Intimate Illusions [The Callens 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (8 page)

BOOK: Intimate Illusions [The Callens 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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“I thought you’d stay through dinner.”

She shrugged. “It gets a bit hectic sometimes. Your house is peaceful.”

“Can I interest you in a hike up a mountain?”

Her eyes shone for a split second then her hand fisted. “How hard of a climb is it?”

“It’s a slow incline, but we can take our time.”


She didn’t sound completely enthusiastic, but maybe once he got her into the woods, she’d change her mind. “Do you have sneakers or something you can hike in, other than your boots?” They’d do in a pinch, but he wanted a shoe with some grip on the bottom.

“I’ve got some sturdy sneakers.”

“Perfect.” They reached his ranch. “How about you get ready, and I’ll gather some gear.”


He hoped he wasn’t making a mistake, but if she made it to the top, it could help her decide if she wanted to live in Wyoming, assuming she’d meant what she’d said that first night at the Raging Bull. As soon as she went into her bedroom, he gathered everything they might need, include something to sit on, two flashlights, a lot of water, and food. By the time he stored his pack in the back of his truck, Devonne was ready.

“You look cute.”

She glanced to the ceiling. “I want to be practical.”

He smiled. “You are. I’d grab a jacket in case it gets cold.”


She looked adorable as she raced back into her bedroom. She came back waving the top. “Ready.”

They took I-80 into Medicine Bow National Forest. She rolled down the window and practically leaned out to get look at the view. “This is so pretty.”

She was probably being nice. He’d been to the California coast and this wasn’t as nice, but hopefully, the hike into the woods would be. They had to take a forest road to get to the trailhead. Because they hadn’t passed anyone, maybe they could hike in peace.

He parked along the side of the road and got out. “We’ll take our time. If you get out of breath, let me know.”

She threaded her arm through his and tugged. “Don’t worry about me.”

Like that would ever happen. Worry, rather than blood, flowed through his veins. He put on his pack. “I’ll let you lead.”

He wanted to be behind her in case she slipped. The hike would only take half an hour, but some places were steep. This was his own retreat space when he went to think. Devonne took her time on the path and watched where she stepped. She stopped a few times and asked about some of the plants.

“Maybe next time, I’ll bring a botany book. I suck at the plant names.”

“You know which ones are edible.” She’d seen him pluck one plant from the ground and suck on the root.

“It’s called preservation.”

Halfway there, he had her stop. “We need to hydrate.”

She didn’t argue. For someone so thin, she was amazingly strong. Once they drank fluids and ate a PowerBar for energy, they continued on. Near the top was a small trail that led to a rock face.

He caught up to her. “It’s in here.” He took her hand, and they wove their way through the brush.

“Does anyone but you know this place exists?”

He’d wondered the same thing. “I don’t know. I’m not even sure how I found it.”

When the brush ended, they stood on a small slab about thirty feet wide and twenty feet deep.

She didn’t say anything for a moment. Her gaze took in the entire vista. “I think I can see all of Wyoming.”

His own heart was beating fast. The majesty never failed to impress him. He dropped his backpack and removed two pads to sit on. “Let’s relax.” Once she appeared comfortable, he got out the food. “How are your feet?”

She winced. “I think I’m getting a blister.”

. Blisters could be quite dangerous if they got infected, not to mention painful. “Take off your shoe and let me take a look.” He always carried a small first aid kit.

She untied her shoes and removed the right sneaker. “It’s on the heel.”

“There’s a blister forming. Let Dr. Callen fix you right up.”

She smiled and relaxed back on her elbows. He got out Molefoam and cut a hole in the material. Then he placed it over the blister. After repeating the operation two more times, she had a nice donut-hole cushion around the wound. Before he returned her foot to her, he rubbed her insoles with his thumbs.

Her eyes closed, and she dropped back her head. “I can’t tell you how divine that feels.”

She had little to no padding on her feet. “I don’t know how you stand in those high heels all day.”

“They kill my feet.”

“Let me massage the other one.”

“If I weren’t modest, I’d strip naked and let you run your hands over every inch of me.”

The image of her naked body slammed into him and almost took away his breath. “Good thing.” Thank God her eyes were closed or she’d detect the effect those words had on him. What had she been thinking saying something like that?

Oh, shit
. Knowing Devonne, that was the exact effect she wanted. She wanted him to ravish her, only he wouldn’t. He was looking for a long-term relationship, and she’d be gone all too soon.

Convince her to stay.

Sure, it would disappoint Ian turning down someone who might only be looking for a fling, but there came a time in a man’s life when he needed to settle down. Why work hard all day long and not come home to a woman and a family?

Devonne sat up again. “Why do you come here?”

He didn’t see that one coming. “To relax.” That was the easy answer. He picked up her other foot and rubbed her insole. From the way her breath came out long and slow, she liked what he was doing.

“What drives you, Max Callen?”

He studied her. Her gaze latched onto his. The urge to kiss her nearly made him do something he’d regret. “Probably the same thing that drives you.”

She smiled. “You don’t like to talk about yourself, do you?”

“I guess I don’t like to disappoint.”

“Your family or yourself?”

This woman cut straight to the core. “Both?”

“I might be younger, but I decided a time ago that in the end, you only have yourself to make happy.” Her gaze moved away from him and became unfocused as if she’d lost herself in her thoughts.

A moment later, she straightened and smiled. “Let me return the massage favor.”

He wasn’t sure exactly what she meant, but when she moved behind him, he relaxed. He dragged the closed-cell foam pad for her to kneel on. The moment her hands rested on his shoulders, a deep warmth seeped into his soul.

“Relax. You’re so tense.”

Everyone told him that. “Maybe I should install a hot tub at the house.”

“What a great idea.”

She spent the next five minutes on his shoulders and arms. The lower her fingers went, the more his mind ended in turmoil. “I think it’s time we head back.”

He turned around to get out of her grasp and met with her lips.

Chapter Seven


Devonne just had to taste him. Max needed loving more than any man she’d met. Why did he have to think it was his responsibility to take on the whole world?

She pressed her lips to his and let his strength soak into her skin. His lips were soft and full as if they were made for loving. Clasping on to his broad shoulders, she pulled him closer. He’d pull back at any moment, and she wanted to savor this moment for as long as she could. When he inhaled and their chests met, her pussy burst to life. The rush of adrenaline and lust collided, and she opened her mouth to invite him in.

He, too, seemed taken by the moment, high on the hill overlooking the valley below. His fingers dug into her ribcage as he delved into her mouth. He tasted of chocolate and granola, and his skin smelled pine-fresh. As if he were breath itself, she drew him in and seduced his tongue. For that moment, they were one.

As suddenly as the kiss began, he broke it off. “I’m sorry.”

Those were not the words she’d wanted to hear. “I’m not.” Needing to taste every last drop of him, she ran her tongue along her lips.

She thought she heard a low growl in his chest, but the wind rustling through the trees overpowered the sound.

He cleared his throat. “We need to go.”

She wanted to pound him. From the way tension rippled through his fingers, he liked the kiss as much as she did. Maybe more if that was possible. This man was a hard nut to crack, but she was determined to try. “Did I upset you?”


That one word said a lot. She’d found the crack in his composure and believed she was getting to him.
. Next time, she’d succeed.

While he was considerate on the way down, pointing out when he thought she needed to hold onto a branch or which rock to avoid, the fact he stayed right behind her implied he couldn’t wait to get to the bottom and take her home.

It was still early when they arrived back at his ranch. During the drive home, he’d asked her questions about the show. From the way he kept his gaze on the road and constantly tapped his fingers, he wasn’t comfortable with the way things had ended. Too damned bad. He acted like he’d never been kissed before.

As soon as Max stopped the car, she jumped out, not giving him a chance to open her door. She nearly bumped into him at the front fender.

She blocked his path. Enough was enough. “We need to talk about this.”

“About what?” His gaze dragged above her head.


He probably wasn’t aware of his body language, but he’d moved his feet wider as if he were readying for a fight. “There’s nothing to talk about. I’m good.”

She wasn’t sure what came over her, but she pushed him against the front side panel and dragged his head to her lips. Her body exploded with need the moment they touched. She hadn’t planned to have sex in the open, but damn it, the man needed to come to the realization there was chemistry between them. Her breath lodged in her throat, and her heart beat hard against her chest.

His groan shot down her windpipe as he dove into her mouth with more passion than a jet had speed. He unhooked the jacket from around her waist and let it drop to the ground. Warm fingers slid under her shirt and cupped her breasts. She feared he’d be put off by their small size, but from the way he was massaging them, he liked what she had.

She stroked his back, pressing her hips forward but still giving him access to her breasts. He broke contact, but instead of moving away, he dragged his teeth down her neck. “I want you.”

Those words vibrated inside her, building a need so intense that she couldn’t move. She inhaled as his hard cock pressed between her legs. Refusing to think if this was smart or not, she slid her hands between their bodies. Just one touch was all she needed. The thick jeans prevented satisfaction, but she judged his size to be about as large as his dad’s ranch was big.

Max came up for air. “Are you sure this is what you want?”


He unhooked and unzipped her jeans and slid them, along with her panties down her thighs. She couldn’t toe off her sneakers. She’d tied them too tight.

He dropped to his knees. “You’re naked.”

She almost laughed. She had to have a bare pussy. Having dark hair might show through the thin fabric. “Is that a problem?”

“It’s my fantasy.”

Thrills of pleasure rippled up her body. She wanted him so bad. His finger delved into her wetness, and she nearly came out of her skin. The intensity took her by surprise. She grabbed hold of his head and dug her fingers into his scalp.

Gravel crunched behind the truck. She looked up. Ian was getting out of the cab, but she didn’t think he’d seen her.

“Max. Quick. It’s Ian.”

He jumped up and pulled up her pants as she straightened her shirt. She didn’t have time to zipper up when Ian strolled over to them.

“Well, hello, you two. Where did you guys go off to?”

Since she’d spent her life playacting, she answered. “Max took me to a national forest.”

“We hiked up to Cedar Rock.”

From the way Ian was grinning, he knew what they’d been doing. “I won’t interrupt. Catch you inside. Later.”

Both she and Max remained outside while Ian practically bounced into the house. “He knows, doesn’t he?”

Max shoveled the hair out of his face. “Yup.”

“Will he be upset?”


Then she didn’t see the problem. “Good.”

Max stepped around her to grab the backpack from the bed of the truck. “I need a shower.”

The image of sharing one with him intruded. What was wrong with her? She never got involved with anyone related to modeling. Not that they had much to do with the show, but their mother did.

“I’ll join you.” She waited to see if he’d react, but he said nothing. The fact he didn’t look at her all the way into the house told her a lot.


* * * *


Max was in the shower trying to hurry for fear Devonne would show up naked and slide in next to him. If she had, he wouldn’t have been able to resist her any longer. The vision of her body stayed in his mind’s eye as he washed. As soon as he finished, he let out a breath that she hadn’t been serious about joining him.

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