It Had to Be You (21 page)

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Authors: Lynda Renham

BOOK: It Had to Be You
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Chapter Twenty


Watching someone race an
supercar around Brands Hatch track is perhaps more terrifying than actually doing it. I spent most of the time praying, realising that if William Ellis got killed during an adventure experience it would be entirely my fault. I’m sure his family would not thank me for the funeral experience that would follow. William, on the other hand, loved it. I had to take photos of the M3 Master, him posing by the M3 Master and him getting into the M3 Master. He insisted on having his instructor take a photo of the two of us next to the car and then another of him in the car. I’m surprised he didn’t want to hump the car and have a photo of that. It may have been a cold day but I was sweating from cheering and waving as he came around each lap.

That was amazing, seriously amazing. Thanks so much Binki. I really enjoyed that,’ he says, lifting me high in the air.

’s still wearing his protective clothing but has removed his helmet, and he looks flushed and happy and also the most gorgeous I have ever seen him. He is buzzing and hands his phone to the instructor.

Can we have one together, do you mind?’ he grins pulling me close to him.

Ahead of us I see a woman and can
’t help smiling as I watch her flick her hair behind her ears before approaching William. I feel my heart sink when I realise she is exactly his type, slim, thick blonde shoulder-length hair and with pheromones so strong that even I could fancy her. Her bright blue eyes are highlighted with Kohl and she gives William such a dazzling smile that I’m almost blinded.

Oh hi,’ says William, ‘would you mind taking a photo of the three of us?’

He hands her his phone and I
’m amazed that he barely gives her a second glance.

I’ll hope you’ll send a copy for our Facebook page,’ the instructor says cheerfully.

I was wondering if you had time to share your experience with us today,’ the blonde woman asks, flicking her hair back and fluttering her eyelashes like a mating peacock.

William looks to me, raises his eyebrows.

‘It’s up to you,’ he says. ‘Do we have time or do you want to go straight for dinner?’

‘It will only take a few minutes,’ she says brusquely, turning to me.

William smiles warmly at her and I see her melt before him.

‘I’m sure it will take longer than a few minutes. Can we email our feedback to you? I assure you I will do it first thing tomorrow. I had a brilliant time though, I can tell you that much.’

My God, is he turning her down. Can
’t he see she is coming onto him? I watch her struggle to hide her disappointment as she hands him a card.

This is my personal account, if you could send it there,’ she says with a shake of her hair.

I try to copy her seductive hair shake and feel an earring drop out, shit. You see, I just don
’t have it do I? William glances at the card and slides it into his wallet.

Sure, no problem,’ he says turning his back on her.

He takes my arm like it is the most natural thing in the world and we walk to the Lamborghini. I shiver as a few flurries of snow fall around us.

‘Snow,’ says William. ‘Don’t you just love it?

He looks thoughtful and then says,

‘You want to go ice skating at Hampton Court Palace. It’s an open-air rink and great fun.’

I cock my head. I haven
’t been ice skating since I was a kid. He sees my hesitation, clicks the door to the Lamborghini and says,

No, you’re right it’s a stupid idea.’

No,’ I say quickly, ‘I’d love to. I really would. I’ve not been for years.’

Right let’s Tony Bennett it to the ice rink and then I’ll take you for dinner.’

Oh dear, the mansion is now turning into Buckingham Palace.




I’d actually forgotten how much fun ice skating was and what a great atmosphere there is at a skating rink. Hampton Court Palace looks magical and the light dusting of snow makes the winter wonderland beautifully romantic. Children wrapped in hats, gloves and scarves are giggling happily even when they fall over. The snow which has become a steady flurry is making it more exhilarating and, although I hate to admit it, I am struggling to stay on my feet. William’s hysterical laughter at my attempts makes it all worthwhile. I’ve never heard him laugh so much and his laugh is infectious. He’s on a high and my previous opinion of him is changing with every passing minute. He is far from the legendary womaniser despite attracting more attention from women than any other man I know and I am indulging in the pleasurable thought that these women think he is my boyfriend. He’s an accomplished skater, which doesn’t really surprise me. I’m sure I’ve spent more time on my arse than on my feet, and when I manage to stay on my feet I’m so busy enjoying my status as potential girlfriend of sex-god Ellis that I fail to notice I am careering towards the barrier and the bad news is I haven’t quite mastered the art of turning or stopping, and I end up crashing straight into it.

Having a good time?’ he asks helping me up.

I am, but I’m not so sure about my body though,’ I reply, dusting myself down and wondering how I must look to him in my bobble hat and knitted mittens. He grins and pulls me into the centre of the ice rink.

Some time tomorrow I think your body will remind you of the great time you had this evening,’ he says.

A screaming teenager comes hurtling out of control towards us and William steadies me as I attempt to move, saving my bruised backside from another tumble.

‘My backside certainly will,’ I laugh.

It will need a good massage with Arnica,’ he grins.

Are you offering?’ I say before I can stop myself.

He looks into my eyes and bites his lip.

‘It’s the least a friend can do,’ he says softly.

’m about to reply when another unsteady skater, who looks like he is making rapid semaphore as his limbs are moving so erratically, knocks me into William’s arms. I feel his warm breath against my cheek and his gloved hand on the small of my back.
We seem to do a little turn on the ice while in each other’s arms before he releases me.

I guess that was our Torvill and Dean bit,’ he says shyly.

Not quite Bolero, but we were good,’ I say forcing a laugh.

If you’re hungry we could eat now,’ he asks warmly.

I have to admit the thought of the nice warm Lamborghini is very appealing and although my mind tells me I could skate for hours, my legs and bum are screaming for me to stop. God, I am so unfit. Oliver always said I was.
After this dinner, well after the dinner with Piers Roche on Friday, or after Saturday’s dinner with Oliver, I will go on a diet. I’ll have salads. In fact, I will start tonight. After all, I don’t have to eat chips with everything do I?

I’m happy to carry on if you want to,’ I lie.

He grins and wrinkles his nose.

‘I think both you and I know you’ve had enough. Besides it is getting late and the snow is getting heavier.’

And I don’t want my bobble hat to shrink,’ I smile.

Absolutely not,’ he laughs.

He leads me off the ice taking my hand and giving it a little squeeze making me feel all warm inside. I take the opportunity to study my reflection in the changing room. My cheeks are pink from the cold and my hair has gone wild from being under the bobble hat, but my eyes shine and I look good. I run a brush through my hair, splash some water on my face and walk outside to meet William. He opens the door of the Lamborghini for me and I climb into the warm interior. He already has Tony Benne
tt playing. He clicks his phone on and apologises when it rings.

I’d better phone Nathan. He’s left five messages. It won’t take two seconds.’

He starts the car and puts the phone onto hands
-free. Nathan answers immediately.

William where the fuck are you? I’ve been trying you all afternoon.’

I see William wince and I remember him saying that I swore a lot, what a blooming cheek.

‘I’ve been out with Binki. We’ve been ice skating and racing around Brands Hatch,’ he says, smiling at me.

Blimey, it sounds like we
’ve been on some kind of keep-fit marathon. I must mention this when I see Oliver. Then again, I’d better not mention the Brands Hatch thing, not that he’ll ever know that was his present of course but knowing me and my big mouth I’m bound to let it slip.

You’ve been what?’ asks Nathan, irritation in his voice. ‘For Christ’s sake William, we’ve had a bloody crisis here while you’ve been racing cars like bloody Clarkson.’

What a bloody nerve. William turns the music down with a mumbled apology.

‘Well, that’s why I pay you an extortionate salary Nat, to deal with those crises,’ he says his voice hardening.

There is silence and I wait for William to speak but he doesn

Yeah right, but you were supposed to be here to sign the papers for the Brignall deal. I did tell you about that yesterday.’

Well I wasn’t there was I? Was that your crisis?’

It was a deadline. We agreed to sign today or we’d lose the deal. The thing is William, if you’re going to dilly-dally off with that Binki all the time, who I have to say, is not your type …’

William clicks the phone off hands
-free and pulls the car over. I feel myself go hot and try to pretend I haven’t heard. Just what is it about me that makes me
not William’s type
is what I want to know. Okay, so I’m not a petite brunette with long legs and huge breasts. But I’ve got curves, maybe a few too many I admit, but I’ve got them all the same. They’re just a bit out of proportion at the moment but nothing that less food and a few minutes on a running machine can’t fix. Ben Newman said I’ve got cute dimpled cheeks and a nice tight arse. Ben Newman? Why am I thinking about Ben Newman? What does he know, my arse looks more like a giant M&M if you ask me. All men like tight arses don’t they, it’s a fact isn’t it? Or is it my age? Christ, I’m over the hill at thirty. Mum is right, the clock is ticking and I do want babies, obviously not just anyone’s babies and I suppose Oliver would produce reasonably nice ones, although not as nice as William would. Oh God, I’m so depressed. I thought with Aunt Vera’s inheritance something nice was finally coming my way. I guess it did in the guise of William Ellis but just about everything else couldn’t have gone more wrong could it? I feel like I’m rubbish at everything. I can’t skate, I can’t keep a boyfriend, I can’t get a decent man to shag me over a table, I can’t get a decent job. The only thing I can attract is a man with a wart on his nose and the only job I’m capable of is selling porn. I’m not fit, in fact I’m not fit to be alive, period. I sigh heavily as William is saying,

I’ll phone him myself. Okay you arrange it. No I can’t do Friday, I’m busy.’

I pretend to fumble in my bag. I could do with a tissue. I see my phone has a text and quickly read it. It is from Oliver.

‘Love you babe, can’t wait till Saturday when I know we will sort everything out.’

I turn the phone off and blow my nose quietly. William hangs up the phone abruptly and makes another call before starting the engine. He turns and says softly,

‘On Nathan’s behalf I apologise.’

It’s fine,’ I say.

It bloody isn
’t though is it?


* * *


‘So you really think I should forgive Oliver?’ I say.

All my resolve went at the sight of the menu and William didn
’t help when he said their Steak and Ale Pie was the best, which of course I had with chips.

I didn’t say it would be easy,’ he smiles, ‘but if you still love Oliver?’ he adds questioningly, looking into my eyes.

The waitress approaches us for the umpteenth time to ask William if the food is okay. Why she doesn
’t just ask him to shag her and be done with it is beyond me.

Yes, it’s perfect thanks,’ he says before turning back to me. My face feels flushed from the wine but I’m getting desperate to talk to someone about Oliver. I do love him, at least I think I do. I’ve never been more confused in my life.

I think I do,’ I say. ‘In fact before the Christmas thing I’d have said that Oliver was my whole life.’

He nods thoughtfully, dropping his eyes.

‘I doubt if those feelings have died,’ he says softly.

Is it possible to fall out of love just like that? If only Oliver hadn
’t been so stupid.

If you want my opinion you need to take a step back. You need to take stock of your situation and what you feel for Oliver, use the fact that you live at Driftwood as an asset to get Oliver to pursue you …’

You make it sound like a business deal,’ I interrupt.

It is. Between now and your wedding day Oliver needs to see how much he values you, and win you back in the process. In the meantime you stay at Driftwood and date Oliver at the same time,’ he says stealing one of my chips.

If you’re eating my chips then I’m having some of your smoked salmon,’ I say.

You make that sound like a business deal,’ he smiles. ‘But it’s an idea isn’t it?’ he says, looking into my eyes, ‘and I was thinking if it goes well with Roche then I may be able to offer you a job with me, and I won’t be needing a reference from Ben Newman.’

He offers a fork of smoked salmon to my lips.

‘Really, are you serious?’

Maybe things are looking up.

‘Yes, I’m going to whisk you away from fluffy handcuffs and blindfolds, and get you back to a job that is more suited to your skills.’

Ooh, you can tie me up with the fluffy handcuffs whenever you want Mr William Ellis, is all I can think. I must stop drinking or I
’ll be making a pass at him at this rate. I’m so bloody randy it’s unbelievable. I’ve not had sex since before Christmas, and my period is due and I always get randy this time of the month. Just wait till Saturday Binki, then you can shag the balls off Oliver. But can I, that is the question? Can I let him touch me after, well you know, the Amanda Rowland business?

Mmm,’ I say. ‘It all sounds perfect, except Oliver is really not happy about me living with you.’

The waiter refills my glass before I can stop him. Damn and double damn. I suppose I don
’t have to drink it.

But then he has nothing to fear does he, because I’m not your type am I?’ I say boldly.

Nathan was out of order saying that Binki, I’m sorry.’

You’ve said it too,’ I interrupt.

He looks embarrassed. I
’ve not seen him look this way before and I put my hand on the radiator as a cold chill runs through me. Please don’t say anything to hurt me, I silently plead, I don’t think I could take it.

Binki, whatever I said in the past I didn’t mean. We bantered a lot when we first met, and I knew you had a boyfriend so I didn’t …’

He hesitates. Didn
’t what?

Anyway,’ he continues, ‘you’re one of the nicest women friends I’ve ever had, and I know you love Oliver and you deserve someone like him …’

I do? I deserve someone who shags his boss on Christmas Eve,’ I say bitterly as the waitress approaches for the fourth time.

Erm,’ she flaps, ‘is the …’

Yep, still great, just like five minutes ago,’ says William.

No, obviously you deserve better than that, and he was a fool but if you love him …’ he continues, looking at me intently.

Yes,’ I say solemnly. ‘I suppose I do still love him.’

Then, isn’t this the perfect time to see if you can make it work? It won’t happen if you move back, but if you take it slowly and we make sure Oliver knows that you and I are just good friends.’

House mates,’ I say dully.

Yeah,’ he smiles. ‘Driftwood wouldn’t be the same without your labels and rotas.’

I guess that means a shag tonight is out of the question.

‘I’m getting the bill before this woman throws herself onto my lap,’ William says as he signals to the waitress. ‘As
really isn’t my type,’ he laughs.

I look at the waitress as she approaches. She isn
’t his type? But she has the big tits and the legs that come up to her armpits, she is your stereotypical long-legged blonde, and she is ten times prettier than me. If I’m not his type, and she’s not his type then what the hell is his type? Oh my God, he’s not a closeted gay is he? No, Andrea is his type, sophisticated, elegant, fashionable, and confident with an air of grace that I could never carry off. Maybe Andrea is the one for him.

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