Innocent Desires (6 page)

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Authors: Abie,Malie

BOOK: Innocent Desires
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She was nude. She was on my bed. I was giving her oral and was being fingered by someone I couldn't
see. Isabella was murmuring, then moaning, then crying out. 'Aunty, aunty!' I woke and felt awful. How
could I want to fuck the teen child? What was becoming of me? Sarah was either asleep or very relaxed.
I didn't move, just lay still and tried to think of adult sex. Vivienne and her luscious young body. I felt
myself feeling more at peace and drifted off again.

I woke up and blinked at the sun. Sarah was sitting up, her breasts still uncovered. I sat up. My breasts
were uncovered. I felt a little uncomfortable. The single guys were casually giving us a look. One was
looking more than casually. His eyes seemed to be focused on me. Why not Sarah? She had the lovely
big breasts. Sarah seemed a bit disappointed. "Those guys have been looking, but so far, no real
attention. How about we kick it up a notch?" She slipped off her bottom and sat cross legged.
"Sarah! What are you thinking? Do you see any other people nude on this beach? And do you have to sit
that way?"

Sarah just smiled at me. "You're the one who started this with that dental floss bikini. You're the one
who got Vivienne to fuck with us. Are you going to chicken out now?" I hesitated.

"Come on, Kathy, live a little," Sarah urged. I didn't want to say that I had lived more in the past few days
than in the past few years. I slipped off my bottom and sat with my legs together. "Uh, uh, uh." Sarah
chided. I sat cross legged. The guys were looking and talking up a storm. Then they came over. There
were four of them. I noticed two bulges, and one semi bulge. The fourth was just smiling in a very
knowing fashion.

"Hi," said Sarah. "I'm Sarah and this is Kathy." The guys introduced themselves and stood, uncertain of
what to do. "Sit down," said Sarah. They did. There was a bit of jostling to sit with the best view. I
resisted the urge to cover myself with my hands. "How are you guys doing?" Sarah asked.

"Great. Fantastic. Cool." The guy without any bulge just said, "Nice day, isn't it" Sarah chatted like she
was in a supermarket. There was friendly banter back and forth. I finally got used to the idea of
displaying myself, nude and cross legged in front of four guys and joined in. It was amazing. In minutes I
forgot I was nude and just chatted. Even the guy who wasn't impressed joined in. After about ten
minutes, one of the guys said, "You two look so comfortable like that."

He didn't expand on 'like that'. He then slipped off his beach shorts, and sat cross legged as well. His
penis was only slightly erect by my estimation. One by one, the other guys took off their shorts as well.
There we were. Four guys, two women and not a stitch of clothing between us. The couples around us
tended to ignore us. The people walking by looked and looked again. I was wondering if one of the guys
was going to get a serious erection. It didn't happen. At first, I was a bit miffed, but then I felt glad. What
was a guy supposed to do with an erection on the beach? For the first while, the guys would give quick
glances to the breasts and pussies on full display. I gave a few glances to the penises also on display.
Then, it was almost as if we were fully clothed. The nudity simply didn't matter. We chatted, joked and
laughed for about an hour.
Then Sarah looked at her watch. She casually put her bikini back on and said, "Well guys, we have to go.
It's been nice talking to you." I put back on my skimpy Wicked Weasel and the guys got back into their
beach shorts. We said good byes and walked back to the resort. "Wasn't that fun?" asked Sarah. It was
and I said so. We went back to our rooms to change for the ride. We met for a quick lunch and then
walked to the stables.

On the trail ride, the horses were saddled. The movement of the horse underneath me was pleasant,
but wasn't going to bring me to orgasm, unless I helped myself. I decided not to and just enjoyed the
ride and the scenery. There were about eight riders. With the horses walking in single file, there really
wasn't much opportunity to chat. The trail ride lasted about an hour and when we got back to the
stables, I was feeling very relaxed and peaceful. The gentle rocking under me was calming and I felt
good. The thought of the upcoming ocean ride also made me feel good. Sarah looked at me and grinned.
She walked up to me and whispered, "Ready for the coming contest?" After the orgasm I'd had,
fantasizing about Isabella, I was sure that feeling a horse bring me to climax would be a letdown. But I
gave Sarah an evil grin and said, "No cheating. Only count the real thing." She laughed and said,
"Imagine it's me under you. You'll win easily."

The guide was not the same one who had taken me out earlier. This one was a woman, about our age,
who looked like she had been around horses all her life. Her skin was deeply darkened by the sun. She
wore what looked to be genuine horsewomen clothing. Her hands were calloused and she wore a hat
that looked like it was battered and very old. She was obviously a serious rider. It was only Sarah and
myself she would be guiding. We followed her as she rode out of the stables. She rode farther up the
beach than where I had been earlier. By the time we were ready to enter the water, there was no one
else in sight. "Ready to get wet, Senoritas," she asked. I felt she wasn't referring to the ocean. We both
nodded and into the ocean we went.

At first she had her horse simply walk in the water. Our horse followed dutifully. Then she picked up the
pace and the horses were trotting. Sarah was in front of me. I saw her moving with the horse and then
she seemed to be moving against the horse. She was trying for her first orgasm. I decided to just watch
her, rather than go for one myself. Whenever the guide looked back, Sarah would move with the horse.
It took several minutes before I saw her shudder and tense. One for Sarah.

The guide moved into slightly deeper water. The horses had to work against the resistance and this
meant they were lifting us up and down as they tried to lift themselves out of the water. Sarah looked
back at me and beamed. She was holding the bridle and working herself against the horses back. About
one minute later I saw her shudder again, a little more forcefully this time. The guide saw it as well. She
turned to look ahead but I thought I saw her chuckle and shake her head a little.

My pussy was feeling fine but I was more interested in watching Sarah's orgasms than in making my
own. The guide moved into slightly deeper water yet. The horses really had to work now and the
sensations from my pussy were tantalizing. I watched Sarah and she was almost humping the poor
horse. The guide looked back and this time Sarah ignored it. She was humping away and I saw her
contract her arms and legs as another orgasm took her. The guide didn't seem so amused this time.
Instead, she simply looked like she was expecting this. Maybe she felt Sarah was entitled to her
climaxes. I moved against my horses back and felt a mild orgasm. I wasn't really into this. But Sarah was.

The guide moved towards the beach and when she was on dry sand, she dismounted. "Senoritas, the
horses need a rest." I wasn't sure if I could get back on if I got off and the guide must have seen my
doubt. "It's all right, Senorita. If you have trouble getting back on the horse, I can help you." Sarah and I
got off. The horses were slightly winded but I wondered if the rest was really necessary. The guide
looked at Sarah as if she was about to interrogate her. "Are you enjoying your ride?"

Sarah, knowing that the woman guide knew exactly what she had been doing, didn't flinch. "God yes,
I've had three orgasms already." The guide didn't flinch either.

"Only three, Senorita? You must try harder. The horse is working hard. You should do the same." I was
surprised at the open talk about horseback orgasms. The guide looked at me and said, "And you, how
many have you?"

"I couldn't see any reason to lie and said. "Only one." Then deciding to put her on the spot, I said, "And
you? How many orgasms have you had?"


The guide laughed an easy and friendly laugh. "Senorita, I spend more hours on a horse than I do on my
feet. How many orgasms can one woman take in a day?"

"Well," I said, 'how many?"
She looked thoughtful and said, "When I was a young girl, I lost count. So many in one day. But now,
much less. Ten maybe, Twelve, It doesn't matter. My horse gives more pleasure than my husband. And
my horse doesn't ask me to bend over." She laughed and then, so did we. The woman told us the many
ways a horse is better than a husband.

We laughed and laughed until our sides ached. Sarah entertained us with the many ways a cucumber is
better than a man. The woman howled with laughter. I thought about telling the many ways a woman is
better than a man but hesitated. Then I gave one example. "A woman won't say, 'Of course I won't come
in your mouth."

The guide howled and said, "A woman never says,' If I use a condom, you'll still be a virgin'."

Sarah added, "A man likes to come in your mouth. A woman likes to come in your face." It went on like
this, three women talking about the many shortcomings of men. After a while the guide said, "It's time
to return." She helped us onto our horse by holding her hands together for a foot up. She got onto her
horse with a simple jump and a twist of a leg. She smiled at us and said, "Remember, work hard."

And back we went, in the ocean and working hard, I thought of Isabella and came four times on the trip
back. At the stables, both Sarah and I were flushed and happy. "Better this time, Senoritas?" The guide
was smiling in a knowing way.

"God yes," said Sarah, giving her still tingling pussy a quick massage. "I haven't had so much fun since
high school." Along the deserted stretches of beach, she had howled and cried out as she let the horse's
movements bring her to climax again and again. "Ride 'em cowgirl! Save a cowboy, ride a horse!"

I had let myself get a little vocal a few times, but not like Sarah. The guide had laughed and laughed. If
she was doing some coming, she hid it well, but then, she would have the experience to do so. We gave
the woman a generous tip and Sarah even gave her a quick kiss.

We walked back to the rooms. "You know," began Sarah, "between you, myself, the bimbo and that
horse, I think I've come more times already today than Kellogg's has corn flakes. All I need is a hunk or
two and my day will be perfect."
It was about two in the afternoon. The thought of getting away to look for Isabella was overpowering.
"Why don't you hit the beach again in your complimentary bikini? If you don't get any takers, you can
always take it off."

Sarah thought for a few seconds and said, "Are you going to join me? The guys sure gathered around
this morning."


"No, I think I'll take a bit of a break. You keep calling me the nympho but guess what?"


Sarah chuckled and smiled. "I hear you girl. I hear you."


I just gave her butt a little squeeze and said, "If I don't see you for a while, I won't come looking." She
looked at me with an evil grin.

"Heck, no. If you don't see me for a while, I'll be my room with a guy or two. Maybe even three. Feel
free to help out." We both laughed, Sarah because she was serious, and me, because I had other
intentions. I went back to my room, showered and changed into street clothes, stopped at the dining
room for a quick lunch and then headed for the market. I was on the prowl for the teen child, knew it
was wrong but the thought of seducing her in my room was like a narcotic.

Pretending to be looking at various tables and stalls, I headed for her aunt's stall. She was there, talking
to a couple while her aunt was helping a woman learn to wear one of the wraps. The couple casually
walked on and I casually walked over, avoiding eye contact until the last second.

"Oh. Isabella. How are you?" I did my best to look surprised and Isabella beamed at me.

"Auntie, auntie, look! The senorita that gave me pizza!" Her aunt, still busy with her customer, looked at
me and smiled.
"Yes child. One moment." And she turned to complete the advice and the sale. Isabella just looked at me
like I was her very best friend and I felt a twinge of guilt and shame. I also felt a stirring in me, deep and
delicious. The stirring won out. The teen child and I chatted and smiled at each other. Her aunt, now
free, looked at me again, smiling in a friendly way and said, "Isabella has told me about you. Thank you
for making sure she had some dinner. Sometimes she forgets."

"Oh, auntie, it was so good!" She looked at me expectantly and asked, "Can I have some more?"


My heart skipped a beat. "No, child, you mustn't impose on the Senorita." She looked at me, a bit
pensively and said, "Forgive the child. She"


"I understand," I said smiling. "And if she wants some more pizza, I would be happy to do that for her."


"Are you sure, Senorita? Isabella can a little one. She is now eighteen but..."


I smiled my best reassurance smile. "I wouldn't mind at all. She is a delightful little friend." Isabella
looked at her aunt and pleaded with her eyes.


"Yes child, you may go with the Senorita." Isabella immediately took my hand. Her aunt again looked at
me pensively. "Please. Do not let her wander too far. She might get lost."


I gave the woman another reassuring smile and said, "I'll keep her close. And I will make sure she gets
back here safely." Her aunt now smiled.


"Go now, child. I have work to do." Isabella and I walked away. I had to consciously keep my walk to a
casual stroll.

She was again in a simple skirt, a thin, worn white blouse this time and her sandals. Back home, her
swelling breasts would certainly be in a bra. As it was, they were tantalizingly covered only by the
blouse. Isabella was excited to be with me again. We chatted about many things as we walked to the
resort. She wanted to look at all the unfamiliar surroundings, so different from her world, but after only
a few minutes her desire for pizza won out. "Can we have the pizza now, Senorita?"

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