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Authors: Philippa Ballantine

BOOK: Spectyr
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Praise for GEIST
“Absorbing adventure that revels in both the creepy and the courageous.”
—Gail Carriger,
New York Times
bestselling author of
“With its richly detailed world and wonderfully realized characters,
is one of the most vividly original books I’ve read this year.”
—Nalini Singh,
New York Times
bestselling author of
Kiss of Snow
“An incredibly rich story . . . rich in high action, rich in mystery, rich in characters, rich in ghosts. Absolutely not to be missed.”—Barb Hendee, national bestselling coauthor of
Of Truth and Beasts
“Part of the entertainment in this novel is putting the pieces together to get a picture of the complicated political situation, the period (they have magical airships!) and the nature of the geists . . . Plenty of magic-blasting action keeps things lively for a rousing start to this new series.”
“Philippa Ballantine has crafted a unique and engrossing tale with
. Memorable characters, multiple subplots and spot-on dialogue combined with some dramatic action scenes create a vivid and satisfying read . . . a promising start to a unique series.”

Fresh Fiction
“In the tradition of greats like Margaret Weis and Robin Hobb, Philippa Ballantine has woven an excellent tale of fantasy, paranormal, black powder, steampunk goodness.”
—Geek Life
“An intriguing blend of fantasy, paranormal and history.”
—Night Owl Paranormal
Ace Books by Philippa Ballantine
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An Ace Book / published by arrangement with the author
Ace mass-market edition / July 2011
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For Dad and Mum.
You lit the fire and kept it burning.
Words of thanks are barely enough,
but they are all I have to give in return.
Like Raed, I have many people on my ship without whom I would be stuck in port:
My navigator and agent, Laurie McLean, who is not only a fantastic business partner but also a brilliant mentor and friend. You told me this would happen, and I really should have believed you.
My quartermaster and editor, Danielle Stockley of Ace Books. She knows how to make sure things are where they should be, and what I really need on a journey.
The head of the press-gang, Brady McReynolds, one of Ace’s marketing whizzes. Thanks for helping people find
in the sea of books.
My redoubtable first mate, Cathy, who has listened to my complaints and fears for nearly fifteen years. Though we are on different shores right now, I know the tides will soon bring us together again.
My captain, who provides advice, support and motivation. Also, you make me laugh when I really need it. You set sail with me, and I am looking forward to discovering what lies out there.
My marines on this ship, who are all my new friends and family in America: Jen, Elena, Linc, Mary-Ann, David and the cardnight ladies.
My crew on the ship, who are, of course, my podcast listeners. Thank you for helping me row out from the shallows into deeper waters.
A Thing of Beauty
In the Imperial Palace Grand Duchess Zofiya slept on sheets of polished white satin in a grand bed painted and carved like a sailing ship. Around her gleamed the treasures of her brother’s and father’s dominions.
These, however, did not guarantee her a night of peaceful slumber. Her long black hair lay in a sweaty tangle, while her tawny limbs were twisted in the covers. Nightmares crashed through her head, breaking her famous calm in ways that would have surprised any of her Imperial Guard had they been privileged enough to witness it.
Finally Zofiya jerked awake, lurching upright in her bed with a half-swallowed scream. Her hand instinctively went to the medallion around her neck as she tried to control her rapid breathing.
The bedroom was nearly silent; there were only the fine curtains blowing in the wind, and far off in the corridor the sounds of the many clocks ticking away to themselves. That noise was familiar and calming; her brother had inherited a love of machinery from their father. Still, what she was not used to were nightmares. In this one a person had been killing Kal, and she had been unable to reach him in time.
Her brother the Emperor was a great man, but his sense of personal safety was limited. He firmly believed that he had tamed this continent and the worst was behind them. Zofiya knew better.
Slipping from her elaborate bed, the Grand Duchess padded to the window and looked out over the sleeping city—not realizing that she had failed to let go of the medallion. Thousands of lights twinkled all over the lagoon. The bridges were reduced to a string of bright pearls. Even the slum areas of the Edge were smoothed to attractiveness by darkness and the occasional gleam of a streetlight. Directly below she could make out not only her own Imperial Guard at their posts but also the swathed forms of the soldiers from Chioma.

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