Infected Freaks (Book 2): The Echo of Decay (11 page)

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Authors: Jason Borrego

Tags: #Zombie Apocalypse

BOOK: Infected Freaks (Book 2): The Echo of Decay
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Jason Borrego is author based in Denver, Colorado. He is leading the charge against hard-hitting political issues such as who would win in a fight—a pirate or a ninja. Please let him know on

In addition, in these troubling times Jason aims to expose major cover ups such as dragons behind every major war, zombies boosting the coffee industry and the unicorns unionizing movement plaguing the nation.

How is a lowly author supposed to focus? As an exhausted war veteran, a college grad with endless debt, a parent without a clue, and future knight of the round table—most will find his writing chronicles his own journeys and struggles in life. That should scare you!

Are you still there?

Great, you must be crazy too!

Now we can share stories of fishing with Golem in Mordor. Please join me on Facebook, Twitter, and visit my Website for all things bold, even though I feel italic.



Welcome to
Jason Borrego’s transcendent books
. The library is an ever-expanding record of Jason Borrego's works divided by genre.

Jason Borrego writes his stories in a unique universe that is somehow connected. There is and always has been a thin line between fantasy, science fiction and horror. The imagination will take you the edge of impossible, to places that bring nightmares to life, and characters that stay with you for years.

There are no limits and endless connections in places you would least suspect, so pay attention. The books will be part of various collections of short stories, novellas, and full length novels. The universe is connected in various degrees that will make more sense over time. Below, you will find an outline of the various worlds.

Horror/Post-Apocalyptic/ Dystopian

The Red Dead Universe involves many nightmares, all brought on by a mysterious burning planet on a slow approach toward Earth. The troubles on earth are different and far reaching. Sometimes the nightmares are ancient evils woke by the approaching planet, other times they are something terraformed and alien, and even some are homegrown horrors brought to insanity by the strange energy released by Red Dead.

Children’s Fantasy

The Realm of Gaea is a visionary children fantasy world created by Jason Borrego and serves as a foundation for the future of his children fantasy books; including Stuffed Courage.

In Gaea, teddy bears come to life, dragons are sometimes friends, nightmares stalk, and magic defies the laws of nature. The Ream of Gaea is meant to bring to life a topsy-turvy, magical adventure in ways that keep you on the edge of your seat.

The Realm of Gaea is no more than pure imagination, a captivating fairytale land about the trials and tribulations children face, in this world or the next. Sometimes up is down, and down leads you through a portal to a place that will stay with you over the years.

Fantasy Fused with Science Fiction

The Mutant World of Rite is a savage and heartless adventure. The very adult world is a fictional universe that combines the elements of science fiction and fantasy in a truly ominous setting that transcend physics and nature. The steampunk cities taps into the familiar dystopian end of the world vibe and injects it with a nasty dose of fantasy and fright. The Mutant World of Rite fiction assumes that most modern life occurred roughly parallel to the real world up until late in the twenty-first century.

The world we once knew has been destroyed. Thousands upon thousands of years have terraformed the planet bring old myths back to life. Old machines think on their own, magic is practiced in the shadows, and everything from the animals to the cities are unfamiliar and mutant.

Each book is a full length novel, a standalone adventure sure to leave you breathless. Over the series you will see the carnage from soldiers and civilians, kings and sorcerers, scientists, and corporations, who come together in a time of grim revelations.

The Mutant World of Rite simply aims to display heroes at their darkest moments in an innovative setting. They must wear their strength on their sleeves with gut wrenching consequences at every turn. This is done through parallels in a fantastic, unorthodox fashion. Inspiring heroes and heroines who must choose to do right and in doing such suffer great losses. Heroes wield weapons of circumstance, and engage in fierce battle against the darkest of hearts.

This series is the Sun of my Universe.

The Elder Star

The Elder Star is a space opera combining magic and science fiction.

More to come…


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