Just One Look (Women of Substance) (8 page)

BOOK: Just One Look (Women of Substance)
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At first he burrowed into me with long, slow movements so good I helplessly arched into him.

“Oh God!” I moaned, reaching back to grip his hips.

“Feels good doesn’t it?” he demanded.

“Yes. Oh lord yes!”

He pushed the rest of his cock deep into my pussy.

And I lost it. “Fuck me! Fuck me, baby!”

He did—so hard and rough, that within seconds I found myself squirming under him—unsure when the tingles of pain intertwined with the pleasure. Sex with him hurt but I didn’t want him to stop until I’d forced him to ejaculate every drop of his seed inside me.

I nudged my elbow into his ribs. “We can’t.”

“It’s too late to get off this train, honey. We’re going all the way—raw!” He rolled us onto our sides, cupped a big palm over our joined genitals and lifted my top leg so that it rested over his. In that position, he thrust in deeper. His other hand slipped between my legs and found my clit.

Sweet Lord! I shoved my hips back against his groin. I reached a hand down to press his hand over my clit.

He rubbed and thrust harder.

I shuddered and felt my climax rapidly building only moments after his relentless assault on my clit while he fucked me with a greedy ruthless passion that sent chills all through me.

Shaking and sobbing, I came all over his cock.

He continued to rut into me and treat my pussy like his own private property with my full consent and blessing.

Loving every second, I pulled off his cock and turned to face him. Then I gripped his cock, placed it against my slit, and pushed my hips forward. As I felt him bottom out inside me, I rolled onto my back.

He followed and started fucking me again.

I wrapped my arms and legs around him, welcoming his thick cock back into me with joyful delight each time he slammed his hips back down on mine. The sexy aroma of sex and the sounds of our bodies coming together as we fucked wildly filled the room, increasing my enjoyment of our no holds barred romp.

Feeling the tension in his big body, I tightened myself around his cock and cried out with satisfaction as he jetted several shots of cum deep in my pussy.

“Oh…yes, lover. Yes. Fill me with your cum!” I encouraged, reaching down to squeeze his balls to ensure every drop of seed was inside my pussy.

When he stopped coming, he sucked hard on each side of my neck.

“Andy! I’m going to have hickey tomorrow.”

“That’s the idea,” he said sounding completely unrepentant.

I pushed at his shoulders. “You don’t get to brand me—even temporarily.”

“Isn’t that what I just did?”

His amusement annoyed me. “Get off me you jerk!”

“Jerk? You don’t mean that.” He ground his hips against mine. “Do you?”

“Please get off of me.”

He took his sweet time but he finally eased his cock out of me.

I shoved him off and rolled away. Feeling some of our fluids trickle from my body aroused me and lessened my annoyance. In the morning, I was so going to regret what I’d just allowed him to do but I’d worry about it then.

When he curled against my side, I rolled onto my back, pressing my ass against his groin.

“Don’t be angry with me, honey.” He put his arm around me and drew me closer. “You enchant me and I adore you. I couldn’t stop myself.”

Pussy smokin’ hot, girl.
I smiled. “If you keep talking like that, I just might forgive you.”

“Damn woman, I think I’m in love.”

Hot damn! “I think I might be falling for you too.”

He cupped a hand over my breasts. “You’re mine.”

“All yours,” I promised.

He stroked his palm down my body to my pussy. “All mine?”


I fell asleep to the sound of him whispering how sexy and pretty I was and that he was all mine too. Nice.


* * *




The next morning I woke alone. With my eyes closed, I laid in bed, shaking as I remembered the night before…Anderson pushing his bare cock inside me and fucking me raw…filling me with endless jets of seed.
Oh God! Please make what happened last night an aberration and not something he routinely does.

I was reluctant to get up and face myself and the possible consequences of the previous night’s recklessness. Although I used birth control, that wouldn’t protect me from STD’s.

What the hell were you thinking?
I turned onto my side and clasped a hand on my neck, expecting my fingers to encounter a sizable hickey. The skin felt smooth and flat. I felt the other side of my neck. No hickey there either. Frowning, I opened my eyes and slipped out of bed.

I went into the bathroom to discover that both sides of my neck were hickey free. I frowned and walked back into the bedroom to look at the sheet. The tiny stain there was not what I expected. I looked down. There was no evidence of cum on my slit.

I shook my head and then closed my eyes as I realized what had happened. I sank onto the side of the bed. I should have felt relief at the knowledge that I’d dreamed the entire raw fuck. Disappointment filled me instead. We hadn’t fucked raw. Nor had he said he loved me. Damn. What a letdown.




During my five-mile run the next morning, thoughts of Narena and our night together filled my thoughts. My reaction to our lovemaking surprised me—as did how sexy I found her body. Narena bore no resemblance to my ideal woman—a slender, blue-eyed blonde. Yet none of my former lovers had so totally enthralled me after one fuck. Hell, who was I kidding? The fascination had started the moment I laid eyes on her—before she’d let my cock anywhere near her pussy.

Waking to find her lying within the circle of my arms had made getting up to run more difficult than it had ever been. I’d wanted to watch her sleep and then kiss her awake so I could fuck her again and again.

Damn what a woman—beautiful dark skin, an extremely curved, padded, and luscious body, warm, sweet lips, and a tight pussy I could imagine happily fucking for years to come without ever needing another woman for variety.

What the fuck, Prescott. Get a damned grip and stop thinking with your cock. You don’t have years. You have a few weeks…maybe a month or two at best to get her out of your system. After that, she’ll begin to imagine you want a permanent relationship with her. From there she’ll expect a proposal.
And that is not going to happen.

Eager to see her and to maximize every moment of our time together, I jogged back home. I stopped in the complex twenty-four hour shop to buy a dozen roses and a box of chocolates. I was hoping to find her still in bed and ready to give me some early morning loving but she sat on the living room balcony drinking coffee.

I joined her, placing the candy and roses in front of her before I bent to kiss her lips. “Morning.”

She turned that slow, sexy smile of hers on me that could light of the darkest of nights and I wanted to sweep her into my arms and fuck her until my dick wilted. “Morning.” She glanced at my shorts and tee-shirt. “Did you enjoy your run?”

“Not particularly.”

“Why not? Too hot already?”

“Yes—from thoughts of you.”

“That seems fair.”

“How?” I asked, trailing a hand down her neck to her breasts.

“I dreamed of you in graphic detail so it’s only fair you should have thought of me while you ran.”

Intrigued, I bent to kiss her neck. “Tell me about this graphic dream of yours and maybe we can make it come true.”

She shook her head. “There’s not much chance of that happening.”

“Why not? What did you dream about? Tell me.”

“It’s too embarrassing.”

I nipped her ear. “I can promise you I won’t be embarrassed.”

“But I am,” she said, leaning away from my lips.

“Is that your charming way of telling me I’m too ripe?” I asked, standing up.

“No.” She looked up at me. “I’m not a woman who finds a man’s honest sweat unpleasant.”

“Damn, you’re just about perfect in every way.”

“You think so?”

Unfortunately, I did. I kissed her. “I’ll be back in fifteen minutes—after I shower away my honest sweat.”

“I’ll be here,” she promised.

When I rejoined her after a shower, there was a plate with a covered top in front of me on the table.

I sat down and lifted the lid. Home fries, egg whites, toast, and bacon. A glass of orange juice and a cup of coffee sat next to the plate. “Aren’t you eating?” I asked, picking up a knife and fork.

She shook her head. “I’ll never lose weight eating breakfast and the endless chocolates you keep buying.”

“It would be a damned shame for you to lose a single ounce.”

She smiled. “You make me feel so pretty.”

“You are pretty. Very pretty.”

“I’m glad you think so but not every man shares that view.”

“Why do you care what other men think?”

She shrugged. “Because I’m going to marry some other man. That’s who I’m interested in pleasing.”

What the fuck! I moved my hand below the table and clenched it into a fist as I stared at her. “What the hell makes you think I want to discuss your marrying another man?”

She inhaled slowly. “If that’s your not so subtle way of telling me your interest is strictly sexual, I already know that.”

“Good. Then there won’t be any misunderstandings between us,” I said, annoyed at the turn the conversation had taken. Why the hell couldn’t a woman ever leave well enough alone? Why the fuck did she have to keep pushing until she destroyed all prospects for a great, guilt-free, sexy-filled weekend.

She gave me a long, unblinking look.

If she were foolish enough to think I was so horny that one night with her would make me want more than a brief fling, it was time she had a damned reality check. I stared back.

“No. There won’t.”


She rose and walked through the French doors into the living room.

I sat, watching her leave the living room. If she thought I was going to chase her again and ask her not to leave, she could damn well think again! I’d already allowed her to jerk me around more than any other woman ever had. If she wanted to storm off—fuck her!

Although I’d lost my appetite, I ate my breakfast. When she reappeared in the living room with her suitcase, I steeled myself not to move.
You are not going to beg her. If she wants to leave, let her.

She put her suitcase down and came to the French doors. “Last night was a mistake.”

Her words stung far more than they should have, but damned if I’d give her the satisfaction of showing it. I shrugged. “Sorry you feel that way.”

“I’m sure you do too.”

“I don’t need you or anyone else speaking for me.”

She shrugged. “Why would you need or want anything from me now that you got what you wanted?”

I had gotten what I’d wanted from the moment I saw her—sex. She was right. There was nothing else I needed or wanted from her. But there was no way I’d admit that because I knew hearing it would hurt her. And I didn’t want that.

I had planned to just let her walk away but found I couldn’t. “You were going to spend the weekend with me.”

“That was never really a good idea.”

I shrugged. “Then don’t let me keep you.”

She compressed her lips and swallowed before she spoke. “I won’t.”

“I’ll get my keys and drive you home.”

“Don’t bother.”

“It’s no bother.”

“I’d rather go alone,” she said.


“I already called for a cab. I’ll wait in the lobby.”

I rose slowly and reached for my wallet.

“No,” she said. “I got myself into this mess and I can get myself out.”

I resumed my seat and stared silently at her.

“I’ll see myself out.”

You do that.


I swallowed the urge to ask her not to go and inclined my head instead.

She bit her lip, met my gaze briefly and turned away.

The moment I heard the entrance door open and close, I slammed my fist down on top of the table so hard, my hand stung. Oh fuck! I felt a knot of rage in my gut I found difficult to contain. I’d ended my relationship with Caren for a damned one-night stand with a woman who clearly possessed unreasonable expectations. What the hell had I been thinking?

While I felt certain Caren would welcome me back into her bed, I knew doing that wouldn’t be fair to her. Why had I allowed my lust for Narena to lead me into trashing a perfectly good relationship with Caren? Overcoming the desire to follow her yet again, I went into my bedroom, kicked off my shoes, and fell across the mattress.

Lying on the bed I’d shared with Narena the night before, I couldn’t suppress memories of eating her pussy and later making love to her. Recalling the taste of her lips…the tight heat of her pussy encasing and massaging my cock aroused me. And the was no forgetting the incredible sense of delight I’d felt lying with my body curled behind hers that morning.
Last night was a mistake. Last night was a mistake.
I told myself knowing she viewed one of the most sexually fulfilling nights of my life as a mistake wounded my masculine pride. But I think part of me knew even then that the disappointment and anger I felt had little to do with pride.

I was angry with her and myself. I should have insisted on taking her home. If I had, I might have been able to change her mind. Of course there really was nothing stopping me from following her and attempting to change her mind. I’d done it before and now that we’d made love, I knew I could do it again.

But it will be a cold damn day in hell before you do that! She walked away and she can keep on walking. There are a lot of other women who will gladly sleep with you without expecting you to fall for her and want to marry her after one damned night. She’s nuts and if you follow her—you’re just as crazy as she is. Besides, she’s not your type and she couldn’t have held your attention for long. This way is better for you both.

Yeah. Right.

I got through the rest of the day but slept badly that night. Each time I woke, bile rose in my throat when I thought of the possibility that she might be sleeping in another man’s bed.
Why the hell did you let her walk out without making even a token effort to stop her?

BOOK: Just One Look (Women of Substance)
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