yeah?” he eased his cock in and out of me. “The feeling is mutual, honey.”

I pushed my ass back against him and rocked my body in time with his as we shared a leisurely fuck made all the sweeter by his frequent declaration of desire and need.

By the time he eased out of me, I was completely and irrevocably in love. And determined to make him fall just as hard for me.

* * *



In the morning I woke feeling on top of the world. We cuddled for half an hour before I cooked breakfast as he showered. I had no appetite so I sat sipping coffee while he ate. When he left for work the apartment felt empty. And doubts set in. He’d been horny but had probably had his fill of sex with me. Now what?

Now you trust the man you say you love. It’s not as if he had to lie to get in your thong. So don’t lose it.
I wrestled my doubts under control and got on my bike for twenty minutes. The doubts returned as I showered.

Then he called me. “Hi honey.”

“Hi,” I said, feeling my heart race at the sound of his voice. “Did you forget something?”

“No. I just wanted to hear your voice.”

A big smile spread across my face. “I can’t wait to see you. When?”

“Tonight. I thought maybe we could have dinner out and then spend the night at my place. Manning wants to buy us dinner.”

He wanted me to meet his only sibling. Oh yeah baby. This show was finally getting on the right track. “Sounds like a plan. What shall I wear?”

“Something pretty but not sexy. You’re taken now and there’s no need to get other men jealous.”

Damn but the man was delusional. Must be love, I thought as we said our goodbyes and hung up.

Feeling on top of the world and longing to share my delight, I called Candi.

“I’m thrilled for you, Rena, but not surprised. When do I get to meet him?”

“Very soon. Maybe we can double date.” The silence that greeted my response unnerved me. “Candi? What’s wrong?”

She sighed and then sucked in a breath. “Rob and I…I don’t know how much longer we’ll be dating.”

“I thought you were working things out.”

“I thought we could but I’m sick to death of his feeling as if he has to measure every piece of food I put in my mouth. Yes I’ve gained about eight pounds and they’re proving more difficult to take off than I expected. But I’m tired of feeling like he’s going to walk out on me if I can’t drop them within his proscribed time.”

“What happened?”

“We had an agreement and I just about told him to go fuck himself.”

Yes! Finally! “Do you need to talk?”

“No…I…oh God. I don’t think I was in love with him but now I feel empty and wish I could undo everything I said.”


She took a deep breath. “Don’t worry. I’ll be okay. I have to be.”

She’d been a rock for me when I thought I’d lost Anderson. Now it was my time to help her get over the dumbass Rob. “Do you want to do dinner?”

“I’d love to but I wouldn’t be very good company.”

“It doesn’t matter,” I told her. “I was supposed to have dinner tonight with Anderson and his brother, but I can postpone—”

“The hell you will! What kind of friend would I be if I allowed that to happen? We can do dinner tomorrow—if he can tear himself away from you. Tonight, you dazzle him and his brother.”


“No, Rena. Tonight’s your night. I’m not going to spoil it. We’ll talk tomorrow.”

“I think Anderson would understand if—”

“He’s not going to have to understand anything. Have a great time tonight and I’ll talk to you tomorrow. Maybe we can do lunch.”

I spent over an hour deciding what to wear that night. Then I felt so wound up, I needed a thirty minute soak in my favorite oil before I dressed and made up my face and brushed out my hair until I felt satisfied I looked my best.

“Damn, you are one pretty woman,” Manning said when Anderson introduced us that night at the restaurant.

“Thank you.” I was about to tell him he was almost as handsome as Anderson when I noticed his date’s cool stare. It didn’t take long to realize that Manning’s date didn’t like me and didn’t care who knew it.

But Manning was charming and attentive and each time she made a nasty remark, either he or Anderson backed her down with an equal coolness until she finally got the message. Still she managed to put an undeniable damper on the evening and I was relieved when it was over.

“Is he serious about her?” I asked on the drive to my apartment.

“Manning and Marla? I doubt it.”

“How do you know?”

He kept his gaze on the road. “He told me he was going to look into expanding his dating horizons. Up to now he’s dated white women exclusively but that’s about to change.”


“Once he saw you, the idea of dating a woman of a different size and color intrigued him.” I saw a smile curve the corner of his mouth. “So you see, honey, you’ve charmed us both.”

“That’s a sweet thing to say.”

“It’s true. Tell me, do you know any women you’d like to introduce him to?”

I thought briefly of Candi but quickly dismissed the thought. As far as I knew she didn’t date white men. I frowned. But then neither had I before Anderson. “I’m not sure. I’ll think about it.”


We were silent for the remainer of the drive. Once home and naked, we went to bed. Anderson was particularly passionate that night and we fucked twice before I fell into an exhausted sleep when he finally eased his cock out of me.

The next day when I went into the office, Candi looked radiant. So much for my half-formed plan to introduce her to Manning.

“Rob and I spent the night together and we’re going to try to work things out.”

“Great,” I said—even though I thought he was a waste of time.

After a day spent in the office I couldn’t wait to rush home to get ready for a night out with Anderson. We spent an hour dancing after dinner before taking the long way home. In bed, I eagerly parted my legs to welcome Anderson’s thick shaft into my pussy. After a quick fuck, he spanked me and teased his cock against my ass for several minutes before I rolled away from him.

“Oh no, Anderson. Don’t even think about putting that thing in my ass.”

“Thing? Half an hour earlier, it was the best invention since fire. Now it’s a thing?”

I bit my lip and laughed. “Sorry, sweetie. When it’s in my pussy, I love it. When it comes knocking at my anal entrance, it’s a greedy thing with delusions of grandeur.”

He laughed and pulled me back against him. “I adore you.”

“Ditto.” I sighed happily.

“Just adore?”

“No. You know I love you too.”

“That’s better, honey.”

“Just like a man—always wanting more than he’s willing to give.”

“I know what you mean. That’s why I don’t date men. They’re too damned selfish.”

I laughed and settled against him and drifted to sleep.

As the weeks passed he continued to shower me with roses, candy, and fruit baskets. Still, I started to fear it might take years before he was ready to say he loved me. Even though I was almost sure he did, my need to hear him say it grew more intense.

Two months after our second weekend we were practically living together. We spent alternate weeks at each other’s place. He wanted to meet my parents and I was nearly ready to take the plunge. Then I missed my period and my world turned upside down.

I was part excited and part scared. But two pregnancies tests later, I learned I wasn’t pregnant. Surprisingly I was more disappointed than relieved. I think because part of me thought that if I were pregnant he’d take the final step and tell me he loved me.






“You know, Andy, I’m beginning to think you’re certifiable.”

Seated on Manning’s balcony with an empty beer can in front of me I was hard pressed not to toss it at him. “Why do I even bother trying to talk to you, Manning?”

“Because you know I’ll tell you what you need to hear—even if you don’t want to hear it. You’re practically living with the woman you love and who loves you enough to regularly engage in unprotected sex with you. And yet here you sit worrying that she doesn’t really love you. Get a grip, Andy. She loves you.”

“Really? Then maybe you can explain why over four months after we committed to each other, I’m sitting here with you while she’s having yet another family day at her parents’ house without me.”

“You said she told you that wouldn’t happen until you have a formal commitment—as in a formal engagement. Maybe that has something to do with her refusal to take you home. Why don’t you help the process along by telling her you love her?”

“She knows I love her.”

“How if you won’t tell her?”

“How the fuck do I know she really loves me, Manning?”

He arched a brow. “Andy—”

“If she loves me so damned much why the hell didn’t she tell me when she thought she was pregnant?”

Manning sat forward in his seat. “If she didn’t tell you how do you know she thought she was pregnant?”

“When I was taking out the trash, I tripped and the can flew out of my hand. I found two pregnancy test kits in the trash. Yet she never said a word before or after to me about it. How can she love me if she doesn’t trust me enough to share something so important with me?”

“What a pair of idiots you two are. She’s probably thinking that if you really loved her, you’d tell her you did. And you’re thinking if she loved you, she’d introduce you to her family.”

“And friends. I’ve only met a few of them and even then the introductions were extremely casual.”

“Get a grip, Andy. You know damn well she loves you. And speaking of friends, how’s that friend of hers?”

I frowned. “Of Rena’s? I’ve only met a few of them. Which one are you referring to?”

“The tall one with that lovely brown skin and long legs and big ass.”

I arched a brow. “I have no idea who you’re referring to.”

“You don’t?”

I shook my head. “Since I’ve met Rena very few women catch my attention. And none of her friends are included in that small number.”

“So you don’t know who she is?”

“Not unless you give me something else to go on.”

“She was with some jerk who watched every piece of food she ate.”

“Oh. You must mean Candi.”

“Is that her name?”

I nodded, surprised at his interest. “Would you like to meet her?”

He shrugged but I noted the spark of interest in his gaze. “I’m sure our paths will cross again sometime—unless you screw things up with Rena.”

“Don’t count on that.”

“Good, now about this stalemate between you and Rena. Someone has to be willing to put him or herself out there and risk getting hurt.”

“I’m not overly fond of getting hurt, Manning.”

“Neither is she and you’re the man. Do the right thing. You know, Andy, I’ve been thinking lately that I’d like to be an uncle and then maybe a father. Show her why Prescott men are worth loving. Take the plunge and tell her you love her and make me an uncle.”

“I should really risk my heart because you want to be an uncle?”

“You’d do that for me? Thanks, squirt.”

“And what if I want to be an uncle too? Are you going to help me out, Manning?”

“Maybe one day—in the very distant future. You’re the one in love so let’s get you squared away first and then we’ll work on me.”

I sighed. “God I love her.”

“I’m glad to hear it, but I’m not the one you have to convince. She is. So put on your big boy briefs and convince her.”

It was probably time I made sure she knew how I felt—just in case one of her ex friends with benefits decided to try to restart a relationship with her. If I didn’t admit I loved her, she just might be tempted.

“Still with me, squirt?”

I nodded. “So you’re thinking about becoming a father? After you expand your horizons you’re going to make an honest woman of Marla?” Recalling how she and Narena clearly disliked each other, I shook my head. Family dinners were going to get even more infrequent than they were now.

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