It Was Always You (6 page)

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Authors: Aliyah Burke

BOOK: It Was Always You
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“Going to rough him up?”

“Only if he touches her,” he said without joking.

“She doesn’t, not that I know of. I love her like a sister, Zane. Make sure you treat her like you’d want a man treating one of our own if we had any. If she really doesn’t want you around, you need to respect that. You were raised better than pushing yourself on a woman.”

Zane didn’t respond as Nate wandered off. He spit on the ground before trailing his brother into the house. Nate was right. He had been. However, it seemed he had no common sense when it came to Zoë.


Zane was ready to spit nails. Zoë had pulled off one hell of a vanishing act. Others saw her but for over four weeks he didn’t see a single hair on that woman’s head other than in extremely brief passing. He was sick of looking to get her alone. Also tired of jacking off to the memory of her against him.

No more. After dark had settled over Springwood, he set out to track her down.


Tink. Tink. Tink.

Zoë came awake, lying in silence as her brain moved from dream world with her and Zane to work out what and where the sound was and came from.

Tink. Tink. Tink.

She glanced at the window.
He wouldn’t.
Even as she thought it, she admitted he most certainly would. Rolling from bed, she made her way to the window and parted the sheer curtain where she found herself staring out at Zane.


“Be grateful I am still outside asking you to let me in. I almost let myself in.”

She rolled her eyes. “Go home, Zane. It’s nighttime.”

Shit. Her knees went weak merely staring at him. The way his jeans rode low on lean hips combined with the way his biceps pressed against the sleeves of his shirt. Right now, in the moonlight filtering down through the clouds, he could have been a Norman Rockwell painting. His hair fell forward over one eye and he appeared full of mischief. Then in the next second no more childish trouble but full-on male who wanted sex and passion. A warm breeze fluttered his hair and she bit the inside of her top lip. She envied the wind and its ability to caress his skin and hair.

I’m so weak. I want him to go all Tarzan on me and carry me away somewhere, declare his undying love, and make me his forever. I need to stay away from him. This will only hurt me in the end. I don’t want to cause any rift between our families.

“Invite me in.” His words fell from bow-shaped lips akin to dripping honey. Sweet. Tempting. Raw.

Is this what the devil sounds like when he’s trying to get someone to sin?
She wouldn’t doubt it.
If Lucifer was anything like Zane, I see how he got what he wanted.

“How did you get here?”


“So you parked your truck in my drive?”

He strolled forward, all coiled grace and masculine power. “I came to see you. Where else would I park?”

“Your house. Again, it’s the middle of the night. Can’t you come calling during daylight hours as most people do?”

His smile overflowed with mischief. And determination. He reached up to the sill above his head and with an impressive display of strength drew himself up until he pivoted his hands and pushed himself up the remaining distance.

Her throat grew dry as she watched the muscle play in his upper arms. Jesus, she was mesmerized by it. Like a snake charmer hypnotizing a cobra.

“You’re here.” He stole a quick kiss. “Invite me in.”

She had no recourse for him. Despite the words coming from her about wanting him to stay away, she loved being around him. The devil—if it wasn’t facing her perhaps it was her devil—either way, prodded her.

“What if I like you there? Muscles bunched and flexed. Fuck, you’re hot doing that.” She shook her head. “I’m not supposed to be engaging you like this. I can’t believe you came over here to hang from my window.”

She stepped back to watch him vault effortlessly inside. He made it so smoothly, she would have bumbled despite being inches shorter and without his large build.

All that’s assuming I could have pulled myself up anyway.

He strode toward her, backing her against the wall before she realized what occurred. With a singular move, he lifted her and pressed against her. His hard shaft, blatant upon her core.

His mouth descended upon hers with a ferocity she only dreamed of him having toward her. She met his tongue with hers, thrusting against it. Arms around his neck, she gave up resisting him. Of trying to create reasons to stay away from him. This man was it for her—her
—and if she could have him for only one more night, then she was going to enjoy him for that time.

Legs tight around his waist, she wrapped her fingers in his hair, the silken strands swiftly warming to her touch. He stroked deep, touching everywhere he could reach.

He cupped her ass and slid his hands over her butt. She whimpered as he moved one hand around to her wet pussy. The first touch had her needing so much more. His strong arm held her up without effort.

“I’m going to fuck you unless you tell me right now to leave, Zoë.”

Her clit pulsed and she tugged on his hair. “Yes.”

“Yes what?” His words were ragged and almost undecipherable.

“Fuck me.”

She inhaled sharply when the broad head of his cock pressed against her opening. He didn’t move.

“Zane,” she pleaded.

“Say it again, baby. Say it.” He pushed forward an inch.

“Zane, fuck me. Oh, God, fuck me.” She was panting now.

He flexed forward, filling her. “We’re not ignoring this, baby. No way. Whatever your reasons for saying it has to be so, we’ll work through it. But ignoring this isn’t an option.”

“Move,” she begged.

“Tell me.” He withdrew until only the head remained. “Tell me and I will give you what you want.”

She dug her nails into his shoulders. “Can we discuss this later?”

“Why? Can’t concentrate?”

“No, damn it!”

“Then say it.” His harsh chuckle alerted her to the basic fact he wasn’t as in control as he portrayed. Knowledge furthered by his forward thrust, allowing his size to fill and stretch her once more.

Nerve endings on fire, she gave him what he wanted so she could have what she craved. She rode out the storm created within her by Zane Kendrick. Her body trembled with exhaustion by the time they made it to the bed. He still didn’t allow her any respite, continuing to deliver her to unimaginable heights.

Later, she lay in his embrace, the warm night air blowing across sweaty skin, cooling her down in marginal increments.


“Don’t go there, Zoë.” His arms tightened around her.

She dragged her fingers along his bare torso. “Don’t go where?”

“Down this road. You said we weren’t ignoring it.”

“I know but you said we would talk about it.” She flicked his nipple before swiping her thumb over it.

“Right now?”

“One of us needs to start it and if not now, when?”

“Okay, I’ll do this. Why are you so dead set against this even having a chance?”

“Because I’m not good with casual relationships. At least not when it’s a casual sexual one. Cade and I have a casual—”

He kissed her until her pussy wept with longing. His two fingers inside her had her writhing and bucking against his tormenting touch.

“Never mention his name when we’re in bed together, especially like this,” he rasped. “He ever touches you—”

She kissed him again. “Stop. This—is insane.”

“Insane is relative.”

“You need to go. The sun will be up soon.”

“There a problem with the sun rising?”

She clenched her jaw. “No, but your truck is parked in the drive.”

He rolled on his side, reaching out to trail those fingers he’d just had inside her along her skin. “And?”

She watched him through lowered lids. “You don’t care if people know you’re here, do you?”

“Not in the least.”

He didn’t even hesitate.

“You have the softest skin.” He continued touch her, his caress on her skin giving birth to emotions she’d never experienced before.

Not true, just that they’re more developed now.
“All the grease and oil baths I get at the shop.”

“Whatever you do, it’s working for you.” He cupped her face, thumb skimming along the split of her lips.

She was grateful the light in the room was intermittent so he didn’t have perfect sight of her. Compliments weren’t common with her brothers. They treated her as an equal not a baby sister.

Except when it came to men.

She thought about what they would do to him when the news got out.

“You’re pensive.”

“You’re guessing.”

“Zoë, I can feel it radiating off you in waves. Why?”

“Wondering how badly my brothers are coming after you if they find out you spent the night here.”

“When,” he corrected. “Believe me, they’ll find out.”

“You’re not scared?”

“Baby, your brothers aren’t scary to me. Even if I was worried about them, it wouldn’t matter.
one is scaring me away from you.”

She slid closer. “Tell me what it was like.”


“Your time in the Army.” She waited a moment. “Now you’re tense.”

“Rough memories.”

“So there had to be some good times, right?”

“I’ll make a deal with you. You tell me why you became a mechanic and I’ll tell you about the Army.”

Until they were skin to skin, she continued inching along the mattress. “Deal,” she said. “You first.”

Chapter Six

Zoë strolled across the open meadow. The tops of the tall, swaying grass brushed against her legs and palms alike. Overhead, the sun shone down, the occasional fluffy cloud breaking up the direct rays. She loved days like this, especially when she could spend them here. The cry of a hawk pierced the air above and had her smiling.

She neared a grove of trees that lined the far side of the meadow, her steps hesitating a bit as her gaze landed on the man leaning against a thick trunk. His crossed arms drew her eye to the biceps straining the cobalt blue sleeves. He also had his ankles hooked as well.

“Zane,” she said without slowing, not that she was racing along. “There a reason you’re showing up out here in the middle of nowhere interrupting my solitude?”

With a sexy ripple of movement, Zane strode toward her. “I went to the garage looking for you.”

She pushed her hands into her pockets. Partially so she wouldn’t touch him. “I’m not there.”

He stepped around her back as she passed by him, continuing to follow the trees edging the field. “Nope, you’re not. Your brothers were. Then I called Cora at the hospital. She said you were taking a day.”

“Uh huh.” She continued. It wasn’t often she needed time away from her family and the noise of the garage but this was one of those times. She had hoped to work through the upheaval Zane had spun her life into but it wasn’t going so well.

He didn’t speak again. After a while of walking in silence with his large presence beside her, she turned toward him. “What do you want?”

“Wanted to talk but you didn’t seem like you wanted to. So I thought I’d walk with you and wait until you were ready.”

“This thing is something so important you had to come find me out here?” She rocked back on her heels. “How did you find me?”

He stared at her, his dark lashes framing his gray-blue eyes in a seductive way. It wasn’t fair; he made her lose all sense. “It’s what I do, baby.”

“I’m not your baby,” she muttered before striking out once more. “I’m nothing more than a scratch to your itch.”

“Fuck no.” He grabbed her arm, halting her. “You’re way more than that to me, Zoë.”

“Okay,” she said. “Fine.”

“I didn’t come here to hash anything out with you, I wanted to spend some time with you.”

“And what? Need another fuck?”

His eyes narrowed. “You’re in a fine mood today.”

“I was.”

If he got her insinuation, he didn’t respond. Instead he sat on the ground and tugged her down with him. “Why did you come here?”

She didn’t fight him when he guided her to lie back beside his larger form. “I love this place. I can see the mountains, I have the trees, water past the trees, and the open field.”

He took her hand and laced their fingers. “I remember you snuck out here one winter. It was at night and snowing like crazy.”

She smiled. “I’d forgotten about that. You and Nate were out snowmobiling and found me, nearly froze. Or so I thought.”

“Nate made you ride with him. I wanted to spank you for going out.”

“I wanted to watch the snowfall over the lake. I wasn’t thinking anything about how dangerous it could be. Still, you two never told my parents.”

“That’s how I knew you’d be here, Zoë. I used to find you here in fall, sitting in the trees or lying in the field as we’re doing now.”

“I don’t remember seeing you.”

He grunted. “I was near.” He put her head on his shoulder. “You ever regret not leaving Springwood?”

“No. I love it here. The people, the town, the life. This is where I was meant to be. Your brothers, mine. It’s all family.” She angled her head to see him. His strong jaw line had a five-o-clock shadow on it. She dug her fingers into her hand so she didn’t drag them along it. “What about you? Do you regret the path you’ve chosen?”

He was silent for a moment and she wondered if he wouldn’t ever reply. “No, I don’t. I will say I never viewed you as my sister. Not ever. I regret some of my choices, some of the things I have had to do. I’ve seen some things I wish I could unsee. But no, the decisions I’ve made have formed me into the man I am today.” He shifted her closer.

And what a man that is.

She may have wanted to spend the day alone and think over some things but Zoë couldn’t argue how nice it was to have Zane with her. They lay there and stared up at the clouds passing overhead, pointing out shapes. They reminisced.

“You’ve come into your own, Zoë.”

“Meaning, I’m no longer tromping around in oversized clothing with braces and pigtails?”

“Well…no braces or pigtails.”

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