Just Go (14 page)

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Authors: M. Dauphin

BOOK: Just Go
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I pull in front of her apartment building and kill the engine. She makes a move to get out of the car but I stop her. I’m determined to show her I’m more than a rich, smug asshole. Walking around to her side of the car, I take note of the things that are less than stellar about her living conditions. How in the world would Vick let her live in a place like this, but be so protective of other aspects of her life? Something seems terribly wrong about this.

“Thank you for tonight, Adam. It was wonderful.” She smiles and her face lights up. Just one smile from her, that’s all I need to get my heart racing again. One smile.

“When do I get to see you again?”

“I’ve got a few late meetings this week, but text me. I’m sure I can fit you in,” she grins then winks. I pull her to me and wrap my arms around her. Her brown eyes look up and me and she smiles. “Sorry I’m calling it an early night. I really was looking forward to a… second dessert.” The grin on her face tells me exactly what she’s talking about, and if she doesn’t watch it she’s going to be feeling just what she’s missing out on.

“Mmm... sounds delicious.” I kiss her and hug her tighter, not wanting to let go.

“It is. I’ve tried it before, and it just makes me want more,” she whispers then pushes away from me. “Next time, Mr. Chicago. That’s a promise.”

I smile and chuckle as she walks to her apartment building, leaving me standing in the dark, on the side of the road, grinning like a fool. Once I see she’s safely inside, I return to my car and lock the doors. It’s not even ten yet, so I grab my phone and call Benton.

“What, dude?” he groans sleepily.

“Were you sleeping?” I laugh. “Old man.”

“Shut up. What do you need?”

“B, we got a problem.” I say. Changing my mood to serious business in three seconds flat has always been a talent of mine. Not that I’m not still over the moon that Annaliese is mine, but I have other pressing issues to deal with now that she’s safe inside her apartment.

Like her father.  













Chapter 13


It’s only Tuesday, but so much has already happened this week that I feel like it should be Friday. Now I’m running on three hours sleep, four cups of coffee, and it’s only five am. I laugh to myself then realize I’m laughing all alone in a dark and empty office at five am. I’m not even sure why I’m here this early, but my father requested something from me, so here I am. Always trying to please him.

I’m not certain when it became my life goal to make him happy, but there have been so many times I did something just to satisfy him that I’ve lost count. Going to school to be an educator or administrator was something I did because I love it, and it was my way of telling him I’m done living my life just to please him. I want to live for me. Ironic, really, since here I sit in an empty office building, before the sun comes up, waiting for him to get here for a meeting he called last night after dark. All because I wasn’t able to make it in this world without his help.

Then, to add to that depressing thought, last night, my view of my father was blown out of the water when I realized he’s been lying to me about Adam this whole time. I figured they knew each other from the way my father talks about him, but now that I know he lied about him, I can’t help but wonder what else he’s lying about.

My phone rings and I pick up before the second ring.

“Annaliese Ryder,” I say, holding back a yawn.

“Hey.” Adam’s voice soothes my nerves and makes me smile.

“Hey, you. What’re you doing up this early?”

“Business meeting out of town today, getting a head start on traffic.”

“Ah, good thinking.” The yawn creeps out and I hear him laugh.

“I’m beginning to think I bore you, Annaliese. Always yawning around me.”

“Sorry. This job is just so… ugh.” I typically don’t bitch to others about things, but I’m over this job and it’s only been a week.

“Glad to hear it’s not me.” I hear his smile. There are a few car horns in the background and a door slams and makes everything silent again. “When do I get to see you again, Annaliese?” His voice is low and gravely, like he’s trying his hardest to keep this conversation to himself and not let anyone else around hear him. Just the thought of seeing him again has my stomach in a bunch of nerves.

“I’m free on Friday,” I answer as I see my father walking into the office. “I’ve gotta go.”

“I’m putting you down for Friday.”

“Later,” I say, smiling as my dad as he walks in and sits down. “Hey, Daddy.”

“Annaliese. You look tired, are you getting enough sleep?” he sounds worried, but he’s the one that forced me to be here this early today.

“I’m fine, Dad. What’s up?”

“Did you finish the paperwork from the transfer?”

“I did, but it didn’t make any sense. Why am I losing three drivers? And where are they going?” I don’t really care, but I need to sound like I care about my job a little bit. All I care about is finding a real job. One that I love doing, not one that I dread going to because of terrible hours and terrible employees.

“Annie, you’ve had… complaints. People aren’t taking to working with the boss’s daughter too kindly.” He shakes his head and sighs. I don’t want to be talking about this. I want to be talking about why he lied to me about Adam and what else he’s lied to me about.

“That’s their own fault. They just aren’t used to actually having to work,” I mumble then glance at my father’s shocked expression. “So who am I getting as a replacement?”

“Joe’s moving over to help you out until we get new people in here,” he answers shortly, then stands and makes his way towards the door. Turning like he forgot something, he looks at me and cocks his head. “How was your night last night, dear?”

I furrow my eyebrows at his strange question, wanting to come back with a smartass comment. Instead I smile and cock my head at him curiously.

“Fine, thanks,” is all I give him. He doesn’t need to know about my relationship with Adam. Not yet, at least. I’m certain he won’t be happy about it, so I need to try to figure out a way to warm him up to Adam before announcing that we’re together.

By three o’clock I’m beat. Being short drivers has made scheduling insane. Hopefully my dad gets people in here soon, or I’m going to have to start carting these rich people’s asses around myself.

Joe’s been a huge help in figuring out schedules. I can’t help but feel something for the man every time he comes near me, but knowing that Adam is insistent on being with me and only me, I can’t exactly make a move on Joe. Not that I really want to, knowing what waits for me with Adam.  Jesus, just thinking about Adam and everything I want to do to him has me wet and ready. I’m not certain I’ll be able to wait until Friday for him. Deciding to see what his plans are tonight, since I’m off in an hour and cancelled dinner plans with my parents, I grab my phone to text him, just in case he’s not busy.

: Hey. Are you free later on?

I hit send and wait. Sitting at my desk there are so many other things I could be doing right now, but I don’t want to do any of it. I want to stare at my phone and read his message as soon as it comes through. Knowing him, though, he’s probably busy and won’t be able to get to his phone for a while. He’s important, he’s rich, and he’s busy. He told me Friday; I just should have waited.

Then my phone dings.

: After 11, yes. What’s up?

Well, that’s a nice surprise. He’s prompt, and he’s free. It’s late, but I couldn’t care less. He’s making time for me and I need to see him. I want to see him.

: Don’t wanna wait ‘til Friday. ;)

: I was hoping you’d say that.

Damn he’s fast. My stomach starts to flutter at all of the ways I want him to take me. Mostly, though, my nerves are a wreck. 

I know it’s not just sex anymore. It’s a relationship. With the wealthiest man in the city.

And he only wants me.

I throw my stuff into my bag and head out of my office. Passing a practically empty office, I smile at Joe as I head towards the doors.

“Where you headin’?” he asks as my hand reaches for the door. I sigh and look back at him.

“Home. You cool with that? I’ve been here since before the sun came up. I’m exhausted.”

“Absolutely, I’ve got this. Get some rest.” I open the door to leave and he calls for me again. “Have a good night, Annie.”

“You too, Joe,” I give him my most sincere smile, though my brain is telling me not to, since he could very well mix that into something I’d rather him not.

The entire drive home I’m worrying over Adam. Am I making the right choice in being with him? What’s my family going to say? Will I still have a job when my dad figures out I’m sleeping with one of his clients? Shit! I don’t want my dad to know I’m sleeping with anyone. Those thoughts plague my head until I get home and finally fall asleep, texting Gabby to be incredibly quiet when she gets home. Actually threatening bodily harm to her if she wakes me. I need my rest for Adam. Something tells me he’ll be keeping me up all night.


“Annaliese,” his voice drums into my dream and I smile.

Sure, Adam. You can take over my dream any night.

“Annaliese,” he whispers, then nips my ear. Jesus, that feels so real. So hot. “Wake up, Annaliese.” His lips land right under my ear and I gasp, feeling the heat and wetness between my legs start to pool.

“Mmm,” I moan as his hands push the hair out of my face.

“Hey, my Sweet,” he says, this time in a sweeter tone than before.

“Hey,” I mumble sleepily, then my eyes shoot open and see him. Fully clothed, propped up on his elbow, grinning at me.

“It’s after eleven,” he smiles and laughs at me as I’m still trying to wake up.

“That’s… I laid down at five!” I sit up and look around at my dark room. Jesus, I must have been more tired than I thought. My stomach rumbles, reminding me I haven’t eaten yet, and I groan. “No. I had things I needed to do tonight!” I moan and lay back down on the bed, throwing my arm over my eyes, not caring that Adam’s currently seeing a not so flattering side of me.

“Eat would be one of them, I’m guessing.” He chuckles when my stomach grumbles at me again, protesting the fact that I haven’t fed it in almost twelve hours.

“That... and shower... and work... and… shit,” I sigh, removing my arm to see him smiling down at me. “What’re you smiling at?”

“You’re cute when you’re pissed.”

“I’m not a morning person.”

“Not a middle of the night person, either, apparently,” he laughs and I shove at him, barely making him move. “Hey, don’t shoot the messenger! Let’s get you up and feed you.”

“Wait,” I sit up, staring at him. “How’d you get in here?”

“Your roommate let me in. I’m fairly certain she hates me.”

“She doesn’t hate you.” I smile sleepily. “She just strongly dislikes the man she sees you as.”

He raises his eyebrow at me and I laugh.

“You know, playboy deluxe. Never giving a shit what women want.” I shrug and grin. “You did it to yourself, you know. She’s just worried you’re gonna crush me. That if you break me….” I trail off and his gaze locks with mine. “If you break me, I won’t come back from it.”

He sighs and rubs his jaw, then sits next to me again. Taking my hand in his, he stares at our connection as his thumb traces over my knuckles. Silently thinking about my words, we sit there for what seems like hours before he speaks.

“Is that how you feel, still, Annaliese? Like I’m going to crush you? Like I’m too much for you?” His voice is tired, but his eyes are anything but. When they lock on mine I feel the pull in my heart that I’ve started to feel around him. A warming sensation that makes every nerve in my body on edge, almost tingling.

“No,” I whisper. “I used to, before I got to know you. You’re a good man, Adam. I was all wrong about you.”

He isn’t smiling, but he’s not sad. He’s serious. Is he telling me what I think he is?

Before I can get another word out, though, he leans in and kisses me. His lips are gentle, and I feel a slight tremble in his hands as they cup my face. His fingers thread through my hair and he pulls back just enough to rest his forehead on mine, taking a deep breath, then whispering so low I almost don’t hear him.

“Please don’t crush me,” his voice is raw. Needy.

I kiss him, moving over to straddle him. His hands rest over my thighs and his lips push back, his tongue slipping past my lips, tasting me. I feel his arousal start to grow in between us and smile into the kiss, pushing myself down to grind on him. He moans and his hands come around to cup my ass, then he swiftly flips us onto the bed, so he’s hovering over me. When he sits up on his knees, I watch in awe as he strips off his shirt. The muscles underneath rippling as he pulls his shirt and tie off and tosses them across the room. I laugh, since those two pieces of clothing probably cost more than my share of the rent, but it doesn’t seem to bother him. He grins and my heart starts beating a little faster.

I reach for the button of his pants but he takes my hands in his gently.

“My speed tonight,” his eyes are pleading with mine. “Please.”

I take a breath and look into his dark eyes and see an emotion in his expression I’ve never seen on him before. My whole body starts to tingle as his lips land on my collarbone, moving up the side of my neck and nipping my ear.

“Just relax, Annaliese.” He trails his tongue down my neck and chills course through my body. Gently, his hands reach the hem of my shirt and he removes it with skill I never have seen in another man. Shortly after that, he has my shorts off and I’m trembling with need. He stands and removes his pants, freeing his rather large erection. I grin, looking at his size, and sit up to meet him. Silently, he kisses me, then lays me back down, not letting my hands go where they want to go. I want this so bad. I need to feel him. Instead of entering me, he lowers his mouth to my nipples and nips gently, making me buck up from the sudden pain. He laughs deep and moves his hands down to my core.

“So wet already, Annaliese,” he growls and brings his fingers up to taste my juices.

Jesus, that’s hot.

I moan when his fingers find my core again, then push in gently.

“Dammit,” he grunts. “I can’t wait.” He sits up and grabs a condom from my nightstand, applying it with ease.

Hovering over me, his muscular arms brace himself on each side of me and his eyes connect with mine. He looks like he’s about to say something, but I bring my legs up and wrap them around his waist. Instead, he enters me fully in one sweet movement. Our eyes are still connected as he starts moving slowly. I’m not used to this kind of intimacy during sex. Never have I looked into someone’s eyes and been able to tell their every emotion. There’s so much fear, so much vulnerability in him.

“Shit,” he hisses as his movements get harder. He closes his eyes and bows his head, resting it on my forehead. The emotions flowing out of him match what I’m feeling perfectly. So enamored with each other, so connected. He lifts his head and kisses me hard, then lowers himself to his elbows and gently nips my neck. “You taste like perfection,” he hums as his lips find mine again. “Pure perfection,” he says as his eyes connect with mine and I see more than lust in them.

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