Read Into the Darkness Online

Authors: Delilah Devlin

Tags: #Fiction, #Erotica, #General, #Romance, #Paranormal

Into the Darkness (19 page)

BOOK: Into the Darkness
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the windows. Digging a tunnel out of this prison wasn’t a


Which meant he had to go out the door. With only a towel

around him.

Rene smothered a curse as he circled the room one more

time, wishing he could break something, but not wanting to


delilah devlin

alarm Natalie. Just for the satisfaction, he lifted a lamp and

hefted it like he was going to send it smashing against the

wall. He wound up like a baseball pitcher—he was midway

through the mock-toss, when he noticed something dangling

from the base of the lamp.

He held it up closer, his blood starting a slow boil when he

realized what he was looking at.

It was a goddamn camera—the kind vice cops used when

setting up a sting. A tiny lens on the end of a cable.

He set the lamp down quickly, hoping he hadn’t already

given away the fact he was onto them. He circumnavigated

the room again, this time more slowly, pretending to stretch

his muscles and never letting his gaze rest too long on one

spot when he found another lens.

By the time he’d finished, he’d counted five. Fuck! Every

word they’d spoken, every time they’d screwed, someone had

been watching. Rene fought the urge to curl his hands into

fists, but he couldn’t fight the simmering rage.

He wasn’t so much angry for himself as for Natalie. She’d paraded nude around the room,
his body with an innocent

fascination for their differences,
him with an enthusiasm

that made his body ache every time he closed his eyes,

him with a quiet desperation that tugged at his heart—even

when he refused to acknowledge any feelings existed at all.

She didn’t deserve this, but she did deserve to know.

He approached the bed intent on telling her. When he got

close, he noticed the chain snaking up the side of the mattress, disappearing under the blanket beside her.

Fury flooded his body. “What the fuck do you think you’re

doing?” he shouted.

into the darkness


Natalie jerked up in the bed, the blanket pooling at her

waist. Wide-eyed, all color drained from her face. “What?”

He planted his fists on his hips. “That goddamn handcuff !

What’s it doin’ on your wrist?”

“I-I’m trying to protect you. If we are going to share the


“I’m taking the floor. Just give me a pillow and a blanket.”

“But you don’t have to this way.”

“I can take care of myself,” he bit out between clenched teeth.

Her delicate wrist was already red beneath the metal cuff.

“Oh, really?” she said, her voice rising along with a flood

of anger to her cheeks. “Like you had any choice coming here?

Fighting me off ? When I wanted you—I took!”

Anger burned white-hot inside him. It was all he could do

not to put his hands around her neck and squeeze. “If I hadn’t

wanted to screw you in the first place, none of this would

have happened.”

“So you did want me.” Her eyes shone.

Her response cut him short—doused the anger like a

splash of ice water. The way she looked at him—her quiet

intensity told him how important his answer was. Despite

knowing it was a gross tactical error, he couldn’t lie. “Yeah. I

wanted you.”

“Still do by the looks of it,” she said, her glance dropping

below his waist. A small smile tugged at her lips.

His cock jerked beneath the towel. “Some things I can’t

control. But now that I’m not chained, I can choose whether

to act on it.”

“What if I told you,” she said, pausing to swallow, “that

I’m doing this so you can choose me. For now.”


delilah devlin

Stillness seized Rene, holding him frozen for a moment.

He could have her—for now—without risking his neck. His

body hardened. “There are still two little problems,” he said,

staring at her mouth, fighting his building reaction.

“Oh!” She blinked and cleared her throat. “Um, stuff something in my mouth to keep me from biting. A gag maybe?”

The thought should have sickened him, but he wanted her

too much not to consider the solution. “I’d have to chain your

other arm, too,” he said slowly, part of him not believing he

was actually going along with her. “You might take off the

gag otherwise.”

“Do it.” She lay down on her back and stretched her arm

across the mattress to the other side. The movement pulled

the blanket beneath her breasts.

Then he remembered the cameras. “There’s one more


“What? It doesn’t matter, we’ll find a solution.”

He crawled onto the bed and leaned close to her ear.

“They’re watching us. I found hidden cameras all over the


Natalie’s breath drew slowly inward and her eyes teared up

as she stared back at him. “They saw everything?”

“Yeah.” He smoothed back her hair then laid his palm

along her cheek. “I’m sorry.”

Her eyes closed and a tear leaked down the side of her face.



“Get away from me now. If you don’t want to give them a

show, move off the bed now.” When her eyes opened, desperate

longing tightened her face. The lust was rising fast inside her.

into the darkness


His balls hardened. His cock twitched. His breaths deepened as he realized he was quickly approaching the same

point of no return. “Do you care what they might see?” he


She shook her head. “God help me, no! Fuck them. Fuck

me, please! I can handle fighting only one of these hungers at

a time.”

There really was no choice. Not for either of them.

Rene reached beneath the bed for the second manacle and

clamped it around her wrist. Then he emptied a pillow case

and shredded it with his bare hands. He held up one long strip

in front of her face and she nodded, opening her mouth.

He tied it tight. “Can you breathe?”

She nodded, her nostrils flaring, her chest rising and falling


“Any bad moments, you make a lot of noise, you hear?”

A smile wrinkled the corners of her eyes and she nodded.

“Do we keep the blankets over us?”

She leaned up and rubbed her covered mouth over his.

When she lay back, she shook her head side to side.

Rene’s mouth stretched into a humorless grin. “Then let’s

make sure we fog up the bastards’ screen.” Rene pulled away

the covers from her body and tossed them off the end of the

bed. Then he sat back on his haunches and stared. He understood the temptation he’d posed for her.

Spread eagled, her body open and vulnerable to his whims,

she was more than a temptation. She was a feast. And all his.

Her round breasts were stretched, nearly flattened by her

arm’s reach. The pink nipples already tight little points, spiking from the soft round pads of her areolas.


delilah devlin

Skin stretched over each of her ribs, and her soft belly

dipped between them and her woman’s mound. He could start

anywhere he liked, take her in whichever way he wanted.

A slow-burn heat pumped his muscles, filling him with

an animalistic need to take and conquer. Is this what she’d

felt? Christ, he could understand, his hands unclenched as he

reached to cover her breasts.

She murmured behind the cloth, pressing her chest up and

into his palms, inviting him to caress.

Rene pulled the towel from his waist and straddled her

hips, hyperaware of her soft skin beneath his balls. He stroked

his cock, watching her watch him as he gripped it hard and


Natalie wriggled beneath him.

“Want it, don’t you? Want me fuckin’ deep inside you,


She gave another feminine little murmur and arched her

back, pulling at the chains.

“Rattle all you like. It’s my turn.”

He slipped his knees between her legs and leaned over her,

rubbing his cock along her slick folds. He liked the wet sounds

they made together. “Fuck me, you’re hot.”

He bent to tongue a nipple—just the tip, using the flat of

his tongue to move it around in circles.

Natalie’s knees rose up either side of his hips, and she

ground her open cunt along his belly.

He cupped the breast he worked on, plumping up the side,

enjoying the softness and the clean scent of her skin. He nuzzled her, breathing her in, using his tongue to taste and tease.

The velvet-soft areola invited his kiss, and he sucked it into

into the darkness


his mouth, drawing hard as she made those kitten sounds that

turned him on like nothing he’d ever heard before.

He suckled and tugged, and finally, bit.

Her shrill little scream only encouraged him to torture her

other breast.

Soon, her body writhed beneath him, bucking up, grinding

hard. Perspiration dotted her forehead, and he reached up to

lick it, using his weight to hold her down, reminding her who

was in charge this go-round.

Her wild-eyed gaze pleaded for release, but he wanted

more. Would accept nothing less than mindless want.

He scooted down her body and shoved up her thighs, exposing her sex to the cameras and his gaze. He rubbed his

face and chin around her cunt, coating himself in her cream,

scraping her tender flesh with his beard until she keened and

begged, the muffled sobs only driving him harder.

When he licked between her slick folds, her hips jerked up,

her thighs trembled around his head, cupping him, drawing

him closer.

He needed no encouragement. The taste of her, the slippery feel of her pussy pressing into his lips and tongue tore

groans from him which he muffled against her flesh.

One hand cupped her ass and raised her, so he could explore

the soft and sensitive skin just below her folds. He sucked it,

rubbed it with his tongue, and then licked lower to circle her

delicate little asshole.

Natalie’s whole body quivered with shock. She was coming

unglued as he teased her and pressed his thumbs on either

side of the tiny hole to slip the tip of his tongue inside.

Her head thrashed on the pillow, her body shivered un-164

delilah devlin

he was so hard he could drill a hole in the

mattress if he didn’t fuck her soon.

Rene slipped two fingers into her cunt and pumped them

in and out while he continued to tongue her asshole.

Her vagina clamped around his fingers, squeezing, and

his cock twitched and jerked. He drove it into the mattress,

pumping the bed to ease the ache.

He thrust another finger inside and drove his fingers deep,

her buttocks flexed, lifting off his cupped hand as she strained

upward to take him deeper.

How much could she take? How much longer could he keep

her on the edge and ease her higher without giving her release?

He licked his thumb and rubbed around her asshole, then

slowly pushed it inside.

Her screams, shrill, broken, told him she was close. Her

pussy pulsed around his fingers, but her breathing only escalated—didn’t catch. He had more to go. Only his own arousal

was impossible to ignore a moment longer.

He withdrew his fingers and kissed her pussy one last time,

before hauling up and over her, settling his cock against her


He kissed her closed eyes and pulled back his head.

When her blue eyes blinked open, he said, “I’m gonna fuck

you into oblivion. Ready?”

With her breaths ragged little sobs, she shook her head.

“Too bad,” he whispered.

He reared back and knelt between her slackened legs, his

cock fully engorged and pointing at her cunt.

Her wild gaze widened as he stroked himself. “You’re gonna

take it all. No holding back. Ready?”

into the darkness


Again, she shook her head and the trembling started anew,

causing her soft belly to quiver and her thighs to jump.

“Too late.” He shoved his arms under her thighs and

hooked his elbows beneath her knees, lifting her ass off the


With her doelike gaze watching, he centered her pussy on

his cock and drove his hips forward—all the way inside her.

She came. Her body undulated wildly even before he pulled

out to thrust inside again.

He didn’t care. He was past thought. Past control.

He hammered her cunt. Fierce, sharp strokes that tunneled

his cock deep into her hot pussy. Her inner walls clenched

around his cock like a wet fist. He forced feminine grunts

from her muffled lips that echoed in the room with his harsher


When at last his thighs and balls tightened painfully hard,

he shouted, his cock erupting deep inside her, cum jetting in

powerful spurts to bathe her womb.

Afterward, he continued to rock against her limp body,

unwilling to stop and lose the waning ripples caressing his


When at last it was over, he collapsed onto her, dragging air

into his starved lungs. Drugged with sex, his muscles quivered with weakness.

He nuzzled the corner of her shoulder and kissed her, falling asleep in the next breath.

BOOK: Into the Darkness
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