Inseparable: A New Adult Erotic Romance (4 page)

BOOK: Inseparable: A New Adult Erotic Romance
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Chapter 3: Jack

ack was dozing as the room brightened in the morning sunlight. There was still a beautiful woman in his bed. He had honestly expected it to be a dream, but even with his eyes shut he could smell her hair and hear her breathing. Her naked back was resting against his chest and his hand was on her slim hip. The scent of her sex was still on his lips, and it had kept him in a near constant state of arousal since he woke.

She stretched as she began to wake, her arm bumping against his body as she rolled back against him. He slid his hand up to cup her breasts, pressing his face into her hair which also caused his arousal to press between her cheeks.

"Oh, look, you’re both up," she giggled, arching her back against him.

Without a word, he kissed her neck and nibbled at her earlobe.  She began to move with him, immediately becoming aroused. He massaged her breasts while he slid his shaft along her puckered opening, prompting her to spread her cheeks and push hard against him.

"Push it down, under me."

She lifted her leg to make room as he slid his shaft between her legs. She closed her thighs and rubbed against his tip which stuck out below her mons. Jack had trouble breathing as he tried to thrust and slide, but her thighs held him captive. As she massaged his head, he felt it leak a slippery fluid giving her motions an electric friction, making him respond with a groan and to hug harder against her back.

He felt her lift his shaft to the very top of her thighs where her wetness made it easier for him to slide. After a few slow strokes, he began to thrust easily against her slit. She kept her fingers just underneath his head to stimulate his most sensitive area as he moved.

He felt her bend slightly at the waist just as he began to get into a rhythm. With eyes open for a peek, he caught her staring at his head and shaft as it slid out the front of her thighs. He wanted to help her see better, so he moved one hand from her breast to hold her hips still, allowing him to thrust harder and push out further. He noticed the look on her face as she tried to watch, occasionally closing her eyes when her pleasure became too intense.

Knowing she was interested in watching him, he moved much faster toward his release. As the slippery emission spread around and made it easier to thrust, he began to rock his hips harder and make warning sounds that his release was coming. Just before he blew, she turned over. She reached down, jerking him off, relishing the look on his face as Jack finally orgasmed.

In the middle of his release he heard her whisper, "There it is." She milked out the last few drops with her fingers. He collapsed against her, breathing hard and kissing her neck, rubbing his hands along her hips and stomach while he tingled all over.

"Now, what can I do with this, I wonder?"


"I have all this yummy you goo."

"What?" He lifted his head to see her palm was full of his glistening seed. While he watched, she lifted her hand to her face, spilling it into her mouth like she was eating an oyster. His jaw hung open. "Oh my God, that is the sexiest thing I have ever seen," he whispered. She finished licking her palm clean, making him twitch and suck in air through his teeth.

"I didn’t want to waste it. We worked so hard on it together." She moved against him, pushing her hips. "Besides, if I can’t have one, too, at least I can enjoy yours."

He was determined to please her after that. He pushed himself to recover quicker by sliding against her again, kissing her neck and rubbing her breasts. Although he was not fully erect, he was pretty sure he could finish the job. He felt her roll forward, pushing him mostly out from between her thighs, then she used her fingers to push his head in and angled her hips to make it easier.

She was giggling as he rolled behind her to position himself just behind her hips. He lifted her body and pushed himself in slowly, adjusting the angle until his erection was more firm. She hugged a pillow as he began to thrust, feeling himself stiffen as he moved faster. He pushed down to rub against the front wall of her sex, hitting the perfect spot, making her gasp.

After he got going, he built up speed and power, letting his thighs slap against hers. She began to purr and moan, pushing against his thrusts, then started a kind of tight-voiced cry as he felt her begin to quiver, her legs seeming to lose strength when her release started. Jack lifted her slightly by her hips to pull her hard against his thrusts to keep the pace. Her cries changed pitch, becoming longer and louder until she was screaming into the pillow, catching her breath only to scream out again.

She finally reached back to rest her hand on his stomach. "Enough, enough, I’m spent. I never knew. I never knew, oh God, I never knew. I could die now."

He eased himself out of her, laying her gently on the bed, and then rubbed her back softly as he lay down beside her. He rested his head on his hand, elbow on the bed, looking at her with wonder.

"You are the sexiest, most amazing woman I’ve ever met. You’re smart, beautiful, God I just wish I’d met you ten years ago."

"You would have been arrested as a pedophile," she whispered, but smiled at the sentiment.

"Julie, what I wouldn’t give for a do over with you."

"Right now, I’d just be your rebound. You need some time to get on your feet. I’m not going anywhere." She chuckled. "Hell, after this you’ll have to chase me off with a broom." She closed her eyes and smiled.

"I don’t want to chase you off, and I’ll give it time, but I want to see you again, too. Take you out to a movie. Go do something fun."

"This wasn’t fun?" She arched her left eyebrow.

"You know what I mean."

"I know, but I also see you’re goofy after sex. You better watch what you promise."

"You’ll see."

"Good." She had a sweet smile on her face. "I’d like that." He watched her relax as her breathing slowed into sleep.

Jack wanted to stay and watch her sleep, but he really needed to pee. After he was done, he put on some shorts and a comfortable undershirt. He then stepped quietly out into the kitchen, cleaning up the mess they had left the night before. He then decided to have breakfast with Julie rather than going to his sales meeting.

He intended to leave a message, but his admin Nancy answered on the first ring. "MJP Engineering, this is Nancy."

"Hello, Nancy, you’re in early. I was planning on leaving a message. Would you do me favor please?"

"Let me guess, you want to push the sales meeting."

"You are a mind reader, Nance. I’ll be in by 11:00."

She sighed. "Jack, I’ll do it, but Mike already sent in an RSVP for 10:00."

"Why is he coming to a sales meeting?"

"I’m sure I don’t know. Would you like me to see if he can come at 11:00 before I move it?"

"Sure, if he’s in already. Can I hold for an answer please?"

Jack listened to a deep voice describing the advantages of using MJP brand mud pumps until the line picked up again.

"Jack! What’s going on today?" Mike Phillips had an Australian drawl that made everything he said sound like a bad movie quote.

"Nothing, Mike, just need to do some things this morning. Sophie has been after me to get the house listed so we can do the division of property crap. I wanted to get it done before she hires a hit man."

Mike laughed. "That’s fine. I was just worried you might be sick again. You’ve been sick a lot lately."

"I don’t think that’s going to be an issue anymore, Mike." He couldn’t keep the giddy excitement out of his voice.

"So, what’s her name?" Mike asked with a conspiratorial edge to his question.

"Julie," Jack said before he could really consider the wisdom of answering.

"Good," Mike said with definite approval. "You’ve been down for an eight-count, Jack. I’m glad to see you getting back up to fight some more."

"Thanks, Mike. I swear, I feel like a new man this morning. Just give me a little more time and I’ll make this all up to you. You’ll see."

"I believe you, buddy. I’ll get Nancy to move the meeting until 11:00. Maybe we could do lunch afterward and you can give me the juicy details. OK?"

"You have no idea how appropriate that comment is." Jack said with a chuckle. "I’ll see you at 11:00."

Chapter 4: Jack

ack danced around pulling out bacon and eggs from the fridge, and pans and oil from the cupboard then set to making Julie breakfast. He was just cooking the last from the package of bacon when he heard the toilet flush in the on-suite bathroom.

Julie came out wearing an old pair of sweats Sophie hadn’t worn since college and his colorful silk kimono as a robe. Her hair was tousled and her face was flushed, giving her a kind of waifish look that took his breath away. He couldn’t shake the feeling that he was dreaming, that some moment he would wake up and this would all be gone. He felt his darkness fighting to return, but her presence blew it away like it was a little smoke in a storm.

He smiled at her and asked, "Are you hungry?"

"Starving! I can’t remember if I ate my steak last night or not."

"Nope, I cleaned up outside this morning and threw away the food we left out all night."

"What time is it?" she asked, combing her hair with her fingers.

"8:30, I have to be at work by 11:00. So we have plenty of time."

"I’ll wash these clothes and bring them back," she said. "I couldn’t bear the thought of trying to squeeze into my jeans right now."

"That’s fine. You look great in my robe, by the way. Better than me by a long shot."

She wandered to the fridge and pulled out orange juice, grapes and an apple. Jack watched as she stood on her tip toes. The curve of her foot and calf was surprisingly erotic to him. Every inch of her was a delight waiting to be explored. He took a deep breath and returned to cooking the bacon.

The orange juice went into glasses, and the fruits in bowls. The kitchen table had four chairs and was covered with kids’ stuff, like artwork, crayons, and the pink sneakers. He watched her carefully pick it all up and place it in a neat pile on a side table near the wall, setting out their breakfast plates.

Jack brought over the frying pan and slid two fried eggs into her plate, then sat the plate of cooked bacon in the middle of the table. He quickly fried his own eggs while she nibbled on a piece of bacon, looking good enough to eat herself.

He brought over the frying pan again, smiling at her as he put his eggs in his plate, then put it into the sink, cooling it with a little water. After he sat down, they ate in silence for a few minutes, glancing at each other with contented smiles. When she finished eating, she reached over and patted his arm.

"Thanks, for everything. I don’t know what I expected when I came over last night, but I’m glad I did." She actually teared up a little. "I hope you were serious about wanting to see me again."

Jack put his hand over hers. "Yes, I am. It’s gonna be tricky for a while with Sophie trying to screw me to the wall, but if you can stand the drama, I can promise it will get better. Eventually."

Just as he was preparing to eat the last bite he heard the garage door opener rumble into life. The darkness crowded back into his head as he heard Sophie slam the door to her Suburban, the girls giggling and shouting excitedly at the prospect of being home and seeing their Dad. He felt like throwing up. "Speak of the devil and she appears."

"Just keep cool," Julie said. "This is your house. We’re all adults."

The seconds ticked by until the door finally opened. Jen and Lisa ran in past Sophie screaming, "Daddy, Daddy!" He saw Sophie look around for a second before zeroing in on Julie with a look of contempt. She didn’t seem as surprised as Jack expected, but then he remembered her car was parked out front.

"Lisa! Jen! What are you doing here! I thought you were staying with Grandma all week." He bent down to hug them both.

"We are going back, but Mama said she needed to see something," Jen said, then whispered, "Grandma told me to tell you hello and she is sad for us."

That made him tear up a little. "I know, Sugar. It’ll be OK, though. You’ll see."

He heard Sophie introduce herself to Julie. "I’m Sophie." He watched as she extended her hand with a look on her face like she was changing Lisa’s dirty diaper.

"I’m Julie," she said with a smile. Jack was amazed at how calm she was, staring straight into Sophie’s eyes and shaking hands firmly.

"Would you mind giving Jack and me a minute?"

"Sure, how about I take the girls out in the backyard to play for a bit?"

"That would be fine." She practically spat the words out, but the veneer of civility was still holding.

Julie suddenly remembered why she had come here in the first place. "Lisa, look what I have!"  she said, picking up the pink sneakers from the side table.

"My shoes!" She grabbed the shoes and hugged them, then ran out through the open sliding door as Julie followed along with a grin.

Sophie watched as they went outside, her face changing from barely pleasant to a scowl. "That’s the girl from the fucking bounce house place? What the fuck is wrong with you, bringing her to this house?" She seemed to expect Jack to back down, but he filled out his chest and looked down at her with a sneer.

"Fuck you, Sophie," Jack said, suddenly cold. "Don’t you even act like this counts. You left me, remember?"

"She’s wearing my sweats and that was the kimono I bought you in Japan."

"You haven’t been able to fit in those for five years. Besides she was too sore to get back in her jeans just yet," he said, giving her a cruel smile.

"Oh, fuck you, I couldn’t care less who you screw. I’m only here to pick up some of the girls’ things and as soon as I get them I’ll be leaving again. Have you called the realtor yet? I didn’t see a sign out front."

"It’s on the list for today. I will be changing the locks today as well, so if you think of anything else you need, be sure to call first to make sure I’m here."

"OK, big man, whatever you say," she said with a mocking tone. She turned to go down the hallway to the girls’ rooms, stopping when she saw the cash on the counter. "What, did you have to pay for it?" She turned to laugh at him, then shook her head and continued on her way.

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