Innocent Desires (12 page)

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Authors: Abie,Malie

BOOK: Innocent Desires
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I decided to go for it and poured a bit of the wine over the material covering my labia. "You mean like
this?" I asked, my face in a 'take me' expression. Kurt seemed to be visually locked on my now very
visible and cleanly waxed pussy. He sat frozen, as if unable to move. I pulled the now transparent fabric
aside, and said, "I'm wet. Come and do something about that."

He got up, a look of hunger in his eyes. I gave him a 'come here' with my hand and he did. He got down
on his knees and started to lick off the wine. Still holding the fabric aside, I moaned softly and held his
head to me. Kurt didn't seem very good at oral but perhaps he wasn't used to giving it. I was happy just
to feel him trying. He gave me a few kisses and a bit of sucking, then his hands went to remove my bikini
I lifted up to help him and when it was off he went for my clit and even with his inexperienced
technique, it felt wonderful. I was very wet and he had no trouble getting a finger in my vagina. I
caressed his head and moaned a bit more, in part from the pleasure and in part to encourage him. He
then used a second finger and I gasped and squeezed down on them. I was seriously turned on with the
seduction of Kurt and between the sun, the alcohol and the sensations from my pussy, I wasn't long in

"Oh god yes, don't stop, don't stop." My hips were rolling and Kurt took that as more encouragement.
He didn't seem to know about the G spot, but it didn't matter.

"Ummm....yes....yes...." and I came. It was a serious climax, and I writhed and groaned, not in any fake
way, but because Kurt had made me come hard. After the last pelvic shudders, I looked at him, looking
up at me. I leaned down and locked onto his lips. Then I moved forward, pushing him to the floor and
getting on top, I kissed him passionately and moved my pelvis in my supple way. He moaned and I
moved down and undid his trunks, and pulled them off. His penis was fully erect and I took it into my
mouth and gave him my best 'deep throat'. He groaned at the sensation and his hands were all over my
neck and back. He undid my top and pulled it away. I lifted a bit to let his hands go for my breasts. He
fondled them as I continued to give him the oral sex.

I was working his shaft with my hand and making oral love to his head. Now it was his turn to enjoy.
"Kathy, Kathy....Oh my god....Kathy," I could feel his orgasm starting and sucked harder. His body tensed
and he was shaking with the excitement. "Oh yes, oh yes...yes....yes....," and he came.

With a loud groan he spurted cum into my mouth, then again and a third time. I kept sucking and he
moaned, shook and gave me another spurt. Keeping my mouth over his pulsing cock, I swallowed and
then licked him top to bottom and swallowed again. He lay back, softly sighing and panting. I gave his
softening cock another loving kiss, another 'deep throat' and then moved up and lay on him.

His sweat was hot against my skin. I settled onto him, my breasts tickled by his hairy chest. He caressed
my head with one hand while the other wandered over my low back and ass. After a minute he said,
"Kathy, I haven't had....,"

"Shush," I said, cutting him off. He was silent for a moment, still caressing me with both hands.
"Thank you," he said and I was sure he was being very sincere.

"And thank you," I murmured. We lay like that for a while and I felt very, very good about it. Then I got
up and took his hand, leading him to the bed. I pulled down the covers and we got in. With just a sheet
over us, he lay on his back and I lay beside with one leg over him and my head resting on his chest. We
both wiggled a bit to get fully comfortable and after a few moments we were both drifting off.

I awoke with a bit of a startle, and for a second I didn't know who was beside me. Then it all came back
and I relaxed. Kurt was awake. "Okay?" he asked. I just nodded yes and snuggled closer.

He smelled of cologne, sunscreen, sweat and sex. It went straight to my head. I ran a hand over his chest
and down his tummy, then over his pubic hair to discover that he was partially erect. I took his penis in
my hand and massaged it. He sighed and his breathing picked up. His penis was soon thick and hard. I
moved down and started with my tongue, going over his shaft, licking it like it was an ice cream cone.
Then I took his head in my mouth, running my tongue around it and starting to suck, gently at first.

"Lord, that feels good," he murmured and I swung up and put a leg over him, settling into a sixty-nine. A
bit of adjusting to get my pussy close to him and I felt him taking my lips into his mouth. I shuddered and
moaned, letting the sensations fill me. As his mouth went to my clit I gasped. It was like gentle
electricity. Arching my back to allow him comfortable access to me I retuned to doing my part.

Soon we were deep into giving and receiving the pleasures of mutual oral sex. I didn't work his cock too
vigorously as I wanted him to have extended pleasure. He seemed alright with that and did very well at
his end, giving my pussy deliciously wet delights. Soon, we were both moaning and sucking, with me
giving him the supple routine to his face. That really got him excited and he wrapped his arms around
me, pulling me even closer to him and barely able to breathe, he worked on my pleasures.

I tried hard to judge his pending orgasm, wanting us to come at the same time. After a few more
extremely sexual minutes, I felt he was close. I was as well. I almost got it perfect, but started to come
before Kurt. I was gyrating on his face, lost in the exquisite pleasure when I felt my climax overtaking
me. Turning it on for him, I sucked and stroked his cock like I was a fifty dollar whore. My body was still
tensing and shuddering when he started to gasp and stiffen. He was trying to say something but my
pussy was all over his mouth. He took a breath and then came in my mouth. As he started to spurt his
hot cum, I put a finger to his ass and wiggled it around. He bucked with the added sensation and thrust
his cock deep into my mouth and almost into my throat.

Normally I might have reacted badly but this time it felt wonderful. I let his cock stay there as long as I
could, and let his cum go straight into me. My throat muscles were trying to gag, but the head of his
cock was there and it felt like I was giving him some serious head. He grunted and a last spurt hit my
throat. I backed off just enough to get a deep breath and then lowered onto him again, this time ending
up with my lips firmly against his body. I had never been able to do that before. I held it and felt the gag
muscles gripping him, then eased back and slowly sucked my way off of his still hard cock. We were both
panting deeply and we stayed in the sixty-nine for a minute, just recovering and feeling our sweat
covered bodies so close to each other. Then I got off of him, turned and cuddled up close, again with
one leg over him and my head on his chest.

After several minutes during which his hands again were caressing all over me he said, "Oh my God,
Kathy, I can't begin to..."

"Shush," I said again. "We can talk later, over dinner." I looked at the clock beside the bed. If we wanted
to eat in the dining room, we only had about an hour left before it closed. "Don't fall asleep," I said. "I'm

He chuckled. "Go figure that," was his answer. It was time to get going.


"Up we get, lover boy. It's time to wash away the evidence."

He seemed to hesitate, so I took him by the hand and led him into the bathroom and turned on the
shower. He gave me a 'why fight it' smile and we got in. I shampooed his slightly greying hair and taking
the soap, lathered and washed his body, taking his penis in my hand like it was an everyday thing. Kurt
was definitely a bit older than me with a body that could use more exercise but it felt good to run my
soapy hands all over it. His face, which had looked so care worn at our first meeting was now relaxed. He
wasn't handsome in a Hollywood fashion but was no slouch in that department either. I felt myself
thinking he might be boyfriend material. But then, I had no idea were he lived. I made a note to find out
over dinner.
When he was squeaky clean, Kurt started to return the favour. His fingers felt good, working the
shampoo over my scalp. And when he applied the bar of soap, all over me, I felt goose bumps. He spent
a little extra time on my breasts, which felt wonderful. He washed my legs and worked up to my pussy
and ass. I put a foot up on the ledge to give him clear access and he washed my pussy like it was also an
everyday occurrence. I tried not to but moaned anyway. He held his hand there and I put my own over
his and pressed in. I shuddered without trying to and said, "If I wasn't so hungry, we wouldn't be going

He kissed me and whispered in my ear, "A loaf of bread, a jug of wine and thou."


I giggled and said, "As long as it's not in that order."


Kurt gave my pussy a rub and said, "Food for the body, wine for the soul and you for the night."


I giggled again and asked, "Just one?"


Now he chuckled. "Only for starters, Kathy, only for starters."

We got out, towelled each other off and I used the hair dryer for a minute. With my arms up, my breasts
were out and Kurt stood behind me, cupping them. "Not now, lover boy, get dressed." He gave himself a
slight spray of his men's cologne, a touch of his deodorant and got on a pair of dress slacks, a good
looking shirt and expensive looking slip on shoes. I got my bikini back on and covered up with the wrap.

"Come with me," I said and we went to my room where I got out my strapless bra, sexy panties and my
spaghetti strapped black party dress. With Kurt there to watch, I slipped off the bikini and standing
nude, I applied a touch of make up and some lip stick. I ran my deodorant stick over my pits, mentally
thanking myself that they were shaved and smooth. Then, after a slight spray of my Chanel No. 5, I put
on the panties and bra.

Kurt groaned and said, "Kathy, do you know what you're doing to me?"
I smiled my wicked smile and said, "If it was nothing, I'd be very upset." Then I slipped on the dress
which had been custom tailored to flatter my figure and picked up my clutch. I didn't mention that it had
condoms and my lube in it. Kurt would find that out later. I gave my hair a quick brush and I was ready.
Taking me by the hand, Kurt escorted me to the dining room.

We were seated off in a corner which suited me just fine. The sommelier came over with the wine list.
Kurt looked at me and asked, "White or red?"


"Well," I answered, "I'd really like a steak tonight, so how about red."

Kurt just nodded and said, "Chateaubriand for two, it is." Then glancing at the wine list, he paused for
only a few seconds and looking up at he sommelier, said," I don't see it here on your list, but do you
have a bottle of Chateau Margaux?"

The man gave Kurt a practiced frown and said, "Perhaps. I don't have any of the ninety-nine but there
may be a bottle or two of the ninety-four left in the cellar."


"That would be excellent," said Kurt, as if he had just ordered a cheeseburger.


As the wine steward walked away, I looked at Kurt with a serious face."What is Chateau Margaux, and
what's it going to cost?" Dinners in the formal dining room were not included in the resort package.


"Shush," was all he said.

"Okay," I replied, knowing that if a wine wasn't on the list and the wine steward was making a bit of a
fuss, it was likely something usually ordered only by the rich and famous.
A stunningly beautiful and impeccably dressed young woman came over and offered us menus. "That's
alright," said Kurt, and he glanced at me. "May I?"

I nodded 'yes' and he turned to the server and said, "Chateaubriand for two, medium rare and to start,
one order of escargot and, do you have some smoked salmon?"


"Yes," the young lady said.


"Excellent," and again looking at me asked, "Salad?" I nodded yes, happy to let Kurt do his thing. He
turned, smiling and said to the server, "Caesar salad for two, and don't forget the anchovies."


She smiled back and said, "We never forget the anchovies." Then she turned and walked away with a
very sensual sway to her hips. Kurt's eyes followed her for a few seconds.


"Cute, isn't she?" he asked. "Almost as good looking as you." He smiled at me. This was definitely a new
and improved Kurt.


The sommelier came back with a bottle and made the requisite fuss over showing the label. "I have a
bottle that has been standing. Shall I decant it for you?"


"Please do," said Kurt and the wine steward stepped away.


I looked at him, puzzled. "What was wrong with that bottle?" I asked, displaying my ignorance of fine

"It's a fifteen year old Bordeaux and likely has thrown a sediment, which is a good thing. It needs to be
carefully decanted after standing, to get the wine off and leave the sediment behind." I vaguely recalled
something about this process but had never seemed to need it.
"So it's the good stuff?" I asked.

Kurt gave a nod and a grin. "Let's just say it fits the occasion."

A few minutes of chat later, the wine steward returned with a decanter of wine and an empty bottle.
Kurt examined the bottle and was satisfied it was just poured. Then the sommelier poured a bit into
Kurt's wine glass and Kurt made a quick visual assessment, tasted the wine, holding it in his mouth and
rolled it around with his tongue. Then he partly opened his mouth and inhaled over the wine. His eyes
closed and he smiled. He swallowed the wine and looking at his glass, said, "It's been a long time, old
friend. A long time." Then looking up at the very appreciative sommelier, he just nodded 'yes'.

My glass was one third filled and then Kurt's glass was topped up as well. With a sincere smile this time,
the sommelier said, "Very good, sir. An excellent choice," and leaving the decanter, walked away.

Kurt held his glass up to me and said, "Nothing less would do after what you have done for me." His eyes
were misty again. I held up my glass, touched it to his and then took a sip. It was like no other red wine I
had ever tasted. I lacked the vocabulary to praise it properly, so I just said, "Wow."

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