Island of Dragons (18 page)

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Authors: Lindsey Owens

BOOK: Island of Dragons
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Chapter 59

“That was incredible!” Miley murmured excitedly as she packed up her bag.

“Uh darling, I can tell you right now that he’s not going to make it to the tree-line if you don’t move along!” Orion grunted nodding his head toward an infuriated Diesel.

“Oh!” Miley said quickly, she had stopped packing up her things and walked slowly over toward Diesel. “You alright D’s?”

“NO!” he hissed heatedly, his eyes were distant, but Diesel’s arms reached out and caught Miley in them before she could move, pulling her in to comfort himself.

“Diesel, I can help her finish packing; why don’t you go wait in the tree line?” Orion offered.

“And leave her here with an unmated Dragon!” Diesel snapped kissing her full on the mouth claiming his territory even if it was temporarily as he glared at his brother.

“I understand your concern
, but even with this house as big as it is, I find it hard to believe that we can just walk out of here with a massive black dragon on our heels,” Orion countered.

Diesel shook even more violently as he tried not to burst into his beast and kill Orion for the thought. “Miley,” Orion said slowly holding a hand out to her.

She looked up at Diesel cautiously, and then turned slowly to face Orion. “There’s only a few ways to calm him down and obviously the easiest one isn’t working, he needs you right now or he’ll be stuck in his dragon’s form until we get back home,” Orion told her.

“What do I need to do?” Miley said worriedly as she starred between the men.

Diesel was not himself. He held wild violet eyes that were enraged. He shook with anger.

“He’s more beast now than human.
There is only one option left. You must complete the bond. It will calm him. You can help him control his anger then,” Orion begged.

“What!” Miley anxiously tried to pull out of Diesel’s ever tightening grip. “He told me he wouldn’t allow me to mate him u
ntil he explained everything!” she cried out.

“I’m sorry
, but there’s no other way,” Orion sighed. “I’ll let you two have some alone time. I’ll be in my guest room when you are ready to go.”

Miley looked up at Diesel’s ever darkening eyes
, trying to catch sight of any humanity left within them. Finally managing to wiggle her way free, she slowly made her way across the room. Diesel’s eyes flit across the room and watched her every movement like a cat waiting to pounce.

She slowly cleared off the bed, zipping the last of the bags and dragging it over toward the door. Something in what she was wearing, the short upper-thigh length dress, that was laced around her neck and flowed around her freely, must have turned him on or at least flipped the switch in Diesel’s head.

Within the blink of an eye, he was before her. Diesel wrapped one arm around Miley’s tiny waist while the other slid up her bare thigh yanking at her underwear until they dropped to the floor. His movements were fluid, yet animalistic as he kissed from her lips down her throat and along any of the available skin.

Together, Miley and Diesel dropped onto the bed. She struggled to push him onto his back as so she could help him undress
, but eventually settled with holding still while he did the job himself.

Once finally undressed he purred in satisfaction as he climbed back over her lifting the dress up over her head and tossing it across the room as he bent forward to kiss her bare skin once again.

Chapter 60

Orion could not stop smirking as he tried desperately to hold back his laughter. “Just say it and be done,” Diesel grunted.

Miley groaned.

Orion burst out a breath and laughed. “That mark is by far the most girly one I have ever seen on such a dominant beast let alone an alpha!”

“I’ve seen it,
” Diesel rolled his eyes. “Actually we both did,” he grinned toward his new mate.

Miley blushed as she reached a hand up slowly to rub the still slightly sore part of her throat. Diesel had apologized for many things including the part about not getting to take the walk they had planned for Diesel to explain everything. He also had told her the mark she now sported
, was a part of the talk that would have happened.

Diesel moaned as his gaze shot over toward Miley. “Don’t do that love,” he purred.

“Huh?” Miley repeated. The new mark had a pleasurable euphoria for the person it was on, but it was mild. On the other hand, Diesel had to fight off the raging hormones to claim his mate again. “Oh!” Miley giggled softly before adding “sorry.”

“But I’ve never seen anything like that! How did you even get out of the house without them noticing?” Orion laughed once again pointing at Diesel. He quickly regretted his decision though when Diesel’s fist shot out and punched him square in the face.

Diesel grinned to himself. It gave him at least a bit of pleasure shutting Orion up. He thought back to the bedroom and when the mark had begun to etch it’s way onto his beautiful mate’s skin.

He had still been making love to her. Still inside of her when she began to whimper and grabbed for it. He watched with astonishment as the black mark formed along her delicate neck.

“I think it’s interesting.” Miley shrugged, though she did tug a shawl up around her shoulders trying to cover the mark as Orion lead the way through the house.

“Miley! Wait!” June called as she tried to hurry down the hallway. Diesel turned back around toward the sound of the woman; his face contorted showing his sympathy for the older woman.

Miley spun around, tears welling in her eyes as she ran toward the woman yanking herself free from Diesel’s grasp. He growled protectively as he quickly grabbed Miley and tugging her to his chest.

Miley whimpered and looked up at Die
sel. “She’s like a mother to me,” Miley cried softly.

Diesel let out a breath, flaring his nostrils and holding his lips into a thin tight line but he released his grip. “Go on,” he said softly. How could he deny his mate a woman whom was like a mother to her?

Miley scurried from Diesel’s grip and ran the remainder of the way into the June’s waiting arms. “Shhh…” June soothed.

“I’ve missed you so much!” Miley whined.

“I know dear. It’s been hard on all of us but me especially,” June said softly.

“What if they never let me come back?” Miley cried. She hadn’t been referring to Diesel and Orion. No, she was referring to the ‘mother’ that
did not care for her.

“I’m sure I’ll see you again someday soon.
Did not I hear your fiance right, he offered for family to visit?” June said looking over toward Diesel.

He nodded, “I did and if it’s alright with my future wife,” Diesel paused for a moment eyeing Miley for any sign that she wouldn’t be alright with what he was about to say. “I would love for Miley to have someone as close as a motherly figure with her at our home. I would like to ask if you would be willing to come and work for us?”

Miley squealed happily as she began bouncing on her heels impatiently. “I don’t know…” June said slowly. “It’s warm here. And I’ve worked here for years.”

” Diesel chuckled. “How warm is it today at home Orion?”

“I believe it was
…” Orion smirked looking over at the two women, “quite a hot day. What ninty-one?”

Diesel nodded, “That sounds about right.”

“I guess it wouldn’t hurt to come and visit for a little while and decide if I can handle the duties…” June grinned.

“That would be amazing!” Miley cried out excited.

Chapter 61

It had been a month since Miley and Diesel had returned to the island. A whole two months since they had settled everything at Miley’s apartment. They had boxed up everything Miley was going to keep and donated everything, which she wasn’t.

Orion had gone back to Morgan after determining that Diesel had made it home safely. He had already asked Diesel’s permission to bring Morgan back to the island as his mate.

“Come on Diesel!” Miley moaned in annoyance. “Her boat’s going to be here in two hours!”

“Miley!” Diesel snorted.

He was getting annoyed. He had promised to bring Miley up to the coast to greet June as she got off the boat but this was getting out of hand. “If you don’t settle down and let me finish my work…” Diesel warned.

“What?” Miley complained. “What are you going to do to me big bad alpha dragon?” She taunted as she smacked playfully on Diesel’s desk.

Growling Diesel pushed his chair back angrily. “She’ll be here in two stinking hours! Will you please just go find something to do quietly in the other room?” His words were slow and calculated as he tried his best not to yell at his mate.

“Diesel!” Miley groaned. For some reason she just had to push his buttons lately. She smacked his desk accidently sending papers flying across the desk and landing on the floor at Diesel’s feet.

Diesel pushed his chair back with so much force it slammed against the wall. Miley squealed as she turned around and ran. Bad idea, Diesel thought as he began to lose control.

By the time he had reached the back door, where Miley had run off too, he was holding on by a thread. In that moment Diesel had stepped foot onto the sandy back yard Miley had disappeared out of sight in the jungle surrounding, causing his playful yet annoyed dragon burst out and take over.

The black dragon roared as he pushed himself up into the air. He could easily hear his mates frantic heart beat as she raced across the island.

With only a few flaps of the massive dragon wings Diesel was upon his mate. Diesel dove down into the
tree line shifting as he landed and wrapping his arms around Miley then twirling the both of them around so that he hit the ground beneath her.

“Why are you annoying me?” He hissed playfully as he held her hips tightly against his body.

“I…” Miley muttered anxiously. She had known by now that Diesel would not ever hurt her. She was just growing slightly anxious over the last few days and she could not quite explain it.

Without speaking Miley pushed her arms up and quickly pulled the tab on her bottle of water before squirting it into Diesel’s face.

Diesel groaned. “What was that for?”

“You can’t
breathe fire when you’re wet,” Miley replied with a slight shrug. “It’s common knowledge.”

Diesel laughed. Flat out laughed at her. “Where did you get your ‘common knowledge’ information from?” he managed out of his laughter as he quickly pushed himself up and shifted at the same time.

Miley squeaked pushing herself backward toward a rock behind her for support. She was still getting use to the giant dragon beast. She stared at his beauty wide eyed.

He turned his head slightly toward the lake beside them and let out a massive ball of fire from his mouth. “All lies mate,” he purred. His voice was thickly laced with the strange accent that Miley had kept forgetting to mention.

“Why do you have that strange accent?” she asked curiously as she stood up and rubbed her hand across the dragon’s nose.

He breathed in her scent closing his eyes and purring. “Different language,” he told her nonchalantly.

“You speak a different language?” Miley replied confused.

“Yes dear,” h
e murmured nuzzling her neck. “Your hormones smell different.”

Diesel had finally just given up on his work for the day. He took his time to enjoy the last moments before June’s boat was due to arrive by kissing Miley and calming her and himself down.

By the time they had soothed their playfulness enough go back to the house, June’s boat was due to arrive in fifteen minutes. “Diesel,” Miley moaned.

“I have to get some clothes woman, before we give June a heart attack.” Diesel let out a breath and shook his head.

He had yet to understand what that strange new delicious scent was coming from is mate. Diesel pulled on a pair of shorts and chuckled as he walked to Miley stomping her foot.

“Come on, silly woman.”

Chapter 62

“Miley you are just absolutely glowing!” June smiled as she wrapped her arms around Miley’s waist. “When is the wedding?”

Diesel smiled, “another month. We’re giving enough time for as many people to get here as we invited
, such as Miley’s friend Morgan,” Diesel told her.

“Oh thank goodness,” June beamed. “I would hate to see you get too much further into that pregnancy when you get married.”

Miley gasped. “Excuse me,” she sputtered.

“I knew I
could smell something different,” Diesel grinned.

“I’m not pregnant,
” Miley scoffed, “I’m still on the pill.”

Diesel leaned over and pressed his lips to Miley’s ear, “Dragon as a mate love.”

Her eyes went wide. It had finally hit Miley; she had been so busy moving and getting settled that she had completely forgotten about missing her period. “Come along darling, I don’t think you should be on your feet all day,” June said stepping up urging Miley forward.

June had proven to be a wonderful addition to the home. Diesel had actually intended on her just being there as a friend and motherly figure to Miley, yet even in June’s old age she refused to sit down and rest all day.

The weeks flew by and before any of them knew it, the wedding was upon them. Morgan and Orion had finally came to the island bringing along with them Roger, Miley’s father for the wedding.

Quite a surprise to Miley, she had been pregnant. Very pregnant actually. She had been three months pregnant of the
six-month dragon pregnancy or nine-month human pregnancy.

Her belly had grown quite round within the last month and she was worried she wasn’t going to fit into the beautiful white sundress June and her had picked out.

The wedding was simple, but elegant. White lilies and yellow roses, decorated the tables. Each of the clan had helped set up the wedding in some way or form. The little children, which there was not much off had helped woman hang bows while the strong men had helped set up the tables.

The ceremony was held on the beach and the reception was beneath a pavilion that Diesel had specially built for the occasion. When Miley had remembered back to that day, she was so happy that everything had turned out so beautifully.

Her father had come to visit and witness the wedding along with giving away his daughter, yet Samantha refused to budge and wouldn’t show up.

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