Into the Storm (43 page)

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Authors: Melanie Moreland

BOOK: Into the Storm
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I stood up instantly, and pulled her into my arms. “Rabbit, I’m
mad. I could never be mad at you. I just hate to see him walk away after everything he put you through. He deserves to go to jail,” I implored quietly.

Rabbit looked up at me. “I don’t care what he does or where he goes as long as I’m not with him.” Her eyes bore into mine. “As long as I’m with you.”

I searched her eyes and then nodded in defeat. She had made up her mind. As much as I hated it, I would never force her to do something she didn’t want to do. I would support her, no matter what.

Adam spoke up. “Lizzy, come back and tell me what your terms are. Let me help you. Can you do that?”

She nodded wearily. I held her a little tighter and then guided her back to her chair.

Adam smiled at her. “Thank you.” He paused for a drink of coffee. “I would very much like to take your case and handle this scumbag for you.”

Rabbit leaned tiredly against me, exhausted from the emotional conversation. I knew she couldn’t take much more today.

At one point, earlier, I couldn’t take her trembling anymore and had pulled her onto my lap quietly asking Adam for a break. He had immediately stood and gone down the hall. I heard the bathroom door close and knew he was allowing us a private moment. I had looked down into Rabbit’s paler than normal face. “Do we need to stop, Rabbit? Is this too much?” I whispered into her hair as I gently ran my hands up and down her arms.

She shook her head. “No. I’m okay, Joshua. It’s just so … difficult.” She shrugged, unable to come up with the right word.

I kissed her forehead. “You’re doing so well, Rabbit. It’s almost over.”

We had sat quietly, her head resting on my shoulder until Adam reappeared. He stood for a minute looking at us. “We can stop if you want,” he had said kindly. “But if we can get all this out, we’ll be ahead of the curve. Are you up for continuing, Lizzy?”

My girl nodded and, regretfully, I had let her move back to her chair.

Now I was regarding her with worry. I wasn’t sure how
more she could take today.

Tell me what you want, Lizzy,” Adam urged quietly.

I want a divorce; and I want it over as quickly as possible. I want Brian to go for counseling. And, I want a five million dollar settlement to go directly to the different organizations in Toronto that deal with abused woman and children.”

Why counseling instead of jail, Lizzy?”

She shrugged. “
he lost the case, and even with what we have it’s still an
, what good would possible jail time do? Make him angrier and even more inclined to hurt people? Maybe with counseling he will realize what he has done, and, never do it to another person.”

I pulled her closer. She had obviously been thinking about this a lot.

Adam looked at her quietly. “What if he refuses?”

Lizzy sighed in frustration. “Then I will let you press charges.” She slumped forward. “But it’s not what I want, Adam.”

Joshua is correct in his observations, Lizzy. You are a very smart woman.” He tapped the small pile of evidence we had assembled. “And, he’s right. Brian James is a bully. Unless I’m greatly mistaken, he’ll do anything not to let this leak out.”

Lizzy lifted her head. “I don’t feel very smart. I should have figured out what was happening before I married him.”

Adam shook his head. “Men like Brian James are skilled liars and brilliant manipulators.” He paused. “I did some digging. There were rumors that Douglas James had refused to hand over the reins of the company until Brian settled down. I think he decided you fit the bill, so to speak. He went out of his way to get you and mould you into what he deemed appropriate. I don’t think you stood a chance once he decided you were

Lizzy shook her head, her brow furrowed in confusion. “But he still didn’t give him the company. Even after we were married. He constantly dangled the company in front of Brian and how he could take it all away from him.”

Adam looked at her. “Settled down and produced an heir.”

Lizzy shuddered. “That wasn’t likely given our … sleeping arrangements.”

I tightened my hold on her hand in silent support. She hadn’t talked about that much except to say they had separate rooms, and he never came near her after the first couple weeks.

Adam shrugged. “As I said, they were just rumors my people picked up. Could be nothing.”

What do you suggest, Adam?” Trevor asked.

Adam looked at us. “I draw up the divorce papers. I’ll go to James and his lawyer privately with them. I will also have this,” his hand picked up the bag with the blouse, “tested for DNA evidence. And have the pills analyzed. I’ll show them what we have and tell them you want a fast, quiet divorce.”

What will you cite as cause?” I asked.

Publicly; irreconcilable differences. It’s vague enough. He and his lawyer will know the truth.” He turned to Lizzy, hopeful. “Unless I can convince you to let me hit hard and fast?”

She shook her head. “No. I just … want him out of my life. I don’t want to ever see him again. You can use the evidence to threaten him, but not to prosecute him. Unless it’s necessary.”

He sighed. “And, you want no settlement for yourself? None? You deserve one, Lizzy.”

She shook her head. “No. I want nothing monetary or material from him. I want my books. And the boxes of my parent’s belongings. As well as one other thing.”

I looked down at her. She hadn’t mentioned anything else.

I want it in writing that he will never come after me or any of the people who helped me get away. Especially Joshua. If he ever does, or I even suspect he does, then you release the evidence.” She drew in a deep breath. “If he refuses, then you go public right away. I’ll go to trial to protect Joshua, to protect them, if I have to. I want
safe. Use what I have to stop him from ever doing this again, Adam. Let him know he will be monitored.” She leaned forward, her voice earnest. “Joshua told me he no longer had the power here, Adam. Make sure he knows that. That he’ll
have that power again; over anyone. I want that taken away for good.”

Adam’s smile was wide. Leaning over, he took her hand. “You have yourself a lawyer. One way or another, he is out of your life, Lizzy. I’ll do my damnedest to make sure he never comes near you again.”

Lizzy sighed shakily and leaned into me heavily. I spoke quietly into her ear. “I think you need a break, Rabbit. Please?” Her tired nod was all I needed.

I stood up, taking her with me. “Excuse us,” I murmured and walked to the bedroom with her tucked under my arm. Instantly, Bear was up following us. I helped Rabbit onto the bed and threw a blanket over her. Immediately, Bear jumped up, wrapping himself around her curled form. I patted his head. Then I leaned down and kissed her tenderly.

I can’t just lay here, Joshua,” she whispered although her eyes never opened.

Yes, you can. Frank and Daniel are on their way. Daniel will come in and see you when he gets here. I’ll look after lunch. Please, Rabbit. You did so well, but now you need to rest, sweetheart,” I praised her, softly nuzzling her cheek again.

You’re not angry with me?” she asked, and I could hear the vulnerability in her voice.

I leaned down and stroked her hair.

No.” I assured her. “This is your decision. If you are sure about this, then I will support you fully.” I grimaced. “I would like the chance to beat the shit out of him, though. Maybe pay him a little visit as a surprise, give him a taste of his own medicine,” I mused.

Rabbit’s eyes flew open and she sat up. “No, Joshua! Promise me. He could hurt you. Please,” she pleaded shakily.

I stared at her, instantly regretting my flippant words.

Violence begets violence, Joshua.
I’ve had enough
. Please. Promise me you won’t go after him.
Promise me
!” Her voice shook in terror.

I gathered her into my arms and rocked her. “I’m sorry, Rabbit,” I apologized, my voice sincere. I soothed the hair back off her head and kissed her forehead. “I didn’t mean it. I was just shooting my mouth off. I won’t go after him. I promise.”

She sighed shakily and relaxed into my arms. “Thank you.”

Rest now,” I urged quietly, laying her down and pulling the blanket back around her huddled form.

Only until Daniel gets here.”

Sure,” I readily agreed, knowing I could keep the noise down, making sure she rested a little longer.

Don’t let me sleep long,” she mumbled thickly.

I stood looking at her, already being pulled under by her exhaustion. She was so strong and compassionate, especially given what she had been through. I was filled with amazement that this lovely little woman was part of my life.

My brave Rabbit.

I shook my head.

She wasn’t
of my life.

my life now. She was everything.





Adam was pounding away on his keyboard. Frank and Trevor were sitting and talking in front of the fire. Cecilia was trying to engage me in conversation, but I was distracted. Daniel was in with Rabbit and she had insisted she was fine alone. But my eyes kept straying down the hall to the closed door.


I looked at Cecilia.

She’s fine,” she reassured me. “She’s in good hands. Daniel is checking her over. Just like you asked.”

I nodded. “She’s so tired, Cecilia. And … there’s something in her neck.” I said quietly.

Adam’s head snapped up. Both Trevor and Frank stood up and came over. I sighed. Apparently not as quietly as I thought.

What do you mean, Joshua?”

Just then the door opened and Daniel came out. He sat down beside me and clapped me on the shoulder. “How is she, Daniel?” I asked anxiously.

He hesitated. “She’s okay, Joshua. Her blood pressure is a little low and she is clearly exhausted. She is under-nourished which could account for both. Add the intense stress she has been under, her exhaustion is not surprising. But, I would feel better running a few tests on her.”

Her neck?”

You were correct. Definitely not a tetanus shot. I suspect you may be right about what it is. I want to take an x-ray and do some blood work as well. I’ll make the arrangements at the hospital. Can you get her there tomorrow?”

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