It Was Always You (7 page)

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Authors: Aliyah Burke

BOOK: It Was Always You
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She elbowed him in the side. “Ass.”

“I liked the pigtails,” he admitted, stroking along her arm. “Think you’d be sexy with them now.”

“Forget it.”

“Can’t blame a guy for trying.”

“Yes. Yes I can.”

“It’s a dragon,” he said pointing to the left.

And a nice one. “So it is, but I still blame you.”

She enjoyed this. Lying here with him. The clouds grew thicker and flowed faster.

“Storm’s coming.”

“You’ve changed, Zane.”

He shifted on the ground, bringing more of her in alignment with his body. “Does it bother you?”

“No. I mean, I know what you’ve gone through is why but that first night I saw you in the shop…” She trailed off and draped a leg over him. The clouds weren’t important now. She placed a hand over his heart. “Your eyes scared me.”

“Is that why you didn’t hug me?”

“Part. I didn’t think it would be welcomed.” She expelled a wry chuckle. “Hell, I didn’t think you’d notice.”

“Oh, trust me. I noticed. I got ignored while Cade got a hug and a smile. You watched me like I was going to hurt you.”

She licked her lips. “Truth?”

“Yes.” He held her tighter.

His heart thudded in her ear, oddly comforting.

“I wasn’t sure what was going on, your eyes were so emotionless. Blank. Then there was the fact I wasn’t sure I could handle it. I’d missed you so damn much I wasn’t sure I would ever let go.”

“And now?”

Zoë closed her eyes. “I love being out here with you. Thank you for hunting me down. I like it. You and me. Away from prying eyes.”

He tugged on her hair. “Planning on answering my question?”

“Not at all.”

He grunted. He spent the rest of the day with her showing her the side he didn’t share with many. As he dropped her off at her place, he captured her chin.

“Things are going to change, Zoë. I’m not hiding how I feel about you from anyone. This town will know we’re together. Not one reason I can think of to keep it hidden from a single person.”

After his toe-curling kiss he opened her door and pushed her in, then left her there. Unsure of what just happened.


Zoë sat with Cora and another two women at an outdoor café. Zane crossed the street, noticing how all of them stared at him. He vaulted the fencing and strode to Zoë, grabbed a chair beside her, and straddled it. He reached out and took some of her fries.

“Afternoon, ladies.”

The other three greeted him while Zoë smacked him when he attempted to take more of her French fries.

“I love it when you spank me, Zoë. But don’t you think that’s better suited to the bedroom?” he teased.

Her eyes sparkled with indignation. “Shut up, you ass.” The other women ohhed and ahhed. “He’s full of it.”

He sipped her drink, used to the brand of root beer she preferred. “That’s right, you like it when
.” He winked at the others. “I happen to like it as well.”

“Seriously,” she snapped. “You’re all growly with people but when I’m here you find it amusing to talk about stuff you know isn’t true?”

“You make it such fun to pick on.” He rested a hand on her leg. “What are we talking about?”

She shook her head. “We’re having a girls’ lunch.”

“He can stay, Zoë,” Cora added. “Anyone that good to look at is more than welcome.”

The other two women agreed. Zoë introduced them then told him in no uncertain terms he had to leave. With a shrug, he leaned close angled her chin toward him and captured her lips. “Meet me later,” he whispered against her mouth. “Say no and I’ll stay now.”

“Fine,” she said. “Much later.”

“Don’t make me have to come find you.” Another kiss and he left with a wave to the others and hopped back over the decorative fencing to continue heading up the street.

He’d been doing things like this for a while now, anything to keep her off guard and showing that he wasn’t what she was expecting.


Zane strode from the store, bags in hand. He stayed at Zoë’s a few nights a week now. In fact he had a couple messages from her brothers wanting to talk to him. Demanding really. He’d make his way to meet with them later on. One way or another they would have to accept he was with their baby sister.

Right now, he had been shopping since Nate had called him with a list.

“We need a housekeeper, Nate,” he’d said.

“Come interview the ones I have lined up for tomorrow. Unless you plan on lounging another day away in bed with Zoë.”

He grinned although his brother wasn’t there to see it. “You sound jealous. Grab Angela and give it a try. The cattle have water and grass, they’ll survive. Not to mention you have a foreman. Let him do his damn job.”

“Just get my damn groceries.”

Because Zane was an ass and he loved nothing more than tormenting his brothers, he grabbed some condoms as well. On his way back to his truck, he stumbled and reached out to steady himself against the side of his truck. Condoms. He and Zoë hadn’t used them a single time. Nor had he withdrawn from her heat. It never occurred him to do so. Could she be pregnant? With his child?

He pointed his truck to home, replaying the long talks he and Zoë had in her bed. It had been a new thing for him to open up about his service. She never pressed him for details about the situations, merely encouraged him to share the good times.

She was unique. She was special.

He detoured to the shop, wanting to know if she was staying there late or if he could get her to go to dinner with him. Pulling into the shop parking lot, unease settled around his shoulders. He killed the lights and the engine. After he hopped out, he gazed about, searching for what didn’t feel right to him. Her vehicle sat parked in its typical spot and the bay doors were shut.

Refusing to ignore his instincts, he jogged toward the door and found it smashed open; it had just been pushed back to give the appearance of being properly shut. And from a distance it did as intended, but up close, he saw the truth. Zane slid effortlessly into the warrior he’d been for the past twenty-two years.

On silent feet he moved, ears attune for any sound out of the ordinary. A clank followed by a muffled cry. He recognized Zoë’s voice and increased his speed. Once he’d cleared the offices he snuck into the garage.

There, Zane, saw a shade of red he never knew existed. Raw fury replaced the blood pumping in his veins.

Three men had Zoë on the floor of the shop and were fighting to rip off her clothing. While she fought back, they were simply too much for her and were overpowering her. There were two others in various stages of undress with disgusting lust on their faces. With a loud roar, he sped across the space, utilizing the speed he’d honed in the service to accomplish his objective.

He plowed into them, tossing them off her like sticks in the wind. His fist crunched cartilage as he broke noses. One of the men ran for the bay door and Zane threw a wrench at the back of his legs, dropping him. No one was getting away until he had his pound of flesh. Soon the air was full of their cries, as they rolled into the doors, rattling them and knocking over tools. He dodged attacks and retaliated in swift succession.

“Zane.” Zoë’s tone broke through the haze surrounding him.

He turned his head and stared at her, she sat pressed against the back, holding her tattered clothing together with one hand, her cell in the other. Her hair in disarray and eyes wide with fear.

Sirens pierced the air as he moved toward her. The battering and blood on her face and body had him longing to kill each one of them. Slowly. Painfully.

He reached out for her and struggled to keep his composure when she placed a trembling hand in his. He pulled her close and kissed her lightly on the lips. “It’s over, Zoë. They won’t hurt you again.”

“Zane.” The way his name wobbled off her tongue shattered what remained of his heart.

“Here,” he said, reaching for a car cover to wrap around her.

The bay door screeched open and lights from the cars could no longer be ignored. He stepped away from her only to pause when she gripped him tighter.

“I’m right here.” He moved again, holding her gaze when the cops ran in, shouting.

He had no problems with what he’d done. The men had far worse intentions toward her. They were lucky he hadn’t killed them.

“On the ground! On the ground!” a man yelled.

Eyes locked with hers, still so full of fear, Zane, spread his hands out, showing he was unarmed. He sank to his knees, lacing his fingers behind his ears.

“What are you doing?” she asked.

“I’m about to be arrested,” he said.

“For what? You saved me.”

“I know. But I’m also a trained killer. It’ll be okay. I’ll be out in no time.”

One man kneed him in the back, launching him toward the ground. “I said, on the ground.”

“Stop!” she cried. “He saved me from the others.”

Zane looked up at the renewed fear in her tone. Nate arrived, shoving through the uniforms to Zoë’s side where he slipped an arm around her waist.

“Stay here, Zoë,” Nate said. “He’s barely in control and if you get shoved by a cop, it’s going to get much uglier. Let me take you to get this looked at.” Nate looked at him and Zane knew she was safe.

The zip cuffs were applied and two cops began to lift him. Over the people he sought out Zoë. She stood surrounded by her brothers and his. He captured her gaze, hating the stark fear present there. Zoë was strong. Unflappable. This side of her…he despised not being to comfort and protect her.

Her eldest brother, Eric, was arguing with a uniform. The fact five other men who would protect without fail were around her was the only reason he was allowing them to take him to the back of a car. He shared a look with his brothers, both of whom nodded. Then he was being driven away, the men he’d whipped being attended by EMTs.

He gave brisk answers, working on merely not losing his temper and ending up with a charge that would stick. While waiting to be booked he sat by a desk, secured to it.

The sheriff, Todd Gavin, a man he’d known as a boy, straddled a chair facing him.

“Hell of a homecoming you’re giving me, Zane. Didn’t even stop by for a visit before you’re here to be processed.”


He stroked his moustache—now white with age. “You’re lucky you didn’t kill any of them. As it is, you beat them damn near to it.” Todd’s blue eyes were still sharp.

He didn’t flinch. “They’re lucky. They were attacking Zoë with every intent of raping her.” New rage built inside him.

“The two who can talk claim that’s not how it went down.”


Todd sighed. “I’m looking for your side.”

“I just gave it to you.” Zane shifted, aware of the officers near. He’d already figured out how he could escape if he truly wanted out. “Did you see what they did to her? The cuts? Bruises? Torn clothing?” His voice was low and dangerous as renewed fury pushed along his veins with each pump of his heart.

“You nearly killed three men and the other two aren’t much farther off.”

Zane held his stare. “They were attacking her.
woman. I will defend
woman in that situation but none more so than when she’s mine and possibly pregnant with my child.”

His voice remained low and icy. Chilling the room into silence. To the left he saw her with her brothers, a shocked expression on their faces and disbelief on hers. He met their gazes without flinching. It was the truth.


Her brothers wouldn’t stop yelling. She remained numb as they escorted her, along with Cade and Nate, to the ER. Her body hurt from the attack and all she wanted was Zane. He’d shocked her by saving her as well as what he did to all the men who’d attacked her.

Let’s not forget his announcement. He felt it necessary to say what he did in front of the whole police station.
She licked her lips, trying not to wince at the sting from the cut there.

She lay on the bed as a nurse directed, allowing them to finish the prodding. Matt approached her and took her hand. “Mom and Dad are on their way.” Her expression must have given away her feelings on the matter. “You knew there wasn’t any way to keep this from happening. They were going to be called, if someone else hadn’t alerted them we would have as soon as we heard.”

“Sir, I’m going to have to ask you to leave.”

“I’ll be right outside.” Matt kissed her then backed out.

She tried to make sense of what happened but stopped when the tremors began. Her parents had been on a vacation and she couldn’t explain the guilt gnawing at her gut that they had to come home. Cora hastened in shortly after the exam was over. Her space was full of her family and the Kendrick men. Cora never hit on Cade, just spoke with him like he was any other person visiting someone in the hospital.

“I want to leave,” she whispered, her throat still sore from being hit there.

The men talked over her.

A sharp whistle pierced the air. “Oy!” Cora’s voice rose above them. Five men stared in amazement at her. “She’s talking. Listen up.” Cade crossed his arms, glaring at her. “Can it. You can try to impress and intimidate later. She wants to leave.”

Zoë loved her for this.

“You should stay for the night.”

“No, Eric. There’s no reason for me to stay. I’m leaving. Cora?”

She was there immediately, reaching out to help her. At the door, it finally sank in to the men and they understood she wasn’t staying. All of them surrounded her and Cora on the way out to her friend’s car.

As she lowered herself to the passenger seat, Thomas crouched before her. His hands were on her thighs and she met his gaze. Rage simmered in his dark eyes.

“You should stay with us at Mom and Dad’s.”

She shook her head. “No.” She covered his hand and squeezed, the bandages pulling taut on her injured one. “It’s bad enough they’re cutting their vacation early because of this. They earned and more than deserved that trip.”

“You’re their daughter. You didn’t think they would finish a trip when this happened to you, did you?”

She shrugged.

“What happened, Zoë?”

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