Into the Nothing (Broken Outlaw Series Book 1) (25 page)

Read Into the Nothing (Broken Outlaw Series Book 1) Online

Authors: BT Urruela

Tags: #Broken Outlaw Series, #Book One

BOOK: Into the Nothing (Broken Outlaw Series Book 1)
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She does finally take me into her mouth, gliding it in and out, her hot tongue sending jolts of pleasure throughout my body. My body is buzzing as she takes me closer and closer to complete satisfaction. A rush of adrenaline strikes. Blood surges to my head.

It’s not even the pleasure of it all that gets me off, it’s the look in her eyes. It’s how much getting lost in those eyes captures me. It’s a feeling my ice cold heart has never felt before.

It’s a new beat.

New life.

It’s the realest thing I’ve known in my twenty-seven years, and as I throw my head back in undeniable ecstasy, I can’t help but know—right in this moment—that I love this girl.



he night was perfect. I’m not just saying that.

I’m not just some middle school girl with a crush. The things he makes me feel and think, the way he touches me at just the right time and in just the right way.

It’s everything.

Going back to normal work life is going to be tough. The monotonous morning routine has me in a zombie-like state as I dress with the usual early Monday morning sluggishness. Rowdy’s barking outside lets me know Xander is up now, and I can’t help but wonder if he had as hard of a time as I did sleeping alone.

He comes through the back door, Rowdy at his feet, as I enter the kitchen. He smiles and then glances in the direction of the stairs. I turn and look too, listening closely. My parents are up and moving, but not yet heading for the stairs.

When I turn back around, I feel his lips meet mine. He swoops me into his arms and holds me chest to chest. Heart to heart. He puts the other hand against the small of my back, and he kisses me passionately. Then he let’s go. Another gorgeous smile and he’s on his way to pouring both our morning coffees.

“Good morning, gorgeous,” he says from over his shoulder.

“Good morning, handsome.” I smile, taking him in as he pours coffee and then my usual Baileys.

He hands me the mug and then pours a cup of his own—without Bailey’s of course. “Plans tonight?” he asks, smiling like he knows something I don’t.

“No, sir.”

“So you’re mine then? Date night?”

“You better believe it.” He embraces me once more and then takes a seat at the table. Just as he does, my brother’s yelling comes tearing down the stairs. I can hear my mother attempting to calm him.

“Jesus, I can’t be a part of this right now. I’m gonna head into work early.” I lean down to him and kiss him on his cheek. “See you tonight, babe?”

He kisses me once more. “See you tonight.”

Flustered, and cursing my own stupidity under my breath, I walk down the small dirt road that leads to my driveway. My car is a mile back with a flat and no spare. My phone is dead in my pocket, just as it has been since I got off work at seven. Mom’s staying late and I had no desire to do the same—not any later than I already had, at least. I didn’t want to miss my date with Xander. As I walk the long stretch of road to my driveway, I’m hoping like hell Mom doesn’t stay as late as she planned.

I haven’t been walking
long, though the sun has begun its descent into the horizon, but it sure feels like I have. I had to ditch the heels about a mile back, but the gravel against my bare feet isn’t much better.

Just as twilight hits, headlights shine from behind me. At first, I think it must be Mom. This road is often empty unless it’s someone going to and from our house. I stop and turn, waiting to see what kind of vehicle it is, peering into the headlights and fighting its harsh glare. I can’t make anything out and I’m eventually forced to cover my face to rest my eyes.

I hear the vehicle slow and then stop just in front of me. I drop my arm but still can’t make it out. Though, I can see it enough to know it

The door swings open.

Maybe it’s Xander.

But it’s not

I see his face just before he snatches me into his arms. I fight, but Cody is too strong for me to get away. I try to bite him, and he punches me twice in the face—hard. I lose awareness. Just darkness and the blood red glow of the brake lights.

My body feels like it’s floating, and my limbs are hanging weightlessly, outside of my control. My back meets hard metal with a thud. I feel a jolt of pain race up my spine, but I can’t move. I can’t respond. My head spins. I fight for my eyes to open, but they don’t.

I try again with everything I have, and I see Cody on top of me, an angry, drunken look in his eyes. I suddenly realize my pants are around my ankles. He tears at my panties just as he realizes I’m looking straight at him.

He hits me two more times.

My eyes close. Stars circle the darkness. His angry grunts just distant and muffled.

I feel a surge of energy, a powerful burst of adrenaline that takes over my body. I force my eyes open. His head is buried in my stomach, his tongue looping in circles around my belly button as he makes his way to where he shouldn’t go.

The feeling returns to my arms. They feel extremely heavy, but I’m at least able grab each of his ears and I pull as hard as I fucking can. I pull them so hard I feel they may tear from his head at any moment. Cody rears back with a desperate scream, holding his hands to his head. He stands, wobbling as he tries to gain balance. I pull a naked leg back and I thrust my right heel into his groin as hard as I can.

His eyes roll as he immediately clutches his balls. He drops to both knees and howls in pain. I don’t waste another second watching. I leap off the truck, disregarding my pants and flats, and I take off running for home as fast as I can.

Dad and Xander are in the family room when I rush through the door. Xander is dressed in a button-down and jeans, presumably ready for our date, while Dad is still in his work clothes, dirty as hell.

They scan me from head to toe, and I see the moment they realize I’m without pants and my face is beaten to shit because their looks of concern transform to ones of horror. Dad immediately runs over, cradling me in his arms, and it’s right at the moment he touches me that I completely break down. All of the strength I mustered to escape Cody is gone. I am a child again weeping in my father’s arms.

He grabs a blanket from the couch and wraps it around me, kissing the top of my head. “Baby, what happened?” Dad asks, setting a hand on my shoulder. Through tear-clouded vision, I see Xander starting to put two and two together. His face is a combination of anger and confusion.

“Paige, please, what happened?” Dad repeats.

“Cody…” It’s all I can muster. A thick lump sits at the base of my throat. The tears stream.

“What did he do to you? … Goddamn it, what did he do?” Dad’s voice shakes. His jaw is trembling.

Dad helps me to the couch before going to my room for pants. Xander sits next to me and pulls me in close. I rest my head on his shoulder and his lips meet my forehead. I want to stay right here in his safe arms forever.

“I’m so fucking sorry, Paige,” Xander whispers.

“It’s not your fault. There’s nothing you could’ve done.”

“I should have gone looking for you. I should’ve known.” He shakes his head.

Dad comes back with the pants, hands them over and then sits on the other side of me. Xander removes his arm.

“Paige, I need to call the sheriff. You have to tell me what happened.” Just as he says this, the front door opens and Mom walks in. She catches sight of me and puts both hands to her mouth, slowly shaking her head from side to side.

“I got a flat and my damn phone was dead. It was just down the road…” My voice trails off as I replay what just happened in my head. Mom still stands by the front door in shock, the door wide open.

“I walked for a little bit and then a vehicle came up behind me. I thought it might be Mom… but it wasn’t.”

“What did he do?” Mom asks, finally sitting on the loveseat beside us. She’s crying, but I can tell she’s doing her best not to break down completely.

“He didn’t rape me. But he tried. He hit me in the face… so hard. So many times. My head hurts so bad.” The act of talking even makes my head pound.

“Honey, call the sheriff.” Dad hands his phone to my mother and she dials quickly.

“I’m going to kill him,” Xander announces, standing to his feet. “I’m going to fucking kill him.”

“Xander, we have to let the sheriff handle this. This is serious,” Dad says calmly.

“Damn it, Jack, what’s he going to get? A few years in some white collar prison. And that’s if some shady-ass lawyer doesn’t get him off. Fuck that. That’s not enough.”

“Xander, that’s not how this is gonna go down.” Dad stands and takes a few steps toward Xander. “You think I don’t want to kill him too? I’d like to rip the motherfucker’s head off, but we can’t. We have to get him locked up. That’s the priority here.”

Xander looks at him, disappointment in his eyes, and says, “I’m so sorry, Jack. I really am.” He bends down and kisses me on the forehead. “I’m sorry, Paige.”

With that, he heads for the door.

“Xander! Xander, damn it, come back here!” Dad yells, but it’s too late. Xander’s already out the door and in his truck. We’re left with the sound of his spinning tires against the gravel drive.

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