Island of Dragons (19 page)

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Authors: Lindsey Owens

BOOK: Island of Dragons
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Chapter 63

“Are you alright daddy?” Miley asked. It was now the middle of the summer’s blaring heat and Miley was five and a half months pregnant.

“Yes my daughter. I am just thinking if I made the right decision leaving your mother.” Roger contemplated.

“I’m sorry you had to
choose,” Miley sighed her hand rubbed unconsciously against her stomach as she carefully dropped her aching body onto a hammock.

“Oh don’t be like that, Miley. It was bound to happen someday anyway. I just am
wondering about life right now,” Roger smiled sadly. He was trying to decide if he should stay on the island with his daughter or stay living in the town that was now filled with rumors.

“Well you know y
ou can always stay here with us,” Diesel said coming out of the house.

Roger turned his head toward Diesel and chuckled. “Thank you for the offer
, but I’m not really sure what I want to do right now. I think I’ll stay here until my grandbaby is born and then I’ll go from there.”

“Well that’s fine also,
” Diesel nodded. “It’s time we get going love, the doctor’s waiting on us.”

Miley groaned. She was growing more and more tired as the days passed and she really
did not want to get up. “Come on darling,” Diesel chuckled as he reached forward and wrapped an arm around his mate’s growing waist.

“This baby is getting so big. I don’t thi
nk I can make it to nine months,” Miley moaned as the couple began to walk back up the path to the front of the house.

“That is what
we are going to check on today,” Diesel reminded her.

“Oh! I forgot!” Miley brightened up as she struggled to move herself faster.

“Wow, feisty, slow on down!” Diesel chuckled as he caught up to his mate with ease. “If you insist on going so fast I’ll just carry you.”

Before Miley could answer
, Diesel tucked an arm under Miley’s bare thighs and lifted her up into his strong arms. Even with a massive pregnancy belly, he carried her as if she weighed nothing.

“I don’t think I ca
n ever get use to your strength,” Miley giggled as she rubbed her face against Diesel’s strong chest.

“It’s about time you got here,” t
he doctor groaned out. “I do have others whom have to wait until after your appointment.”

“I’m sorry,
” Miley mumbled shamefully.

“Doc,” Diesel growled. “Miley, you are the alpha female. Everyone will be second to you,” he nodded her head softly as Diesel settled her feet back onto the floor.

“Yes, uh… pardon me alpha. I have just had a busy day. I’m sorry I was disrespectful.” The doctor apologized helping Miley up onto the examination table.

Let’s see what we have going on,” the doctor muttered to himself. As he ran the monitor across Miley’s belly, he gasped.

It had been years since such an amazing thing had happened. “What!” Diesel growled. “What is it?”

“Calm down Diesel,” Miley said softly though her words were shaky and worried.

“It’s nothing bad. I promise. It’s just that…
,” the doctor muttered. “It’s just…”

“Spit it out doc before I knock it out of you!” Diesel snarled.

“Yes uh sorry alpha,” the doctor said ducking his head. “It’s just that your baby is a very rare event.”

Chapter 64

Diesel had been concentrating so hard on his work lately
, but nothing ever seemed to get done. Orion had assumed his beta duties and was filling in more and more by the day for his alpha.

Thinking back, Diesel
could not believe his ears when the doctor had told him the baby was going to be going through dragon pregnancy terms. There was only a matter of days and their baby was going to be born.

He could only wish that the beautiful creature growing within his mate would become like him
, yet that would not happen. It had been two weeks and the baby still had not decided on coming out.

Diesel found it hard to do any work, without Miley being right at his side. She had been tired this morning and he really
did not want to drag her out of bed just to lie on the couch in his office all day.

Miley’s scream broke him out of his thoughts and he bolted upright. Sprinting down the hall and up the stairs with his inhuman speed Diesel burst through the door. “Miley what’s the matter baby? Are you alright?”

“The baby it’s on the way!” Miley cried. “My water broke and contractions started,” she panted, as another contraction began to rake through her body.

The pain was nearly intolerable. “What do I do?” Diesel replied. He frantically rushed to his mate’s side, holding her up as he walked her to a spot to sit. “How far apart are they? The doctor said to let him know when the
contractions were close.”

“They’re close,
” Miley groaned out.

Miley’s scream had attracted many others to the room and now June, Morgan
, and Orion were all standing at the door worriedly looking in. “What can I do?” Orion asked.

“Get the doctor. I’ll carry her to th
e maternity room,” Diesel barked out. He had scooped his arms around Miley and lifted her up.

“We’re not going to make it,
” Miley moaned as the pain begun again.

“I’ll make it darling. Hold on,
” Diesel sighed. He had wished she would have told him earlier but he knew why she hadn’t. “How long have you been in pain?” he worried.

“We’re almost there!” Diesel grunted out as Miley squeezed his arm trying to ease another contraction.

“Oh my goodness,” the doctor breathed. “How long has she been in labor?”

“I don’t know…” Diesel mumbled.

“Four hours,” Miley whimpered.

“Well let’s see how you’re doing,” the doctor shook his head. At Diesel’s disgruntled face and began to examine Miley.

Chapter 65

Diesel sighed looking down at the small little baby in his arms. “What is it?” Miley asked anxiously.

“She won’t be like me,” h
e half frowned. “But you are always a beautiful alternative…”

“What do you mean?” Miley questioned her brows furrowed together as she looked down at the little creature that looked just as stunningly beautiful as her daddy.

“Don’t worry about it love,” Diesel whispered softly.

“Diesel, tell me…”

“Females aren’t generally born with the gene,” Diesel told her sadly.

“She won’t be a dragon,” Miley murmured.

“No. There has not been a female dragon born in three hundred years. Our species bloodline is getting more and more diluted with human blood every generation and therefore losing a part of our dragon a little at a time,” Diesel told her.

“Oh Diesel,” Miley cooed as she tried to sit up from the bed.

“Rest,” he said pressing her down softly. “Only time will tell.”

“Why are you so upset? Aren’t you happy for us?” Miley whimpered.

Diesel just walked away silently. “It’s not that he’s not happy love…” Orion said softly. “It’s that he won’t have an heir…” He was interrupted by the most ear piercing call he had ever heard.

It was shrill, loud, and longing like sound. “What the hell was that?” Miley choked as she stared down at the bubbly little baby who made the noise.

Diesel had stopped dead in his tracks, turned around, and was now wearing a massive smile, “An alpha dragon calling to her clan that she is born.”

The End

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