Read Just a Little Hope Online

Authors: Amy J. Norris

Just a Little Hope (13 page)

BOOK: Just a Little Hope
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Chapter Twenty-Three

Tori's VW Bug coasted down the interstate. She was determined to keep under the speed limit, but every time she looked down her foot was pressing harder on the gas. Getting there five minutes earlier wasn't going to change anything, but she was desperate to see her parents.

With still another fifteen minutes to go in her drive, she punched the button to turn on the radio, hoping an upbeat song would help pass the time. Scanning the stations, she had just settled on one when her cell phone rang. Tori grabbed it from the console and smiled, seeing Pax's face on the display.

“Hey, Pax.”

“Hi, hon. Just checking in. I'm guessing you got there okay?”

“Yeah. Traci picked me up and dropped me at my apartment. I'm heading over to the hospital now. I talked to Mom for a few minutes. Dad's gotten tons of visitors already. He's eating it up.”

“I'm sure he is. Listen, Seb and I will be home tomorrow afternoon, but I'm not sure we'll make it before the surgery. I am so sorry we can't be there with you.”

Tori flipped on her blinker as she passed a slow moving car in front of her. “Don't worry about it. I'm glad you and Seb had some time together. Don't hurry home on my account. I'm sure there will plenty of time for us all to spend time together.”

“I still hate it, though. Be sure and give your folks a hug from Seb and me. And tell them we're praying fervently.”

“I will, Pax. Thanks for checking in. I'll call or text after we hear from the doctor. Oh! I don't know if I told you. We're so blessed, Pax. My dear friend Clint, has agreed to take Daddy on as a patient.”

“Tori! What a godsend! I know your dad is in good hands now. Clint loves him like his own father.”

“I know. It's the first real good news after the initial report.”

“Well, I'll let you go. I love you, Tori! Keep your chin up, and never give up hope, okay?”

“Thanks. I promise I'll try.”

She ended the phone call just as she pulled into the hospital's parking garage. It was hard to believe it was just a few short weeks ago she was here after Pax's accident. Tori certainly hadn't planned to be back so quickly.

As she circled up the ramps looking for a parking place, she thought about Carter. Who would've thought a hospital parking garage was where she'd meet such a kind and thoughtful person? She smiled as she remembered their first awkward meeting. How silly she'd been and how his eyes twinkled at her. Her heart burned within her, knowing it would be another couple of days before she'd see him again. His warm embrace sounded so safe right now.

She parked in an empty space on the fourth level. Tori paused a few seconds to consider all that had happened. The moment she entered the hospital, her life would never be the same. She shouldered her purse and laptop then hurried to the elevators.

She navigated the busy hallways of the hospital and finally approached her dad's room. Tori heard several voices inside but knocked on the door before stepping inside. Her dad was in the bed, with the back raised almost to a seated position, laughing with his friends.

He glanced in her direction and opened his arms out wide to her. “Tori!”

She rushed to his side and buried herself in his arms. The same arms that comforted her after bike accidents, bad grades, and a broken heart. Now it was time for her to be there for him.

Tori whispered into his neck, “Hey, Daddy. How are you?”

“Just fine now that you're here. I'm sorry you had to cut your trip short.”

She sat back on the bed. “Now, Daddy. Don't you even worry about my trip. I'm here, and that's all that matters.”

“Do you remember the people here?” He reached out his hand and tugged the arm of the man nearest him.

“Of course, Dad. I remember Frank. Thank you so much for coming.”

Frank Tollison had been her father's friend in high school and his roommate in college. A slender man with graying temples, her dad's old friend put his arm on her shoulder and pressed gently. “I'm just glad I happened to be in town when I got the news.”

Her dad gestured to the other man beside Frank. “And Paul Greevy. Do you remember him? He went to high school with Frank and me.”

Tori smiled in Paul's direction. She hadn't seen him for several years, but she remembered his bright smile. “It's been a while, Paul.”

She turned to her father and squeezed his hand. “Well, this is like a class reunion of sorts, isn't it?”

Her father grinned. “Yes. I've enjoyed visiting with them very much.”

“Well, I'll let you get back to it. I want to speak to Mom for a minute.”

Leaning over, Tori kissed him on the cheek. Then she stood and looked at her mother. Even though her mom was smiling, Tori saw the fear in her eyes.

She crossed the room, her bottom lip trembling. Seeing her mother scared reinforced Tori's own insecurities.

As they embraced, Tori's mother murmured in her ear. “Clint came by and wrote down what he thinks your father has.”

Tori released her and stuck a loose curl behind her ear as her mother fumbled in her purse for the paper.

“Here. It's something called a GBM.” Tori took the paper from her and looked it over. Clint, in his physician scribble, had written out
glioblastoma multiforme
. Whatever that meant.

“Did he say if it was something easily curable?”

“He didn't say anything. Part of me wants to look it up, and the other part thinks living in ignorance is smarter. What if Clint is wrong and we get all worried over nothing?” Tori took her mother's hand. She could feel it trembling and squeezed it in reassurance.

“I'll do whatever you want Mom. I brought my laptop. I can do some research if you like. Did Clint say he was going to stop by again?”

“Yes. I think he's coming by in the next thirty minutes or so.”

Tori nodded. She trusted Clint implicitly. “Well, then, I think we should just wait and let him explain his reasoning for thinking it's this GBM thing.”

“You're right. We'll just wait and see. Besides, your father is enjoying visiting so much right now, it helps me to stay as calm as possible.”

“I know Daddy appreciates it so much. Has he had other visitors besides Frank and Paul?”

Tori sat down beside her mother as she relaxed back in the chair. “Oh, yes. Several from church have come by. He hasn't lacked for company at all.”

“Good. That will help keep his mind off of things. Has Clint indicated when Dr. Jones wants to do the surgery? And if they will do surgery?”

“Yes. Your dad has to have some tests run tonight, and then if all goes well, surgery will be first thing in the morning.”

Tori squirmed at the thought of her dad's brain being operated on. She knew there had been great strides in medical technology, but part of her wondered if he would be the same person after the surgery. Or maybe he wouldn't even survive the surgery. Her nerves started to get the best of her, and the light lunch she ate at the airport threatened to erupt.

“Have you heard from Carter since you've gotten back?”

At the mention of Carter, Tori felt a smile cross her face. “He left a sweet voice mail. I texted him on the way home. I suspect it will be a while before he can respond since he's at the game and all. I know, let me check and see how they're doing.”

Tori checked the sports app on her phone. Although happy to see they had won, she frowned when she saw the game had been over for an hour and a half. She thought she would've heard from him by now. Maybe they had a post-game celebration or something. Beating the Dodgers in three straight games was quite an accomplishment. But still, she thought he'd have at least sent a quick text.

Tori stood when Paul and Frank decided to leave and gave them each a hug. Sitting back down, she thought about sending Pax a text to see if she knew anything about Carter's whereabouts when Clint, her dad's newly agreed upon oncologist, arrived.

“Hey, Tori. It's good to see you.”

Tori rose and hugged her old college friend. “It's good to see you too, Clint. Thank you for taking on Daddy's case. I know it was not an easy decision for you.”

“You know how much I care about your father.”

She grasped his hands with her own and gave them a gentle squeeze. “I do, Clint. And I know it means the world to him. He loves you like a son.”

His cheeks reddened at her comment, and he looked away. She tightened her hold on his hands one more time and then released them.

“How're you feeling, Will?”

Her dad's smile grew when he saw Clint approach.

“Pretty good. The headache is not as bad. I guess the pain meds help.”

“Yep. They'll keep it at bay.” Clint rolled the stool over and sat down next the bed. “You ready to hear what the deal is?”

Tori sat down on the edge of the bed and held her dad's hand.

“Basically, what Dr. Jones and I believe is you have something called a GBM. It's a tumor in the shape of the hand. The main mass of it is like the palm, but there are tentacles reaching out like fingers. Dr. Jones will remove the mass that's like the palm, but unfortunately the tentacle-like parts cannot be removed.”

Tori's heart stopped. This was worse than she could imagine, and yet she somehow knew it was only the tip of the iceberg.

Her mother's voice broke through her thoughts. “Clint, what are his chances of beating this?”

“Honestly? The survival rate of up to three years is around nine percent. Five years is around five percent, and ten years is less than two percent.”

“So, are you telling me I might not make it to my sixty-eighth birthday?”

Tori's heart crumbled. Her dad was going to be sixty-seven in just a couple of months. The idea he might not make it to his next birthday didn't seem real.

“I can't say that for sure, Will. I'm going to look into some trials and find a good one we can get you in. There are thousands of these clinical trials going on; I've just got to find the right one.”

“Is this something Tori needs to be tested for? Could it be genetic?”

Clint crossed one leg over the other and shook his head. “No. As far as we know it's not anything that can be inherited.”

“Well, that's good to know. I don't want to have to worry about Tori or any future children she might have.”

“Nope. No worries there.” Clint stood up and leaned over her dad. “Now get some rest. The techs will be by in a little while to take you down to the lab for some other tests. And then we'll have you all ready for surgery in the morning. Okay?”

“All right.”

He lightly patted her dad's arm. “Would you like me to say a prayer before I go?”


Lord, we come before you now on behalf of Will and Janie and Tori. Please give them the strength they need to deal with this sudden and unpleasant news. And be with me, God, as I try and research the best possible trial for Will. Be with Dr. Jones as he performs the surgery tomorrow. Guide his hands. And in all things may Your will be. We ask these blessings and favors in your Son's precious name. Amen.

Chapter Twenty-Four

When Tori woke the next morning, she felt far from refreshed. Sleep had eluded her most of the night -- partly because she knew she needed to be at the hospital by six in the morning to see her dad before surgery but mostly because she still couldn't fathom the idea her dad actually had a brain tumor. Would she ever sleep through the night again?

Reaching for her phone on the bedside table, she checked for any messages or emails. Even though she hadn't heard from Carter, she sent him a quick text anyway letting him know the surgery was scheduled for seven o'clock that morning. She couldn't hide her disappointment when there was no response.

She hoped he was okay. It wasn't like Carter not to answer, but Tori's concerns overwhelmed her. Maybe he'd gotten hurt in the game yesterday? No, if that was it, she'd have heard about it by now. Her mind raced at the possibilities. Maybe he'd decided he didn't want to deal with this after all. It wasn't going to be easy to try and start a relationship under these conditions.

After a quick shower and a couple bites of toast, Tori gathered her things and left for the hospital. It felt like this was the beginning of a new and not so pleasant way of life. From now on, she must focus her attention on making sure her parents were taken care of. That her dad was getting the best treatments and her mom was getting enough rest. Everything else came in second place, including Carter. If there was even going to be a Carter.

Her phone rang as she drove down the Interstate. She didn't even look at who was calling but pressed the answer button and spoke. “This is Tori.”

“Tori. It's Michael. Pax gave me a call yesterday and told me what was going on. I'm so sorry. What can I do to help? You name it.”

Michael. In all the madness and stress of the last couple of days, she'd completely forgotten about work. She fought to keep tears from falling. The weight of all she had going on was getting heavier and heavier.

“Oh, Michael. I apologize for not calling you earlier. I can honestly say I didn't even think about it.”

“Don't worry one bit, Tori. I can manage the office. In fact, Elisa is going to come in and help out for a few days. She's done some admin assistant work in the past, so she can answer the phones for me.”

A tear escaped and ran down Tori's cheek. “I'm glad to hear that. I promise I'll be back in the office as soon as I can. Clint seemed to think Daddy might be home in a week if all goes well.”

“Like I said, you come back when you're ready. Pax said she'd be back in a few days. She's getting around better and thinks after her next physical therapy appointment she'll be released to work at least part-time.”

BOOK: Just a Little Hope
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