Invisible (A Night Fire Novel Book 5) (14 page)

BOOK: Invisible (A Night Fire Novel Book 5)
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My body shuddered with a prickling sensation, flooding from the pit of my stomach to my head. I moaned loudly as my body bucked with the orgasm, my grip on his hands was firm.

With me off in orgasm heaven I didn't hear Jaxon doing things. It wasn't until I felt his warm hands pushing over the skin of my stomach to cup my breasts did I turn my euphoria filled face to him.

I looked down at him, nestled in between my legs with his lips toying my nipple. He grinned and moved higher on me, resting his arms by my head.

We have a slight problem.”

What's that?”

In my haste to pack my things, I forgot something rather important.”

Here I was thinking that he was being playful but he wasn't.

So we are faced with a few options. I could put my pants back on and go searching for a shop that is open at this late hour that sells condoms, I could go without one or we could stop all together and find some tomorrow.”

Well isn't that just a mood killer?

We are not stopping and there is no point in searching for a shop that's open. You'd stand out like a sore thumb walking around the place, asking for a shop that's open that also sells condoms. Eden would kill me for the publicity that could happen with that.”

She'd probably be too busy killing me for forgetting them.” he said dryly. “So I guess that means going without one.”

Maybe he could see some unknown panic in my face, maybe he misinterpreted my shrug.

I'm clean, I got tested.”

That's not what I was worried about actually.”

But now that you mention it. I was grateful he had the forethought to get it done.

You mean kids, right?”

I nodded.

I don't know what to say Kaylee.” he sighed, rolling off my body to lay on the bed beside me. “I'd have dozens of them but I don't want to push you when you're still so young.”

Age isn't my issue, it's your job. You'll be gone soon, you'll be on the road for a year again and I'll be in Vegas, watching the days slowly erode away. It's bad enough for me, imagine what it's like for a child.”

For the first few years you can come with us, after that then we'll do school holidays, long weekends. The other guys do it and they seem fine.”

Yeah except you don't get to see the other side of it. Inwardly sighed, this was a path that was always going to be set out for me if I pursued Jaxon. I had to suck it up and accept that music and touring was his life and nothing was ever going to change it. So I nodded with a placated smile, Jaxon smiled back.

If he knew it wasn't entirely okay, I don't know. But we both accepted that there was little we could do about it.

He settled back onto my body, pushing my legs open. My body arched into his as he pushed into me, feeling the burn of him filling me.

Jaxon sighed with a look of ecstasy as he pushed the whole way in.

Never gone bare before.” he whispered. “You do realize you're going to have to tie me down to get one on me ever again.”

I chuckled at his comical sneer. True to his clown like persona, he made a joke during sex. Life with Jaxon was never going to be dull.



Jaxon stared down at me as he waited for my answer. I couldn't believe he'd said it in the middle of sex.

“Uh, yeah. Okay, sure.”

“Cool.” He offered with a grin and began to move again.

I'd just agreed to marry him. In the middle of damned sex. I was crazy. No, he was.

It was not how I pictured him proposing marriage. Because I'd had four years of fantasizing about him and
moment, I'd envisaged something romantic. Okay so there were candles and we were still on the gorgeous island getaway holiday. But I did not plan on it being at the very moment he had his cock inside of me.

How could we ever tell our children or grandchildren of this moment? We'd have to pretend it happened in the moments before and leave this part out.

“Kaylee.” Jaxon whispered.


“I love you.”

I wrapped my arms around him, kissing him hard.

“I love you too.” I managed through the muffled kiss.

He chuckled and rolled onto his back, taking me with him. Oh this wasn't good. Second time at sex and he wants me to take charge? No way.

“Just relax.” He cooed.

Sitting up he took my arms and put them over his shoulders.

“Take it easy, nice and slow. We don't need to rush.”

His hands slid down to my hips, urging them to move.

“Keep a steady rhythm going.”

I was wary but with his constant reassurance I continued to move, enjoying the position. Jaxon's arms wrapped around me, sliding up my back as he nuzzled into my neck.

Deep blue eyes stared up at me as he kissed the underside of my jaw.

“I have a confession.” He whispered.

I could feel the smirk as he kissed over my neck, all I could do was let out a breathy moan.

“This was the ultimate fantasy.”

Then he flopped back onto the bed, leaving me almost stranded, unsure of what to do.

“Watching you and your gorgeous body ride me, damn girl, you make this man weak with desire.”

His hands found my hips again, keeping me moving. I leaned forward and gripped the head board, feeling the pleasure building faster by the second.

Jaxon lifted his torso up fractionally, running the tip of his tongue over my nipples. I let out a soft, high pitched moan as the tongue slid over me. His hands cupped my backside, squeezing the flesh.

“And this.” He growled with heat in his voice. “It took all my strength not to grab it.”

You could
my mind begged.
Any time you want
it offered. All I could offer as a response was another moan. My head was too delirious with pleasure to form any words.

Jaxon pulled me down to his body, stopping me from moving.

“Look at you.”

A cheeky grin crossed his face as he gripped me at the back of my neck.

“Five seconds riding me and you're done, delirious and ready to be finished.”

“No.” I groaned.

I didn't want to be done, I wanted to be greedy and do this all night long.

“You want more babe?”

Nodding my response made him huff a slight laugh, pulling me closer. Our foreheads pressed together as we looked at each other.

“I'm gonna need a better answer than that Kaylee. How do you want it? Nice and slow or one hard fuck?”

Did I have the stamina for hard? I hoped so because I wanted to know what it was like.


“How hard? You wanna scream it out baby?”

I nodded again, Jaxon laughed a little and lifted me from his body.

“Alright Kaylee, one screamer coming up.”

For a moment I wondered if I should retract my request until I was a little more used to this sex thing. Surely second time wasn't ideal for a hard fuck. I had no clue. All I could hope was that Jaxon would use his past expertise to keep me from hurting too much.

“Onto your hands and knees.”

I did it, feeling rather liberated. Exposed and vulnerable. My thoughts on this were changing by the second. When his fingers teased me I could only smile.

“You are so wet. I think you like this sex thing Kaylee.”

“Mm.” I hummed, giggling a little.

One strong hand gripped my shoulder, urging me to the bed. Now with my ass in the air, I was more exposed than ever before.

The bed shifted behind me and I thought that Jaxon was going to fill me again but instead I got a hot and wet tongue sliding through the folds. He continued, urged on by my moans that were diluted due to the pillow I had my face buried into.

“Oh don't stop.” I pleaded.

Because it feels so fucking good. Seconds later my body convulsed with a shattering orgasm. If I thought that I could flop to the bed and ride out the waves of euphoria, I was sadly mistaken. With a slap of my ass, Jaxon made himself comfortable in between my legs from behind.

“Mm, that's pretty damned hot Kaylee. Watching that gorgeous ass jiggle.”

He pressed into me and I groaned, hard.

“I'm just warning you now, I'm gonna be going hard. It's going to be good and you're gonna scream. We might break the bed.”

Slowly he slid out, almost all the way. My mind tingled with the pleasure that was still floating through me.

“But that's okay, so long as you're enjoying it then I don't care.”

He pushed back in, taking it easy on me as he continued his languid pace.

“Are you ready to be fucked hard Kaylee?”

I nodded and clearly he didn't like that. His hands gripped my shoulders, lifting me up and curving my back into a dip.

“Baby, I need to hear you.”

“Yes.” I groaned.

The hands let go of my shoulders, pressing his fingers deep into my skin as he slid them down my back. When he gripped my hips he drew out again and slammed back into me.

“Oh god.” I groaned loudly.

He did it again and again, I let the world know about it. At first his body moved into me at a slow pace, a few thrusts that jarred against my body and made me feel more alive than I ever had.

Then, he unleashed his hard fuck. Over and over again he pushed into me, fast and unrelenting. With every slap of his body against mine, I became more and more vocal. The orgasm was long and drawn out, creating a constant flow of pleasure that washed through my body.

This was my favorite position. I'd give him his cowgirl ride any day of the week so long as he finished with a little doggie.

Jaxon was breathing rather heavily, his own moans were like a low, husky breath. He'd let out the occasional word or two about how good it felt, how much he loved me. Then there was the one that filled me with concern.
I'm gonna cum.
Okay, so the concern lasted for all of about a second, ignored in favor of the intense pleasure. I didn't want to think about babies or getting pregnant at the moment. I wanted to be greedy and hear that guttural groan from Jaxon when he finally came.

His grip on my hips tightened as the last few thrusts were pounded into me, slowly he began to move at a more easier pace. Heavy breathing filled the quiet of the room, I winced when he pulled out of me.

As my legs finally gave way I flopped to the bed, hearing a devious chuckle from the man behind me.

“We didn't break the bed baby, clearly I didn't fuck you hard enough.”

“Oh I think you did.” I offered with a grin.

I rolled over and looked at him, he was still kneeling on the bed. His body was heaving with the last of the heavy exertion and that glorious specimen of manhood was still up. I sat up to him, trailing my tongue over his hard cock, tasting the saltiness of our love.

Jaxon groaned softly as he ran his fingers through my hair, urging me to take him more. With a gentle thrust his hips moved to me, pushing his cock further in.

“Oh baby that feels good.” He whispered. “I might cum again, you wanna keep going?”

I hummed my agreement, Jaxon smirked as he continued to gently thrust into my mouth. My hand slid over him, feeling the thickness swell as he got closer.

Both hands gripped the base of my head behind my ears, his fingers laced into my hair. He was gentle as always but his pushing was becoming more insistent by the second. My hands wandered to his rather fine backside, sliding over the curve and gripping him.

Even before he told me, I knew he was about to orgasm. The warm salty slick rushed into my mouth, oozing down my throat before I could even think about what was happening. Jaxon let out a few gargled expletives as he finally began to slow down.

As he began to pull out of my mouth I gripped him again, sucking on the head.

“Oh baby.” he murmured. “Have I ever told you that I love you?”

With a grin I ran my tongue over the tip, enjoying the fact that he could go to pieces so easily over something so simple. Hm, giving head was definitely a fun past time.

“Not nearly enough.”

He chuckled, leaning down to kiss me softly.

“I love you Kaylee.”

With another kiss he lifted me to my feet.

“I love getting and giving head, feel free to ask and offer whenever you want.”

“Oh I plan to.”

“Bath time, stay put for a moment.”

Another kiss was planted on my lips, then the stunningly naked Jaxon turned and crossed the room. I sat back down and enjoyed the view, one that I always thought I'd never see.

Once the bath was filled and the room was prepared, I was allowed into the room. Jaxon held my hand as I stepped in, gasping at the wonderful warmth of the water. I gasped again when I sat into it, the warm water reminding me of how sore things were.

“You are a brute.”

“And you asked to be fucked hard. Don't complain now.”

I grinned and laid back into his arms, enjoying the peace and quiet.

Light danced across the walls, the flames of the candles flickering in the soft breeze. Warm water lapped at my skin as Jaxon trailed his fingers over me. I was barely able to keep my eyes open, resting against his chest.

I'd lost track of time, unsure of how long we'd been in here. The heat of the water was slowly dropping, soon we'd have to get out and I don't know if I want to. This was just too perfect.

Jaxon had suggested that this was ideal for a person who might just be a little sore from her second time. I had to say, I felt thoroughly blessed for such a caring and attentive lover. My body hurt all over, from the accident and the sex but I didn't care. I was in my own personal heaven.

“Well I think we're done. My skin has shriveled and I look like a prune.”

I lifted my tired body from his, looking at him with a sleepy smile.

“Look at you, you're shattered. Must be all that great sex.”

With a big grin I nodded and climbed out of the bath. Rubbing my body with the towel was difficult, I had to gently dab at it and not rub. I looked in the mirror, the bruises were settling down now and weren't too bad. In a few weeks there wouldn't be a single trace of it. I knew I had escaped all too easily. I was like a cat with nine lives, now down to seven.

Gently I laid on the bed and slid over, watching a beautifully naked Jaxon crossing the room. He slid under the sheets beside me and pulled me into his arms.

I slept in his arms for the entire night. I'd never had such a good night's sleep. No nightmares, no waking up crying or scared. I woke up happy, slowly lifting my head off Jaxon's chest to see him sleeping with a soft smile. It had to be the cutest thing I have ever seen.

I'd found peace with my happiness, I felt like I was on top of the world. Good job, loving family, gorgeous partner. I don't think I could want for much else. Jaxon opened his eyes with a smile, one that was filled with mischief even though he's only just woken. He was cheeky and loveable, a little crazy and did things differently, but I knew I wouldn't want him any other way.

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