Journey of Souls (2 page)

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Authors: Michael Newton

BOOK: Journey of Souls
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I find it very rewarding to watch the look of wonder on a client’s face when his or her session ends. For those of us who have had the opportunity to actually see our immortality, a new depth of self-understanding and empowerment emerges. Before awakening my subjects, I often implant appropriate post-suggestion memories. Having a conscious knowledge of their soul life in the spirit world and a history of physical existences on planets gives these people a stronger sense of direction and energy for life.

Finally, I should say that what you are about to read may come as a shock to your preconceptions about death. The material presented here may go against your philosophical and religious beliefs. There will be those readers who will find support for their existing opinions. For others, the information offered in these cases will all appear to be subjective tales resembling a science fiction story. Whatever your persuasion, I hope you will reflect’ upon the implications for humanity if what my subjects have to say about life after death is accurate.

Death and Departure

Case 1

S. (Subject): Oh, my god! I’m not really dead-am I? I mean, my body is dead-I can see it below me-but I’m floating… I can look down and see my body lying flat in the hospital bed. Everyone around me thinks I’m dead, but I’m not. I want to shout, hey, I’m not really dead! This is so incredible … the nurses are pulling a sheet over my head… people I know are crying. I’m supposed to be dead, but I’m still alive! It’s strange, because my body is absolutely dead while I’m moving around it from above. I’m alive!

THESE are the words spoken by a man in deep hypnosis, reliving a death experience. His words come in short, excited bursts and are full of awe, as he sees and feels what it is like to be a spirit newly separated from a physical body. This man is my client and I have just assisted him in recreating a past life death scene while he lies back in a comfortable recliner chair. A little earlier, following my instructions during his trance induction, this subject was age-regressed in a return to childhood memories. His subconscious perceptions gradually coalesced as we worked together to reach his mother’s womb.

I then prepared him for a jump back into the mists of time by the visual use of protective shielding. When we completed this important step of mental conditioning, I moved my subject through an imaginary time tunnel to his last life on Earth. It was a short life because he had died suddenly from the influenza epidemic of 1918.

As the initial shock of seeing himself die and feeling his soul floating out of his body begins to wear off a little, my client adjusts more readily to the visual images in his mind. Since a small part of the conscious, critical portion of his mind is still functioning, he realizes he is recreating a former experience. It takes a bit longer than usual since this subject is a younger soul and not so used to the cycles of birth, death, and rebirth as are many of my other clients.

Yet, within a few moments he settles in and begins to respond with greater confidence to my questions. I quickly raise this subject’s subconscious hypnotic level into the superconscious state. Now he is ready to talk to me about the spirit world, and I ask what is happening to him.

S: Well … I’m rising up higher … still floating … looking back at my body. It’s like watching a movie, only I’m in it! The doctor is comforting my wife and daughter. My wife is sobbing (subject wiggles with discomfort in his chair). I’m trying to reach into her mind … to tell her everything is all right with me. She is so overcome by grief I’m not getting through. I want her to know my suffering is gone … I’m free of my body … I don’t need it any more … that I

will wait for her. I want her to know that … but she is … not listening to me. Oh, I’m moving away now …

And so, guided by a series of commands, my client starts the process of moving further into the spirit world. It is a road many others have traveled in the security of my office. Typically, as memories in the superconscious state expand, subjects in hypnosis become more connected to the spiritual passageway. As the session moves forward, the subject’s mental pictures are more easily translated into words. Short descriptive phrases lead to detailed explanations of what it is like to enter the spirit world.

We have a great deal of documentation, including observations from medical personnel, which describes the out-of-body near-death experiences of people severely injured in accidents. These people were considered clinically dead before medical efforts brought them back from the other side. Souls are quite capable of leaving and returning to their host bodies, particularly in life-threatening situations when the body is dying’. People tell of hovering over their bodies, especially in hospitals, watching doctors perform life-saving procedures on them. In time these memories fade after they return to life.

In the early stages of hypnosis regression into past lives, the descriptions of subjects mentally going through their past deaths do not contradict the reported statements of people who have actually died in this life for a few minutes. The difference between these two groups of people is that subjects in hypnosis are not remembering their experiences of temporary death. People in a deep trance state are capable of describing what life is like after permanent physical death.

What are the similarities of afterlife recollection between people reporting on their out-of-body experiences as a result of a temporary physical trauma and a subject in hypnosis recalling death in a past life? Both find themselves floating around their bodies in a strange way, trying to touch solid objects which dematerialize in front of them. Both kinds of reporters say they are frustrated in their attempts to talk to living people who don’t respond. Both state they feel a pulling sensation away from the place where they died and experience relaxation and curiosity rather than fear.

All these people report a euphoric sense of freedom and brightness around them. Some of my subjects see brilliant whiteness totally surrounding them at the moment of death, while others observe the brightness is farther away from an area of darker space through which they are being pulled. This is often referred to as the tunnel effect, and has become well known with the public.

My second case will take us further into the death experience than Case 1. The subject here is a man in his sixties describing to me the events of his death as a young woman called Sally, who was killed by Kiowa Indians in an attack on a wagon train in 1866. Although this case and the last one relate death experiences after their most immediate past lives, a particular death date in history has no special relevance because it is recent. I find no significant differences between ancient and modern times in terms of graphic spirit world recall, or the quality of lessons learned.

I should also say the average subject in trance has an uncanny ability to zero in on the dates and geographic locations of many past lives. This is true even in earlier periods of human civilization, when national borders and place names were different than exist today. Former names, dates, and locations may not always be easily recalled in every past life, but descriptions about returning to the spirit world and life in that world are consistently vivid.

The scene in Case 2 opens on the American southern plains right after an arrow has struck Sally in the neck at close range. I am always careful with

death scenes involving violent trauma in past lives because the subconscious mind often still retains these experiences. The subject in this case came to me because of a lifetime of throat discomfort. Release therapy and deprogramming is usually required in these cases. In all past life recall, I use the time around death for quiet review and place the subject in observer status to soften pain and emotion.

Case 2

Dr. N: Are you in great pain from the arrow?

S: Yes … the point has torn my throat … I’m dying (subject begins to whisper while holding his hands at the throat). I’m choking…

blood pouring down … Will (husband) is holding me … the pain … terrible … I’m getting out now … it’s over, anyway.

Note: Souls often leave their human hosts moments before actual death when their bodies are in great pain. Who can blame them? Nevertheless, they do stay close by the dying body. After calming techniques, I raise this subject from the subconscious to the superconscious level for the transition to spiritual memories.

Dr. N: All right, Sally, you have accepted being killed by these Indians. Will you please describe to me the exact sensation you feel at the time of death?

S: Like … a force … of some kind … pushing me up out of my body.

Dr. N: Pushing you? Out where?

S: I’m ejected out the top of my head.

Dr. N: And what was pushed out?

S: Well-me!

Dr. N: Describe what “me” means. What does the thing that is you look like going out of the head of your body?

S: (pause) Like a … pinpoint of light … radiating…

Dr. N: How do you radiate light?

S: From… my energy. I look sort of transparent white my soul…

Dr. N: And does this energy light stay the same after leaving your body?

S: (pause) I seem to grow a little … as I move around.

Dr. N: If your light expands, then what do you look like now?

S: A… wispy … string… hanging …

Dr. N: And what does the process of moving out of your body actually feel like to you?

S: Well, it’s as if I shed my skin … peeling a banana. I just lose my body in one swoosh!

Dr. N: Is the feeling unpleasant?

S: Oh no! It’s wonderful to feel so free with no more pain, but … I am… disoriented … I didn’t expect to die … (sadness is creeping into my client’s voice and I want him to stay focused on his soul for a minute more, rather than what is taking place on the ground with his body)

Dr. N: I understand, Sally. You are feeling a little displacement at the moment as a soul. This is normal in your situation for what you have just gone through. Listen and respond to my questions. You said you were floating. Are you able to move around freely right after death?

S: It’s strange … it’s as if I’m suspended in air that isn’t air … there are no limits… no gravity… I’m weightless.

Dr. N: You mean it’s sort of like being in a vacuum for you?

S: Yes… nothing around me is a solid mass. There are no obstacles to bump into… I’m drifting

Dr. N: Can you control your movements-where you are going?

S: Yes … I can do some of that … but there is … a pulling … into a bright whiteness … it’s so bright!

Dr. N: Is the intensity of whiteness the same everywhere?

S: Brighter … away from me … it’s a little darker white … gray … in the direction of my body … (starts to cry) oh, my poor body … I’m not ready to leave yet. (subject pulls back in his chair as if he is resisting something)

Dr. N: It’s all right, Sally, I’m with you. I want you to relax and tell me if the force that took you out of your head at the moment of death is still pulling you away, and if you can stop it.

S: (pause) When I was free of my body the pulling lessened. Now, I feel a nudge … drawing me away from my body … I don’t want to go yet … but, something wants me to go soon …

Dr. N: I understand, Sally, but I suspect you are learning you have some element of control. How would you describe this thing that is pulling you?

S: A … kind of magnetic … force … but … I want to stay a little longer …

Dr. N: Can your soul resist this pulling sensation for as long as you want?

S: (there is a long pause while the subject appears to be carrying on an internal debate with himself in his former life as Sally) Yes, I can, if I really want to stay. (subject starts to cry) Oh, it’s awful what those savages did to my body. There is blood all over my pretty blue dress … my husband Will is trying to hold me and still fight with our friends against the Kiowa.

Note: I reinforce the imagery of a protective shield around this subject, which is so important as a foundation to calming procedures. Sally’s soul is still hovering over her body after I move the scene forward in time to when the Indians are driven off by the wagon train rifles.

Dr. N: Sally, what is your husband doing right after the attack?

S: Oh, good … he isn’t hurt … but … (with sadness) he is holding my body … crying over me … there is nothing he can do for me, but he doesn’t seem to realize that yet. I’m cold, but his hands are around my face … kissing me.

Dr. N: And what are you doing at this moment?

S: I’m over Will’s head. I’m trying to console him. I want him to feel my love is not really gone … I want him to know he has not lost me forever and that I will see him again.

Dr. N: Are your messages getting through?

S: There is so much grief, but he … feels my essence … I know it. Our friends are around him … and they separate us finally … they want to reform the wagons and get started again.

Dr. N: And what is going on now with your soul?

S: I’m still resisting the pulling sensation … I want to stay.

Dr. N: Why is that?

S: Well, I know I’m dead … but I’m not ready to leave Will yet and I want to watch them bury me.

Dr. N: Do you see or feel any other spiritual entity around you at this moment?

S: (pause) They are near … soon I will see them … I feel their love as I want Will to feel mine … they are waiting until I’m ready.

Dr. N: As time passes, are you able to comfort Will?

S: I’m trying to reach inside his mind.

Dr. N: And are you successful?

S: (pause) I … think a little … he feels me … he realizes … love…

Dr. N: All right, Sally, now we are going to move forward in relative time again. Do you see your wagon train friends placing your body in some kind of grave?

S: (voice is more confident) Yes, they have buried me. It’s time for me to go … they are coming for me now… I’m moving… into a brighter light

Contrary to what some people believe, souls often have little interest in what happens to their bodies once they are physically dead. This is not callousness over personal situations and the people they leave behind on Earth, but an acknowledgement of these souls to the finality of mortal death. They have a desire to hurry on their way to the beauty of the spirit world.

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