Jerry's Passion: Insurgents Motorcycle Club (Insurgents MC Romance Book 6) (30 page)

BOOK: Jerry's Passion: Insurgents Motorcycle Club (Insurgents MC Romance Book 6)
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U can’t break my heart & expect me to come running cuz u decide u want me now.

I always wanted u.

It’s not that easy. I have to think about it.

Is there a chance?

Another long pause.

Maybe. Gotta go.


She didn’t say no, and he held on to that. They had to be together, because she was the only thing he’d ever done right in his fucking life. He couldn’t lose her just when he’d had her. Cursing himself for letting her slip through his fingers, he swore he’d get her back, even if it cost him his life.

Chapter Twenty-Nine

or the past
few days, Kylie’s dad had avoided her, and when he did bump into her he’d only grunt out one-word sentences. Having him shut her out like that was like a knife gutting her from the inside out. She’d never seen him this angry at her before, and because it pained her, she took it out on Belle, lashing out at her for being a damn snoop. Needless to say, the household was tense, and the only one who talked at dinner was Ethan. He was so excited about his baseball camp, and Kylie was grateful for his idle chatter; otherwise, dinnertime would be more miserable than it’d been since she’d been found out.

The streetlights clicked on as the darkening sky melded into inkiness. The green grass and trees faded into shadows under the night sky. Kylie turned off the ignition and entered the house, her step light and bouncy. She’d just come back from the interview with the wildlife rescue job and she thought she’d nailed it. The woman told her she’d be hearing in the next few days since they had several applicants, but Kylie had a good feeling about it.

She opened the fridge and surveyed its contents, looking for something quick to eat. Since Belle’s back had been killing her, Emily and Kylie tried to help out with the cooking. Kylie was used to cooking for her dad after her mother had died, so she didn’t mind, but Emily acted like she’d received corporal punishment. Spotting two slices of extra cheese and green chilies pizza, she took them out along with a Diet Coke and sat at the kitchen table.

Since his text a few days before, she hadn’t heard from Jerry. She didn’t know what to make of it, and she wasn’t sure if she trusted him with her heart again. Even though her body craved him in the worst way, her heart was still recovering from the wounds he’d already inflicted. How could she trust a man who’d had a woman on his lap the minute she’d been out of his sight? Her dad had warned her that Jerry wasn’t capable of being faithful, and she demanded that much of any man.

Wiping the table, Kylie threw her pop can in the recycling bin and headed to the stairs. The muted volume on the television caught her attention, and she walked into the family room. She saw the back of her dad’s head as he sat on the couch watching wrestling. Seeing him alone, watching a sport they used to watch together, tore at her heart. She ambled over to the couch.

He raised his eyes and they settled on her face. Sitting down, she asked softly, “Are you still mad at me?” She heard him sigh. “‘Cause if you are, I get it, but it’s killing me.” Her voice cracked.

He stretched out his arm. “Come here.” She scooted over to him, and he hooked his arm around her and brought her head to rest against his shoulder. He kissed the top of her head. “Oh, honey… You know I can’t stay mad at you for too long.”

She sniffled. “I’m sorry I disappointed you.”

“You’ve never disappointed me. Pissed me the hell off, but never anything more than that.” He held her close to him. “How’ve you been?”

She broke away slightly. “Besides you icing me out, pretty good. I had a job interview today and it went real well. I really want the job.” She proceeded to tell her dad all about the interview and what she’d been up to since their fight a few days before.

“You know you don’t need to work.”

“I know, but I want to. I want to earn my own money. Anyway, I’m the only one of my friends who doesn’t have a job, and I’m getting bored.”

Banger chuckled, his blue eyes twinkling. “If that’s what you want, I’m sure you’ll get it. Employers look for enthusiasm too, and you got plenty of that. Where’d you say the interview was?”

“Downtown at the Empire building. I hope I get it.” She tucked her legs under her. “Want some company?”

“You’re the only one in the house who likes wrestling. I can’t get Belle interested in it at all.”

“Mom didn’t like it either.” They both laughed. “I could make popcorn and get you another beer.”

Banger smiled widely. “Sold. And get your old man two beers.”

Kylie rushed to the kitchen and pulled out two beers from the fridge. As she stood near the microwave listening to the kernels pop like gunfire, she bounced lightly, humming to herself. A warm glow radiated through her.

Placing the large bowl of popcorn between them on the couch, she flipped open her pop can at the same time her dad opened his beer.

“You wanna watch a movie?” he asked as he took a handful of popcorn.

From the sparkle in his eye, she knew exactly the movie he wanted to see—his old standby,
Billy Jack
. The two of them must have seen it a hundred times. Her mom and dad used to watch it, and Kylie knew it’d made him feel nostalgic to watch it with her after Grace had died. The funny thing was she’d grown to love the movie. Without asking which one he wanted, she opened the cabinet and took out the DVD. Resuming her seat, they crunched on popcorn as they waited for the opening credits.

“I love you, honey. I only want the best for you.”

“I know, Dad.”

As they watched the film, it reminded her of the times when she was a little girl and her daddy took care of everything. For that moment, she relished being that little girl again.

*     *     *

His dick was
hard as granite as he watched the leather strap mark the tender cheeks of her ass. Having Kelsey wear the long, blonde wig was ingenious. With her hands secured to the bedpost and her ass high in the air, he could imagine it was Kylie he was punishing. She fucking needed punishment for being such a slut with Ricky and Jerry. He hadn’t believed the puny college student for one minute when he’d said they were just friends. But the hussy had jilted him for the tall biker. Why did women love bikers? It’d always perplexed him, and even though he’d decided to follow in his father’s footsteps, he hated it and the whores who hung around the club.

“I’ve had enough, Mark. Can you stop?” Kelsey’s teary voice irritated him.

“Shut the fuck up, cunt. Didn’t I tell you that you aren’t to speak until I give you permission? You slut. For that disobedience, you get another five lashes.” He loved the sound of the strap on soft flesh. The man couldn’t wait to hear it on Kylie’s ass.

By the time the tormentor finished, Kelsey was a sniveling mess of angry red marks and welts. He walked over and untied her. He’d let her rest for a bit. The last thing he wanted was to wear her out; his fun was just beginning.

“Why do you like to hurt me like that?” she asked as she wiped her wet cheeks.

“That’s how I get off. You agreed to it a while back, remember?”

“I didn’t know what I was getting into. I thought you just wanted to tie me up and give me a few swats on the ass. I’ve had that done by guys lots of times.” She giggled while she rubbed her wrists where the restraints had been minutes before.

Disgust coursed through the black-haired man’s body. “You really are a slut, aren’t you?”

She shrugged. “Want a beer? My mom bought some yesterday.”

“With my money or your brother’s?”

“I dunno. Probably Jerry’s, ‘cause he was here a few days ago. So, do you want some?”

“Okay. Do you want to continue with our arrangement?”

“You still paying me, right?”

A curt nod of his head.

“All right, but if you’re gonna be too hard with the strap like you just were, it’s gonna cost more. My mom can’t believe I have such a rich boyfriend.” She wrapped her arms around his tapered waist. “You got something good for me?”

What a fucking meth head.
“That’s for later.”

Kelsey smiled, revealing stained teeth from her on-and-off love affair with crystal. “Come on. We can have the drink with my mom. I know she wants to see you.”

“All right, but we’ll only take a twenty-minute break. You don’t want to make me mad, do you?” A razor-thin edge of danger laced his voice. “Lead the way.”

They entered the room, and he saw Wanda light up a cigarette. He hated the hacking woman and couldn’t wait to snuff out her last breath. His fingers itched to do it right then.

“How’s Kelsey treating you?” Wanda asked as she took the beer from her daughter’s hand.


“You like it rough, huh?”

With wide eyes, Kelsey looked at him, and she held up her trembling hands. “I didn’t tell her anything. I obeyed you just like you told me to.”

“She didn’t tell me shit. I can hear what you’re doing in there. If I wasn’t hooked up to this damn oxygen, I’d join you.” Wanda laughed.

What a fucking vile woman. I’m going to enjoy killing you.
“That’s funny, Wanda.”

After twenty minutes, the man stood up, prompting Kelsey to jump off the couch. As they walked to her bedroom, he heard Wanda call out, “Have a good time.”

“We will.” He closed the door.

Two hours later, the sheets drenched in blood, Kelsey lay face down on the mattress, her face unrecognizable. He pulled out the speculum he’d used to sexually assault her after he’d raped her over and over, choking her until he climaxed hard. Placing his torture devices in his black bag, he sat on the cheap wooden chair near her bed, smiling. His excitement had been at an all-time high that night. The maltreatment of Kelsey had been intensely gratifying, and he could only imagine how he’d feel when he had Kylie in his possession.

In the madman’s world, punishment rape was the way to avenge acts committed by members of a girl’s family, like a brother or father. Jerry had fucked Kylie, so in the twisted mind of the murderer, his sister had to be raped. Things got out of hand, and her murder wasn’t intended, but he couldn’t control himself. The more Kelsey whimpered and cried through her gag, the more he wanted to hurt her. Of course, deep down, he knew he was bullshitting himself; a dark, dangerous part of him wanted to choke the life out of her, then unleash his fury on her lifeless body. He loved every second of it.

And now he’d choke the life out of Wanda. He figured he’d be giving Jerry a bonus with that death. He shouldn’t, especially since Jerry had stuck his cock in
Kylie, but he couldn’t really blame him. Kylie was tempting as sin, and she should’ve controlled the situation with Jerry; after all, men were weak to a woman’s pussy. He’d have to teach Kylie a lesson, but he wouldn’t disfigure her face as he had Kelsey’s. Kylie was too pretty, too precious. Maybe he’d keep her, even though retribution required he kill her for the sins of her father. He wondered if she liked rough sex.

Smiling, he went to the bathroom and stepped into the shower to wash off all the blood. After putting on a clean set of clothes, he strode out to the living room where he noticed Wanda’s head back and mouth open, a thin line of drool trickling from the corner. He picked up the faded orange throw pillow and stood next to her. As if she sensed something, he watched her eyes flutter open.

She cleared her throat and shifted to sit straight. “You want something?” Her sleep-bleary eyes peered at him.

“I wanted to say good-bye.” He reached over and turned off her oxygen tank.

“What the fuck are you doing?” she gasped.

With a flat, cruel smile, he placed the throw pillow firmly over her face and ignored her panicked thrashing as her ability to breathe lessened. With a steady hold on the pillow, and his knee pressed against her stomach, he made it near impossible for Wanda to take a full breath. Slowly, she went limp, and he presumed she’d lost consciousness. Placing the pillow back on the couch, he took out the duct tape he’d had Kelsey purchase for their sex play, wrapping it over Wanda’s mouth and nose after binding her hands and legs tightly with it. Then he sat on the couch and waited until the occupants in the other trailers went to sleep. He depended on the darkness to allow him to slip away undetected.

As the trailer park slept, he crept away, a feeling of accomplishment coursing through him.

And very soon, Kylie would be his. At last.

Chapter Thirty

he following morning,
Jerry arrived at the trailer amidst a swarm of badges and yellow tape that looked like streamers after a wild party. Face taut, he walked up to a guy in a suit who acted like he was in charge. “I’m Wanda’s son. What the fuck happened here?”

The detective’s gaze lingered on Jerry’s cut. “Do you have any identification?” Jerry handed him his driver’s license, which he reviewed before handing it back to him. “We need you to go inside and identify the bodies. The one in the back bedroom is pretty bad, but from your affiliation, I’d guess you’ve probably seen worse.”

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