Ivan's Captive Submissive (Submissive's Wish) (15 page)

Read Ivan's Captive Submissive (Submissive's Wish) Online

Authors: Ann Mayburn

Tags: #Erotic Romance

BOOK: Ivan's Captive Submissive (Submissive's Wish)
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“A little over four hundred thousand dollars. It’s going to the no-kill animal shelter I volunteer at, but still…”

With wide blue eyes Catrin stared at her. “Wow…that is a lot.” 

“I know,” Gia replied miserably.

Catrin got a contemplative look on her pretty face. “No man pays that much for a woman without wanting something more than her pussy.”

Gia snorted. “Right.”

“No, I’m serious. He could have any one or more of a dozen girls who travel with the Masters if he only wanted to have sex.”

“Then why did he kiss that woman at the table?”

“Because she’s his sparring partner. I know Ivan. When something bothers him, he fights.”

Thinking about how tall and slender the other woman had been, how delicate looking, Gia was afraid for her safety. While she didn’t think Ivan would purposely injure the woman, he was so big and strong. 

 “Is he going to hurt her? I mean he’s so big and she’s so small.”

“Not likely.” Catrin snorted. “Come on, you need to see this. If you’re mad at Ivan, I think you’ll like watching him get his butt beat by a girl.”

They made their way back through the immense house. Normally, Gia would’ve been staring at everything around her, from the sumptuous furnishings to the exquisite people lounging around. She loved their language, how beautiful it sounded when the women spoke it and how guttural and masculine it sounded when a man said something. 

They turned down a hall off the main living room and Catrin stopped. A woman, the same one Ivan had kissed at breakfast, was storming down the hall. She wore a pair of loose grey pants and a tight black tank top. Sweat dripped off her face and she let out a grateful sigh when she saw Catrin and Gia.

“Thank goodness you’re here.” The other woman’s accent was thick, and Gia had to focus to understand what she was saying. “He is so full of anger. We barely started before he had to stop and start beating on some bags. He doesn’t want to spar, he wants to fight.”

Gia swallowed knowing she was the source of his bad mood. Ivan had been obviously irritated at breakfast by her refusal to speak with him. He was totally overreacting. Then again, she was probably overreacting a bit as well if what Catrin said was true. Gia’s pulse picked up as she looked down the hall and the sudden need to clear the air between she and Ivan flared to life. If he wanted to fight, she’d give him a fight. She didn’t have a quick temper, but when she went off, she went off big time. 

 “Is he still in there?”

“Yes.” Gia went to walk past her and the other woman reached out to stop her. 

“No, you shouldn’t go in.”

“Why? He won’t hurt me.” Gia shook the other woman’s hand off. 

“I don’t want
to hurt him. He is wounded you were so cold to him and he’s torturing himself about it. You are selfish.”

“Excuse me?”

Catrin said something in Russian, and the other woman spoke fast, with lots of arm movement. After nodding a few times, Catrin turned to Gia. “She couldn’t say what she wanted to say in English, so she switched to Russian. Ivan thinks he’s hurt you, physically, and that he doesn’t remember doing it. He fears he was so into you that he pushed you too far too fast. She is mad at you because she thinks it is selfish to make Ivan suffer instead of talking to him.”

“What? No, that’s not it at all. Look, Catrin you tell her what’s going on. I need to speak with Ivan. This is ridiculous. What, are we in friggin high school?”

Both women stared at her, and Gia threw up her arms in disgust. The sooner she talked to Ivan, the sooner she'd let him know exactly how she felt about being called a prostitute. If he didn’t like it, tough. She didn’t care how much he paid for her, humiliation was a hard limit and she would not let him play games like this with her.

Pushing open the door to the gym, she stalked inside and froze in place as every single hormone in her body trembled with anticipation. The sight of Ivan punching a speed bag, clad only in a loose pair of silky shorts and his shoes, transfixed her. Every single muscle of his body gleamed as he beat the hell out of the bag. His expression was set in a savage snarl made all the more fierce by the scar twisting his face. Perversely enough, that turned her on. She
that he was scary. 

 The twist and turn of his torso made her weak in the knees. She swore she could smell his sweat in the air, and it made her nipples hard and achy. She longed to slide her hand between her legs while she watched him, to make herself orgasm while he destroyed that bag. He must have been in his own world because it took him a moment to notice she was there. 

He stepped back from the bag and rocked back on his heels, stretching out his thick calf muscles. She wanted to grab his legs and bite his big, heavy thighs, to run her tongue along the tempting ridges of his abdominal muscles and basically devour him. Sweat dripped down his face and he grabbed a towel, the tape on his hands bright against his tan skin. “Hello, Gia.”

She blinked and tried to steady herself. The way he said her name made her feel like he’d just had his hand between her legs. Angry with herself for losing her mind around Ivan, she forced herself to spit out why she was here. “I. Am. Not. A whore.”

Chapter Nine

Ivan stared at the woman he’d been obsessing about, pretty sure either she was insane or he was. “Excuse me?”

Her hands trembled with anger, but her nipples were rock hard as well. He’d blame that on an adrenaline rush, but she also kept checking him out. In fact, his little submissive was practically vibrating with need. The way she rubbed her legs together, no doubt in an effort to sooth her swollen cunt, then bit her lower lip while looking at his dick was like waving a red flag to a bull. She was daring him to take her, obviously needing him to be the aggressor. His Gia liked to pretend she had no control in a situation, and he was oh, so happy to fulfill her needs.

“Speak, girl.”

She flushed but she held her ground. “I’m
a prostitute. You said your friend offered you money for me and that I was a prostitute.”

“Wait. What?” He blew out a frustrated breath, not understanding what in the hell she was talking about. 

Taking another step forward, she fisted her hands at her side and said through clenched teeth. “You called me a prostitute.”

“I would never call you that!” His roar was loud enough to wake the dead.

When she flinched in real fear, he felt like an asshole. He hadn’t meant to shout it, but her accusation really pissed him off. Did she really think he was that big of a bastard? Tears filled her eyes, making him groan. She obviously believed he’d called her that, and it hurt her, deeply. 

Grabbing another towel, he continued to wipe himself down before donning his shirt. “Gia, come here.”

Angrily dashing away a tear, she shook her head. “No.”

Her lower lip trembled and she hugged herself even as she took a half-step towards him. Poor girl. She was so conflicted with her feelings, but he couldn’t go easy on her. He could already see her withdrawing from him and retreating back into the icy silence. A mad and talking Gia he could deal with, a cold and silent Gia, he could not.

With a shrug he said, “Fine.”

Less than a second later he lunged after her, and she sidestepped with a small shriek, raising her hands. “Get away from me. I’m not in the mood for any of your spanking nonsense.”

“Who said anything about a spanking?”

She licked her lips and he watched her gaze dart all over his body, but with special attention to his dick, which was rapidly filling with blood. “You know what I mean.”

“Gia,” he put a purr in his voice and had to hide his grin when her beautiful brown eyes grew wide. “I don’t want to spank you. I want to fuck you. Hard.”

“What!” She darted away from him and put a weighted bag between them. “You stay away. We’re having an adult conversation here.”

“Are you using your safeword?”

He saw her seriously consider it, then a pretty pink flush colored her cheeks, and she shook her head.

Before she could take a breath he dove at her, easily capturing her in his arms and rolling onto the floor, careful to cushion and protect her body.

“What are you doing?” She smacked his chest. “You will not distract me with sex. Let go of me right now. We are not doing this, do you hear me!”

He growled as she tried to scramble away from him. He knew for a fact she wasn’t wearing underwear and he also knew the instant his erection pressed against her clit because she quivered and her pupils dilated. Then she ground her hips against his cock with a pained moan. Clamping his hands on her thighs, he kept her there, slowly shifting his hips until his cock split the lips of her sex. The material of his shorts was so thin it almost felt like they were skin to skin.

And her cunt was so, so hot against him, driving him insane.

“This isn’t fair,” she whispered as she braced her hands on his chest. “I’m mad at you.”

She tilted her hips and was rewarded with a low moan as he increased the pressure of his strokes. Fire still snapped in her eyes, but she was no longer fighting him. No doubt his earlier orgasm denial had left her needy, something he planned to use to his advantage. True, it wasn’t fair, but he found himself breaking his own personal rules for this woman who filled him with such need.

“I would never call you a whore,

She began to rock herself against him, and he loved the way her body fit against his. “What does that mean? That word you called me?”

“It means beautiful. I think you are one of the most exquisite women I’ve ever seen.”

Her smile seemed to light her from within, and she opened her eyes, once again filling his soul with warmth. Things were so very complex, and yet simple with Gia. It boiled down to the fact that when she was happy, he was happy. It was as if his emotions were tied to hers, and it felt too good to overanalyze. He simply accepted it and wanted more.

Then the joy dimmed and she looked down at his chest, avoiding eye contact. He didn’t like the purposeful way she kept trying to break a connection with him. In an odd way, it hurt him. He’d felt something with her he’d never experienced before, something deeper that awoke the predator in him. 

Rolling her off of him, he stood and hauled her to her feet. Her breath sped up, but once he fisted his hand in her silken hair, a little smile hovered around the corners of her sweet lips. He couldn’t resist the temptation and turned her head so he could feast on her delicious lips. She softened against him, and as she opened for him, her moan was a sweet victory. She was soon making hungry noises and had a leg thrown up around his hip, grinding her pussy against his dick with sharp little jerks.

He pulled back and studied her, waiting until the moment when she was getting close to orgasming. When he took a step away she groaned and fisted her hands in his shirt like he’d fisted her hair.

“For fuck's sake, Ivan, I need to come!”

He growled, displeased by her outburst. She was being willful and she knew it. Not that he should be surprised. Gia was a high-powered submissive if he’d ever met one. She was the kind of woman who would have to know, without a doubt, that her Master was strong enough to earn her submission. No wonder it had taken two Dominants to train her. Luckily, Ivan liked a challenge and he looked forward to the sweet smile she got when she was drifting deep in subspace.

“On your hands and knees. You will crawl next to me.” He waited while she clenched her jaw, no doubt holding back some rather choice words. “Gia...”

She glared at him, then looked away with a trace of guilt. “Yes, Master.”

“Ah, you do know my name.” He snapped his fingers like he would for a dog, earning a barely choked back growl from her.

Fighting a smile because she could see him in the mirrors surrounding the workout area, he led them across the room to the small weight lifting section. After a quick glance around he found a couple of exercise bands that would work for what he had in mind. He wished he had some clothespins to try out on her, but then something much better suited for his little fighter came to mind. When anyone saw her body for the next few days they’d know to whom she belonged.

 He would worry later about the power this small woman had over him, right now he had a very aroused, very needy submissive that was begging for his touch. 

She shifted restlessly next to him, and he ran his hand through her golden brown hair. He needed to seduce her, to make her as entranced with him as he was with her. Most of all, he wanted to make her happy. For Gia, happiness in the bedroom came in the form of submission. 

An idea came to him, something that, as soon as he thought of it, he knew would be perfect for his girl in her current state of mind. She wanted an orgasm and he was going to give it to her, but not in the way she was expecting. “Gia, on the other side of the room are the locker rooms. Go into the women’s and empty your bladder as much as you can.”

Her cheeks turned so red it was almost comical then she stood and sprinted into the locker room. Chuckling, he surveyed the equipment and tried to decide what he wanted to use. A few moments later the door to the women’s locker room squeaked as Gia came out, looking at the floor. She started to walk towards him, stopped and went gracefully to her knees. The way her body moved as she crawled the rest of the way had him ready to chew nails. Without a bra, her breasts wobbled with her movements and the skirt was short enough that he got a glimpse of the wet almond shape of her pussy in the mirror behind her. It took every ounce of his self-control not to give into the almost overwhelming demand of his body to fuck her until she realized to whom she belonged to.

He went over to the inner thigh muscle machine. The seat was situated so her legs would be spread wide open, one in each leg rest. In order to close her legs she’d have to lift the weights. He planned on making sure it was too heavy for her to lift.

“Up you go.”

She hesitated then stood and sat, blushing furiously as she put her legs on the padded surface and placed her feet on the foot rests. Tugging her dress down, she tried to hide her sex from his view but the wide open position didn’t allow for that. Twice her mouth opened like she wanted to protest, but so far she’d managed to keep her composure. He’d let her have her false sense of security now, because he was about to give her as many orgasms as she could take.

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