Innocence Enslaved (7 page)

Read Innocence Enslaved Online

Authors: Maddie Taylor,Melody Parks

BOOK: Innocence Enslaved
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She stiffened. She couldn’t and wouldn’t sell her father out to the likes of Lancore, so she remained silent.

“It is for your benefit,” he said, topping off his glass of wine and taking a healthy sip. “If you tell me where you are from, I can send word that you are safe, and that you will be returned at my earliest convenience. Unless you don’t have family. If that is the case, I shall have to make other arrangements.”

Shocked, her jaw dropped yet again. That he was going to send her home was simply too good to be believed. She stared at him in amazement for a moment, then recalled his comment about making other arrangements.


He cocked his head, giving her a puzzled look over her vehement reply. “You mean you don’t want to go home?”

“No. I mean, yes. That is, I do have family, in Melbourne, sir, and I do want to go home, very badly. But I don’t understand. Why did you purchase me if you didn’t plan to keep me?” Although his words restored her hope and caused relief to bubble up inside, it was muted somewhat by a slight twinge of pain at his rejection.

“Lancore, unfortunately, lives up to its extremely bad reputation. I’m sorry you had to experience it. However, not all of its citizens are known for their loose morality and barbaric actions. I am of that persuasion. I don’t commonly purchase slaves, especially ones strictly for pleasure. I prefer willing women, without question. I happened to be passing and heard the cries of the girl before you. I arrived too late to aid her, but in time to see them dragging you onto the block, frightened beyond measure, yet fighting with every ounce of your being. You reminded me of someone I once knew, and I decided it was fate, not happenstance, that brought me to you. You know the rest.”

It was Emilia’s turn to tilt her head in bemusement. “Who do I remind you of, sir?”

“My wife. I lost her several years ago.”

“Oh, I’m so sorry.”

“Thank you, dove. That brings up another reason for wanting to speak to you this evening. Over the last few days, I’ve had a lot of time to think while traveling. I decided we could help one another out in this little… arrangement, for lack of a better term.”

“How can I, as a slave, help you?”

“After the death of my wife, I decided never to remarry. The reasons are numerous and personal, suffice it to say. There are many in town who are convinced they can change my mind in that regard and persist in pushing their daughters at me. If they think I have someone, I hope they will stop. Which is why when I travel to town on business at the end of the week, you are going to accompany me. I’m sure word has spread about you by now. It will be a good opportunity to show you off and convince others I am serious.”

She bit her lip, puzzled and more than a little nervous about being paraded through town. “Of course, I am willing to assist you, sir, but I can’t see how you having a pleasure slave is going to leave people with the impression you are unavailable to wed. Don’t men who are married also take slaves for pleasure?”

“Unscrupulous ones, perhaps. That is not me and folks in Lancore know that. They will consider taking a slave at such an exorbitant price further proof that I have no inclination of wedding as never would I subject a wife to such humiliation. The rest will see it as commonplace and not care one way or another. After a few months, they will have focused on some other poor soul for their daughters. When I travel to Melbourne in the fall, which is my habit, I will take you with me and see you safely home.”

Emilia couldn’t believe what she’d just heard. “I should love to go home, sir. What, might I ask, takes you to Melbourne?” She said this trying not to appear too anxious.

He tipped back his glass, emptying it. “I travel there at least twice a year on business. Selling leather goods, saddles mostly.”

“Brahm Selkirk is my father,” she said hopefully. “He owns a farm and buys leather goods. Might you know him?”

“I sell to shops more than individuals. The name doesn’t ring a bell.”

“Oh,” she replied, slightly deflated. Still, she couldn’t believe her good fortune. “How will you get word to my family? By messenger?”

“A friend of mine is a spice merchant and due in town in the next few days. He regularly travels to Andover, Ingvar, and Melbourne on his rounds.”

“My father is known to many; I’m sure your man will have no trouble locating him. Even if he is gone trying to find me, my mother will be at home, and one of my brothers at least.” She frowned as a wave of apprehension rushed through her.

“What is it, Emilia?”

“I’m worried for him. I’m sure he will search all the nearby districts, including Lancore, which doesn’t seem like a welcoming place.”

“That is truly an underestimation,” he huffed in a humorless laugh. “The guards will not permit him to pass without valid cause. Searching for a missing girl wouldn’t be considered so. Most of the slaves put up for auction are abducted and there are many in Lancore that depend on the trade for their, uh, stock.” His eyes, when they flickered to her, were apologetic as he continued. “If he starts asking questions about a slave girl, he will be escorted out. If he becomes insistent or violent, he will be escorted out in much the same manner, I’m afraid.”

“That’s what concerns me. My father won’t give up easily.”

“My missive should arrive sometime next week. If your father is out searching, we will have to depend on your mother to get word to him and ease his mind. Until then, I’m sure your father can take care of himself.”

That didn’t sound very reassuring. She looked down at her lap worrying her hands, while trying to fight back tears.

“Emilia, I’m sorry for all of this, really. Can you not appreciate that you are being spared? Think of what might have happened if Glom had won your bid?”

“That’s the mountain-sized man who bid against you.”

“It is.”

She paled, picturing the gigantic, very loud and angry man. If not for Corbet… “I am most grateful that you won, sir.”

“I imagine so,” he chuckled. “So we have a deal then? Until I can get you home safely, in private, you will stay on, under my care as a part of my household, not attempting to run off on your own. In public, you will play the role of my pleasure slave.”

“What about the money you paid?”

“Think nothing of that.”

“It was a vast amount. My father…”

“You need not worry about repayment, Emilia. I truly wanted to spare you and with this bargain, I will be spared the incessant harping and manipulations of the local mamas. I’m quite satisfied with our arrangement.”

She nodded. “I will need direction on how to act. I’ve never—”

“As an innocent, I didn’t expect you to. I will provide that; all you need to do is obey me.”

“I will try my best to do so, sir. Although as with the book, I tend to leap before I look.”

A smile spread across his fine-looking face as he stood up. “Your honesty is refreshing. Do you have any other questions?”

“Yes, since I have promised not to run off, might I go outside?”

He gazed at her thoughtfully for a moment, before nodding. “Feel free to explore, but stay within sight of the main house. I’d hate for you to get lost or absconded with for a second time.”

She felt the blood drain from her face as she thought of being taken and going through that ordeal once again. “I’ll keep close. Thank you, sir.”

He inclined his head and stood, offering his hand to assist her up as well. “Now then, we have one other matter to address before we say goodnight, Emilia. Go to the end of my bed and bend over.”

Chapter Four



Emilia’s eyes grew wide. Hoping she had misheard him, she asked, “You still mean to…? But, you’ve been so kind.”

“I am kind, but I’m also not the type of man who would let such actions go unmet. I told you disobedience would result in swift but fair punishment.”

Her mouth opened to respond, but when his brows drew together in a frown, she thought better and snapped it shut. She glanced at the large canopied bed with its rich curtains and fine linens. It wasn’t hard to imagine lying face down over the end with her skirt raised high on her back, leaving her bottom bared and quivering as she awaited the first swat. Her head angled downward and after taking in the size of his hands, she trembled slightly. They were big, strong, and sturdy looking, with long tapered fingers and rounded nails. One broad palm would cover most of her bottom in a single smack, which was sure to smart greatly.

“Was Alice lax in discussing the rules of the house?” he inquired levelly. “Did she fail to tell you my rooms and belongings were off limits?”

Of course, she hadn’t and she suspected Corbet was sure of that too. With a rising sense of dread, she considered blaming Alice. That wouldn’t be right, though, even if she had been cold to her. Still, she hesitated.

“Don’t compound your mistake with a lie, Emilia,” he warned. “You are obviously educated. If Alice was remiss, which you’ll agree she was not, you still have the intelligence to know right and wrong, and decide for yourself. You erred in your decision and now must face the consequences, which I decide. In this case, it will be a spanking.”

At the sound of his stern warning, her head came up and she met his equally forbidding gaze. She tried bargaining. “I borrowed it, never meaning to keep it, only to read it and return it. I owned up to my misdeed, doesn’t that count for something?”

“Borrow or steal, without permission, it is all the same. I think it’s safe to say you knew very well when you entered my study that you should not be there, much less help yourself to my bookshelves without my leave to do so. Saying you did not would be a lie. And lies will add more strokes, so I suggest you do as you were told and bend over the bed, before you earn yourself more.”

His words had taken on an authoritative edge and displeasure had hardened his handsome features. She had been in the wrong and by the looks of his unyielding expression, further protest would not work in her favor. Resigned to her fate, she moved reluctantly toward the bed, her heart filled with trepidation.

“Wait.” His quiet order halted her mid-stride. She turned, hopeful. His posture appeared stiff, as though he was feeling uncomfortable about this as well. As he approached, she prayed he would forgive her and send her on her way. His next words wiped away all expectation of getting off lightly, as did the firm grasp he took on her arm. “We’ll go to my study for your spanking. Maybe being back at the scene of your crime will help reinforce the lesson.”

Taking up a lantern, he escorted her through the long hall and down the stairs as she walked beside him on sluggish feet. Once in his study, he released her to close the door firmly and light another lamp. He then walked to one of the bookshelves and slid the stolen item into the empty space where it belonged. That simple act caused a lump to form in her throat. When he turned back, his hands fell to his belt.

Expecting his hand, the promise of leather on her tender hind parts made the nagging guilt over her petty crime transform into serious regret and her stomach twisted in knots. She’d gotten the strap from her father before. This was entirely different. Never before did she have to contend with thoughts of twinkling brown eyes and rich wavy hair, or the allure of sensual lips surrounded by a scruff of dark beard. And never had a broad chest and strong muscular arms so distracted her that she tingled in places that were improper to touch to make the ache go away. She also prayed fervently that he would not lift her dress, for if he did, he would surely notice the wetness between her thighs, something as sinful to an unmarried woman as it was tempting.

“Master, please,” she demurred as he took her arm, escorting her to his desk. “Tell my father when I get home and let him punish me. Please, don’t spank me.”

To her surprise, he chuckled. “And wait months, in hopes I forget? Not a chance, little one. You are creative though, I’ll give you that. Over the desk with you now.” His hand was firm in the middle of her back as he prompted her to take the desired position.

She placed her hands flat on the desk before sliding forward and bracing herself on her elbows.

“All the way flat,” he bade, applying a bit of pressure. “Until your cheek is upon the wood.”

Once she was in position, his hand slid down her back and over the thick folds of her skirt at her hips. She closed her eyes, squinching them tightly as she held her breath. In a moment, he would know. What would she say if he asked why she was damp between her thighs? She would rather die than try to explain her reaction, for in truth, she couldn’t understand it herself. She barely knew him, and until tonight, had thought he would use her intimately as his slave. Now, although he vowed to bring her home still a maiden, he was taking it upon himself to discipline her as though she belonged to him. It made little sense, as did the aching heat between her thighs that spiraled into an intense need deep in her core.

“Please, don’t let him notice.” Her lips moved soundlessly with her plea. As his hand lifted the hem of her dress, a tremor coursed through her body.

“You’re shaking like a leaf.” Abruptly, he dropped the material and moved to where she could see him. “Have you never received a spanking before?”

“I have, sir, from my father. He had that right.” She stiffened, surprised when that last bit slipped out.

“So that’s what this fuss is about. I believe our agreement included you as part of my household and under my care? Isn’t that so?”

“Uh…” She’d forgotten about that part.

“Your father was in charge of his household and had the authority to reprimand those in his care, correct?” He didn’t wait for an answer, because he knew it was true. “As I do in mine. Be honest with me, Emilia. You knew what you did was wrong. Did you think you wouldn’t be punished, if you were caught?” He crossed his arms, cocking his head to the side while waiting for her response, his face a mixture of amusement and some small bit of annoyance.

“I didn’t think I’d get caught.” She admitted that hard truth while averting her gaze, focusing on the grain of the wood on the desktop. She wasn’t going to escape his knowing; her body would betray her the moment he lifted the dress. Her only hope was that he wouldn’t make her explain it.

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