Invisible (A Night Fire Novel Book 5) (15 page)

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Fingers ran down the buttons of my dress, gently crossing over the soft lace netting. My arms were wrapped around his neck, slowly sliding down the lapel of his jacket. I wished it was just the two of us and we weren't being watched by a room filled with over a hundred people, nearly closer to two hundred.

Did I remember to tell you how beautiful you look?”

You did. Several times.” I smiled.


Jaxon looked down to the ground.

What do you think monkey?”

Bright blue eyes stared up at us, too busy munching on his pacifier and keeping a firm grip around his father's leg. His hair was like Jaxon's, a gorgeous blonde. It had been neatly brushed to the side but he'd obviously got something stuck in it. Something brown had been picked out of it. It was likely to be the cake, the remnant crumbs clinging on.

Doesn't mommy look pretty tonight?”

Charlie ignored him, instead he wrapped his little arms tighter. He was the
not really a surprise
that eventuated from our Maui holiday. Of course we pretended that we were completely unaware of how it happened, mostly because Jerry would crack it big time if he found out that Jaxon had been so forgetful.

But that aside, everyone adored Charlie. He was named for my father Charles, then followed by Jaxon's father and Jerry. Charlie Samuel Jeremiah Ryan was now a year old, well a year and a few months. Jerry was out for the kill when I announced that I was pregnant, ready to search for a shot gun and march us to the nearest chapel.

El was our saving grace that day, she declared that when I married it would be an event in itself, not some pokey tourist trap on the strip. The wedding itself would have been sooner except the issues surrounding Harmony's movie and her life caused a delay in so many bad ways. I felt awful for her, she'd had issues being able to carry to term.

She was pregnant now, in her third trimester and all was good. That is of course if Evan would leave her alone. The poor thing hovers around her, frets for the baby and of course, Harmony herself.

Jaxon sighed rather painfully. Trying to dance with a child clinging to your leg must be difficult. We weren't moving very far. Charlie began to cry when Jaxon pulled him from his leg.

Up here little monkey.”

He settled into the crook of his father's neck, looking rather tired and unimpressed at the crowd. Because everyone wanted a cuddle, everyone wanted to say hello. Times that by nearly two hundred people and you've got one cranky baby.

Maybe we should get going.”

You deviate.” Jaxon whispered, feigning shock. “All these people will know what we're doing.”

And your point is?”

He shrugged with a dirty smile. “We can't anyway, got to stick to a schedule baby.”

I rolled my eyes but giggled all the same. Tomorrow we were going back to our favorite holiday destination. When he booked the honeymoon, Jaxon declared that Charlie needed a sibling so we had to go back.

Charlie was coming with us and I couldn't wait to get going on our holiday. Everyone said that we should leave him with our parents and have a proper honeymoon but I didn't want that and neither did Jaxon. We both knew that we would be too worried about what Charlie was doing and how he was to truly enjoy ourselves.

He wasn't a hassle, he was an easy kid and I felt blessed for having him as our first child. Even if I had oodles of help from everyone, I knew that there were some things that I had to do on my own.

So we had booked into a resort that was close to the beach with the hope of spending some great days on the sand and at the water's edge.

He's asleep.”

Jaxon tried to look but just ended up pulling a stupid face. The song ended and I looked around to the other guests who were on the dance floor with us. I didn't like being the center of attention unlike Jaxon who lapped it up.

Charlie fussed when his father moved him. Seb was walking past the edge of the dance floor, he and Danny were headed to the bar.

True to his word, Seb had taken us out to dinner. We double dated with him and Danny who I adored, just like Seb said I would. Once Jaxon got over the initial dislike for Seb and realized that he was definitely not a threat, he liked him. He also realized that I needed a friend that wasn't family or band related.


Jaxon couldn't even protest in time before Seb had Charlie in his hands and settled onto his firm frame. Much to Jaxon's disgust, Charlie went back to sleep without a fuss.


I was just as curious as well. When Charlie got clingy like that, there was no swaying him. He was stubborn like his father.

Danny leaned into Jaxon and sniffed.

Hmm, smells like daddy and Seb wear the same cologne. That's your answer.”

And with that, my two best friends wandered off to their table with my sleeping baby. So now we had a second take at our wedding dance, this time child free.

Are you sure you don't want to leave now?” I purred in his ear. “I could show you what I bought just for you.”

Did you buy me a present baby?”

I nodded slowly, offering a seductive smile.

Now you've got my attention. What is it?”

Not telling. I'm going to let it fester in your mind until you cannot handle it any longer and whisk me away.”

He shot me a wry smile, his eyes darting around the room as we danced. Everything was done, the cake had been cut and people were eating it as they drank tea and coffee. Speeches had been said and tears had been shed. People were mingling as they night drew to an end.

Well in that case my lovely wife I must insist that we take our little man home and put him to bed.”

Of course.” I smiled dutifully “Charlie is important and nothing else matters.”


Jaxon paused for a moment.

Except for that one thing. That's gotta happen you know. Rules are rules and we cannot disobey them.”

Is that right?”


We did the rounds and said goodbye to everyone, crazily it took us an hour to do so. By this time Charlie was awake and really grumpy which was an excellent excuse to leave. It was already eleven thirty and I'd been up since six because of the grumpy baby.

Home was now an actual home, Jaxon didn't want to live in the apartment once Charlie could crawl. We built a house and in the time that it had taken, every single door and window was key locked. Now we lived in a sprawling house that was just down the road from Jerry and El, something that made me wonder if Jaxon had done intentionally.

His eyes narrowed at the front door, Charlie was struggling to get out of his arms. Jaxon set him to the ground and opened the front door, watching him walk into the house.

Where do you think you're going?”

I turned and looked at him with a frown, next thing I knew I was in his arms.

Some warning would be nice!” I chastised him.

Tradition baby.”

Says the man that got his wife knocked up before marrying her.”

He shrugged, flicking the door shut with his foot and then set me to my feet.

That dress is my job.”

I raised an eyebrow at him.

Tradition.” he grumbled and locked the front door.

Then he scooped Charlie up into his arms and wandered off to the bedroom wing of the house. I followed a few steps behind, down the darkened corridor. Jaxon was talking to him as he slowly cradled him back to sleep, his little suit tossed onto the change table.

Charlie leaned to one side and watched as I cleaned up after his father.

Mommy should be a distraction elsewhere, shouldn't she Charlie?”

Okay.” I sighed. “Night baby boy.”

I kissed the chubby cheek, his eyes still so bright. There was no way he was going to sleep now. Still, Jaxon persisted and ten minutes later he wandered into our bedroom looking rather smug.

This is very nice, I like how it hugs your curves.”

He held my hands out wide from our bodies and assessed every single part of me. From the hem that dragged over our wood floors to the lace covered satin that wrapped around my body.

I hadn't put on a lot of weight with the pregnancy and some of it still lingered. Jaxon thought that I was looking better than ever, claiming that I was far too skinny before. But he always said that I was hung up on the past, to the pain that had entrenched deep into my heart. For someone so lively and comical, he had moments of being so deep and meaningful it was a little shocking.

He took my hand and led me into the walk in robe that was almost the same size as our bedroom. To one side was his things which if it wasn't for me picking up after him it would look like a disaster. To the other side was my clothes and a dressing table. No matter how much I said that I didn't want things, no one listened. So I endured their love and their gifts and accepted them with only minor complaints.

Jaxon pulled out the chair and waited for me to sit, I watched in the mirror as he lowered to my neck. When he kissed me in that spot, it always made me shiver with delight.

Pin by pin he made his way through the curls and pulled my hair out, the flower clip had made it into his own hair.

Does it look good?”

Yeah sure. Let me get the camera.”

He didn't even flinch which did not surprise me. I'd seen a photo of him wearing a tutu so one little diamond flower clip wasn't going to faze him.

Maybe later.” he offered as he pulled it out and laid it onto the dressing table. “There are much better things to be done.”

Jaxon squatted at my feet and removed the painful shoes, it was a delight to get them off. His hands trailed up under the skirt of my dress, his wicked grin grew the higher he went. Dealing with the clips quickly, he pulled the delicate white stockings down my legs and tossed them aside.

Pulling me to my feet he dragged me out into the bedroom, making short work of his clothes. He stood before me in nothing but his dress pants.

Moving to my back he flicked through the buttons, his need was obvious in how hastily he did it.

Baby you are so stunning.” he whispered as he kissed my neck again. “I thought I had died when you walked down the aisle.”

The dress fell away from my body, he held my hand and helped me step out of it.

That I had gone to heaven and I was being given an angel all of my own.”

I'm no angel.”

Jaxon chuckled as his eyes raised up my body to me.

Oh baby, I know that you are the devil in disguise.”

Too right.”

His fingers trailed over the corset, curving over the edge of my breasts.

Is this the present?”

I nodded, watching the sly grin curl through his lips. He was a man that liked pretty things on his woman and insisted that I go and buy lots of pretty things.

When I tried to put the money I had saved up for a house into the funds going towards building this place, he refused. Of course we had a rather large argument about it and in the end he accepted the money.

I thought that I had won. That was until the next day I found a bunch of flowers on the dining table, sitting in a brand new exquisite crystal vase. Tucked into the flowers was a card and inside the card was gift vouchers for La Perla and Agent Provocateur for the exact same amount for each one. He'd effectively doubled what I had tried to put into the house and then bought me flowers as an apology.

Letting him win was easier, if I tried to play the game he'd come back with something better. He was good at playing the game and I was always outdone.

Very nice baby.”

Something different for every day.”

Ooh, I think I'm going to like this being married business.”

Deftly making his way through the catches, he soon unraveled me and left me in nothing more than a tiny g-string.

Yeah.” he sighed happily “I definitely like being married to you.”


A note from the Author

Thank you for being a part of the Night Fire journey.

If you would like to read more works, keep up to date with what's going on in my world and upcoming stories, please stop by the website or follow me on Facebook.

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