Invasion of Justice (Shadows of Justice)

BOOK: Invasion of Justice (Shadows of Justice)
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What people are saying about the Shadows of Justice series


Justice Incarnate


"Move over Lara Croft–Jaden Michaels is the quintessential heroine of the twenty-first century, full of heart and totally lethal! One thrilling ride!" –Debra Webb, Best-selling suspense author


"This was a fantastically wonderful story…tension and mystery…a tale of cliff hanging suspense. I could not put it down. It is well worth another read." –Coffee Time Romance


"A terrific reincarnation thriller…tense story line grips the audience… Fans will appreciate this strong tale in which the audience will believe in past lives while looking forward to future Shadows of Justice novels." –Readers Guild


"A real heroine in every sense of the word! Jaden is strong and smart and tough as any bad guy… Fast and furious, this story takes off running from page one and never slows down. A perfect blend of mystery, paranormal, and suspense to create a pleasure of a reading experience." –Fallen Angels Reviews




Invasion of Justice

Shadows of Justice, Book Two

with a bonus short story: Dream Works


by Regan Black




For Inge.


All my thanks for dreaming in color, for titles and names, for always listening to the process. Your boundless faith in God, unwavering support, and keen fashion sense

e carried me through. You rock!

Chapter One


Our greatest battles are that with our own minds. -- Jameson Frank


He forced the lock with a custom security card General Hawthorne would envy–under different circumstances. Pride swelled as the new idea formed. He'd make sure to see admiration in the General's eyes before this night was over.

Each silent step brought him closer to the target. He felt his pulse quicken and paused until he'd harnessed the adrenaline. This was his proving ground and there was no room for error.

At the lab, he swiped the card again and then offered his eye, the modified one, for verification. He tucked the card away and paused to enjoy the soft hiss of the opening door, etching every moment into his memory.

A man only got one first.

He noticed the target's hunched shoulders, glasses pushed high on the forehead, eyes hovering over the microscope. Those cells in the dish were deadly, but not in the way the genetic engineers intended.

He slowed his breathing for the final approach. Damn, he could practically see the black death-cloud. His lips curled. He could almost smell the blood. His fingers twitched in anticipation of the slick, sticky feel.

He struck the nerve center on the target's neck, sending him to the floor in a heap, leaving the priceless cells in their dish. Pulling a miniature hypodermic from his pocket, he drew the substance from the dish and injected it into the target. He pressed his fingers to the jugular and waited, counting the prescribed ten
pulse beats.

Then, with reverence born of training, he
unwrapped the sacred blade and began the fun part. A man should enjoy his work, after all.


Indianapolis, IN 2096


She came awake in a rush, her hands fisted and slippery.

"Lights," she rasped, terrified what light would reveal. She gasped–her first deep breath in how long? Her hands glistened with sweat, not blood. It had been so real.

Too real.

She scrambled to sit up, bracing herself against the cool scrollwork of the mahogany headboard. It wasn't the first time she'd been in the mind of evil and she knew what would follow.

Looking at the phone, a retro 1900's antique landline connected to her modern cell card, she waited.

And waited.

Long enough to wonder if it had only been a dream. She scrubbed at her face and decided the link had been too strong, too nasty to have been a mere nightmare. She gripped the heavy, old-fashioned telephone and searched the shadows of her room for an intruder, ready to strike.

The clunky contraption burst out ringing and she dropped it on the bed.

"Petra Neiman," she managed when she got the receiver to her ear.

"I've got a tangled mess for you," the caller stated.

That she knew. As if ritual evisceration could be anything less. She wanted the who and where of it.

The nameless voice that made these calls obliged. "Kincaid wants you in Chicago immediately. A dead Jane Doe is likely connected to a solid lead on two recent kidnappings."

She almost corrected him. It was a murder, high profile, with no secondary crime, in a seaside genetics lab. She'd smelled the humid tang of saltwater on the assassin's clothes.

The revelation startled her. Not even she maintained a sense of smell during a dream.

"Ms. Neiman? Are you there?"

How long until the car arrives?"

"Thirty minutes."

"I'll call my assistant."

"Special Agent Kincaid insists you come alone."

Special Agent Kincaid could get a hobby that didn't contradict her needs. "Then I'll need a videographer."

"He says whatever you
need will be on site."

I'll be ready." There was no point beheading the messenger. She dropped the receiver back into the cradle and stared at the ceiling.

Yes, she'd be ready; knowing she was only marking time until the call from the coast came in.

The flight into Chicago was uneventful, but Petra's senses were nearly overwhelmed upon landing. Almost as soon as the wheels settled, she felt a heavy darkness pressing in on her. She had to disagree with her assistant's opinion; having "evil radar" was not the ultimate asset.

In the Government Issue black transport van, Petra closed her eyes and opened her mind. The city seemed to vibrate with a nasty presence that didn't mind being known.

She shivered. Awareness at this level was a two-way street. The malevolence fueling the criminals they sought knew Petra was in town.

As the transport pulled up, she prepared herself for the known and unknown of the process. She'd read the crime scene, interview witnesses, and gently tap their emotions for details they didn't often realize they left out. Even expecting to uncover the weird or surprising didn't always mute her shock when she found it.

"Thanks for coming," Kincaid said with a smile. The Special Agent in Charge of the Central Region Investigation Authority looked past her into the van. "Where's Kelly?"

Petra sent Kincaid a meaningful look.
"Out tracking down real glazed doughnuts. Where's the videographer you promised?"

Kincaid's eyes narrowed, but he too reserved comment for later. "There's someone on site that can help us, I'm sure."

Putting the possible security breach on the back burner, Petra took her first hard look at the area. The Hammond Street docks had once thrived with cargo train activity. Now, the prime location for loading and unloading boats and trucks was a deserted, nightmarish collection of worn and rusting parts.

Except the tracks.
She walked closer to the original style double rail and ties. The rails gleamed, even in the poor evening light. "I've heard of train collecting, but not true to life models."

"My thoughts, too.
This is some operation we've bumped into."

Petra looked at the old diesel engine, sitting frozen on the tracks, with three disconnected cars behind it. Petra walked inside the now empty area and just absorbed the lingering energies.

Fury. Fear. Survival. Salvation.

She took the electronic data pad Kincaid offered and checked his notes. Jane Doe was dead and three other men, all refusing to speak, had apparently watched it happen. Those three sat propped against the train wheels, awaiting her questions.

Mentally she ticked off her interview goals. She wanted to know which of them knew how to drive the antique diesel engine. She wanted to know the contents of the three cars. Evidence crews had found random hairs and prints and a half dozen sterling armbands in an infinity pattern.

"Need some help with a video?" a man's voice asked.

Petra whirled around, startled that anyone had slipped under her senses. She thought she'd seen him before, but couldn't put a name with the face.

"Have we met, sir?"

"Nope. I'm Gideon Callahan," he said.

She stepped back from the smile that didn't reach his eyes and the extended hand she couldn't accept. "A pleasure to meet you," she lied, through her most professional smile. "I'll pass on the video." She slid the data pad into her tote and withdrew a spiral notebook and pencil. "This'll do for today." She climbed up into the engine and opened herself to the residual feelings.

Gideon followed her. "So what the hell happened here?"

Petra began to put words to her thoughts and impressions. "This was quite a struggle.
A battle for more than life." She crossed to the side wall where scratches marked the progress of the Jane Doe's attempt to escape her bonds.

Here was the fury.
Complete and violent fury that the mission had gone off course.

"Off whose course?"

"What?" Gideon asked.

She ignored him. "Two opposing forces determined to win. Why didn't the men struggle? Why didn't they help Jane Doe?"

"Cat fight."

"I beg your pardon?" Petra turned at last to study the man who wouldn't take the hint and disappear.

He had dark hair that would curl if not for the strict cut, straight-boned features, a Van Dyke beard, and deep brown eyes that didn't evoke warmth, but warning. She didn't need the warning from his eyes as his aura hummed with an evasive quality she didn't trust. The beard was only one more point against him. She'd never liked bearded men.

"Haven't you seen the autopsy report?"

This time she took personal blame for the irritation she felt with this man. She flipped pages, but couldn't find a hard copy. Pulling out her palmtop, she scanned the official email from the coroner via Kincaid.

"Give it up. The words don't do it justice. Take a look here."

Forcing herself to remain calm, she lifted her gaze to the holographic display open in his hand. The coroner's clinical voice detailed every injury Jane Doe earned in her final fight. Scratches, offensive and defensive, lacerations and the blade strike that ended it. Even in death, the woman looked wild and intimidating. Over six feet with extreme musculature that made it easy to believe she'd been using the hormone-steroid blend known as 'juice'.

"See," Gideon persisted, "cat fight. I don't know a guy that'll jump between two women out for blood.
Especially juicers. Not sure I wanna see the bird who won."

I do. The thought came unbidden and nearly escaped verbally. She wanted, needed, to know more about the second woman she'd sensed here. The connection felt deeper than any other she'd felt before, including the link she shared with her only sibling, her brother Nathan.

"She fights but she doesn't juice."

"Not anymore." Gideon flipped off the hologram. "Women haven't looked like that since the days of the Amazon."

"Not the Jane Doe. The other woman." Petra stomped on her frustration. This issue could wait. "Bring in the witnesses, please."

"Okay, but they won't talk."

"I wish the same could be said of you," she muttered. His bark of laughter told her he had ears like a bat.

Putting Gideon out of her mind, she calmed herself with breath control as she watched the witnesses file in. All three were nervous, but the first man was the target of hostile energy from the other two.

She didn't need them to talk as much as remember and feel. When she tapped those feelings, conversation would follow.

According to her notes, they'd been found less than twenty-four hours ago, along with the decaying Jane Doe. Men or not, she didn't think she'd have trouble getting a read on their emotions.

"The lady here wants to know why you didn't help your girl," Gideon blurted.

The men stared back at him with one surly expression in triplicate.

Petra knew her expression differed. If Gideon bothered to spare her a glance, he'd see the unruffled calm she practiced to perfection. But inside she plotted how best to remove him from the investigation–preferably in tiny pieces.

She walked, wishing she could swagger, to the testosterone-heavy end of the engine. "The lady here wants to know why the three of you are working on a decrepit railroad."

Reading the body language of all three, Petra quickly identified and mentally tapped the man the other two didn't respect. His sense of failure went deep and was mixed with a healthy dose of fear and insecurity.

Her prodding produced the expected result.

"J-just a job."

The other two groaned, but Gideon kept them from moving on the talker.

"We got nothing else to lose," he said to his associates. "We just h-hauled cargo."

"And where is that cargo now?" Gideon demanded before Petra could speak.

"W-we–I mean I–don't know. Just gone I guess."

Juice? Caffeine?" Gideon inquired. "That sort of cargo would need legs to just go anywhere."

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