JPod (16 page)

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Authors: Douglas Coupland

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I suppose I blacked out after that point. I remember the music dying down and opening my eyes to see everybody—servers and tech guy included—cramped with laughter. Needless to say, the technician filmed the whole thing.

Suddenly it was ten a.m. I went upstairs to my bedroom, which was being used as the party's coatroom. I considered sleeping on the floor again, above the raucous chattering below, then went back downstairs. I went into the kitchen and grabbed a box of Chinese donuts made with bean paste, then got into my car and drove directly to work. The only person in jPod was Kaitlin. She said, "Caught your performance. Kam did a live webcast."

"I—" I handed her the box of donuts. "I brought these for you. By the way, I really like you."

She looked at them as if I'd just handed her a dismantled carburetor.

"Please. Just eat them," I said. "I'm tired right now. I'm going to nap under my desk."

I was on the cusp of sleep when Kaitlin moved my chair away and bent down to speak to me. "You know, the whole Subway website thing was a hoax."


"I just wanted to fuck with all of you. I've been a size 2 my entire life. I eat like a pig, and nothing sticks."

"But how did they get that photo of you? You weighed, like, 337 pounds!"

"That's my sister. She got the family's lard gene."


"Ethan, be quiet. I saw you at that conference my first week here—your momma walked in and you were really nice to her, and then here, this morning, you give me donuts, which means you're not trying to change me or anything—that you can handle me being me, even if that means eating myself to death."

I looked up and was suddenly, irrationally, pleased there was no gum tucked under the desk's front lip.

Kaitlin said, "I'm going to see
Princess Mononoke
tonight at the Ridge—and you're coming with me."

I nodded yes.

"Good." She gave me a kiss. "I'll keep people away so you can sleep. I'll wake you up at seven."


"Good night, Ethan."

"Good night, Kaitlin."

Pranks > Freakish job > Frilly > Mysterious > Baby pink

Yummy Dainty Sheer-Lace SexyAdult Sissy Girly-Girl

Kaitlin is oh sooooooooo HOT. This is the daintiest girl ever made! So pretty and simple. No reserve bid.

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The way you deal with money is learned behaviour you get from your father. If he was superstitious about money, you will be, too. If he saved money, then you'll also save money. Was he a bastard? Were you ever really sure what your allowance was? Decades later, does your father have any clue about the jobs you had during high school? Reading the newspaper too closely during coffee breaks will make upper management question your loyalty. Who knows why. Do you deserve a raise? Maybe you don't. Be that as it may, asking for a raise is uncomfortable and intimidating. Does your job have perks? Free toner cartridges don't constitute perks. Nor does a good parking stall, or a liberal dress policy. Does a compressed work week fill you with a tingly sensation? Or perhaps flextime or telecommuting days? You deserve success—and now you can have it—and go to hell, too. You deserve the success you desire. You also deserve happiness, irritable bowel syndrome, personal fulfillment, a bad haircut and an abundance of crap from Pottery Barn. Catchy ring tones, search engines and supermarket customer loyalty programs are emerging as the engine of the new global economy. Who'd have thought? People started getting incredibly fat almost exactly the same week that Coke changed its formula. Coincidence? All project managers are asked to update their project information using the corresponding colour code for each project phase and add quality control drawing review periods accordingly. How many putty-coloured appliances do you own, including peripherals? Customer satisfaction survey results: yeehaw! I used to stay with a job only until I'd learned just about as much as I could from it. After that, it was all downhill. I'd show up at noon. I'd take naps under my desk. I was quite brazen in my attempts to get fired. I look back now and wonder, well, why didn't I simply quit? Just to let you all know, the filtered water reservoir at the fourth floor kitchen sink has been serviced and you can once again enjoy a tall, cool, refreshing drink of clear, clean, fast-pouring H2-oh! Brenda. Too much free time is certainly a monkey's paw in disguise, isn't it? Most of us can't handle a structureless life. A clever way to make money on the job is to gamble . . . bet your boss that you will meet or exceed a target! Oh God, how depressing. Is this what life has come to? Thank you for continuing to hold. Here at American Airlines we believe in alchemy. Do not change visibility settings in either the "Overall," "Partial" or "Sector" views. Only change settings in the "Working" views. Retiring in the Caribbean is a form of death. Do you ever listen to success tapes? Have you ever sat in the ballroom of the city's third-largest hotel with four hundred people wearing bad shoes? Get out of debt. Build wealth. Gain confidence. Enhance self-esteem. Develop leadership skills. Chew gum. Fester while you curse nature for not having made you charismatic. Yachts are boring. Do you have hidden mental abilities? You have three new messages. Statistically, your hidden mental abilities are far more likely to be dormant pathologies just waiting to explode: schizophrenia, delusional thinking, memory loss or various subcategories of autism. Your subconscious mind isn't some kind of adventure-packed "Land of the Lost" that you can visit in safety and comfort and then leave any time you want to. It's expensive and difficult, and your discoveries, if any, might simply be dull. People who have a seductive handshake have really worked on it. They might be good in bed, too. You're being judged at all times. Don't take sides. Remain emotionally uninvolved. Have a stroke. Most anger is justifiable. Secretly destroy the lives of bullies. Jeff, the hour you spent with me last Tuesday morning on the phone changed me entirely, from a cowering servant of fear and anxiety into a free and happy human being, but it only lasted a few hours, and now I want—need— more of what you have. Jeff, be my friend. Let me buy your whole series of tapes. If you can control your emotions, chances are you don't have too many. Fear is nature's way of making sure too many people don't get everything they want, hence stripping the planet of raw materials too quickly. People who go to seminars and come away from them thinking they no longer have fears are a real nuisance until you find out how their old fears have reconfigured themselves. Sometimes that never happens, and they get to float to the grave thinking they're groovy. Seminar people are a pain in the ass. In a pinch, it's always easiest just to blame your parents. Your parents' mistakes are your get-out-of-jail-free card. Rejoice! Some people are only interested in people who are in pain. They seem helpful, but there's a name for these people: vampires. But I care about you! I really do! No. Allyou care about is sucking up desperate energy during crises. Are you addicted to failure? Who writes this shit? Only damaged people want good things to happen to themthrough visualization. They want something for nothing. It's not a tough call. Losersattract losers. Please recycle your old phone book by stacking it opposite the freight elevator. This action is currently prohibited. Beautiful people only like to have sex with beautifulpeople. Pretending you're passionate about something you're not really passionateabout is just plain depressing, and people can smell it a mile away. Having a nice, lovingfamily might, in the end, just not be enough. You have to face that. People will alwayschoose more money over more sex. There may be a part of you that feels you don'tdeserve to have money. Loser. Some people get to have lots of money, and you don'thold it against them, but some people get even a bit of money, and man, do you hatetheir guts. If it hasn't happened by now, it's probably not going to happen. If the previoussentence made you angry, then it's easy to understand why countries undergo politicalrevolutions. Doing nothing is fun. Has anyone seen a spare calculator floating around?Mine has gone missing from my desk. Try the new #10 Trade Size Poly-Klear single-windowenvelopes with privacy tint. I promise I'll answer your emails. I promise to overde-liveron all my promises. Sometimes failure isn't an opportunity in disguise; it's just you. If you don't feel like you're in the know, you most likely aren't. Are you disgruntled ormerely gruntled? This stackable chair's smooth rolling casters allow for easy mobility. From the conference room to the workstations, from lobbies to training areas, this chairis ready for the fast lane. Maybe you can help me. Like you, I'm a professional here. Ilove networking with fellow professionals. Maybe there's a way we can help each other.Let's go for coffee sometime. Do you have an actual skill? Let me get this straight: you'reusing the company server to download a pirated German-language screening version of Mrs. Doubtfire, starring Robin Williams? Have a happy birthday, Kelly! The next year isgoing to be terrific! Lordy, Lordy, Kelly's Forty! Signed, your cellmate, Darryl. Hi, Kelly, it'sall downhill from here, kiddo. Fran. It's quite easy to tell which text has been typed bysomeone living in the Indian subcontinent because they all too frequently forget to putspaces after periods or commas. Whenever people say, "So, what are you waiting for?"what they're really saying is, "Hand over your cash while you're still in a semi-hypnotizedstate." Boost your career to a new height. This mailbox is full; please try again later. Sellmore products. Be a corporate fartcatcher. Some people like to begin sentences with theword "frankly," and this is very annoying. Ask these people, "Hey, does this mean everythingyou say that doesn't have 'frankly' in front of it is bullshit?" Hey, Mr. IT Smartass. Your cleaning staff despises you. You know that in your heart, but you smile and saygood night anyway. Is there anything in the world more annoyingly creepy than an unspokendress code? Personality-wise, does your office have "one of everything"? Use anyof the following three words in the coffee room and just watch the mess that results: dissolute;peregrination; zaibatsu. Tits. All I think about is tits, forty hours a week, and that'sabove and beyond the amount of time I spend thinking about them on my own time.Hello. Adware and Spyware have been added to your computer. Allow us to do a scanso that we can protect you. Simply click here. Blame is great! It's fun to make life hardfor newcomers. Skipping meetings makes you look cool. Five minutes of missed workper day adds up to one day per year, so find joy in shaving the minutes off like crazyevery day—it's like a time-release slow-acting holiday drug. It's awfully darned sexy tosee someone get piss drunk at lunchtime. Assume one active affair per every 32.5staffers. Don must have some kind of sickness, as he can't stay away from your overgrownlarva-infested snatch, you cow. Free NASCAR and NHL box seats? I'm yourbitch. Even the Japanese have finally abandoned as pointless the notion of corporateloyalty. Go, Team Members, Go! What's the difference between a venerated seniorstaff member and a lifer? Chances are you feel superior to almost everyone you workwith—however, they probably feel the same way about you. What a shitty world. Unbeatable firewalls! Install your own PBX! Everyone is roughly 33.5 years old in theirheads. People with bad fingernails probably drink too much. Relentlessly perky womenoften have deeply rooted fertility issues. Ageism and rankism are great because theymake for such good gossip when abused. It can be really fun to go down with the ship. Four-line phone with speakerphone, only $89.99. There was this one guy I worked with,Ian, who got a DUI for his third time, and he lost his driver's licence. It was weird becausehe had this sort-of "gee-whiz" aura that always surrounded him, like a holy man, andpeople started assuming all these crazy mystical things about him. I Wuv Hugs. Thanksfor leaving melted cheddar all over the microwave's bottom, dickwad. No iPods or Walkmans or any other similar devices permitted. I'd like to speak with a real humanbeing, please. Ever since the new no-smoking bylaws passed, it's like I don't know Craigany more. He spends all his breaks smoking outside the ground-floor lobby with his newsmoking buddies, like we're not good enough or risque enough for him. I secretly don'tmind Kyle's lame backrubs. AutoReply: Out of Office. I'm away until the 27th. If you haveurgent business, please contact my assistant, Sandy, at ext. 238. There's nothing cute orfunny or lovable about being cheap. It's ugly, and people really hate seeing cheapnessin operation. If you think being frugal makes you look sensible, just stop right now andhope your friends come back to you.

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