Invasion of Justice (Shadows of Justice) (11 page)

BOOK: Invasion of Justice (Shadows of Justice)
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"There probably aren't records for what you're looking for," Brian said. "The Judge and
Kristoff had a neat little system going, though I'm not sure there's any evidence to convict Kristoff."

"Your insight could help. This thing is convoluted. Every small answer unearths a thousand new questions." He shook his head, wishing the movement would put things in order.

"Has anyone heard when I'll be released?"

Brian checked her chart,
then handed it to Gideon. "Guess you're better qualified, Mr. Bio-tech."

Gideon read through the notes.
Twice. He looked hard at Petra. "Says you can go anytime." She winced under his hard gaze, but he didn't let up. Crossing his arms over the chart against his chest, he made a subtle move with his finger over his biceps where the scar should've been. He knew she understood his implication.

She shook her head, her eyes urging him to believe. If healing wasn't her thing how did she explain these miracle-fast recoveries? Not even juicing or the residuals produced results this quickly.

"So did you talk to your new sister about learning to fight?"

"No. I'm not sure I'm up to it right now."

He smiled, knowing it wasn't his most encouraging expression. He wanted to challenge her, to push her into action. "I think you're ready for whatever life sends you." He replaced the chart and signaled Brian that they should leave. "Get dressed. Then we'll figure out the next step."

When the door swished shut behind them, Petra breathed easier. "He's such an ass."

Jaden laughed. "He bought you fresh clothes."

Petra frowned at the cotton sweater and jeans Jaden brought over to the bed.

"Gideon's not all bad," Jaden defended. "He's been through a lot and likes to understand the ins and outs of a situation."

"You're saying I'm a situation he doesn't understand."

"Can you honestly say you understand what's going on?"

Petra sighed, tugging the jeans over her hips. "No," she confessed. "Only that it pulls at me, demands a response and not always the response I'd expect from myself." She heard Jaden laugh as she tossed away the hospital gown in favor of her bra and the cotton sweater.

"Do you want to learn to fight?"

"I'd rather learn to master the gifts I have. You're awesome in action, but no offense, that's just not my style."

The women stood nearly eye-to-eye after Petra had her shoes on. "Every woman should know the basics of protection."

Petra smiled. "Dad always told me to go for the balls."

"Every boy over three knows to protect his assets," Jaden said with a crooked grin. "If you want to give yourself a chance, you have two options: Give in or lash out.

"You have to assess the situation fast and make your decision. When you need to fight, first distract, then hit your hard point to their soft tissue. Then run like hell."

Petra tried to commit that little trio to memory as Jaden explained with slow movements.
Side of hand hard, throat soft. Fingers hard, eyes soft. Elbows hard, gut soft. Gut...

"Any advice against knives?" she asked just before Jaden reached the door.

Jaden turned, pretending her hand was a knife in Petra's face. "Face to face and close like this," she raised Petra's hand, making her the attacker, "break the wrist." In slow motion Jaden brought a hand to either side of Petra's 'knife hand' and struck gently to demonstrate how an attacker's threat would be broken and the knife knocked away.

"Then run like hell?" Petra asked, needing to lighten the mood.

"And pray he doesn't have a gun." Jaden opened the door wide to reveal an intense conversation between Brian and Gideon.

At the sight of them, the men stopped and pasted innocent smiles on their faces. Well, Brian did. Gideon didn't quite manage more than a softer version of his normal glower.

Jaden fell into step with Brian's arm around her and Gideon and Petra followed with plenty of personal space between them.

"I'll take you to the hotel to get your stuff," Gideon said. "Then we'll meet up with Jaden and Brian."

Petra considered stating her own opinion, but decided the hospital wasn't the place for the loud argument sure to follow. She comforted herself with the knowledge that any place with Jaden would make Gideon's presence more bearable.

Why she was so anti-Gideon she couldn't say. The man just rubbed her wrong. She wanted to be
sympathetic, to make allowances for the rough hand life must've dealt him. Yet, she couldn't force out a mere thank-you for the kindness he showed with new clothes. It was so unlike her and though the edginess troubled her, she wasn't ready to discuss it.

Again at the hotel, Petra pressed her thumb to the scanner on the suite door and stepped inside, grateful to be alone at last. Gideon's intentions, whatever they were, were becoming oppressive.

"Oh, thank God!" The precious silence broke on Kelly's exclamation and Petra stood her ground as her assistant rushed to greet her. "Can I give you a hug?" she asked, skidding to a stop.

Petra nodded. The arms came around her gingerly and she savored both the caution and sweet cherry scent of Kelly's dark hair. For the first time in their brief relationship she didn't feel anything. No stray memories, not even the worry that was clear in both her eyes and her touch.

It should've concerned her, but after all that happened since she'd arrived in Chicago, Petra brushed it aside as the least of her worries.

"I'm really okay," she assured Kelly.

"I really don't believe you." Kelly murmured concern as she urged Petra over to the couch.

It felt good to be pampered, even though she knew she was well past needing it. "Thanks, Kelly. How long have you been here?"

"Two days."

"The hotel just let you in here?"

"Umm. Not really, but I managed."

Petra smiled. That sounded like a story she'd enjoy when she wasn't so eager for solitude. "You could've just called."

"Not with this. Your mom's medical history is complex. I'm not sure you'd even be here without the fertility specialist they used. There's no way she had other children before you and Nate. I hate to scold you when you're down, but it would've helped if you told me you guys were twins."

Petra blinked at Kelly's nonsense.
Twins? Not possible. "There's a glitch in your research, Kel. We were born two years apart."

"No glitch. I've got everything with me. We'll go over it later and you can see for yourself."

"How'd you get here?"

Kelly looked away and started babbling. "Why don't you rest awhile? You're really pale. Kincaid told me you tackled something big."

"You brought the Mustang?"

Kelly jumped up and began to pace. The excess energy sparkled around her. To Petra's pleasant surprise and Kelly's credit, the assistant didn't make excuses.

"Okay. Yes. I brought the Mustang. When I couldn't reach you by cell and my messages to the hotel weren't returned, I took the most direct option available."

"Fair enough."

"I stayed within speed laws and I only–what did you say?"

"I said fair enough."

Kelly gaped at her.

"It's okay. You did what you felt you had to do. It shows initiative and loyalty. Stop worrying."

"Oh, God. You're not well."

"No. I'm perfect. I just need a little down time. Besides, we'll need our own transportation. I'm sick of being escorted around and depending on others. I've got things to do,
questions to answer, and I'm tired of adjusting to someone else's timeline."

Kelly's mouth hung open and her dark eyes rounded. "Who are you?"

Petra laughed, enjoying the fullness and light glory of it. "I'm me."

"On juice?"

She laughed again at Kelly's quip. "An empath on juice? Can you imagine?"

"I wouldn't want to," Kelly said, eyes narrowed. "Are you juicing? Or dipping into anything else?"

"Of course not. I'm as clean as I've always been."

Kelly chewed on her lip. "That may not be as clean as you thought."

Petra watched her. The woman was serious. "Does this have anything to do with your bizarre twin theory?"

"Sure you want to tackle this now?"

"Contrary to popular belief, I'm not some pitiful weakling." She'd found a sister from another life, why not a twin in this one? "Whatever it is, bring it on."

Petra could tell by the look on her face, Kelly was thinking what everyone thought: she'd been possessed by some evil spirit. Bells aside, she wasn't hearing voices and her critical thinking skills were in fine form. She wasn't channeling a monster, at least not at the moment. She was just done playing around with her life. She wanted to catch the guy gutting scientists and murdering cops–before he could hurt anyone else. If her new, enhanced abilities got the job done, who was she to complain?

She offered comfort anyway. "Really. I'm fine. Show me what you've found and let's try to make sense of it."

Kelly didn't look entirely convinced, but she pulled out her palmtop and a boost drive. "Did you know your parents had fertility issues?"

"Why would they share that with me? You've met my mother. She's not one to advertise any failings."

"She's not one to fail."

Petra started at Kelly's sharp tone. "You've been looking into Nathan's case."

"You haven't?"

Petra got to her feet and paced, pushing her fingers into her hair and pulling none too gently. It shouldn't be so difficult to find the pressure point that would grant some relief. Yet her temples, neck, and shoulders continued to thrum with tension. Maybe this tension just couldn't be relieved.

"I couldn't even get out of this room. Then all hell broke loose."

"Inside or outside your head?"

Petra wouldn't have bothered to dignify the question with anyone but Kelly. "Both," she finally replied.

"I'm sorry, Pet."

Petra just shook her head. "It's been weird since I hit Chicago.
Off balance. I feel like I'm walking on an eroding beach. The ground's shifting and falling away right under my feet."

"Anything from Nathan?"

"That's just it. I'm getting a sense of him, but it doesn't add up. What he sends me directly conflicts with my gut instinct."

"Your mother's on a tear about his crime."

"Dad's trying to make her see reason. For all the good that'll do. She stopped by and forbade me to attempt any contact with Nate."

"They're in town, too?"

Petra rubbed at her brows, trying to soothe the dull ache. "They've bought a new condo on North Lakeshore."

"Sit down and let me help," Kelly ordered. She made quick work of the headache with a pressure point in Petra's hand, then several points on her face.

"Thanks," Petra said, able to think more clearly without the pain. Then she realized Kelly's touch still wasn't transferring anything. "What are you doing to keep me out?"

"Nothing I know of." Kelly bit her lip. "You've always kept up the barrier before."

Petra wondered about that, sensing there was much more to it. Kelly's aura was visibly in conflict, but that could be assigned to a variety of issues.

"How did you conclude I was a twin?"

Kelly swiveled the palmtop to show Petra a spreadsheet. "I hacked until I found the research and resolutions for your parent's infertility. Your Dad's physical traits were fine, but your Mom had issues with uterine position and ovulation irregularity.

"The bigger problem, Pet, is that neither should've kept them from conceiving if they were determined. Your mother's chart shows she miscarried and suffered severe depression after the third time. So they could conceive, but the miscarriage documentation bothered me. The notes in her chart don't make sense."

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