Read Into the Darkness Online

Authors: Delilah Devlin

Tags: #Fiction, #Erotica, #General, #Romance, #Paranormal

Into the Darkness (8 page)

BOOK: Into the Darkness
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tightened his groin. His balls quivered and heat poured into

his cock, filling it beneath the hand still poised to guard it

from her explorations.

This shouldn’t be happening. He’d been warned. His gut

told him he’d already made one monumental mistake. Chessa

would have his ass for sure, but he was convinced her anger

wouldn’t be the worst of the fallout from his moment of


into the darkness


Natalie shifted on the mattress, catching him unaware. Her

knees nudged between his legs and he automatically shoved

them apart, giving her space to kneel between.

Their positions reversed this time, his mind reeled as sexy,

little Natalie plied his flesh with her tongue, licking

him ravenously—nipple to sternum, then on to the other

throbbing nipple—her own swaying breasts searing his belly

with licks of fire each time she leaned close.

The hand he used to shield himself wrapped around his

cock, and he found himself gripping it hard to work the sexslick skin slowly up and down the steely shaft. Again, he

couldn’t fight the arousal singeing every synapse.

When he scraped her inner thighs with the tip of his cock,

he groaned and angled it straight at her core. Any thought of

resistance his mind had harbored was swept away with a lust

hotter than anything he’d ever felt before.

He had to fuck her again. Drive deep into her. Cram past

her tight inner muscles to feel them squeeze around him

and drench his skin with her cream.
Sweet Jesus
! It had to

be now.

He gripped her hips and flexed upward to impale her, but

she laughed and rose higher, escaping his straining cock.

“Not yet. I told you it’s my turn.” She slid down his body,

pausing to push both plump breasts around his erection—the

softest glove he’d ever worn.

The sight appeared to fascinate her almost as much as him

because she stared as she squeezed and bobbed, playing peekaboo with his cock. “Must be a million ways to fuck,” she said

softly, then looked up at him.

How had he ever thought he could resist her? Her eyes

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shone bright in the lamplight, and her lips were wet and swollen. His cock peeked again from between her breasts, and he

groaned. “Virgin-girl, you gotta nasty mouth.”

“I like the act. The word feels . . .

On her lips, it certainly was. He flexed his hips and fucked

his cock between her breasts, desperate now to be enveloped

in her heat.

On an upward stroke, her breath brushed the swollen head

of his dick. On the next, her tongue glazed it with moisture.

Shuddering, he closed his eyes and stroked again, accepting

her control of his arousal and hoping she wouldn’t torture

him long.

Her breasts fell away from the sides of his cock, and before

he had a moment to regret the loss, her mouth swallowed

him, her hands clutching his shaft as she murmured around

his sex—sucking, licking, her head bobbing down and up, engulfing him in heat then abandoning him to the cool air with

each sexy glide.

Not much finesse, but she was learning quickly what drove

him nuts. Her fingers cupping and rolling his balls had him

beyond speech in seconds. The hard suction of her lips had

him groaning and straining to cram deep into her throat. He

gripped her hair to pull her farther down his cock, but she

scraped her teeth along his length in warning.

He needed more, and at the rate of her exploration his balls

would be blue before she let him come. He caught her hands

and wrapped them around the base of his cock and pushed

them up and down, twisting slightly, showing her how he

liked to be jerked off.

Natalie hummed her approval and came off his cock. “Will

into the darkness


you think I’m a wimp . . .” she said, gasping for breath, “if I

tell you I can’t do this much longer?”

He powered his hips off the bed, sliding his dick inside her

circling palms. “Jaws tired?”

“My pussy aches.”

A snort of laughter caught him by surprise. “Have you

ever said that word out loud?”

She grinned. “Not once in my life—in this context.”

He gave her a teasing smile. “Still wanna be in charge?”

“Please?” She sucked her bottom lip between her teeth, the

two elongated fangs looking wicked yet innocent at the same


His cock twitched. “Then you fuck me.” He grabbed the

notches of her slim hips and helped her climb over him.

She spread her legs wide around his hips, her cunt lips leaving a slick trail along his shaft.

“Put me inside you,” he said, his voice thick and harsh.

Her hands reached between her legs and grasped his cock,

sliding the head between her wet folds. She gasped.

“You sure you’re not too sore?” he said, while he stifled a

groan of protest.

“Shut up,” she said, gritting her teeth. “I can take this. I

can take you.”

Releasing her hips, he cupped the globes of her breasts and

squeezed, lifting his head to latch onto a tight little nipple

with his teeth and lips.

When he bit down, she shuddered and lowered herself

on him, taking him inside a few molten inches. “Oh, God!”

She planted her hands on the mattress and rotated her hips,

screwing him, easing slowly down his shaft.

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He opened his mouth, letting go of her nipple. “That’s it,

baby. Fuck me.” He pinched her nipples between his thumbs

and forefingers and lay back on the pillow, watching the expression on her face.

Her eyes squeezed tight, and her lush mouth opened around

a moan.

“Take your time,” he said, although all he wanted to do

was grip her ass hard and force her faster down his aching

shaft. He cupped her breasts and toggled her nipples as she

rose and fell, a little deeper each time—a little wetter and a

lot hotter.

Her head fell back, exposing the white skin of her long

throat, and her gilded hair billowed around her shoulders

when her movements quickened.

As soon as her breaths grew jagged, Rene slid a thumb

through the crisp hairs covering her pubis and found her clit.

He rubbed it in ever-tightening circles.

Natalie cried out and leaned over him, clutching his shoulders as she took him deeper, ramming down his cock, fucking

him harder.

Her clit throbbed beneath his circling fingertip, and her

channel clasped his shaft in rhythmic pulses that caressed and

massaged his length.

He gritted his teeth, trying to hold off a little longer, but

the heat building inside her core had him thrusting upward

to meet her, spearing deep.

Just as his thighs and balls tightened, Natalie sobbed and

her breath hitched, and then a whining, keening sound broke

from her throat. Her orgasm rippled along her channel, tugging and squeezing—milking his cock.

into the darkness


Rene’s head jerked back, and he exploded, pounding upward to drive himself deep with each jet of cum. He shouted

and shuddered, fucking into her tight cunt, tunneling deep

until he was spent.

When the roar of blood rushing through his ears quieted,

he pulled Natalie down against his chest. For several moments only the sounds of their harsh breaths filled the air.

Natalie stirred against his chest. “You really shouldn’t

tempt me like this,” she said, tonguing the side of his neck.

Too tired to be alarmed, he felt a smile stretch his lips.

“What? You wanna bite me again?”

She pressed her lips to the place she’d bitten him earlier. “It

seems I do have some control. I wanted to bite your cock.”

He snorted. “Thank God, you had that much sense.”

“Maybe you would have liked it,” she said, her voice softly


“Trust me on this. It’s not somethin’ you wanna try on a


She yawned deeply. “Maybe next time . . .”

He didn’t reply, knowing there wouldn’t be one, but not

wanting to spoil the moment. He’d never been much into aftermaths, but here he was, still tucked inside her warmth. He

held his breath while he thought about that.

Twice now, he’d thrown caution to the wind—compelled

beyond his willpower to mate with Natalie. It hadn’t been

anything approaching
making. What he’d felt had been

primitive and urgent.

And while his earlier anger, most of it directed at himself,

was tempered by how amazing the sex had been, he knew

there was going to be hell to pay.

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“You’re thinking about her again, aren’t you?” she asked,

her voice muffled against his skin.


“Your partner.”

“Her name’s Chessa. Jealous?”

“I don’t know. Disappointed, I guess.”

“Natalie . . .” What could he say? This couldn’t last beyond

tonight. He wouldn’t give her false hope it might. “You don’t

have anythin’ to worry about th—”

“Don’t.” She pressed a finger to his lips. “I’m being needy

again. I keep forgetting about the ‘Big-Bad’ out there. You

should be flattered.”

“Why?” He knew he was quickly becoming monosyllabic,

but he was just too tired to follow her tangents.

“Because you make me feel safe enough to forget.”

His arms tightened around her at the reminder of the dangers lurking in the darkness beyond the walls. “You should

get some sleep.”

She nodded against his chest. “This is nice,” she murmured. “I can hear your heartbeat.”

As rain renewed its patter on the tiled roof above their

heads, silence fell between them.

Rene held her until she fell asleep, then lowered her gently

to the mattress and covered her before dressing in the dark.

He may have broken rule number one, but he’d be damned if

he broke number two.

Rene wasn’t going to lose someone on his watch.



crunch sounded outside—a crisp scrape like a

Afootstep on grit. A sound Natalie knew was distant, perhaps from the courtyard below the window,

but it jerked her awake in an instant just the same.

And just as quickly, she knew something wasn’t


The sound might have been the rustle of drying

leaves as they tumbled across the paving stones, or

a small animal slipping between the iron bars of

the gate, but she knew that wasn’t true.

She no longer questioned how she knew—she

accepted the prickling warning the same way she

did the fact she was a vampire. Instinctually.

The hairs on the back of her neck lifted, and

alarm tensed her muscles, readying her for flight.

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Only she wasn’t the same frightened girl she’d been before

tonight. Now, she’d gained a measure of personal power. She

was becoming a monster in her own right.

And she had Rene.

Only he wasn’t here, now. His musky scent lingered in the

bedroom, clung to the pillow beneath her nose, but he’d been

gone for some time.

Was he aware of the furtive movements outside his house?

Had he left to investigate? Or had he tried to escape her once


She couldn’t afford to wait for him to come to her rescue.

This time, she’d be ready for whatever stepped out of the

shadows. Refusing to huddle beneath the covers, she slipped

from the bed and crept to the French window.

Standing to the side of the casing, she pulled back the edge

of the hazy curtain and stared into the darkened courtyard


At first, it appeared empty. Wind whipped the tops of the

short trees, stirring the leaves into an agitated whisper.

If she’d blinked, she might have missed the blurred gray

shadows that streaked across the tiny courtyard.

Holding her breath, she willed her heart to slow its frantic

beating so she could continue to listen above the rapid tattoo.

Then she stepped toward her suitcase lying open on a small

padded bench beside the door. She reached beneath wadded

clothing until her fingers closed around the hard plastic grip

of her handgun.

As she pulled it out, she felt a cool, fresh breeze lick across her

bare skin and knew the window to the balcony had opened.

Natalie whipped around with the weapon pointing outward

into the darkness


to find a large male figure silhouetted by streetlight between

the open doors. Not Rene’s thickly muscled frame. This man

was taller and leaner, with midnight hair that brushed the

tops of his broad shoulders. His clothing was crisp edged—a

long-sleeved shirt covered with a thickly padded vest, topping military style pants and boots. A holster rode along the

side of one masculine thigh.

With her finger poised on the trigger, she drew a shaky

breath. “You really should have tried the front door.”

His head canted, and she realized that while his features

were hidden in darkness, her pale skin was a beacon.

“I seem to have you at a disadvantage,” he replied, French

undertones cloaking his voice in silk. His tone was amused,

BOOK: Into the Darkness
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