Jeremy Varon (73 page)

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Authors: Bringing the War Home

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134, 159

Hirsch, Phoebe, 58, 59, 62, 322n128;

“The Guerrilla, Resistance, and the Anti-

and Days of Rage, 78, 81, 87, 93,

imperialist Front” (RAF), 301–2

109–10, 111

Guevara, Che, 1, 37–38, 54, 159, 188;

Hitler, A., 238; “good Germans”/

call to “create two, three, many

identification/denial/silence, 32, 41,

Vietnams,” 7, 25;
theory, 57,

98–99, 246–47; legal seizure of

294, 295; German radicals and, 200,

power, 276; Nixon link, 98, 99;

204; Lincoln Park commemoration,

RAF as children of, 13, 199, 200,

79–80; “New Socialist Man,”

250, 280.
See also


Ho Chi Minh, 1, 123, 172

guilt: structural, 238; white, 90–91,

Hoffman, Abbie, 80, 148, 327n109; acid,


106; Chicago Democratic conven-

guns: BPP and police, 153–54; Columbia

tion demonstrations (1968), 26,

students, 26;
Firearms and Self-

106; Chicago 8 conspiracy trial, 80,

handbook, 177; German

117, 169; otherness, 169; and Yippie

police shootouts with radicals, 208,

violence, 129–30, 147

209, 215, 303; militancy and, 8–9,

Hoffman, Anita, 173

92; RAF, 64, 65, 208, 215, 234;

Hoffman, Dustin, 173

system, 43; underground press and,

Hoffman, Julius (Judge), 80, 333n14

88; Weatherman, 58, 61, 76, 92,

Hoover, J. E., 164, 175, 176

153, 159

Horlemann, Jürgen, 66

gut check, 92–93, 105–6, 110, 173

Huber, Wolfgang, 72

Guthrie, Arlo, 127

Hughey, David, 118, 177

human rights organizations, vs. German

Haag, Siegfried, 220–21, 231, 243, 268

state violence, 255, 300, 303

Habermas, Jürgen, 73, 274

Humphrey, Hubert, 26, 119, 136, 201

Haig, Alexander, 301

hunger strikers, German prisoners,

Haines, Steve, 85

196, 218–20, 227, 232, 271, 303;

Hall, Duane, 80, 82

criticism-self-criticism, 229; deaths,

Hampton, Fred, 37, 103, 159; and Days

196, 219–21, 230–34, 237; force-

of Rage, 77, 81, 84, 334n40; murder,

feeding, 218, 222, 223, 271; Mein-

154–57, 159, 185–86, 275, 333n15,

hof, 259; RAF attorneys and, 218–


20, 231, 256, 267–69, 271, 354n64;

“Hard Times” conference, Chicago, 297

survival time, 346n82; trials in the

Harlem, Columbia and, 25, 29

absence of, 267, 271–72

Harvard, 46

Hunter, Robert, 35, 107, 132, 187

Hausner, Wolfgang, 268

Hutton, Bobby, 318n41

Hayden, Tom, 25, 80, 152, 159, 195, 292

Haymarket, 76, 181

ideology, 1, 17, 37–38, 50–55, 96,

Hearst, Patty, 292

105–6, 166, 274; of art, 336n90;

Heidegger, Martin, 97

“end of,” 22; RAF, 17, 43–44,

The Helix,
Seattle, 124–25

65–68, 71, 73, 274; SDS, 22, 23,

Hell’s Angels, 161, 162

45–46, 47, 48, 294; state, 94;

Helms, Richard, 145

Weatherman, 17, 50, 109, 183,

Herstellung eines Molotow-Cocktails/

185, 294.
See also

The Making of a Molotov Cocktail

intellectuals; militancy; reality;

(Meins), 39–40, 219




imperialism, 51–52.
See also

Jefferson Airplane, 38, 164


Jeffreys-Jones, Rhodri, 135–36

individualism, 9, 57–58, 90

Jens, Walter, 262–63

Info-BUG (Info-Berliner undogmatischen

Jesse James Gang, 47

newspaper, 262

Jews: anti-Semitism toward, 69–70, 247,

informants: BPP, 154–55; Melville collec-

250–51; Berlin synagogue bombing,

tive, 118, 120–21; RAF, 64; Weather-

250, 251; fascism attributed to, 251;

man, 78, 81, 117, 121, 171, 176,

German New Left vs., 69–70, 250–

186, 329n16, 339n164

51; German students as the new, 40;

Info-system, German prison, 221–22,

Gilbert, 29; hijacking (1976), 250–

229, 256, 267, 268, 269

51; Israel, 69–70, 250–51; Nazism

Institute for Defense Analysis (IDA), 25

vs., 40, 247, 251; Roth, 28; Weather-

intellectuals, 7; American, 94; German,

man, 28

41, 43–44, 66–67, 71, 73, 236, 259,

Ji Jaga, Geronimo (formerly Geronimo

See also
ideology; Marcuse,

Pratt), 300


Johnson, Art, 95–96

intellectual struggle, antiterrorist, 279

Johnson, Lyndon B., 26, 27, 36, 99, 123,

internationalism, New Left, 1–2, 5–6,

136, 139, 143

178, 224; antiglobalization move-

Jones, Jeff, 22, 50; Columbia protests,

ment, 310–11; black, 24, 178, 179;

26; and Days of Rage, 80, 92, 94,

limits to, 6; Marcuse, 18; and masses,

100, 102, 110, 155; and Debrayist

224–25; PL, 49; proletarian, 49, 68,

violence, 57; and Flint, 161; and

228; RAF, 6, 66–67, 68, 72, 228,

November (1969) antiwar march,

235; and Vietnam, 1, 24, 53, 66–67;

144; underground move, 181–82;

Weatherman, 6, 52–54, 72.
See also

violent faction challenging, 298;

anti-imperialism; Third World

West Coast collective, 172


Juergensmeyer, Mark, 206, 229, 347n99

International Liberation School, Berkeley,

Jünschke, Klaus, 215, 244, 304–5


June 2 Movement (J2M), 3, 208, 236–

International Vietnam Congress, Berlin,

40, 274, 301; Baumann, 209; the


Blues, 236;
Die Entführung aus

“In the Shadow of the Silent Majorities”

unserer Sicht
/ “The Kidnapping As

(Baudrillard), 140–43, 146

We See It,” 236; Lorenz kidnapping,

intolerance: courage of, 277–78, 282;

196, 236–37, 260, 261, 270–71,

German democratic, 199, 200, 254–

280; murders, 196, 233, 237,

See also

239–40, 274

Iraq, 341n215

Les Justes
(Camus), 191–92

isolation: prison, 216–23, 226–29, 267,

269, 300, 303; in underground,

Katsiaficas, George, 313n1


Kennedy, John F., 27

Israel, 69–70, 250–51.
See also

Kennedy, Robert, 26, 35, 138

Italy, guerrilla groups, 174–75, 244,

Kenniston, Kenneth, 162, 168–71,



Kent State University, 10, 47, 131, 174,

J. J. (John Jacobs), 49, 138–39, 160, 173,

178, 181


Kerner Commission, 36

Jackson, George, 178, 186

Kesey, Ken, 105, 332n2

Jackson, Jonathan, 178

K-groups, Germany, 67–68, 70, 213–14

Jackson State, 10, 178

kidnappings, 234–35, 242; Hearst, 292;

Jacobs, Harold, 189

Lorenz, 196, 236–37, 260, 261,

Jacoby, Russell, 310

270–71, 280; Ponto attempt, 234;

Jaffe, Naomi, 79, 156; and Flint, 162,

Schleyer, 11, 197–98, 226, 234–35,

163; indicted, 339n164; after town-

241, 252, 258, 278–80, 284–86,

house explosion, 184, 190; Viet-

288, 342–43n2, 347n94, 348n117,

namese resistance inspiring, 290

355n79; von Drenkmann attempt,

Jagger, Mick, 169

233, 237; Weatherman and, 174,

Jahrbuch Politik,

184, 191



Kiesinger, Kurt, 33

civil rights restrictions allowed by,

King, Coretta Scott, 115

31, 40, 66, 226, 254–72, 277, 280,

King, Martin Luther, Jr., 35–36, 48, 103,

282–89, 303, 311; German Emer-

138, 318n41

gency Laws (1968), 31, 40, 66, 277;

Kinkel initiative, 306

226, 269, 272, 280.

Kissinger, Henry, 99, 145, 191

See also
attorneys; law enforcement

Klarsfeld, Beate, 33, 318n33


Klarsfeld, Serge, 318n33

Leary, Timothy, 179, 184, 232

Klein, Hans-Joachim, 14, 231, 248, 251,

Leninism, 9–10, 48; Bay Area Revolu-

268, 351n184

tionary Union, 158; democratic

Klein, Herbert, 134

centralism, 58, 294; German radi-

Koestler, Arthur, 166

cals, 8, 67, 71, 200, 213; Old Left,

Kohl, Helmut, 223

49; PL, 46; RYM II, 55.
See also

Kommando Holger Meins, 233


Kommando Siegfried Hausner, 234

Lennon, John, 105

Kommando Ulrike Meinhof, 234

Lerner, Johnny, 49, 179

Kommune 1, Berlin, 201–2, 205–6

lesbian collectives, WUO, 291

Kommunistischer Studentenverein, 213–14

Lewis, Thomas, 329n18

magazine, 41, 43, 201

“Lexicon of Folk-Etymology” (Larkin

226, 269, 272, 280

and Foss), 88, 96, 97, 104–5,

“Das Konzept Stadtguerilla”/“The


Concept of the Urban Guerrilla”

Lex RAF, 265–66, 286

(Meinhof ), 68, 200, 206–7

liberals: corporate, 24; radicals losing

Kopkind, Andrew, 46, 85, 177

hope in, 27–28; vs. RAF, 215; vs.

Korber, Horst, 219

Vietnam War, 115–16, 129

Kraushaar, Wolfgang, 241, 242, 284–88,

newspaper, 234


Liberation News Service (LNS), 84, 125–

Kunstler, William, 77

26, 158, 164

Lincoln Park commemoration, of Guevara,

labor: globalization, 321n106; labor


metaphysic, 22; unions vs. RAF,

Linke, George, 65, 204, 206–7

281; Vietnam War supporters,

Long Island City courthouse, 181

See also

Lorenz, Peter, 196, 236–37, 260, 261,


270–71, 280

Lampson, Mary, 293

The Lost Honor of Katharina Blum

Lang, Jörg, 267–68

(Böll), 261

Langhans, Rainer, 201

LSD, 105–6, 159, 171, 327–28nn108,109,

language: impotence of, 88–89; of left,


88–89, 96, 97, 104–5, 161, 164–

Lyotard, Jean-François, 309

65, 194, 325–26n51; mass demons-

tration, 114–15; masses, 140, 142;

Machtinger, Howie, 160, 296

violence as, 43–44, 89

MacLaine, Shirley, 115–16

Larkin, Ralph, 88, 96, 97, 104–5,

Macleod, Ian, 209


Madison bombers (University of Wis-

law enforcement, 275; vs. BPP, 14, 153–

consin), 162, 178, 195

57, 159, 162–64, 275, 318n41,

Mafia, 81

333n15, 334n40; CIA, 25, 145,

Magdoff, Harry, 51–52

296–97, 331n82; GSG 9, 197–98,

Mahler, Horst, 63, 70, 71, 226; arrest,

234, 285–86, 359n59; U.S. National

65; Baader’s attorney, 63, 247–48;

Guard, 81, 95, 108, 131, 181; U.S.

break with RAF, 200, 222; gun

National Security Agency, 296–97;

supply, 64, 65; and Nazi past, 247–

vs. Vietnam War demonstrators,

48; and New Left violence, 71, 200,

131; vs. Weatherman, 153–54, 175.

241, 243; and prison conditions,

See also
antiterrorism; FBI; inform-

222, 346n84

ants; police; prison

Maier-Witt, Silke, 252–53

laws, 273; German antiterrorist, 226,

Mai Lai, massacre, 145, 194

254–72, 277, 280, 282–89; German

Mailer, Norman, 148, 164



The Making of a Molotov Cocktail

McCarthy, Eugene, 26–27, 115, 116

(Meins), 39–40, 219

McGovern, George, 133–34

Malcolm X, 27, 54, 94, 148, 159

McNamara, Robert, 27, 145

Manicheanism, Stalinist, 240

Meany, George, 330n64

Mann, Thomas, 277, 355n75

Meinhof, Ulrike, 20, 30, 41, 72, 245;

Manson, Charles, 336–37n97; murders,

arrest, 198, 215; on arsons, 41,

105, 151, 160–66, 169, 334n42,

202; attorney, 217; “Aus dem Toten

335n65, 337n102

Trakt”/“From the Dead Tract,” 215,

manuals, New Left violence, 39–40, 71–

217; Baader escape from prison, 20,

72, 177, 323–24n182, 338n147

205, 206, 227, 323n176; Böll and,

Maoism, 46, 48, 49, 58–59, 67.
See also

198, 208; bombings, 20, 345n44;


Brückner biography, 239; “The

Mao Tse-tung, 1, 54, 160, 172, 204

Concept of the Urban Guerrilla,”

March against Death, 125–26, 129

68, 200, 206–7; death, 197, 198,

Marcisz, Heinz, 234

233–34, 255, 347n114; and Humph-

Marcuse, Herbert, 1, 18, 37, 166–68,

rey targeting, 201; ideological leader,

232, 283; aesthetics, 167, 336n90;

71; Palestinian massacre of Israeli

cautions, 89, 102; “An Essay on

athletes praised by, 250, 251; parents,

Liberation,” 189, 320n82; and

41, 252, 308; prison, 197, 217, 221,

ethics of violence, 188–89, 238–39,

222, 233–34, 259; and RAF forma-

242; Great Refusal, 45, 142, 166–

tion, 20, 63, 64–65; Scharf visit,

67; on means and goals, 189, 237,

259; at Schmid killing, 208; tape at

238–39; natural right of resistance,

“Teach-in Against State Repression,”

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