Into the Nothing (Broken Outlaw Series Book 1) (11 page)

Read Into the Nothing (Broken Outlaw Series Book 1) Online

Authors: BT Urruela

Tags: #Broken Outlaw Series, #Book One

BOOK: Into the Nothing (Broken Outlaw Series Book 1)
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’m so drunk I don’t feel like I have control over my arms anymore, as if they’re completely separate from my body. The wine bottle I snagged from Mom is just moments from shattering into a hundred pieces all over the dance floor as Brandi and I make our way across it. Brandi periodically snatches my arm for balance which threatens to bring the both of us down.

The band is playing a killer version of “Sweet Home Alabama,” and she and I are doing our best to make complete asses out of ourselves. When I see Xander heading toward us, my brain tells me to stop dancing like an idiot, but my body doesn’t respond. I continue gyrating and thrusting as if I popped right out of an 80’s music video. Instead of laughing at me, Xander hops onto the dance floor and starts doing the most ridiculous “lawn mower” move I’ve ever seen. He quickly shifts to a lassoing cowboy that draws laughter from some of the others on the dance floor, but he hardly notices. He keeps going until he’s just a foot away. I stop dancing and look back at Brandi to see if she’s seeing his sweet moves, but she’s in her own little world right now. I then see Ethan glaring intently at Xander as he dances, a judgmental look on his face. Brandi takes a seat at the table just to our right, pulls her heels off and tilts her head back with a sigh of relief.

I look back to Xander, who has stopped dancing, and I grab his hand to pull him toward the table. “I think it’s time to crack this bottle open. What do you say?” I ask.

“Sounds like a damn good plan,” Xander says, taking a seat and tugging his shirt back and forth for circulation. Sweat has taken up much of his v-neck and he looks completely uncomfortable.

“Where did you guys disappear to anyways?” I ask taking my own seat next to him.

“We were at Stan’s the whole time. That dude can talk.”

I laugh. “Tell me about it. You oughta see him and Dad out by the fire pit with a case of beer. It’s a riot!”

“I can only imagine,” Xander says. Ethan joins us at the table. He crosses his arms and wears a pathetic frown. I try my best to ignore him as Xander continues. “It’s like a never ending pissing contest. Which is fucking great as a bystander.”

“Yeah, it’s free entertainment. Can’t beat that, baby.” Though my ‘baby’ was completely innocent, I see Ethan cringe and he grumbles under his breath.

“Who drove a stick up your ass, Ethan?” I ask.

“Well, Paige, it’s not always fun being the DD.” He snarls a little, showing the slight yellow stain of his teeth.

“Give me a break! You don’t even like drinking that much,” Brandi says to him as she struggles to pull the cork from the bottle.

Xander finally takes it from her and finishes the job, pouring a glass for each of us—including Ethan. He holds it out to him as Ethan inspects the glass.

“DD can have a little, too,” Xander says. “Take it, bro.” Ethan reluctantly accepts the glass and eases up, nodding his head toward Xander in appreciation.

We’re enjoying our wine and resting our feet when the band starts playing the first few notes of “Sweet Child O’ Mine”. I just can’t help myself. I grab Xander’s hand and drag him toward the dance floor. He only fights it for a moment.

Once on the dance floor, he takes my other hand and whisks me around effortlessly. To my surprise, he can actually dance. Moving and swaying to the music, he guides me so well I don’t even have to think. I’m relieved to know the “white boy” dancing was just an act, though this man could make just about anything look good.

As the band hits the chorus, I start to lose myself in the moment with Xander. My hands are held gently in his. His eyes get lost in my own, and a smile tugs at the corner of his mouth. Then, as he spins me, I catch Brandi coming toward me quickly from the corner of my eye. Concern is etched on her face. From behind her, I see my ex barreling forward, his eyes glazed over and mouth open. We’ve stopped dancing and both Xander and I watch and wait. Xander steps in front of me as Cody approaches. Behind Cody are his lackeys, Russ and Benji.

Benji has one of his sausage fingers outstretched and pointed right at Xander.

“That’s the motherfucker from Whittaker’s, Cody. That motherfucker
right there

The three of them stop in front of us. Cody, who is at least two inches taller than Xander and about two times wider thanks to a weekly shot of testosterone, sizes Xander up. The other two are even bigger, but Xander stands firm. Ethan and Brandi are standing, but staying back.

“You know that’s my woman, right, boy?” As usual, Cody is chewing on a toothpick that sits in the corner of his mouth. While he’s talking, it bobs as his lips move.

“From what I hear, she hasn’t been your woman for quite some time.” Xander stands taller now, though I didn’t think it was possible. “And from what I see, you’re drunk as fuck, high on something, and interrupting a damn good time.”

The band continues to play, but now pays more attention to the action than playing the proper chord progressions. There’s still activity around the booths, but everyone on the dance floor is now watching to see what Cody will do next. I’m concerned as I have seen far too many times what alcohol does to his temper. I don’t need an encore.

“Xander, let’s just go.” It comes out almost a whisper, though I intended it to be much louder.

“No, we are going to settle this right here, right now. There is no issue here.” Xander points to himself, then to Cody and back again. “Your boy was out of line at Whittaker’s, and I acted only as I would hope any other man would in the situation. You do know he got manhandled because he was pawing at
your woman
, don’t you?”

Cody looks back at Benji inquisitively, who scoffs and shakes his head.

Xander points his finger at Cody again.

“You. I don’t even know you. I have no issue with you… other than the fact Jack Watson made it damn clear that you were to stay away from Paige. Yet here you are.”

Cody grinds his teeth and digs his fingernails into his palms so hard his whole hand turns white. “
Jack Watson.” Cody looks back at Benji and then to Rusty with a smirk before turning back to Xander. “And
you.” He jabs a finger into Xander’s chest, but Xander doesn’t waver.

“It’s Cody, right?” Xander doesn’t let him answer. “Listen, Cody. I don’t normally let any man put his hands on me, and I don’t believe in giving out warnings in life. They’re kind of like participation ribbons in youth sports, you know what I mean?” Again, he gives him no time to respond. “But because I’m having a good time, and because I don’t want to ruin the good time of all these people, I’ll give you a pass on this one. Usually that kind of thing elicits some serious facial rearrangement.” Some of the crowd boos Xander for this, but he pays them no attention.

Just as Cody is about to speak, he continues, “I’m going to tell you what I told your buddy over there.” He points to Benji. “I’m a man who’s all about respect. I’ll give it, and I expect it in return. If you can’t give it, I suggest you get the fuck out of my face. And I suggest you mind the warnings of Mr. Watson, no matter what you may think of him.”

Just beside the stage, I see Dad standing and listening in. He approaches us just as Cody takes a step closer—so close I’m sure Xander can smell the whiskey on his breath.

“Cody, you need to get your ass out of here real quick. Don’t ruin this night for all these good people,” Dad says, a plastic smile on his face.

Cody looks at Dad and then back to Xander. He stares for what seems like an eternity.

“This ain’t over, motherfucker,” Cody finally says before turning around and leading his minions away.

“Why do I feel like I’ve heard that before?” Xander says with a smile. Cody either doesn’t hear it or just doesn’t care to respond, because he continues to grumble as he pushes his way through the crowd. Dad pats Xander on the back and heads back toward the tents.

I take Xander’s hand and pull him in close. “Let’s go home,” I whisper, and somehow it comes out far sexier than I mean it to.

“What, like all of us?” He stutters and his sudden nervousness is endearing. I come in closer.

“No, like you and me.” He looks at me

“How are we going to get there? What about your Dad? The contest?” The look on Xander’s face is priceless. Like a kid about to let down his parents.

“He wins
year. It’s pretty much a guarantee at this point. Plus, I always leave early. They don’t care if we go.” I take a few steps forward holding onto his shirt and making him follow. “C’mon, we can walk. It’s only like two miles.” I pause momentarily, plotting my next bargaining tool. “Unless you’re too chicken shit to walk a lady home at night.”

. Brandi sits bored at the table and Ethan fidgets in his seat, his eyes on our every movement.

“Hey now,” he says. “Let’s not get crazy. If you promise your dad won’t care, then I would love to walk you home. My world is starting to spin anyways.”

“Good!” I take his arm and lead him to the table where Ethan and Brandi sit. Barely slowing to a brisk walk, I say, “Good night, Brandi. ‘Night, Ethan. We’re heading home.”

“Are you fucking kidding me?” Ethan shouts, his voice in a tone I haven’t ever heard from him before. We don’t acknowledge him.

“Good night, lovebirds!” Brandi calls out from behind us.

I don’t turn back. Neither does Xander. I just put up a hand and wave, my other hand gripping his bicep. His pulse plays games with my fingertips.

It doesn’t take any convincing from Xander to get me into the guesthouse, nor does it seem I have an option anyway. The wicked little smile he passes me as he leaves the guesthouse door wide open makes sure of that. Rowdy comes barreling out as expected and nearly knocks me over in his excitement. Xander calls for him to go back inside and Rowdy reluctantly obliges, his ears darting back and eyes drifting back to me.

I follow behind Rowdy as Xander orders him up onto his bed. He then grabs two beers and I take a seat. Popping their tops, he hands me one, and sits across from me on another love seat. I gulp the beer, nervous about my emerging feelings and what I might drunkenly do tonight. I know damn well what I want to do.

And I’m scared as hell about it.

“Xander Evans,” I say in the sweetest tone I can muster. I don’t want to think about the what ifs. Not right now at least. Right now, I want to live in this moment.

“Yes, Paige Watson?”

“Will you sing for me, please?”

“What makes you so special?” He smiles, but he has a new look of nervousness.

“Well, that’s a dumb question. I’m pretty awesome.”

He doesn’t say anything, but smiles timidly.

“You know I won’t judge you, right? What if I close my eyes?”

As if contemplating whether to play or not, he looks down at his guitar case beneath the bed and then back at me, but remains silent.

“I would never in a million years judge anything that you say. I think you’re an amazing guy, and you’ve come so far after all you’ve been through.” I stop for a moment, wanting to say the right words, and hoping, at least in some way, I am. “I would just honestly appreciate you sharing that part of you with me. Just for tonight.”

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