Jeremy Varon (72 page)

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Authors: Bringing the War Home

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Committees against Isolation Torture in

61–62, 74, 77–85, 107–8, 128–29,

the Prisons of the FRG, 218, 220,

153, 159, 176, 297; and Vietnam

232, 233, 267

War, 61–62, 74–112, 124

communism: Cuba, 51, 57, 149; disso-

DDR (East Germany), 67, 218, 252, 305,

lution, 11, 305; Germany, 12, 31,

350n167, 359n57

67, 68, 213–14, 276, 277; Soviet,

de Antonio, Emile, 293

11, 305; Vietnam, 137–38.

death: death trip, 96–98, 106, 111, 183,

anticommunism; K-groups;

327–28n108; German prison hunger

Leninism; Maoism; Marxism;

strikers, 196, 219–21, 230–34, 237.


See also
murders; suicides

“The Concept of the Urban Guerrilla”

Debray, Régis, 56–57, 63, 102

(Meinhof ), 68, 200, 206–7

Debus, Sigurd, 303

Congressional Record,
U.S., 176

News from Nowhere,

consumerism, 5, 9, 21–22, 42, 69, 120

Delgado, Marion, 80, 108

Coppick, Manfred, 286–87

della Porta, Donatella, 225–26

Cornell University, 30

Dellinger, Dave, 188, 195; Chicago 8

corporate liberalism, 24

conspiracy trial, 77; on Days of

Council of Evangelical Churches,

Rage, 334n40; pacifist militancy,

Germany, 280

103, 195; on Palmer, 149; on Yippie

counterculture, 96, 170, 326n77; black

culture, 168

American radicals distinct from,

Demmerle, George, 120–21, 329n16

185, 313n1; Chicago Democratic

democracy, 355n73; American New Left

convention demonstrations (1968),

values, 21–29, 49, 55, 58, 124, 130,

83; German, 202, 231–32;

182, 294; plebiscitary, 132, 134–35,

Up Absurd
(Goodman), 132; Manson

146; political violence in, 2, 5–6,

and, 161, 164; Marcuse and, 167;

9–10; Third World revolutionary,

Weatherman and, 60, 78, 158, 183,

54; Weatherman, 55, 58, 124, 130,

184, 185, 292–93.
See also

182, 294.
See also
American democ-


racy; German democracy

courage: of intolerance, 277–78, 282;

Democratic Party: Hayden, 292; Humph-

Maier-Witt on, 253; physical mili-

rey, 26, 119, 136, 201.
See also

tant, 96, 102, 110–11; psychedelic

Chicago Democratic convention

death trip, 106

demonstrations (1968)

Crazies, 117

Detroit: bombing, 172;
Fifth Estate,

Creedence Clearwater Revival, 75

177; White Panthers, 158

criticism-self-criticism: RAF prisoners,

Dohrn, Bernardine, 20, 48–53, 171, 179;

229; Weatherman, 58–59, 107, 291

arrest, 333n13; and “bring the war

Croissant, Claus, 266–69, 270

home” slogan, 157; Days of Rage,

Cuba: American New Left visits/

81, 85, 98; declaration of war (May

Venceremos Brigades, 52, 149,

1970), 180; on FBI’s “Ten Most

179–80, 331n75; communism, 51,

Wanted Fugitives” list, 178, 295;

57, 149; FBI Weatherman investiga-

at Flint, 159–60, 165; indicted,

tions and, 358n36; hijacking to,

339n164; Manson comment, 160,

119; revolution, 8, 52, 56–57, 73,

334n42; on Maoism, 59; after

79, 119, 314n3; Weatherman-NLF

townhouse explosion, 182, 184,

meeting, 137, 331n75.
See also

186–87, 191; violent faction

Guevara, Che

challenging, 298; West Coast

collective, 172

Daley, Richard, 82, 83, 108

Donghi, Dianne, 176, 180

Darkness at Noon
(Koestler), 166

drugs: FBI agent, 296; psychedelic, 105–

Davis, Angela, 178, 214

6, 159, 171, 327–28nn108,109,

Days of Rage, 61–62, 74–112, 157,

332n2; Weatherman and, 58



Dutschke, Rudi, 38, 232, 274; ideology,

FBI, 14, 275, 338–39n148, 358n33;

43–44, 66–67, 73, 274; Meins

vs. BPP, 154–55, 164; Hoover, 164,

funeral, 220; shot, 40–41, 43, 66,

175, 176; and Melville collective,

203, 205, 232–33

117–18; and RYM II, 327n102;

Dylan, Bob: “Ballad of a Thin Man,”

Security Index, 158; “Ten Most

82; “Lay, Lady, Lay,” 159; “The

Wanted Fugitives” list, 178, 295;

Lonesome Death of Hattie Caroll,”

and Weatherman, 10, 14, 78, 82,

152; Marcusean aesthetics, 167;

117–18, 153, 158, 175–82, 293,

“My Back Pages,” 181;

295–97, 332n5, 339n164,

340n172; “No Time to


Think,” 86; “Paths of Victory,” 21;

Federal Democratic Party, German, 260

“Subterranean Homesick Blues,” 49;

Federal Republic of Germany (FRG):

“This Wheel’s on Fire,” 171; “The

antiterrorism, 14–15, 254–89, 303–

Times They Are A-Changin’,” 44;

4, 351–52n1, 355n77; branches,

“When the Ship Comes In,” 115;

352n1; cost of pursuing RAF,

“Where Are You Tonight? (Journey

346n81; criticized for antiterrorist

Through Dark Heat),” 93

measures, 254–55, 264, 270–71,

286–88, 303; foundations, 6, 30–

Easter demonstrations, German New

34; Nazi/fascist continuity, 13, 31–

Left, 40–41, 43–44

35, 39, 197–202, 227, 233, 239–49,

East Germany (DDR), 67, 218, 252, 305,

255, 260, 268–75, 289, 303–4, 307–

350n167, 359n57

8; terrorist itself, 255; U.S. alliance,

Eckhardt, Hans, 208

6–7; and Vietnam War, 12, 248.

Education and Research Action Project

German government; state

(ERAP), 23


Ehrlichman, John, 176

feminism, 104, 169, 179, 183, 294,

Elrod, Richard, 82, 83, 159


Emergency Laws (1968), Germany, 31,

Fernandez, John, 99

40, 66, 277

Fetscher, Iring, 239, 240, 242, 288

England: bombings by British RAF, 65;

Fifth Estate,
Detroit, 97, 177

guerrilla groups, 244, 349n158

(SDS newspaper), 107–9, 111,

Ensslin, Gudrun, 39, 62–65; arrest, 41,

124, 157, 166

215; arsons, 41, 201–2, 205–6;

Firearms and Self-Defense: A Handbook

attorney, 265; bombings, 210; death,

for Radicals, Revolutionaries, and

198, 230, 234, 306; parents, 63–64,

Easy Riders
(International Libera-

252; prison, 62, 198, 222, 259; safe

tion School), 177

house, 72; trial, 197, 202, 266–67;

Flanagan, Brian, 82, 83, 108

and Weatherman, 69

Flint War Council (1969), Weatherman,

Ensslin, Helmut, 63–64

151, 152, 158–66, 181

Eppel, Richard, 209

Fonda, Henry, 173

ethics: of resistance, 10, 42–43, 87–88,

Fort Dix, 174–75

100, 102, 237–41; of responsibility,

Foss, Daniel, 88, 96, 97, 104–5, 164,

91, 101; of solidarity, 73, 91–92,


185, 187, 192; of ultimate ends, 91,

Foucault, Michel, 101–2, 223

101, 327n92; of violence, 188–94,

France: Action Directe, 302; guerrilla

212, 237–44.
See also

groups, 244, 301;

Evans, Linda, 176, 300, 339n164

paper, 234; Schleyer body, 234;

exceptionalism, U.S./Germany, 5

sports vs. news viewing, 140–41;

student protests, 25–26, 101–2, 290,

FALN, 193, 295, 299


Fanon, Frantz, 88, 89

Frank, Thomas, 326n77

fascism: American government and,

Frankfurt: arsons, 20, 41–42, 62–63,

275, 295; of leftists, 39, 73, 165–

201–3, 205–6, 247–48; leftist con-

66, 214, 240, 242, 255, 263; ritual,

ferences, 213–14, 359n48; RAF

132–33; utopian, 309.
See also

bombings, 210, 213


Frankfurt School, 33, 42, 73, 244, 259

Fassnacht, Robert, 178, 195

freaks, 164–65, 180–81, 335n75



Freud, Sigmund, 168, 336n97

268, 269, 271; Rote Hilfe, 213, 218,

Federal Republic of Germany

231, 232, 268; and Vietnam War,


12, 33–35, 42, 66–69, 196, 201–4,

Fried, Erich, 34, 241–42

210–12, 244, 248; violence, 6–18,

Friedrich, Baptist Ralf, 233, 243–44

21, 38–44, 65, 70, 194, 200–253,

Friesler, Roland, 265

301–6, 310–11, 314n3, 359n59.

Froines, John, 80

See also
German leftist press; June 2

Movement (J2M); Nazism/fascism;

gay liberation movement, 149, 179

New Left violence; Red Cells; Rote

gender: feminism, 104, 169, 179, 183,

Armee Fraktion/Red Army Faction

294, 359n45.
See also

(RAF); sympathizers


German police, 14, 254, 352n1; attor-

Genscher, Hans-Dietrich, 257

neys’ offices raided by, 266–67;

George Jackson Commando, 302

bookstore raids, 262; and demon-

German Autumn (1977), 11, 198, 278, 288

strations after Meinhof death, 234;

German democracy, 6, 31–34; insecuri-

killing of erroneously identified

ties about, 275–76; intolerant, 199,

people, 209; killings of New Left

200, 254–89; militant, 276–89,

people, 39, 208, 209; and Lorenz

355nn73,75; New Left concerns, 11,

kidnapping, 260, 270–71; manhunts

14, 31, 43–44, 224–25, 244, 257–

for RAF, 214–15; neofascist vio-

58, 273, 274; political violence in,

lence, 244, 245; RAF arrests by, 64,

2, 5, 9–10; tolerant, 39, 283, 304–

198, 215, 254, 303, 305; RAF

See also
civil rights violations

bombings of, 210, 211; RAF deny-

German government: East Germany

ing humanity of, 205, 206, 241;

(DDR), 67, 218, 252, 305, 350n167,

RAF killing of, 208, 347n114; RAF

359n57; Great Coalition (1966), 31;

on repression by, 13; shootouts with

reunification (1992), 11, 305; Weimar

New Left, 208, 209, 215, 303; vs.

Republic, 14, 145–46, 255, 258,

sympathizers, 259, 260, 261.

276–77, 288, 304.
See also

law enforcement

Republic of Germany (FRG); Ger-

Frankfurt; German

man democracy; German police;

government; German New Left

laws; Nazism/fascism; prison; Social

272–74, 276

Democratic Party (SPD); state

Gilbert, David, 28–29, 56, 293–94; and


Flint, 162; and Hampton murder,

German leftist press: Agit-Druck press,

156; after townhouse explosion,

262; Berlin, 203–4, 237, 262;

186–87, 190; UFF robbery, 299; on

Jahrbuch Politik,

violence/nonviolence, 90–93, 101

magazine, 41, 43, 201;

Gitlin, Todd, 93–94, 111, 146, 162

underground press, American

globalization, 310–11, 321n106

German New Left, 3–4; American New

Glotz, Peter, 264

Left compared, 5, 6–7, 10–18,

Göbel, Wolfgang, 234

21, 224, 290–91, 308–9; anti-

Gold, Ted, 166, 173–74, 183

imperialism, 7, 10, 66–69, 72,

Goldberg, Harvey, 162

211–27, 235–36, 245, 251, 301,

Gollwitzer, Helmut, 259

346n89; antiterrorism of state vs.,

Goodman, Paul, 132, 137

14–15, 254–89, 303–4, 351–52n1;

Grashof, Manfred, 208, 210

Autonomen, 302, 359n48; collec-

Grass, Günter, 39, 64

tives, 208; “decade of terrorism,”

Grateful Dead: “Black Peter” (lyrics by

174–75; after Dutschke was shot,

Robert Hunter), 132; “Franklin’s

40–41, 43, 66, 203, 205; Easter

Tower” (lyrics by Robert Hunter),

demonstrations, 40–41, 43–44; evo-

35; “My Brother Esau,” 291; “New

lution of, 30–43, 62–73; K-groups,

Speedway Boogie,” 308; “Saint of

67–68, 70, 213–14; Kommune 1,

Circumstance” (lyrics by John Perry

201–2, 205–6; militancy, 8–9, 67–

Barlow), 101, 158; “Ship of Fools”

68, 205–6, 245–53; Ohnesorg kill-

(lyrics by Robert Hunter), 187;

ing by police, 39; vs. prison abuses,

symbols, 327–28n108; “The Wheel”

196, 216–33, 239, 245, 255, 267,

(lyrics by Robert Hunter), 107



Grathwohl, Larry, 78, 171, 172, 176,

Hertzberg, Hendrik, 161

180, 339n164

Heschel, Rabbi, 99

Great Refusal, 45, 142, 166–67

Heydrich, Reinhard, 197, 238, 239–40,

Green Party, Germany, 304


Grenzschutzgruppe 9 (GSG 9), 197–98,

hijacking: to Cuba, 119; GSG 9 raid in

234, 285–86, 359n59

Mogadishu, 197–98, 234, 285–86;

Groenewold, Kurt, 266–67, 269, 271,

Palestinian-RAF (1977), 11, 197–98,

353n38, 354n64

278; Palestinian-Red Cell in Uganda

Growing Up Absurd
(Goodman), 132

(1976), 250–51

New York, 84, 103, 129, 133,

Hilliard, David, 163

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