Inseparable: A New Adult Erotic Romance (6 page)

BOOK: Inseparable: A New Adult Erotic Romance
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"The girls are going to love this. I just wish you could be here tomorrow when they see it."

"It’s fine, I only had two days off. Besides, I doubt
would be happy to see me. I don’t want to make things hard for you, especially tomorrow."

Jack sighed. "Look, we’ve already agreed to all the terms of the interim custody agreement, so the court date is just a formality. I’m sure it’ll be fine."

Julie wasn’t convinced. "I have a bad feeling for some reason... or maybe it’s just the paint fumes. Promise me you’ll be careful tomorrow, OK?"

"I promise." He looked at the details under the tree. "Hey, are those fairies down there?"

"Yeah, I put them down under the leaves like they were hiding. See if you can find the family of gnomes and the Cheshire cat."

Jack let out a delighted laugh as he pointed to the grinning teeth hovering above the tree branch. "Found him!" He looked around at the painting, bending down near the floor. "There’s the gnome family mushroom house!" He looked closer at the gnome family, then gasped. "They look like us! How did you make a face with six lines look like Lisa? You could make money doing this!"

"I did make money doing this, you ass! I cleared five hundred at the art festival in one weekend painting faces, and got three a piece for some murals I did at a little restaurant downtown. You think I need you to tell me how to earn money?" She laughed even as she was warmed by his compliment.

"I know they saw the sketches you showed them at the house closing last week and were excited. They bounced around for ten minutes, you know? But
is going to blow their minds. They’re going to freak out when they see this."

Julie smiled. Jack was so loving and went out of his way to make her feel welcome in his life. He had even asked her to come to the closing, albeit to help with the girls, but she had never seen what it took to sell property before. The amount of paperwork involved was staggering, not to mention the incredible sums of money being thrown around for filing papers. Her pre-paid debit card felt very small in her pocket.

"Did I mention the glow-in-the-dark paint?"

"No," he said.  "What did you do with it?"

"It comes nearly transparent, so I painted it over the sun and put highlights where the moonbeams would hit so when the lights are off it’ll look like it’s nighttime in the mural as well."

He smiled at her and cleaned some blue paint off of her cheek. "You are so amazing. Why don’t you let me thank you properly?"

He put his arms around her and kissed her while the painted faces on the walls looked on. He lifted her easily, one arm around her waist, the other under her knees and carried her through the girls’ doorway. While he walked, he looked in her eyes and sang softly, "Il y a longtemps que je t'aime Jamais, jamais je ne t'oublierai."

"That's beautiful. What does that mean?" she asked.

He blushed and shook his head. "It's just an old Cajun song about a fountain. My mom sang it around the house when we were kids."

"I didn't know you spoke French," she said as she put her head on his shoulder.

He carried her  past the kitchen and into the bedroom, where the king size bed waited with its crisp sheets turned down for sleep.He had taken what he could from the furnishings in the home, including the bed in his old bedroom. Julie had gotten used to its pillow top and firm support after spending almost every night of the last few weeks in it with him.

Jack had initially insisted he buy a new one out of concern she would be bothered by keeping his old marriage bed, but she had protested saying there was nothing wrong with it. As far as she was concerned, it was a good bed, no different than a hotel bed that might have a different couple every night, and not worth spending that kind of money pointlessly.

She saw the candles burning on the dresser and night stands, open boxes still around on the floor, then hugged him tightly and whispered in his ear, "Oh, Jack, why’d you do all this? We still have so much to do."

"I’m just sorry our first night in my own place has to be like this."

"You don’t realize how rich you are."

"I’m rich because of you." He kissed her. When they pulled back she laughed so hard he had to set her down.

"What?" He asked, confusion written all over his face.

"You have blue paint on your nose. :et’s go get cleaned up, I’m a mess." She pulled him into the bathroom as he glanced back at the bedroom with a wry smile on his face.

They squeezed around in the bathroom to take off their dirty clothes. "I wish the bathroom was bigger," Jack said.

"Beggars can’t be choosers. Besides, I can always reach you in this one." Julie wiggled a finger into his sweaty bellybutton.

"Hey! Watch that." He tickled her back on her neck.

"Actually, I do wish the toilet was bigger."

"Why? You fit on it just fine."

"Yeah, but you look like you are perching over a coffee cup. I have to shut the door or I get the giggles." He bumped into her on purpose with a laugh.

"Why did you wear such nice clothes to move today?" she continued. "You’ve ruined the shirt with some kind of oily dirt here and here." She tickled his side and stomach to show where it was.

"Well, your shirt is so old you have holes here and here." He tickled her back through the holes near her shoulder and sleeve making her laugh and jump. He watched her with a twinkle in his eye as she removed her shirt and shorts.

"It’s a waste, Jack. You could have just worn an undershirt." The t-shirt she was scrubbing in the sink was so old it had holes just from being washed so many times, its black color faded to a dull gray, and the print unreadable. When she scrubbed the paint flecks off the shorts she remembered sewing them back in high school for a project. She just shook her head.

"It’s actually the worst shirt I own. Anyway, the mall’s just up the road. No big deal." He took off the shirt and tossed it straight in the dirty clothes.

Julie had felt a little shabby when they went out together the first few times. He didn’t always dress nice, exactly, but there were subtle differences in the quality of the fabric, cut, and stitching between his name brand clothes and her Walmart specials. Also, the clothes she liked tended to have colorful designs in sparkly print or rhinestones. He never said anything, but the first time they went out to dinner, his eyes told her he noticed what she was wearing, and not in a good way.

Since then, she’d made a point of wearing clothes that were newer and a little plainer than she ordinarily wore to avoid feeling self-conscious. She even went to the Goodwill store each weekend to see if there were higher quality items she could afford, but she had only found a couple of things she thought he’d like. Despite that, she thought, being with him was worth a little sacrifice here and there.

The wet clothes went over the towel rack to dry as he dropped his briefs in the hamper. She ran her hands over his wide shoulders, enjoying the sight of his firm thighs and butt. He growled under his breath and leaned back into her arms, her hands moving around to rub his chest.

"You stink, but I kind of like it." She opened her mouth and pressed it against his shoulder blade, running her tongue along his sweaty skin to taste him. He pressed his butt against her stomach, sliding back and forth as she reached down to lift his heavy shaft with her fingers.

"Oh, yes," he whispered, stiffening in her hands. She licked down his back, enjoying his response, sliding her hands up and down, pausing once in a while to caress his balls. He took deep breaths, sighing in pleasure as she brought him to a full erection.

He groaned in disappointment when she gave him one last kiss on his back before turning to start the water. It came out almost instantly hot, steaming up the mirror in seconds. They stepped into the tub together. Then he drew the curtain as she pulled the knob to switch the water to come out of the shower head. His arms pulled her close when she turned back, his strong hands sliding up and down as the water pattered against her skin.

"Thank you for your help," he said. "I don’t know where I’d be without you. These last four weeks have been amazing." She gave him a sly grin as she picked up the soap and wash cloth, rubbing them together behind his back. "I’m serious. You’re amazing."

She still didn’t say anything, just started scrubbing his back while standing on her toes to kiss him at the same time. He pulled her closer, pressing his stiff erection against her stomach, kissing her deeply. She slid the soapy cloth down his back to scrub his cheeks and in between, the suds making trails down his legs. She couldn’t resist sliding her fingers down, rubbing circles on his hairy hole.

"Stop..." he whispered in her mouth, except he pushed out slightly, making it easier for her to get her finger in. "Don’t." She slipped her tongue between his lips, moving slowly against his tongue, then carefully penetrated his opening. He squeezed around her finger, trying to push her out, but she just kept it moving in and out slowly. "No Julie, what are you doing?" he mumbled against her mouth, but didn’t make any real effort to stop her.

She began to kiss down his neck and chest, continuing to stimulate him gently. He stopped protesting, his mouth open, and his erection twitching in time with her motions. She reached his waist and licked the magic spot on his shaft where it met the head, her finger still gently swirling around and in his hole. She sat on the edge of the tub, careful not to pull down the shower curtain, keeping her right hand in motion, and gripping him just below his head with her left.

The water fell against her face as she took his head into her mouth, running her tongue over and around it. He placed his hands on her shoulders, rubbing her neck and hair. She slid her finger in a little further and with each stroke, carefully feeling for the bump she knew was there. When she got to her second knuckle he made a harsh gasp, pushing out and down, the muscles around her finger relaxing as she finally reached it.

She began to keep a steady tempo with her hand and mouth, letting him push further in than she was really comfortable with, but knowing he couldn’t help it in his current state. She pressed and massaged the bump inside as gently as she could, knowing it was going to push him over the edge quickly if the Cosmo article she had read was correct.

He began to cry out even before she felt the first trembling pulses, grunting out a series of sounds that grew in volume as he rocked against her hand and mouth. Her finger on the nut-sized bump sensed a quiver, so she began to massage it more firmly, causing him to pant out in French.

"Oh Dieu... Oh, Julie! Que fais-tu? Oui, oui, je jouis. Je jouis!"

He pushed into her mouth, testing her control, but she wanted to give him this experience. It was fine so far, but she gripped him hard to keep him from pushing any further in. She was being extra careful to avoid ruining the moment by gagging. He finally began to pulse in her hand, the moment had arrived and she increased the pressure on his bump even more as he shouted out a long cry.

The force of his emission was beyond anything in her experience, the first pulses were practically strong enough to clean her teeth and the volume too much to swallow at once. She allowed the extra to dribble out of her mouth as the force of his release caused his muscles to push her finger out. His hands squeezed and rubbed against her shoulders as he tried to keep his balance.

After a few moments he muttered, "Oh my God, what the fuck was that?" She actually had to hold him up as he staggered.

"Prostate stimulation. I read about it in Cosmo." She was pleased with his reaction. "What did you say in French?"

"I spoke French?"


"Then I’m not sure what I said. You just swallowed what was left of my brains. That was incredible, but I need to sit down before I fall." He carefully bent down and sat in the tub. "I couldn’t figure out what you were doing with my ass, but if that was the result, feel free to do it again, but not now. Oh, man, that was intense." He leaned back and shut his eyes, breathing heavily.

After she washed her hands, she took the wash cloth and began to scrub his legs and feet while he recovered. His relaxed smile made it all worth it.

"You have nice feet," she said as she ran her fingers between his toes. Sliding down the edge of the tub, she washed his arms and hands, pulling him to sit up as she cleaned his chest and neck. "Come, sit up."

"I’m putty in your hands."

"You better not be. It’s my turn next," she said, a devilish look on her face.

He finally got up to rinse with a grin, trading places so he could wash her back. He was so relaxed; he dropped the soap twice, but managed to get the paint off everywhere he could find it. They had a final round of rinsing and kissing in the warm spray before turning off the water.

"This is one thing I missed. Apartments seem to have limitless hot water. I bought a seventy-gallon water heater for the house, but it still ran out before I wanted it to."

"I wouldn’t know."

"What do you mean?" he asked as they opened the curtain and got their towels.

"I’ve never lived in a house," she said. "Mom and I could never afford something like that. At the closing when you showed me the check, I seriously had a hard time even thinking about having that much money at one time."

"So you lived in apartments your whole life?"

"No, sometimes we lived in the back of wherever Mom worked, or at a shelter for women and children. We lived almost a year in the back of a van when I was about ten."

Jack didn’t say anything for a long time. "I guess I’ve been luckier than I thought. Mom and Dad didn’t have a lot of money, but we never went hungry and we always had a roof over our heads. Sometimes when you say something like that," he said, pausing to think."I don’t know... it hits me hard. I’m sorry you had to go through that."

Julie sighed. "You see, you think of it like it was some kind of horrible trauma, but for me it was just life. Hell, I didn’t even know we were poor until I got to third grade and the kids made fun of me for wearing the same clothes all week. I just figured everyone moved all the time and sometimes had to live in their cars. I actually knew enough people like us to assume it was normal."

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