Jayded (17 page)

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Authors: Shevaun Delucia

Tags: #erotic, #Romantic

BOOK: Jayded
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I didn

t want to wake you. I have to go back to my hotel so I can shower and change for today. I

m sorry. I would have woken you up, but you looked so peaceful sleeping,

she tells me.

I can

t tell whether she

s telling the truth or lying. She has one up on me because of our lack of history. I don

t want to force her to stay, and I know she is right. I

m sure the people at the office would start talking if she came in wearing the same clothes from the night before. So, instead of asking any more questions, I get up to walk her out. I give her a kiss that she won

t forget and return back to bed.

The next time I wake up is from the alarm shrieking in my ear. I hit the snooze button. I just need fifteen more minutes of sleep. I close my eyes, but I can

t nod back off. The vision of Max screaming my name echoes in my head. I immediately get hard, but there

s no way I

m spoiling myself. I have plans for her later tonight.

My phone rings.

Morning, Ma.

You sound terrible. Are you sick?

she asks, worried.

Nah, just tired. Can you grab me a coffee?

Sure, honey.

Grab Max one, too. It

s always overcrowded in that kitchen in the mornings,

I tell her, sharing the half-truth. I really don

t want my mood ruined this morning by seeing Beth

s face. 

I hear the speaker come on.

Okay, I

m ordering now. See you soon.

I drag myself over to the bathroom and turn on the shower. After last night

s escapade, it

s definitely needed. I let the steaming hot water beat on my back for a while, loosening up all my over-worked muscles. After twenty minutes of scorching water and thick steam, I am finally ready to get dressed and head out into the cold. The only reason I am doing this with a smile on is because in ten minutes I will be in the company of Max.

I walk into work, past Elise.

Good morning, Elise.

I wink at her as I swipe my key. She smiles, and her cheeks turn a light shade of pink.

Morning, Kyle,

she responds softly.


m happy to see Jeff isn

t hovering over her this morning. Jeff

s a great guy, but he

ll eat her alive. She wouldn

t even know what hit her. She just looks so fragile and na

I head straight for my mother

s office without clocking in. That coffee is screaming my name. Once I inhale the bitter sweetness, I will feel much better and my day will be manageable. When I walk into her office, she is already on the phone. I grab both coffees, but before I can head out she holds her finger up for me to wait.

I take a seat in front of her desk. I sip the hot liquid and my body releases some tired tension. My mom finally hangs up the phone.


ve been meaning to ask you about the other day

the fight with Junior.

She waits for me to explain.

Ma, you know how he is toward me. I

m sick of him butting into my life all the time when he

s not even a part of it!

This was not the conversation I needed at eight in the morning. Ugh!

I know Kyle. I

ll try to talk with him. Maybe your father needs to step in this time. I know Junior loves you. Just don

t take it upon yourself to confront him in the office next time, okay?

She walks around her desk to give me one of her famous Mom hugs. The little boy in me smiles and hugs her tight.

I head over to Max

s office with her coffee in hand, but when I get to her door, I see Jonathan inside. I knock quietly. She looks up and smiles. Jonathan gives me a nod.

Good morning, Kyle,

Jonathan greets me. I nod back.

I look to Max.

I thought you might need some good coffee
I hold up the Dunkin Donuts cup.

She holds up a cup back.

Jonathan just beat you to the punch. Thanks anyways, though.

I feel a little awkward still standing here. I

m secretly fuming inside.

Okay then! I

ll go see if Jeff needs a cup.

I nod my head to them both and bow out. That didn

t go as well as I planned

totally killed my good mood.

I must be sulking when I walk over to Jeff

s desk.

Dude, who died?

More like who

s gonna die,

I answer, looking back at Max

s office and seeing them laugh in sync. Jeff peeks over the cubicle.

Ah, I see what

s going on. You went home with her last night. That

s why you both disappeared. You lucky man, you!

Jeff pats me on the back. I smack his hand away.

Dude, that

s not what happened at all. She

s different. She

s not a notch on my bedpost.

I can see Jeff slowly beginning to comprehend the situation.

He holds his hands up in surrender.

Okay, my bad. I just didn

t realize you were that serious about her. In that case


s go beat that dude

s ass!

I can

t help but laugh at Jeff

s stupid-ness. I can always count on him to cheer me up, though.

Nah, bro. It

s not the time or the place. I already got my ass chewed out by my mom this morning over the whole Junior thing.

He shakes his head.

Yeah, that sucks. I shot some pool with him last night. He wasn

t as douchey as he normally is. Once you left, it

s like he became a whole new person.

Awesome. So it

s all me. Great.

I make sure to keep myself in a hushed tone. The people surrounding us thrive off of the gossip, as if they don

t have any lives of their own.

He shrugs his shoulders.

Hey, someone

s gotta take the blame.

Thanks, man.

I walk back to my desk, pretty bummed out. When I open my email, I see one short message waiting for me from Max.

Tonight? My place?

I email back.

Definitely. 6?

Another email pops up.

I have some work I need to get done. So, 8:30 sound good? I

ll grab us a late dinner?

She just made my day. Take
Mr. Jonathan!


ll be there!

I read the email chain one last time with a huge smile and then hit delete.

The rest of the day couldn

t go any slower. The conferences this week were between the big shots and my brother. I was not invited. I honestly didn

t even mind. I have some work that needed to be caught up on from all the hours I spent last week in the conferences.

. I look at the clock, and it says five thirty, but now what? I have three and a half hours to kill. What the hell am I going to do? I clock out and head to the door.

Kyle? Wait up

I stop and hang my head. Fuck! I turn around to Beth and try to brush her off.


s up? I gotta be somewhere,

I tell her sternly.

She looks nervous.

Can we just go somewhere and talk?

I roll my eyes. She just doesn

t stop!

have to be somewhere. I

m sorr

Okay, okay. I get it. I guess I deserve this treatment. I just want to say I

m sorry for last week. I was just really upset. Can we just start over and be friends?

she asks. She looks sincere, but I

m not buying it. Her looks are deceiving.

Yeah, sure. Sounds good. Let

s just forget about it all, okay?


she responds with a small fake smile.

I gotta go. I

ll talk to you later.

I turn abruptly and walk out the door.

I wish I could believe her, but there

s just something off about her. She just throws off the
Fatal Attraction
vibe, and it skeeves me out.

I head to my place for a much-needed nap. I figure tonight

s going to require my energy, so I better be nice and rested up. Just thinking about seeing Max outside of work completely gets me giddy and excited. I hate having to pretend all day that I haven

t tasted her or felt her wrapped all around me. If only her office wasn

t visible for everyone to see, I would totally sneak in there, bend her over, and have my way with her over the desk.

Damn. Just the thought of that gets me hard. I can

t even think about her without getting myself excited. I thought fucking her would make my need for her go away, dissipate, but it

s made me crave her even more. Maybe it will change within a couple of weeks. Who knows, boredom might eventually take over. I just better enjoy this while it lasts.

I peel my clothes off, throw them over the couch, and jump into my bed, burying myself deep under the covers. Within seconds, I am asleep.


wake up to the sound of my phone

s alarm clock. I set it for eight o

clock to give me some time to get dressed and head over to her hotel room. This feels like I

m having an affair with a married woman, meeting her at her hotel room and all. I

m not going to lie, though

it puts a little extra pep in something that

s already spiced up. I am not complaining whatsoever. 

I pull up to the Crown Plaza and park in the parking garage. Normally, I would park on a side street, but the wind chill tonight is freezing. I throw my hoodie over my head to protect myself from the elements and head into the garage entrance.

Immediate warmth soothes my skin. I

ve been in this hotel before, years back for my high school graduation. Some of my friends had a hotel party in here. We ended up getting thrown out on our asses for the noise complaints. Let

s just hope that doesn

t happen tonight.

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