INK: Vanishing Point (Book 2) (10 page)

Read INK: Vanishing Point (Book 2) Online

Authors: Bella Roccaforte

Tags: #NA, #Horror, #Paranormal, #Paranormal Suspense, #New Adult, #Paranormal Romance

BOOK: INK: Vanishing Point (Book 2)
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“Shay, I don’t even know
what happened. Nobody will tell me anything. Did Aiden do this to
you?” Her tone is hurt from being left out of the loop.

“Trish, I would have called you,
but Eli and Dad have really been keeping me from contacting anyone.
Dad busted me in the hospital trying to call Aiden and they had the
phone taken out of the room,” I explain, trying to let her know
it wasn’t that I didn’t want to talk to her about it.

“Fuckin’ A, Shay this is

“I know. I’ve had no phone,
no peace, I’m barely ever left alone. I’ve been trying to
figure out why the fuck Aiden shot me –”

Trish cuts the steering wheel hard to
the right and stops the car. “Aiden-Fucking-Shot-You?”
Trish stares with her eyes wide and mouth hung open.

“You didn’t know?” I
can’t believe no one told her what happened.

“Nobody would tell me anything for
like weeks, and then your Dad finally got tired of my demon-dialing
and said that you had been hurt in the fire.” She is still in
shock from the revelation about Aiden. “Honestly, I thought
they were just covering for you and you’d been locked up in the
psych ward. Like Elise.”

Being with Trish and her angry manner is
enough to rub off on anyone; coupled with the fact that my life has
been a mess, I allow myself to let go. “Nobody knew Elise had
been locked up until she wasn’t anymore.” The memory
rolls around in my mind, then I remember. “The fire, I still
don’t know what the fuck that was all about. I don’t know
why Aiden shot me…
and then disappeared.”

“Honey, he shot you and then left.
I think you should really assume that things are over between you.
It’s the ultimate fuck off.” She presses her lips into a
thin line as though she’s extolling the wisdom of the ages.
“‘It’s complicated’ doesn’t even begin
to describe your life. Facebook needs to add a new relationship
status: “he shot me and left.’ Oh wait, that would just
be ‘single’ wouldn’t it?”

I can’t hold back the tears any
longer; they stream down my face. It’s not that Trish saying it
makes it any truer, it just resonates with me. I know she hates
Aiden, but her observation is sincere. If I only knew where he was,
if he just would have called I would at least know he's okay.

“It’s just a mess, Trish. I
don’t know how things spun out of control like this.” I
bury my face in my hands.

Trish extends her arm across the console
and touches my shoulder. “It’s going to be okay.”
That’s about all she can say or do. She turns back onto the
road. “Let’s get your phone and figure the rest out from

Chapter 10


Potatoes should be done and these steaks
are ready. I walk in and put the platter on the counter and check the
potatoes. Perfect!

The great room is empty; where are they?
“Shay? Dinner’s ready,” I call out but there is no
answer. “Carl?”

“Yup.” Carl comes from the

“Where’s Shay?”

“I thought she was outside with
you.” Carl says looking around the room. “Maybe in her

Fuck, I go the guest room and notice her
backpack is gone, “Just fuck.” I can’t believe she
took off. Well I can believe it; I just can’t believe she got
by Carl.

I go back to the great room, “Carl,
I’ve got to go try to find her.” Carl’s not there.
“Carl?” I yell out. I look out back then out front.
Carl’s car is gone. “Where the fuck is Carl?”

Shit, this is a disaster. How the hell
could I have been so stupid? I really didn’t think she was
going to run. I mean seriously, where would she go? She won’t
go to Harry’s and Trish is too much of a selfish bitch to help
her. Think, Eli, you have to think about where she would go.

I have to call Harry. I go to my office
and sit at the desk. I dial Harry up. It goes to voicemail. “Hey
Harry, its Eli. I have a problem. Shay took off. Call me.”

How did this happen? I can’t
believe I lost her. What do I do? I sit at my desk for a minute with
my head in my hands trying to think of where she would go. That
bottle of Johnny is whispering my name. I slide the drawer open but
don’t reach for the bottle. I just look at it, lying there on
its side in the drawer. The label is so pretty but the
caramel-colored whisky inside is even prettier. My mouth waters and
my brain starts firing off a yearning that is undeniable.

Looking away from the bottle I focus on
the pictures on my desk. One of Shay and me when we went camping with
Kevin and Trish; I see the light in her eyes. The love she had for
me. ‘Had;’ does she still love me? I could torture myself
like this for hours.

Thoughts of Shay and her delicate
features fill my mind, the way her lashes flutter when she’s
excited, or how she bites on her full bottom lip when she’s
worked up. God, it drives me crazy just thinking about her. I love
her. I love everything about her. The way she smells, the way she
talks, she's everything a man could ever ask for. I’m not going
to let her go. I’m going to fight for her this time when Aiden
comes back. I’m not going to be a pussy and just roll over.

Which demon wins tonight, the one in the
drawer or the one wandering the streets? I kick the drawer closed and
pick up the phone. I dial Aiden’s number knowing he won’t
pick up. Straight to voicemail, do I leave a message? If I do I have
to make it a good one, something that will make him call back.

“Aiden, it’s Eli–”
I hang up before I continue. Hold on, his voicemail wasn’t
full; he’s been retrieving his messages. I don’t know
what that means other than he’s not dead. Maybe it’s time
to have Preston track his phone. If he’s checking his voice
mail that means he could be turning it on.

I should at least try Trish; if she’s
heard from her I’ll feel better knowing she’s not out
there alone.

“Hello?” Trish answers the
phone. I’m shocked.

“Trish, it’s Eli.”

“Yeah, so?” She’s such
a bitch. I have never understood Shay’s friendship with her.

“Have you seen Shay?” I ask
even though I know it’s a loaded question.

“No I haven’t because of a
couple of dickheads won’t even let me call her.” The way
Trish talks could make a sailor blush.

“If she calls you please let me
know. She’s not safe by herself right now.” I plead with

“Yeah, Eli you’ll be the
first one I call if I finally get to talk to my best friend after not
hearing from her for weeks.” She says it with a cut in her tone
and hangs up.

I start going through my phone calling
mutual friends of Shay and mine, but no one’s heard from her.
Carl’s business card is on my desk. “Paranormal
Investigator,” what a fucking joke; unfortunately he may be my
only chance at finding Shay.

Carl’s number goes straight to
voice mail. Maybe it’s time for a conversation with
McFruitcake. I call the office number.

A pleasant voice answers the line.
“Paranormal Transmissions, Lori speaking.”

“Hey there, this is Eli Walker. I
need to speak to McNab.”

“I’m sorry Mr. Walker, McNab
isn’t available, but I’m happy to take a message.”

“Tell him Shay’s missing and
to call me.” I figure it’s best if I get right to the

“Where’s Carl?” she

“He’s missing too.” I
want to get smart with her, but I see the flaw in that.

“Okay, I’ll forward your
message to McNab; is there anything else?”

“No thanks.” I hang up the
phone looking at the bottom drawer again.

I need to get rid of that fucking
bottle. I don’t care who gave it to me; it’s got to go. I
grab the bottle out of the drawer and pull the card off tied with a
ribbon around the neck. I open and it and read it for the thousandth

Congratulations Son!
I knew you’d
pass the bar on the first try, I couldn’t be more proud!

Save this bottle and we’ll
celebrate when you finally come to work with me at the firm.


I wrap my hands around the bottle tight,
“Well Oliver, I guess that day will never come.” Opening
the middle drawer I pull out a glass and slam it on the desk. The
phone rings and I loose my hand from the bottle to answer the phone,
hoping it’s Shay. “Hello?”

“Put the bottle back in the
drawer, Eli.” the voice on the other end instructs.

“Who the hell is this?” I
look around the room and get up to scan the house.

“It’s McNab.” His tone
is urgent yet dry; I hate talking to this guy.

“McNab.” It falls out of my
mouth like a rotten peanut.

“What’s happening there,
Eli?” He asks.

“Everyone’s gone,” I
say simply. “Shay took off while Carl should have been watching
her, then Carl took off. He’s not answering his phone.”

“He does that; its okay. He’s
very focused on constantly being on her.” I don’t like
the sound of that.

“It would be nice if I knew where
she was, I’m worried about her. What if Aiden comes back?”
I ask fishing for a clue as to where Aiden is.

“Aiden isn’t coming back;
he’s not a concern. The Specter is the concern; her state of
mind is the concern.”

“Her state of mind is fine. She’s
taking everything in stride,” I tell him; he doesn’t need
to know that everything is out of control.

“I thought you were supposed to be
the sensitive one.” he chides, “You have no idea what’s
going on in her head. She’s confused and scared. And what are
you going to do about it?”

“Sensitive one?” what the
fuck is that supposed to mean? “I need to try to find her. I
have been. I called her best friend. I've called her Dad.”

“Trish is a liar; she can’t
be trusted. And you know where you won’t find her?” He
says this as if expecting that I already know the answer. He
continues when I don’t respond, “In that bottle. Put it
away and go find her.”

“What the hell are you talking
about? Where should I look for her?” I’m bewildered; how
does he know about the Johnny Walker? I quickly slide it back into my
desk drawer.

“Try her house,” he says.

“No, it’s gutted; if she
goes there, she won’t stay.” I know her too well. She
couldn’t handle the smoke and ash.

“Just try it, and if she isn’t
there, check the crying tree.” Hearing him say those words
hammer through my head and my stomach bottoms out; the last place I
want to find her is the crying tree. That’s Aiden’s and
her place. I don’t go there.

“Are you coming?” Say no; I
don’t want your fruity ass around here.

“When I can. For now, just go find
her. She could be in real danger.” With that he hangs up the
phone. I really hate that guy; why can’t he just speak in plain
English. He's worse than Carl.



Trish throws her cell phone on my lap,
“Fucking Eli! I swear to God, Shay you have got to get the fuck
away from both of them.” She says it emphatically. “Aiden
shot you and how long before Eli kills you in a drunk driving
accident like he nearly did with Jerry’s girlfriend.”

“What?” I turn in the seat
toward her. Trish’s face goes pale and she stares straight
ahead at the road, “You knew about the accident?”

“Yeah I knew,” she blows out
a breath frustrated with herself for letting that slip.

“How did you know?” I can’t
believe she knew and never told me. What the hell kind of friend is

“He called me to come and pick him
up.” She lets her blond bangs fall across her eyes to shield
herself from my stare.

“Did you?”

“Yes I did; he begged me to come
and get him. I couldn’t say no.”

“Trish, you always say no; what’s
going on here?” I ask becoming more irate by the minute.

“Eli was going through a rough
time when you wouldn’t take him back; I was just being a
friend.” Her words are innocent but her tone is laden with
guilt. Her cell phone rings.

“Hold on, its Billy.” She
answers the phone, “Hey sweetie, what’s up.” She
listens for a moment. “I’ll be back in a few minutes, I’m
dropping a friend off. Don’t start without me.” She hangs
up the phone with a gleam in her eye.

“Who’s Billy? We didn’t
go to high school with anyone named Billy,” I ask, bewildered
at the break in her pattern.

Trish gets a crazy gleam in her eye like
she’s been very naughty. “Kevin just pulled an Aiden. He
just packed some of his shit one day while I was at work and wouldn’t
return my calls.”

“He probably went back to his
wife.” I remind Trish about Kevin’s marital status.

“Thanks,” she says sharply.
“I figured that was his way of breaking up with me.”

“And let me guess: Adam was
unavailable?” I really don’t like how she plays these
guys, which is why relationship advice from her is so hard to

“Shut the fuck up, Shay. I was
feeling down about it, that and no one would let me see you at the
hospital. I decided to take some down time, you know, from men.”
She looks straight ahead at the road and then to me when we come to a
stop light. “But my phone rang with an unknown number and I
answered it.”

“Yeah?” This is a new one.

“Well it was Billy; it was a wrong
number. But when I told him it was the wrong number he said ‘That’s
a shame; you sound sexy as hell.’” Trish squeals and
bangs on the steering wheel enthusiastically.

“Trish, you totally fell for a
line from a wrong number?” This is stooping pretty low, even
for Trish.

“Anyway.” Her eyes widen and
she continues, “We talked for awhile and we decided to meet

“And he’s at your house
now?” That’s creepy. “What is he like?”

“Well that’s the thing; he’s
kind of young.” She looks away.

“How young?” God, if she’s
just skipped from high school boyfriends to boyfriends in high school
I’m going to slap her.

“He’s like nineteen, I
think.” She raises her eyebrows, “And he's amazing in the
sack. You can’t keep a good man down.” She winks.

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